England later kicked all of their asses, but that's besides the joke.
Scotland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark share a lot of history, which is why they share a lot of words in their languages, and a lot of the old myths are the same as well.
They also all did some things that the English considered rather feminine. Of course there's the kilt (which is even an old Scandinavian word) which the English confused with a skirt, and the vikings were obsessed with combing and braiding their hair, not to mention being clean. They washed their faces every day and their entire body once a week. Doesn't seem like much to us today, but to the English it was weird (Not that the vikings washed that often, but that they did it at all).
Did you know;
That it is still on the Statue Books Of law in Yorkshire (UK).
For a Native Man of the City of York (UK) can still shot a Rampaging Scotsman, with a long bow.
The arrow must be tipped with a metal “bodkin” head.
The Scotsman is in a kilt and has a sword drawn.
But sadly, if you do, current law will have you arrested and charged with murder.
@RusA #9856604 If u want to reply, please move to this one. I can't find and edit my old comments anymore there
Thanks, it was getting a little wild and woolly over there, wasn't it? Maybe we can keep things in a slightly more logical order over here. Let's see if I can catch up:
#9856586U remind me of the JFK case, why it took so long to end his case ?
The JFK case was closed decades ago: Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, the way nearly all assassins of our presidents have, and the Russians, the Mafia, the CIA, Vice President Johnson, the Cigarette Smoking Man, or space aliens were not involved. Every so often, new information is released on the case, but none of it has ever changed that conclusion. Proponents of alternate hypotheses always point to information about the case that has not been released to the public, and assume that there's some kind of important revelation that THEY don't want us to see; but documents get classified for all kinds of reasons, and I have serious doubts that after all these years, whatever is left to be released will change what we know already.
#9856600BTW... Oh My Kim Jong Un the New God!!! Aliens were here too
They're everywhere, aren't they? I don't know anything about that site in West Java, but the report looks typical of History Channel's archaeological ideas: find an intriguing site, make up stories about space aliens and/or lost civilizations to explain it, pick and choose evidence that supports your stories, and drag in irrelevant ideas from crackpot writers from 100 years ago, then pitch it to the History Channel for a series.
The whole thing falls apart for me when they try to support their ideas by bring up the theories of the early-20th-century kook James Churchward about the Lost Continent of Mu in the South Pacific. Fun Fact: James Churchward's great-grandson, Jack Churchward, started a blog many years ago to examine the writings of his ancestor, to see what truths might lie behind them. It didn't take him long to conclude that the elder Churchward made the whole thing up, but he continues to write about how those writings have affected modern writers, as well as presenting little-known aspects of Churchward's character, such as his oil paintings and his early career as a tea-planter in India and Ceylon.
#9856596 i hope this video will help u about the table manner, in case the Queen invites u someday for some afternoon tea, don't forget about your little finger when u take the cup
I've actually been to British-style afternoon teas, which are rather popular in upscale hotel restaurants around here, tiered tea stand and all, so I'm sort of familiar with proper behavior. And yes, this Beast can act like a proper gentleman when he has a darn good reason to. And I do pronounce "scone" to rhyme with "dawn", and not with "bone". I ask for a "skawn" at Starbucks and they say, "A what? Oh, you mean a skohn!"
#9856578 Oh... I love the queen Elizabeth II, she's a very strong woman, she serve in military, and until today, she still not afraid to drive her own car, and her age already 90 something, was she ever sick or something? She really good playing her roll as a Queen of England from her young age till today, it's a lifetime job
She's had some health problems lately, and has been letting Prince Charles take up a lot of the duties that she herself used to carry out, but it is amazing that she's been hanging in there as well as she has. I've heard that the Royal Family is big into alternative medicine like homeopathy, but I imagine being worth £300 million can buy you a whole lot of whatever kind of health care you might want.
The Monarch can abdicate the throne in favor of whoever is the heir apparent, any time he or she wants to. Some Britons have thought that Elizabeth, because of her age, ought to abdicate in favor of Charles; others think she should maintain her position, but that Charles, when he becomes King, should abdicate immediately in favor of William. But the Queen isn't going anywhere any time soon, and Charles has loudly insisted that he won't abdicate; and besides, William says he doesn't want to become King right away - he's more interested in family life and raising his children for the time being. So we'll just have to wait and see how soon we get a King William V.
@uktana Ow... Thanx
WHAT? the Cigarette Smoking Man and Aliens weren't involved
Yeah... I never seen and heard about that old sites in West Java before i found that video, and when i read the comments section, some Indonesian wrote that it just old temple build by our ancestor, and westerner see as the Aliens things, maybe same as if we see "Durian" as ordinary fruit, then westerner will see it as an Alien's fruit
So... That Mu continent just a joke
Oh... So u ready if the Queen invites u to her afternoon tea yeah... There's some course about table manner in some hotel and culinary academy in here too, but since think that my chance
to meet the Queen will be just 0.000000001℅ then i don't want to know which spoon for soup or how to stir my tea properly
@RusA #9856612 westerner see as the Aliens things, maybe same as if we see "Durian" as ordinary fruit, then westerner will see it as an Alien's fruit
From what I've heard of durian, it sounds like it might have originated on another planet.
Speaking of aliens among us - one of the weird ideas going around the interwebs these days is that octopuses must have come from another planet, because unlike the rest of us, they have eight legs, nine brains, three hearts, and blue blood, plus the beak is the only solid thing on them, and they can squeeze themselves through any opening that they can get that part through. They're intelligent, and their eye structure is more complex than ours, including having no blind spot. Also, they can hide by changing their color to match the background. Sounds like an alien creature to me!
Actually, they have one main brain and eight smaller ones, one for each limb, each of which moves independently. The blood is blue because it's copper-based rather than iron-based like ours (just like Mr. Spock, except that his blood is green ). It has one heart for general circulation and two for the gills, because copper-based blood carries less oxygen and has to be pumped under higher pressure. Tarantulas, scorpions, and horseshoe crabs also have this kind of blood, so they must also originate on another planet as well.
@uktana #9856625 oh...yeah it's in our folklore, that once upon a time in Majapahit kingdom, the Aliens from Mars gave the spikey fruits coz it's thorn surounding the fruits or in Indonesian "Duri". so... the Gajah Mada or the famous Elephant general of Majapahit named that fruit "Durian"
Oh... Really, Octopus is an weirdo aliens animals, maybe that's why it's so yummy but not the one in that Korean restaurant that zombie octopus, that the true octopus aliens
@RusA #9856625 Of course, we know that the reason Mars is an uninhabited wasteland today, is that several centuries ago the Martians were using so much land to grow durian to sell to the Majapahit, that they totally ruined their ecology, and didn't realize it until it was too late.
