Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Dangerous Waters

Dangerous Waters

A few years ago a survey was done in Denmark that showed that most Danes like Germans more than any other nationalities (With Norwegians and Swedes in close second and third places), so consider this a loving warning to all you Germans who vacation in Denmark: remember that the sea is dangerous everywhere, even in Denmark. Every year a few tourists die, and it's almost always Germans. Your adoring tophat (aka Denmark) wants you to stay safe.

Germany Denmark Sweden Norway
19th July 2019
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6 years ago #9818903        

I guess they're putting themselves in...


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6 years ago #9818866        

On Spain every summer a bunch of British die to their natural predator: the balcony

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6 years ago #9818970        

Also, to any Europeans visiting America in the summer (especially California or any desert climate), bring a LOT of water with you. There are so many people who collapse or die because they aren't used to the intense heat that we get here and think that it's fine to bring a single bottle of water with them on a hike. No, bring at least 2L of water with you and wear a hat.

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6 years ago #9818881        

The most dangerous animals in Spain seem to be...balconies! British tourists keep dying because of our balconies summer after summer. We've warned them, we've posted signs everywhere and yet they keep falling into the trap. Nobody expects the Spanish balcony!


6 years ago #9818926        

oi! don't forget Iceland, we've been killing tourists now too, bigger numbers each year!

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6 years ago #9818891        

In northern Australia the warning sing for no swimming in the crocodile infested waters are in English and German.....

6 years ago #9818864        

Every child in Denmark knows the basic swimming rules - learn to swim (duh), never go in the water alone, and never go beyond your navel.
I failed to follow those rules once in my life, and got caught bathing alone in a very strong undercurrent, fearing at one point that I wouldn't make it back to shore.

The sea is beautiful, but it's also as deadly as a predator.

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6 years ago #9818982        

Old joke:

Two locals walk by the beach in western Jutland, in a place where it's very unsafe to swim due to strong undercurrents. They see a tourist walking into the ocean, and yell at him in German that it's not a good idea. He stops, goes to talk with them, and explains in a thick dialect that he most definitely ain't German, but proud Copenhagener. The two locals look at each other, then at the tourist, and in a casual manner say "Welcome to Jutland. Nice day for a swim, eh?"

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6 years ago #9818969        

Canada's all too familiar with tourists earning the Darwin Award. European tourists in particular can't seem to viscerally grasp how fast, empty and wild much of the country is. We have uninhabited stretches bigger than some countries with plenty of big predators and we still get tourists who wander off into it like it was European woodland. Usually the rescue teams find them in time but yeah, dead tourists are a thing here too.

At least the tourists who figure they can just casually drive between different parts of the country are only at risk of disappointment and looking a little foolish. They'd never plan a week long driving vacation that includes Lisbon to Berlin (let alone Moscow) but they do when they plan trips to Canada because it's all in the same country, right? They see the map that spans a continent but for a small fraction of folks, the size just does not compute.

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6 years ago #9818983        

This kind of thing can be a problem in England too. It was only last year when a Dutch family of five tragically drowned in a cream tea in St Ives. Dreadful business.

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