Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
The odd man out

The odd man out

We were thiiiis close to having a classic 90's five-people girl band.

Finland Iceland Sweden Denmark Norway
11th January 2020
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5 years ago #9826997        

OK Contriversial opinion here but I think the best person should get the job regardless of gender, age or colour.

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5 years ago #9826994        

Only the norwegian PM, Iron Erna, is respectable. The 4 others are a bunch of clueless leftist, that ought to be removed from office.

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5 years ago #9827557        

For the love of god, the joke isn't "Women are more competent than men", the joke is "Only one of the nordic prime ministers is a man". The comic doesn't say anything about how the people are as leaders

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5 years ago #9827097        

As a Finn I find the current situation puzzling, back in 2003 we briefly had a two democratically elected women as both the head of goverment and as the head of state and it didn't seem notable. Maybe this was because the internet had not proliferated so the wider world didn't notice... And maybe because of the brief nature of the arrangement due to our Prime Minister having used classified information during, that she had not had clearance to request and she... got her hands on them.
But I do hope that at some point we will live in a world where what a person has between his or her legs not even considered when being elected into a political office, but the the persons thoughts and intentions are all that matter.

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5 years ago #9826985        

Unfortunately our prime minister is a wimp, with no backbone and was only put in that position because she is a woman. There were plenty of other women's for the job.

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5 years ago #9827033        

Since when is it important what bits are between your legs for being a competent leader? I'd almost extend that to species as there are monkeys more competent than some of the current crop of leaders. Male or female.

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5 years ago #9826981        

I guess Sweden is the girls gay best friend?

5 years ago #9827003        

We've got a social democratic government, four million people, big tourism, forestry, and fishing industries, love skiing, and have a long range of snow-capped mountains with plains to the east and fjords to the west. We even have a town called Dannevirke. Make New Zealand an honorary Nordic country and PM Jacinda Ardern can complete your band!

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5 years ago #9827167        

Awww! I'm sorry you missed out. I'm sure the harmonies would have been . . . terrible. They're politicians for heavan's sake! They weren't hired for their singing ability.

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5 years ago #9827047        

For a country that's seen so much social progression, it's surprising Sweden hasn't had a female prime minister yet.

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