Speaking of octopus: I'll never forget the scene from an episode of Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations where he's in a Korean restaurant in one of the outer boroughs of NYC, and he and his Korean friend are served an octopus that is still wiggling. Bourdain says, "Now just to be sure that we don't get emails and letters from animal rights groups - this thing is dead, right?" Korean guy: "Oh, yes, it's dead." Bourdain: "It's just too dumb to know it."
For my part, I love octopus simmered in tomato sauce and served over pasta, but I always use the kind that comes in little tin cans. I've never tried to tackle a fresh one for myself.
@uktana #9856654https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k_7lo61DkBM&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5B4bg9CEnQo7nxCilT-oeOo&index=4 yeah... And the historian in Majapahit era forgot to write about Aliens from Mars, coz the aliens won't to be mention in our history books, they afraid that human in the future will come to find them in Mars, and then kill them, and then built some hotel and resident, golf place, shop, factory, space ship pollution, and many-many bad things on earth, that they really afraid of
Oh... Yeah... The zombie octopus already dead, we all believe that *wink-wink
Oh... I love octopus in Japanese food, Indonesian food, or with the pasta
they afraid that human in the future will come to find them in Mars, and then kill them, and then built some hotel and resident, golf place, shop, factory, space ship pollution, and many-many bad things on earth, that they really afraid of
Back in the Fifties, the scifi author Ray Bradbury put a bunch of his short stories set on Mars into a volume called The Martian Chronicles. It started with explorations by Earth astronauts that antagonized the native Martians; but then the Martians got wiped out by the chickenpox virus carried by one of the expeditions that they had no immunity to; then more and more Earthlings settled on Mars as things got worse on Earth; then finally, Earth went into a dark age because of a nuclear war, and the settlers on Mars were cut off from travel or communication, and they ultimately realized that now they were the Martians. The natives were afraid that the Earth expeditions would bring just the sort of thing you said, but they never got a fair chance to fight back.
@uktana #9856680 really? I was just made up that story, now i really want to write the story about the aliens from Mars who came to Majapahit. I meant like maybe Mars used to be a green planet with full of Durian, it's like when earth used to be a place for T-rex, now... can u find that T-rex? No, right? but not the one in museum
@uktana BTW the fish also kinda scarry https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W4fHBVoP4hM
I'm not a fan of fish, first coz it's bones, and then i once had that kind of fish when my mom asked me to rinse fish, the head already gone but the body still move, i must to pray for the fish to rest in peace , and then the body stop moving. I love seafoods like shrimp, squid, octopus, oyester, clamps, crab, but not the fish, maybe the sardin in the can with the tomatoe souces still ok
I'm not sure I'd be able to eat any fish that I saw doing that while it was being prepared.
I usually eat fish on Wednesdays, most of the time it's batter-fried codfish served with tartar sauce or remoulade; or either canned tuna or salmon, made into tuna/salmon salad sandwiches, or mixed with mashed potatoes and made into patties, then fried and served with gravy. I usually have cans of sardines on hand, which I sometimes eat on a slice of bread as a snack.
I buy all my fish in fillets at the grocery store, so I don't have to worry about bones, or worry about it flopping around on the cutting board. I buy the cheap stuff: codfish, shark, flounder, tilapia - maybe fresh salmon for special occasions.
@uktana #9856681 WHAT? U eat shark? That's Kim Jong Un fav. Pets
Yeah... I don't really know many kind of fish, for me all fish tasted all just the same like a "fish", and i never eat fish for my self, i just eat fish when eat with someone, and they order the fish that i didn't really understand if the fish is from the sea(salt water) or river kind of fish. One time after i ate the fish, the bone was stuck in my throat, usually when i eat rice after that the bone will gone, but after i ate lots of rice the bone still stuck on my throat, so i must to find on internet how to get rid that bones, and i found in someone blog that to get rid the bone must eat sponges cake, and then i bought a sponges cake on the mall, and magically the fish's bone was gone... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eyyb490AtJk
Theres also a Japanese rastaurant , they eat sushi when they fish still alive, they said it's still fresh
I don't know how that fish was still alive, i remember the fish that i wash and rinse before i put it in referigerator already headless and all the stomach also already gone, and magically after i pray for that fish to rest in peace, it didn't move anymore
@RusA #9856686 WHAT? U eat shark? That's Kim Jong Un fav. Pets
Sometimes you eat the shark, and sometimes the shark eats you.
It sounds funny to me that you say all fish taste the same to you, because they're all different to me. I eat a lot of ocean fish, but we have plenty of fresh-water fish, too, like carp, trout, and perch. My relatives in Missouri live near a big lake, and they often have catfish and paddlefish (aka "spoonbills"). I don't care for either one, really - catfish is full of bones, and because they're bottom-feeders, they taste like mud. Paddlefish are related to sturgeons, and more distantly to sharks, so they don't have bones, just cartilage skeletons. But they don't have much flavor, either. Paddlefish eggs have gotten popular lately as a fair substitute for sturgeon caviar from Russia, which has gotten hugely expensive since our wildlife agencies don't allow it to be imported anymore.
@uktana Yeah....that what fish lover always said to me, That the fish taste different. Sometimes they said that they don't eat the river fishes, and only eat the sea fishes, which i don't even know which fish live in the ocean, and which live in the river, for me they are live in the water and always taste like a "fish"
Like when someone in Sulawesi island made me try their famous grouper fish https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grouper and he said that the fish is an expensive fish in Jakarta, and i just tasted it as a "fish" like other fishes, i just can find the different coz they serve in many souces like Padang souce, or Oyster souce, or if it's raw like if i eat a sushi
@RusA #9856708 I'm a lot the same way about caviar. All the small, gray stuff tastes pretty much the same to me, whether its $24-an-ounce paddlefish caviar from Ohio, or $200-an-ounce Russian sturgeon caviar from the Caspian sea.
On the rare occasions I buy caviar for myself (usually for Easter and Christmas), it's always the relatively cheap salmon caviar or whitefish caviar, which both have a distinct flavor. They also both look nice on top of a hard-boiled egg.
@uktana oh, i never try that expensive caviar, but i saw on youtube how they make it in the Italy farm, they have a team of doctors to USG the eggs inside the fish, and then do an operation to take out the eggs, seems like surgery for human in hospital so highly maintenance, maybe that's why it's so expensive.
