Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Turn it up to 11

Turn it up to 11

A study was made to see which Western babies were the quietest, and people from Denmark reported the least crying.

But when the scientists went to Denmark to study it, they found that Danish babies cry just as much as other Western babies. It turned out that even though you'll find plenty of Danes complaining about noisy babies, Danes in general are much more tolerant of crying babies than in other countries and it takes more for them to get annoyed. So the scientists then tried to explain that, and so far their best guess is that Danes have more room for children of all ages expressing themselves.

The quietest babies in the world can be found in African and Far Eastern countries, where the parents (or grandparents) usually have the babies with them at all time, which makes the babies feel safe.

Denmark America
21st April 2017
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8 years ago #9625110        

We live beside sweden, we are pretty used to it.

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8 years ago #9624983        

Surely the loudest and most obnoxious cry baby in the world currently resides in the white house. Sister America should be used to it by now ;)

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8 years ago #9625087        

and here I tough it was because we gave them beer oh well :)

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8 years ago #9625071        

Sounds like a typical American college campus!

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8 years ago #9626102        

And here I thought Denmark would feed that baby from his green bottle.
Turns out it's the opposite: Denmark drinks from that bottle until whatever the baby does is fine with him. Quite reasonable, as far as I am concerned.

8 years ago #9625024        

Babies cry, its how they communicate with people around them. How else would you know how a baby would be hungry, need a diaper change or generally be lonely. Crying babies don't annoy me, it's when their parents ignore their cries and don't acknowledge it which ticks me off, because obviously their kdis are in need of something.

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8 years ago #9624960        

I'm quite mature (read: old) and I'm still crying... since that idi0t was elected over here. :(

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8 years ago #9626499        

Anyone else noticed how the Dog's accesory changed on each pannel?

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8 years ago #9626131        

This is what happens when studies are done by polling instead of actually making objective observations and measurements.

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5 years ago #9818187        

life hack: when a baby is screaming, dont scream at it, attack it, or even kill it.... just put on some mother fucking earmuffs, you fucking worthless child-murdering retards.
youd think that after 150 years this really ought to be common sense across all humanity, but apparently its not nearly as common as shaken baby syndrome, so i thought id share my ~!~revolutionary wisdom~!~ with as many people as possible.

i dont mean to break the mood of the funny and interesting comic, but this is one of those things that busts me right up... its bizarre, its grotesque to me how many more people blame, abuse, and MURDER their own INFANTS than those who simply put on some earmuffs until they fix the problem. i mean, if they have to mow the lawn, do they scream at the lawn mower and choke it until it shuts up? ive even worn my usual, broken mp3 player HEADPHONES and even THEY take that maddening edge off the babys screams.

theyre babies.

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