Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange

Danish media is very excited about Mads Mikkelsen being in Doctor Strange, but we all know nobody outside Denmark will remember his character because that's just how Marvel rolls.

China America Sweden Europe Denmark
28th October 2016
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9 years ago #9549941        

WARNING - Read on at your own risk, this is stupid as fuck. (Also it might be offensive)

I was literally laying in bed last night, scared out of my mind, when a stupid idea came to me.
If Norway is gay, and he eats fish, and you are what you eat, does that make Norway a gay fish?

The logic of me.

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9 years ago #9548846        

Denmark has a really big role in South Park right now though

Norway should have had that role T_T

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9 years ago #9550487        

Don't listen to King Europe Denmark! Mads Mikkelsen has more fans than you think outside Denmark!
The French didn't wait for "Hannibal" to discover him : he received the award for best actor at the French film festival of Cannes in 2012 for "La Chasse" ("Jagten"). He certainly got the attention of the French audience, especially the feminine one.
His movie "Mickael Koolhaas" (a French movie actually) also did pretty well at the box office and not just because he looked so damn sexy on the poster (check it out on internet 'drool drool drool').
Too bad the States (where I live) have trouble with foreign movies with an actual plot : "Subtitles? You mean I'll have to READ? No special effects, people TALKING?! Pfff... boring..."

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9 years ago #9549284        

Well, guess what? The Danes are getting a LOT of notice in the U.S. right now. On "South Park". :) They are presented as constantly walking around singing "Tjing Tjang Tjing" from a show you had in the '90s called "Pyrus". A major subplot is Denmark building an internet program to expose the identities of the world's internet trolls.

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9 years ago #9549001        

HEY!!!!! I'll remember Mads!!!! I'll actually remember him just for being Danish. You know what, I just watched Hannibal because it was Mads and because he is Danish. so fuck off, Denmark is not a country it is a Uber Country with the bloody oldest flag and roller coaster in the world that only build a bridge to sweden in the 90s. And also I'll remeber Denmark for Niels Bohr, Soren Kierkgaard, Tycho Brahe, Oersted, Aluminium and Fucking Hafnium!!!!

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9 years ago #9549327        

Hmm... I wonder if you could... combine them? That might make people remember!
Doctor Strange 2: The Fairy Tale of the LEGO Mermaid!
People would still totally watch that...Okay, I would still totally watch that.

8 years ago #9689239        

I think Loki from Thor was pretty memorable...

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9 years ago #9548830        

You'll always have 1/2 of Viggo Mortensen Denmark. That's pretty awesome in my book.

Though I understand the sentiment. Finns did get uncharacteristically excited when one of us got to play the main villains sidekick in Mission Impossible 4.

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9 years ago #9552903        

I saw some people commenting about some great and/or famous things to remember about Denmark. Everyone is talking about how Denmark has the oldest flag in the world, about Kierkegaard, nordic noir and the contribution in chemistry. And they are great! I want to expand this list even more, because, hey! Denmark is awesome! This country isn’t that unnoticed. Denmark is known for being the happiest country in the world! And how about Noma, the world's best restaurant for several years? Until now, it’s in the top 5.

Not to mention how Tivoli inspired Disneyland (as if Tivoli wasn’t cool enough by itself. It's the second-oldest amusement park still operating… And guess what? The first one is also Danish!)

There is Hamlet to remember! It’s my favorite piece of Shakespeare, who was, of course, English. But the characters are Danish and the story takes place in Kronborg. I also remember Denmark for Carl Nielsen and Nephew (that’s right. Classical and rock music. I’m a little eclectic). Plus, where I live in Brazil (Minas Gerais), a specific sort of cheese is very important for us, for our culture and identity. Long ago, this cheese was introduced by a Dane ;)

Denmark also has Nordisk Film (which is the world oldest still existing film company), Dogme 95 and many famous directors and screenwriters like Lars Von Trier, Susanne Bier, Carl Th. Dreyer and Nicolas Winding Refn. Everyone who really like cinema sure give some credit to Denmark. I study animation and my professors love to show us some Danish Productions as examples of good screenwriting, character design and animation. E.g. and

As honorable mentions: a Danish film (A War) and a film about Danish painters (The Danish Girl) popped in Oscar this year. People will remember that


9 years ago #9551836        

Denmark doesn't have it as bad as, say, Poland.

About all that Americans know of the place is great sausages, getting crushed by Nazis and The Witcher (the games, I don't know how widely known the books are).

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