I'm also can't taste the good or bad wine, i tried wine from Italy, Australia, and our local wine in Bali, and they just taste like an alcohol to me, i also asked my friends and relatives if they know any difference with the wine, but they didn't know either
I used to drink a fair amount of beer, and I was quite fussy about what kind I would drink. I'm not nearly that fussy about wine, so long as it's a dry red wine. I can tell the difference between one red wine and another, but the price tag is more important to me than how it tastes. It's the hard liquors (scotch, vodka, tequila, etc) that I can't tell the difference between an expensive brand and a cheap one. Truth be told, I don't drink much alcohol at all these days, except for the occasional glass of wine with a meal, and I keep bottles of red wine and sherry in the kitchen, for cooking but not for drinking.
@uktana #9856756 i once told my mom that i accidently drink a vodka in my early 20s, and then my mom told me that it wasn't my first time drink an alcohol, she said that when i was a kid, i used to took a sip of my father beer in the fridge, so my mom told my father that if he didn't keep his beer in a safety place, then his daughter will be a drunken baby
@uktana BTW i find this interisting in my TOEFL book, when i read about the Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin founder of rome, when far back as 700 B.C. peoples have talked about children being cared by wolves. This seemingly preposterous idea didn't become credible until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked 10 year old boy wondering in the woods. He didn't walk, could not speak intelligibly, nor could relate to people. He only groweled and stared at them. Finally, the doctor won the boy's confidence and began to work with him. Hmmm... Seems like Tarzan movie
And in "Stolen Child" novel that i read about Hobgoblin, it also explained about that "Holy Greyhound" in French, when the parents left their sick baby in the woods for help from Saint Guinefort. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Guinefort
@RusA #9856617 Yes, there are lots of stories about children found in the wild, and supposedly raised by animals. They're called "wild children" or "feral children", with "feral" meaning "untamed". The word usually refers to domesticated animals that have gone wild, like dogs, cats, or horses, but is sometimes applied to humans as well.
A lot of these stories turn out to be just that - stories - and others are real, but exaggerated. But there are a few genuine accounts of children abandoned or abused by their parents, who live with animals which apparently accept them as one of their own. The story of Tarzan, who was adopted by apes as a baby, and who as an adult returned to England as Lord Greystoke and lived as a civilized man until he returned to the jungle, isn't at all the way it happens. Typically, the child is old enough to fend for itself - six or eight years old, say; and when such children returned to civilization, they have severe social maladjustments: can't speak, won't walk upright, acts viciously toward other people, doesn't like ordinary food, etc. Here's a pretty thorough article on the subject, which includes accounts of children raised, not only by wolves, but also by dogs, sheep, cattle, and ... ostriches? What? What? Here's an article on that one, which concludes that the story might be based on some real facts, but was elaborated by the person who wrote about it.
I never heard of St. Guinefort, probably for good reason, but in the Russian church there is a saint called St. Christopher the Dog-faced. Strangely enough, there might be something to this one: apparently in some parts of Russia, a genetic abnormality called hypertrichosis - which is the abnormal growth of hair all over the body, giving the appearance of a "wolf-man" - is fairly common. A famous modern example of this was Jo Jo the Dog-Faced Boy, who toured with P. T. Barnam's circus in the late 19th century. It's not impossible that in the distant past, a particularly benevolent and spiritual fellow with this condition was canonized - the Eastern Church has some real doozies in their calendar of saints! He might have been named Christopher, or that might just be a title that means "He Who Carries Christ".
@uktana #9856626 that's what i love when discuss something weird with u, u always bring something more weird than mine the Bear also can take care the human's kid
Ow...that Jo Jo in P.T. Barnum, so... Unique, oh... I also love that music in the movie "The Greatest Show" about P.T. Barnum, but it's all pop music not the classical music
@RusA #9856626 that's what i love when discuss something weird with u, u always bring something more weird than mine
Yes, "high strangeness" is one of my favorite things to read about. I mostly consider myself a centrist, neither left nor right, neither too conventional nor too eccentric; but you don't really know where the center is, unless you have some idea about where the edges are.
@uktana #9856655 i don't really understand about the lefty, centries, or right wings... But someone once called me the lefty coz i was arguing with her about Trump. And i love to read many...many...weird things and believe it just 50/50
The whole right/left thing is confusing even to us, and besides that, it works differently in the U.S. than in most of the world. Elsewhere, the "right" supports a monarchy or authoritarian central government which makes the important decisions, and the "left" supports a system where the people make the decisions through elections and referendums, with more local political control . Since our whole system is "left" by those standards, we divide up over other issues. In the U.S., the Right is generally in favor of a strong business and economic system with minimum government control, letting people free to make as much money as they can and build up their personal wealth, paying as few taxes as possible; and poor people should be helped out by private charities funded out of the pockets of wealthy people. The Left is more focused on equality and opportunity for everyone, focusing especially on certain minority groups which have historically been ignored and left out; and that poor people should be helped through government programs funded by taxes, with the wealthiest people paying the highest taxes. Both sides say that they're working for maximum freedom for all citizens, but it boils down to both of them working to give citizens the freedom to do things their way and no other.
It's much more complicated that that, of course, and every issue and opinion gets sorted these days into "conservative" and "liberal" boxes. Truth be told, the Right is no more interested in "conserving" things than the Left is interested in "liberating" anything, but we're stuck with those words. In the Eighties, most liberal Republicans joined the Democrats, and conservative Democrats joined the Republicans, so there's not much middle ground for compromise any more. And with Trump taking over a large part of the Republican Party and turning it into some kind of radical fringe group that even Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon wouldn't recognize; and with the "progressives" taking over much of the Democratic Party with the idea of "progressing" to a European-style social-democracy; the name-calling just gets worse. If you criticize Trump, you must be some kind of lefty or commie, and if you have doubts about the Progressive agenda, you might as well be working for Hitler.
As for weird things: I'm a true skeptic, in the sense of not taking anything at face value, and insisting that claims should be backed up by good arguments and evidence. The further out the claim is from what is already accepted reality, the stronger the evidence should be for it. As a writer and an artist, of course, everything is food for thought, no matter now far out it might be, but it's a good idea not to believe everything you think.
@uktana #9856683 ow....thanx for the explanation. Yeah... I learn from this sites, it was when Humon posting about Trump as an orange blop, and had an arguments in comic area with Trump's supporters, but coz of my english isn't really good, and they will start to attact my english, then i let that Swedish Nisse_hult do the job
@RusA Yeah, people are like that, they pick on people who speak a second language if they don't speak it perfectly. I would venture to say that those people aren't so great when they try to speak Indonesian.
