Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
City of Nightmares

City of Nightmares

Paris Syndrome is almost exclusively experienced by Japanese tourists in France.

It happens to about 20 people every year when they realize that Paris isn't as romantic and beautiful as they expected, the culture shock causing people to feel sick, anxious, dizzy and hallucinate. The problem even seems to be getting worse as more people from other East Asian countries get enough money to travel to Paris.

Apparently the only cure for this is to leave France and never return.

Japan France
3rd January 2020
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5 years ago #9826812        

But Stockholm syndrome is something completely different.


5 years ago #9826690        

You wrote : "Apparently the only cure for the "Paris Syndrome" is to leave France and never return."

There's another cure... visit France, visit
- Alsace and drink its excellent wines while tasting its cuisine;
- Brittany and enjoy a week at a spa, eating fish and grilled lobster or oysters;
- the Loire valley and its romantic châteaux, and... drink its outstanding wines; additional must-do in the Loire, between spring and autumn, you must visit Chaumont-sur-Loire and its festival des Jardins, 3 dozen garden projects that change every year;
- the Dordogne and try its famous truffle omelette
- the Basque country in the south-west, try its Espelette pepers, its ham, and try a first flight in glider over the Pyrenees, gliding with the vultures
I'll leave other people who wish to give other hints. But just as the US is not New York, the UK is not London, Japan not Tokyo... France mustn't be reduced to Paris, even if one can spend a year and still not have seen it all.

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5 years ago #9826853        

Paris, France has a special place in the hearts of Americans and Brits, and I surmise it has to do with WWI. When the soldiers of America and Britain were granted leave from the frontlines, they got to spend a few days in Paris. They got drunk and had a hell of a good time, since most of the young men of Paris were also on the frontlines, and the young women weren't, the stay in Paris was an extra happy one. Given that they were defending France they were probably treated well by the Parisians as well.

There is no wonder that there was a whole generation of men who shaped the culture of the 20th century with the idea that a night in Paris was something magical, because for them, it absolutely was. The Paris they knew and loved is no more of course, but the idea still lingers on.

5 years ago #9826737        

Paris is beautiful. Parisians not so much, on average. Except the immigrants doing the crap work, they're usually nice. But the rest of France seems to hate Parisians too.

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5 years ago #9826706        

Not just japanese feel that way when visiting France.
Maybe it is time for the french to use less garlic.....

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5 years ago #9826700        

While big citties have their charm, I never really got the whole "Lets go visit the capital and nothing more!". Culture feels kinda dead in modern day citties. I feel like smaller rullar places are the place most people should visit if they want to really experience culture. Citties should just be a one maybe two days experience but for sure not the main focus of your vacation.


5 years ago #9839841        

I, as a Swede, find France incredibly disgusting. They don’t take off shoes inside even if they have carpeted floors and the shoes are wet from rain, people don’t wash their hands after being to the toilet, and it’s very littered. I’ve been to at least five French cities, and it was like that in all of them. I also recommend to never go to public ladies’ restrooms in central Paris. Blood... Blood everywhere...

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5 years ago #9826860        

Or maybe they get sick and dizzy because they went in summer and got hit by all the urine fumes... Men in Paris, stop pissing on the streets!!

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5 years ago #9826844        

I felt similarly about Venice. I guess cinematic portrayals tend to hype certain cities as romantic and magical, and we're disappointed when they don't live up to it.

5 years ago #9826739        

Makes me laugh everytime I hear about it, because even French people absolutely don't like to visit Paris.

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