@uktana Yeah...sometimes they act like a Grammar Nazi, and also correcting my Punctuation, i though it just like when u chat or sms with someone, not like when u want to make a formal report in this site
Only u who never complaining about my english, thanx for that
@RusA #9856709 Well, I was brought up with the idea that it's extremely rude to make fun of someone's accent or use of English, or even to mention such things out unless there's a good reason to. For my part, I mostly only say something if I honestly don't know what the person is trying to say, and so I'll ask them to say it again until I can figure it out. Even then, I feel a bit embarrassed to do that.
I tend to write in a rather formal style, and I even talk that way most of the time, just because I've spent more time in the library reading books than talking to real people. Some people find it annoying, some find it charming, but I don't really care so long as they follow what I'm saying.
@uktana #9856739 oh...you're really nice and so kind, sometimes i feel that u want to correcting mine by use the word again but in very smooth way, but i understand that i spell it wrong
The annoying thing ,also when the Grammar Nazi sometimes they also make a big deal when Humon's typo or just make a small mistake, like this is even a funny comic, and not the formal news
@RusA #9856750oh...you're really nice and so kind, sometimes i feel that u want to correcting mine by use the word again but in very smooth way, but i understand that i spell it wrong
Well, I don't do that intentionally, but yeah, I do go out of my way to spell things wrightrite right. My mother was an English teacher, so we kids couldn't get away with anything like that without hearing about it.
@uktana BTW.... Were my english right with the schools, is it primary school or elementary school? And Junior high school and senior high school coz we used to have class 1,2,3 for junior and also 1,2,3 for senior. But in here they recently change it to 7,8,9th grade for junior and 10,11,12th for senior.
@RusA #9856618 In the U.S., we have preschool for very small children, kindergarten for five-year-olds, then at six they start elementary school, which is more usually called "grade school" - sometimes "primary school", but that's considered a bit formal. Originally, grade school was eight years, then the child started high school, which lasted for four years, so he graduated at age 17 or 18. After graduating from high school, one entered the work force or went to either college or a vocational school (to become a plumber, electrician, or other skilled manual worker).
Over the years, another level of education was added in between, called either "junior high school" or "middle school". It varies from one school system to another, but in the one I went to, grade school was first grade to sixth grade; then middle school for seventh, eighth, and ninth grades; and then three years of high school - tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade.
@uktana #9856627 ow... Thanx for the explanation
I went to kindergarten since age 3,and since too young to continue to the primary school, then i must to stayed there for 3 years there wasn't preschool at that time.
And today more school have "acceleration class" from primary to high school, so they can go to the university at very young age like 15 or 16, i don't think it's a fun thing.
BTW... U always wrote to stay organized, i'm forget that u're Germans are very organized, it reminds me when i saw "L'Appartement" movie, about a French student that share a room with a German student in university in Barcelona, and they seperate the room with just drawing a line, the French side is so messy and the German side is so.... Organized
@RusA #9856627 I'm not sure if it's the German side interacting with American "casual" habits, but what I do is come up with efficient systems of organizing stuff, and then don't bother to use it to organize stuff. So when I look for something, the first thing I do is look in the place where it's supposed to be, according to my present organizational system, and if it isn't there, then I have to go through the list of where the darn thing might be.
@RusA #9856619 That's great, thanks for sharing. One of the definitions of a sophisticated intellectual is someone who can listen to The William Tell Overture and not think about The Lone Ranger. Also, I would add being able to listen to Rossini's overture to The Barber of Seville without thinking about Bugs Bunny. They mentioned this one in the video you shared, but here's the whole thing in case haven't seen it, or want to see it again.
Another parody of classical music with Bugs and Elmer, and one of my all-time favorite pieces of film of any kind, is "What's Opera, Doc?", a send-up of high opera, with Bugs and Elmer hamming it up to Richard Wagner's music. Just about everyone my age can sing "Kill the Wabbit" to the tune of "Flight of the Valkyries".
@RusA #9856628 I was talking to my cousin on the phone about our conversations here about cartoons and classical music, and she reminded me of another Bugs Bunny cartoon called "Long-Haired Hare", where an operatic baritone, being disturbed by Bugs Bunny singing ragtime songs outside his home while he's trying to practice the "Largo al Factotum" from The Barber of Seville, makes the mistake of antagonizing Bugs.
There's one in-joke that might be worth explaining: When Bugs arrives at the singer's Hollywood Bowl concert in a tuxedo top and a hairpiece, and everyone starts whispering: "Leopold! Leopold!", the joke is that everyone thinks he's the orchestral conductor Leopold Stokowski. At the time this cartoon was made (1949), Stokowski was one of the most recognizable figures in classical music.
So, of course the conductor turns over the podium to "Leopold" and lets him get his revenge! Stokowski was famous for his energetic style of conducting, and for not using a baton (the first thing "Leopold" does is break the conductor's baton and throw it away).
BTW, this one was directed by Chuck Jones, who also did "What's Opera, Doc?" and "Rabbit of Seville", and he also did all the early Roadrunner and Coyote cartoons. I'm not sure if there's a joke somewhere in his naming the singer "Giovanni Jones", but I wouldn't put it past him.
@uktana #9856651 ow... Thanx for the jokes i always love to see the conductor, they have so many character, even i don't know any famous conductor, when i was in marching band we always make some joke if the conductor can make their tempo just by moving their thumb or blinking their eyes, and as the music player we must to follow their tempo in their weird way
@uktana #9856317 there's an opposite to déjà vu. They call it jamais vu. Its when u meet the same people or visit places, again and again, but each time is the first. Everybody is always stranger. Nothing is ever familiar
@RusA Thanks, I didn't know that. Actually, part of the training of both the writer and the artist (and I'm a little of both) is to get into the habit of looking at familiar things like you've never seen them before. People get into the habit of filtering out "irrelevant" details in what they see, and one of the gifts of a really good writer or painter is that they can see those details and communicate them in their work. One reason I love to get children to talk about things, is that so much of their experience really is jamais vu, before they get into the habit of filtering the details.
@uktana #9856652 i think my "jamais vu" moments are mostly when i was in new envirotment, like new work place, when someone alredy introduce me to the old peoples in that place, and then we meet again, i though i meet them for the first time, and then they told me that we already mêt before
Or maybe someone with Alzeimer, or forgetfull person will always have that "jamais vu" moment
This house in Iceland is so cool, the view from inside the house is fantastic, and already modern with the solar energy, but then the owner showed the picture of the house in winter, with the extreme snow up to the roof
@RusA I'm not sure I'd like a house that has so much light, but I guess in Iceland it's not so bad, because it's dark for half the year anyway. It's really quite a well-thought-out piece of architecture, though.
I've seen pictures of houses after big snowstorms in the Rocky Mountains and the upper Midwest part of the U.S. where the snow piles up against the houses like that. Fortunately, we never get that much snow all at once. We did once in the 19th century ( see ~9852638 ), but with the global climate warmer these days, we're not likely to see anything like that again any time soon.
@uktana #9856682 oh...that looks like a snow wall in Connecticut i love that pic with the lady still wearing an old dress in the old times.
I saw many video about off the grid building, that peoples built in the middle of nowhere, but they still surounded by trees,that house in Iceland has no trees. And i love that scenery of a mountain coverd by snow, that i always see in the movie sound of music, when i was in Japan to see that eternal snow, i must to change train and go back to Tokyo from Omachi station, my cousin decided to buy some snacks outside the station. When i saw that mountain covered by snow from the gate of the station, i was so amazed with that scenery from that town, i can see the mountain with the snow, it was so cool. That the view that i always want to see since i was a kid, i mean it wasn't in Austria, but still amazing.
@RusA I've never actually seen high mountains with snow caps in real life. It's common here in Connecticut, with its variable terrain, to be in a valley that's perfectly dry, then drive up a hill and find everything covered in snow. It's not quite the same thing, though, because are hills are not tall enough to be impressive. There aren't any really tall mountains in the U.S. until you get way out West, and I've barely been past the Mississippi River.
@uktana #9856738 oh... I'm also live in Java island, the highest mountain in Java is MT. Semeru in east Java, i saw that mountain when i went to Bromo coz they're in the same National park. And what I meant when i said that i climbed Mt.Bromo, i just climb the 250 stairs for half hour and TA-DA, i already on the top of vulcano, smell that sulfur and saw the fog came from the bottom of vulcano https://images.app.goo.gl/Yj5sE3eXdxD54BNT8
We also have so many mountains here in west Java near Jakarta (Jakarta just 8 mdpl, near the sea), the mountains just 1 hour from jakarta without traffic jam, and it's so green full of tea gardens, nothing with the snow
I never went hike to any mountains that needs many days to climb it, and have a risk to get lost or MIA in the forrest. Even when in Japan, i went to Mt.Fuji by bus, And Tateyama, i must to ride so many transportations https://images.app.goo.gl/C6Y43tZTZQ9HYB1Y8
Actually i more like the sea than mountain, i love to swim at beach, my friends always mocking me when at office vacation to the sea, they said that i always change into a "mermaid" they always remind me not to swim far away coz the wave is so high
@RusA #9856701 Yeah, how we handle "-ough" is a little bit strange. All those words used to rhyme in Middle English - they all rhymed with "through", with a rough breathing on the end, represented by the -gh. But sometime in the late 1500s, a lot of English pronunciations changed. In this case, the vowels started to vary, and the rough breathing was dropped. But nobody ever bothered to change the spellings, and now we're stuck with them as our standard.
There's a British actor who's well-known to Americans because he appeared in a lot of sci-fi and horror movies in the Sixties and Seventies, named Michael Gough. I've known his name for my whole life, but never knew until a few years ago how to pronounce it. It's "Goff" - like "golf" without the L.
Of course, English is full of oddities like that. For instance: One mouse, two mice. One louse, two lice. One house... two houses. It gets worse: Two of those little square things you throw when you play tabletop games are called "dice". But if you have only one, it's not a "douce", it's a "die". One goose, two geese; one mongoose, two mongooses.
And people on the internet argue endlessly with each other about what you have if you own an octopus, and someone gives you another: Do you have two octopuses, two octopi, or two octopodes? Most dictionaries give "octopuses" as the preferred form, with "octopi" acceptable, and "octopodes" as completely wrong; but some people think they know more than the experts who compile the dictionaries.
French is pretty bad about that sort of thing, too, because of the way they drop consonants (porc, pig, and port, posture, are pronounced exactly the same, something like "pour" in English); or how they spell the same sound differently in different words, like sent, sang, s'en, sans, and cent. This is one reason I have trouble understanding something spoken aloud in French that I would have no problem at all to read. Like English, you can never be 100% sure of how a word is pronounced unless you hear it or look it up in the dictionary.
@uktana #9856707 ow....thanx for the explanation
I once had a discussion about English pronounciation with my friend, like in a song when Celine Dion pronounce the "angel" word, she sounds diffent like when Amrican singer say "angel" in their song, so English also has many dialec and accent too, like in Indonesian we pronounce the same word but we also have many dialec, so i can't say someone from Sumatra island is wrong when they said the Indonesian word coz they sound different with someone from Papua island when they say the same word, even if google just use the Jakarta or Javanese dialect and said it's the correct one
@RusA #9856710 Yes - British, American, Canadian, South African, and Australian English all have their standard, educated versions which are different from each other (or as a Brit would say, "different to each other". )
One of the silly things that happen on the internet is how some British person will argue that their English is the only right one (and usually whatever version of British English that person speaks), and how American English is a corrupted and debased language, and that over here we should speak the same way he and his neighbors over there speak. I love to step up to defend my country from arrogant and ignorant people, so I'll point out how American English is based on two or three British dialects, brought over by immigrants; and how 18th- and 19th-century American scholars (like Thomas Jefferson, among others) worked out a standard, educated version based on how educated Americans spoke at the time; and how this was formally organized by Noah Webster in his Blue Back Spelling Book and his dictionary, which still forms the basis of "proper" American English. All of that usually either shuts them up, or makes them mad.
@uktana #9856737 ow...thanx for the explanation. Yeah... In english course, the teacher always explained the difference between British and American, sometimes i don't know like lift/elevator, which one is British and which one is American
We also have the same problem with Indonesian and Malay language, like when we use the word "Kereta" in Indonesian means "train" but in Malay means "car". I though that Indonesian and Malay language are the same with different dialect, until i read a book " My Stupid Boss" written by Indonesian who work in Malaysia, when in the meeting, she only speaks Indonesian with her boss and then, the other Malaysian worker protest that they don't understand what they both saying in Indonesian. But we also have a Malaysia tv show in here, and i still can understand what they say in dialog, it just like hearing old people when they talk, like when i talk to my grandparents with a good and old Indonesian language
@RusA It's a "lift" in the UK and an "elevator" here. For us, a "lift" is a ride in someone else's car (as in giving your sister a lift), or an insert in the shoes that makes you look taller. Also, something that makes you feel good is said to "give you a lift", like what you get from a cup of coffee or tea.
I'm pretty familiar with the differences between British and American English (lift/elevator, lorry/truck, dole/welfare check, and so on), but the terms used about automobiles still puzzles me sometimes. Like what they call the boot, the bonnet, the silencer, and the cubby box, we call the trunk, the hood, the muffler, and the glovebox (or glove compartment). Their "saloon" is our "sedan", and their "estate car" is our "station wagon". Gasoline is "petrol" over there, and kerosene is "paraffin" (which to us is the kind of wax you make candles from).
On top of all that, they drive on the wrong side of the road.
I can understand the most common British accents, but sometimes I watch British films where the characters speak with thick Cockney or Northern accents, and I feel like the darn thing ought to have subtitles so I can tell what they're saying. I have a bit of trouble understanding the actress presently playing Doctor Who, because she has a Yorkshire accent. The previous Doctor was Scottish, and the rest mostly had London accents which I didn't have any trouble understanding. Well, with one exception: the Ninth Doctor had a Manchester accent, but I still didn't have any trouble with it.
Rose: If you're from another planet, how come you have a Northern accent? Ninth Doctor: Oh, lots of planets have a North!
What you say about Malay and Indonesian reminds me of the relationships between Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish. Even though those languages are closely related, Russians and Poles can't understand each other, but Ukrainians can mostly understand both.
The closest language like that to English is Dutch; but it's different enough that we can't understand each other's language most of the time. When I hear spoken Dutch, it sounds so familiar that I feel like I should understand what they're saying, but don't. Most Dutch people speak fluent English, though, so that's rarely a problem.
@uktana #9856760 oh...thanx for the explanation about which one is British and the one with American, i never saw that Dr.Who. the popular British tv show in here is Mr.Bean, and he almost never speak
Oh...really that English is closest to Dutch. I remember when my grand father was still alive, and he got an Alzeimer, sometimes he speak Dutch, that i can't understand, but Indonesian languange mostly has an influence from Dutch, since we were colonized by the Dutch for almost 350 years. When i saw "Wortel" ID for the first time, i though she was Indonesian, coz in Indonesian "Wortel" is carrot, and when she replied that it also in Dutch, i was forgot that a lot of our words are from Dutch
And i just realized something, that when i saw on youtube about Netherland, they can't talk the Dutch alone without Indonesia, like in DW Euromaxx about that Eu politics, the presenter talking the others EU countries alone, expt. When he talking for Netherland, he also talk about Indonesia : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ztDJhL77Y and also https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ewCs5CF5HEg&t=11s Indonesia always be the shadow of when they talking about Netherland or Dutch
@RusA #9856770 i never saw that Dr.Who. the popular British tv show in here is Mr.Bean, and he almost never speak
Mr. Bean was never all that popular here in the U.S., but the actor that played the role is known here for his roles in Blackadder. Doctor Who has been popular here since the 1980s, and Monty Python has been around even longer. Benny Hill had a pretty good run for a while, but isn't so well-known these days. Americans tend to think of British TV as the upscale soap operas that our public TV network shows on their Masterpiece Theater series, like Downton Abbey.
When i saw "Wortel" ID for the first time, i though she was Indonesian, coz in Indonesian "Wortel" is carrot, and when she replied that it also in Dutch, i was forgot that a lot of our words are from Dutch
Wortel is another one who I miss around here. She's still active on Discord under a different name, but I don't spend much time over there.
We have a fair number of loan words from Indonesian, actually: bantam (a kind of chicken), cockatoo, pangolin, bamboo, kapok, papaya, sambal, batik, sarong, tempeh, and the name of the famous WW2 spy Mata Hari. One of the things that most characterizes American cuisine in the minds of a lot of the world is that we put ketchup on everything. But "ketchup" or "catsup" comes from the Malay name for fish sauce (I think), kĕchap. There's also the word "cootie", which originally meant a head-louse, but now is a humorous word for imaginary germs or contaminants that you get from, or pass on to, other people by touching them. We have a common joke that little boys avoid little girls because "girls have cooties"; and little boys become big boys when they realize that girls aren't yukkie and they don't have cooties.
@uktana #9856811 Yeah... Mr.Bean is almost never speaks any english words, i don't even know that he has a British accent i just found out about Dr.Who and Monty Phyton when u guys always discuss about it in the forum
Oh....and don't forget about Durian, and Wortel's fav.fruit "rambutan" (rambut means hair). I miss Wortel too, she wears sarong(usually men wear sarong for muslim prayer and traditional costum) and talking about Indonesian foods, sometimes i feel that Wortel more Indonesian than i am :d
I left discord, coz i just talking to Mixu on discord, he keeps invited me to his new language group that he become a moderator in that, the funny things that he sees himself as a wise moderator, but i saw him as the mad Khan moderator there was a fact card that said that peoples in Finland have the most Asian DNA, when i was asking Mixu if he also has an Asian blood, then he answear that he is 100℅ Mongol, that's why he always carzy about Khan but i submit discord from SATW, and always get the notification, and i just don't want to see the post from the members that i avoid from the forum, so i said goodbye to Mixu, wishing him a nice life and then deleted my account.
Rowan Atkinson, who plays Mr. Bean, has the kind of accent you would expect for someone who grew up in the north part of England. I've only seen short clips of him like these as Mr. Bean, though as I said, I know him from the Blackadder series.
I can't imagine Mixu as a moderator anywhere - like you say, it's putting the Mad Khan in charge. He got banned from Discord, too, before I decided to show up there, so I haven't had any chat with him since he left the forum. I'm not sure I would trust his claim of being 100% Mongol, though since the Finns originally came from Siberia, it's not impossible. Still, didn't he also claim that Finland is the true heir of the Roman Empire? That's a claim that you look at, and you know that ain't right!
@uktana Ow...thanx, now i know that Mr.Bean has a northern England accent
Oh... I mean that Mixu is a funny kid, he probably 100℅ caucasian, but he always pretending to be 100℅ Mongol inside. I don't want to be creepy on the internet, and i never ask him too personaly, we were just disscuss about European history, dictators, and any fun things about Finland, like i always asking the other members about their own countries. Yeah... He's really a Mad Khan moderator, and i always reminds him to control himself not to be rude to the others
I think ApplesRock summed it up very nicely when he said goodbye to all of us a couple of months ago. ~9855181
Oh, Mixu. Whatever happened to you! You were the best of us! Funny, smart, very witty, always looking to laugh and make others laugh. Oh, how I wish you could’ve been around for the past 2 years. Next time, try not to get on the bad side of the people in power.
That was Mixu's problem, he didn't always have a good sense about what to say to whom and when.
@uktana #9856844 yeah... But he also the one who always triggered Mixu, when he said..."I'm new here, what happened with the old members Mixu?" they said that this place used to be a good place. Where are the old members Mixu?" i mean if he really "New...New...New" i don't think so, and i already deal with some of that fake weird KarlMarx guy new ID that have same IP address, and he also always said that he is "New...New...New"
@RusA I haven't seen them this year, because I haven't gotten down to the park where they are. I hope to go sometime this weekend, and hope that they haven't finished blooming yet.
@RusA #9856758
Don't worry about that, I love to answer questions if I can, and a lot of what you ask me makes me have to stop and think, which is always a good thing to do.
@uktana Ow...thanx, u're so nice, kind and sincere
I think that u even better than God, coz u know everything and know all the answear in very funny and creative way
I know i can be so annoying when i ask many-many questioms to peoples, and sometimes i asked the same questions several times, i don't know if i just forgetfull or don't find the right answear.
I used to asked so many questions in comic area, and then Mixu, that weird Karl Marx and even that Finn123 always answearing my questions. And sometimes i also ask some weird question to Mixu... Like... Is it true that people in Finland really eat Tar? after a fins replied my comment that the most important things for finnish peoples are (sauna,Tar, and alcohol) i though maybe there's a weird snacks only for people in the north, like poisonus thing. I meant that Mixu english not really good but he still young, so...we won't insult each others.
@RusA #9856807
Don't go around saying I'm better than God, because that might get me struck by lightning or something. As for how much I know about things, well, there's a saying that if I see further than others, it's because I stand on the shoulders of giants.
I don't remember Karl Marx at all, but I got a kick out of both Mixu and Finn123, who unfortunately both got banned for bad behavior. They both had their annoying side, but I thought that was a little harsh. Finn123 is the one who asked me if I was Jewish, Asian, or Canadian. Mixu showed up at the Retreat and said he was going to invade it with his Mongol horde. I said that this was a bad time for an invasion, so we both agreed to wait until Thursday when it would be more convenient for both of us. We just don't have people like that anymore.
Weird-English note: At first I wrote "Mongol hoard" instead of "Mongol horde". It didn't look right, so I checked and found out I had confused "hoard", meaning a stash of useful or valuable objects, with "horde", meaning a nomadic band of warriors. Oops!
If by "tar" you mean pine tar, that's a folk-remedy that used to be popular in the U.S. Mostly it was used externally for skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, but it was also taken internally, usually in the form of "tar water" (just what it sounds like: pine tar dissolved in water), for lung ailments and intestinal problems. It also showed up in a lot of the old snake-oil patent medicines of the time.
@uktana #9856809 oh...don't worry, i won't tell Thor about it, and i though u just afraid only of needles and not lightning or anything else
Yeah... That what i was curious about, why finn123 asked if u were an Asian Jew who migrated to Canada, that was so funny and far away from Germanic Lutherian American
Oh... That weird KarlMarx was active in the forum using "Ziebenhaub_the_Texan" ID, so...that's why i also suspect that Applesrock was him, and if u noticed that in every game, that Applesrock and Zuperkruch want to kill each others, but we did it in very smooth way i don't believe that he is a 14 years old kid.
And i know that Eric don't remember about how we used to be Three musketeer (Zuperkruch, Mixu, ErictheRedandWhite Vs that weird Karl Marx guy)
Oh...BtW tomorrow will be an Oscar, i hope u will write the news about that
@uktana oh...yeah...maybe that pine "tar", mixu didn't know either about that " tar", i though that tar for asphal which they always use it to make the road that's why i think it's a poisonus thing, thanx for the explanation
"Tar" means a number of things in English, mostly having to do with dark, sticky, viscous organic substances of various kinds. It can mean coal tar, the tar that coats the lungs of cigarette smokers, a kind of unrefined heroin (black tar), or as above, pine tar.
And, of course, asphalt that you make roads with. That's the same substance, naturally-occurring bitumen, that a lot of prehistoric creatures got stuck in, at the La Brea Tar Pits in California.
@RusA #9856816 Yeah... That what i was curious about, why finn123 asked if u were an Asian Jew who migrated to Canada, that was so funny and far away from Germanic Lutherian American
Before he asked me that, we had previously had a discussion with a guy named Dan, who was an opinionated anime and kaiju-movie fan, and Finn123 used to provoke by calling him "the Weeaboo". That's a nonsense word taken from a webcomic, that was adapted to be an insult toward someone who fancies himself a Japanophile, but all he knows about Japanese culture is what he gets from anime and manga. Dan used to throw around words like "otaku", "kawaii", and "baka" without knowing what they really mean. I said something about how I used Yiddish words, not always accurately, and Finn123 said, "Maybe you're a Jewaboo!" So all that might have been the Asian and Jewish part, but I still don't know why he brought up Canada.
Oh... That weird KarlMarx was active in the forum using "Ziebenhaub_the_Texan" ID, so...that's why i also suspect that Applesrock was him (...) i don't believe that he is a 14 years old kid.
I've interacted with ApplesRock quite a lot, and I'm certain that he was who he said he was - though, of course, you never know for sure!
He always came across to me as a somewhat neurotic teenager, but very intelligent, and fun to play our forum games with. Unfortunately, he recently left because of personal problems and because he doesn't find the forum as fun as it used to be.
I've got no plans to watch the Oscars, because I never do, and if I post anything about it, it would likely be about how I didn't see any of the movies and don't know who the actors are.
#9856817 oh...yeah...maybe that pine "tar", mixu didn't know either about that " tar", i though that tar for asphal which they always use it to make the road that's why i think it's a poisonus thing, thanx for the explanation
I did some looking up, and it turns out I was right, sort of. Terva, as the Finns call it, is pine sap that's been burned down to a tarry substance, and is used in soap and shampoo, and as a flavoring for candy and other things. The article points out that terva is basically similar to maple syrup, which is the sap from maple trees, boiled down to make a syrupy liquid. I suppose if you boiled it down until it's nearly dry, you'd have something similar, only maple-flavored instead of pine-flavored.
@uktana #9856829 ow.... Thanx for that "Terva" explanation, so it's not as scary thing as i though before. See... U know everything, and always know all the answear BTW... Who is the Giant that u stand on of his shoulder?
Yeah... We never know who is that person behind that ID. I think that weird KarlMarx was a fine member, until he got banned by Eric after he had fight with Mixu, and then i get involved, and he became annoying that he always made a new ID and pretending to be the new Finn123 that haunted me. I'm still OK with applesrock still playing in the forum, but sometimes i feel he don't have something like the others in his age (Mixu, Rayati,JTWlover) but maybe it just me who feel that way
I'm curious about the Oscar in pandemic and i didn't see any of it's movies nominations either for this year. So... U will write that in very sarcastic way
@RusA #9856834 BTw... U aren't mad if i keep mocking u as an Asian Jew who migrated to Canada?
Not at all, I think it's great fun. I know you don't mean any insult by it, and I know why you make a joke out of it, so like a lot of other things, I'm happy to play along.
@RusA #9856849
Yeah, he was pretty bad about that, but that guy Scan_dreng or whatever his name was, was even worse. Not only was he prejudiced against people of color, but he also kept insulting me as an American. Worse, he was always whining about how bad things were for him, trying to get sympathy from the rest of us. I finally stopped talking to him altogether.
@uktana #9856865 yeah... First time i though he get deppression in so young age, and then he start complaining about the immigrants ( i'm not surprise they do that in their home land ) ,and when he wrote about how he attacking his half sister coz he hates his step mother, well... I try to avoid him after that.
@uktanahttps://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/25/movies/oscars-winner-list.html BTW... I'm a little surprise as the person who always talking about Movies and actors. U never seen the Oscar
Most nomination this year are from Netflix, which i never seen that... I really curious with the winner of That docimentary feature "My Octopus teacher", since we recently talking about the Octopus as an ET, and zombie foods
@RusA #9856832 See... U know everything, and always know all the answear BTW... Who is the Giant that u stand on of his shoulder?
That's a quote from Isaac Newton, who was one of the greatest geniuses ever, and who did more than anyone to establish modern physics. When people would tell him how smart he was, he would just say that was just building on the work of those before him.
For my part, I stand on the shoulders of giants like Mark Twain, Isaac Asimov, Stephen Jay Gould, Lewis Carroll, and the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, as well as any number of online resources where I can find out anything I don't know.
I'm curious about the Oscar in pandemic and i didn't see any of it's movies nominations either for this year. So... U will write that in very sarcastic way
I wasn't going to post anything about the Oscars, but since you brought it up, I couldn't help myself. It's on the New What's On Your Mind thread.
#9856835 BTW... I'm a little surprise as the person who always talking about Movies and actors. U never seen the Oscar
Most nomination this year are from Netflix, which i never seen that... I really curious with the winner of That docimentary feature "My Octopus teacher", since we recently talking about the Octopus as an ET, and zombie foods
I wrote a little bit about why I don't usually pay attention to the Oscars in my post on the New What's On Your Mind thread, and also a little bit about My Octopus Teacher. Thank you for pointing that one out to me, I actually might go looking for it since, as you mention, it's on a subject that I enjoy. One problem I have with the hype around the Oscars is that you hear a lot about a few major movies, and then next to nothing about the really cool stuff, like a documentary about octopuses.
@RusA #9856730
I got on a kick of reading Stephen King novels when, as a teenager, I picked up a copy of The Shining after seeing the movie. I always dismissed King as a pop author who wasn't worth reading, no matter what a celebrity he was. But I was curious to see how the movie compared to the book, and reading it changed my mind about him. I started checking out his books from the library in the order they were published, starting with Carrie, which I didn't like at all, but I thought the ones that followed - Salem's Lot, The Shining, The Stand, The Dead Zone - were all pretty good, though with some aspects I didn't care for. I actually skipped The Stand at first because it was such a large book, but I bought a cheap copy and kept it around. Then one time, I was sick in bed with the flu; I had slept as much as I could, but wasn't well enough to get out of bed, so I decided I'd spend the time reading that book. Mind you, it's about the population of the United States being decimated by a virulent, fast-spreading, and deadly strain of the flu.
I read a few more of his books after that, but didn't like them as much, and after The Dark Half I sort of gave up on him. I haven't read any of his other books, though I've seen some of the movie and TV adaptations of his work, and I enjoy seeing him on a talk show.
And here's a remarkable thing that happened to me: After I'd been reading Stephen King novels for a few years, I randomly picked up a paperback book in the library called The Long Walk by Richard Bachman. I hated that novel more than about anything I've ever read. Besides not liking the story or the characters, I thought it was the worst attempt at somebody copying Stephen King's style I ever read. Some time later, I found out that this was actually the first novel King wrote (but didn't publish back then), when he was a messed-up 18 years old. So it wasn't some amateur writer copying King's style - it was a young King trying to figure out what his style really was. It had been known for some years before that King used the name "Richard Bachman" to publish his juvenile work, including The Long Walk, as well as a few later books that he considered knock-off pop novels and didn't want to put his name on; but I didn't think of that at the time.
@uktana #9856736
Yeah... I always heard about Stephen King book and movie, but never read any books of him. Oh...so "The Stand" is about Covid-19
Wow... U read his first novel when he still used that name "Richard Bachman"
Btw, why in your prejudice map that Vermont name Stephen King?
@RusA #9856736 Btw, why in your prejudice map that Vermont name Stephen King?
#9856753 Ooooppppssss.... Sorry, i meant Stephen King in Maine not in Vermont
King has lived in central Maine his whole life, and many of his stories are set there, especially his early ones. Most Americans know little about Maine except for what they read in those stories; and for us New Englanders, that part of the region is cold, dreary, and spooky; and what people live there tend to be unfriendly and frankly a little bit odd. Like, you know, people out of a Stephen King novel or something.
Q: What's the difference between a scarecrow and a person from Maine?
A: One hangs around in a field and frightens off birds and small animals, and the other one is a scarecrow.
BTW... They found the oldest painting in here, i know who draw that painting, Pssstttt... Alien from Mars, after they gave us the Durian, they made somekind of stupid art
@RusA #9856757 Yeah...the old paintings were made by ET
And all the ancient buildings like the pyramids, because everyone knows that the Egyptians were too stupid to figure out how to make a big pile of rocks, so they must have had help. Those Ancient Aliens people even insist that space aliens (or, more likely, a lost white race) built the Native American earthworks, because the Natives couldn't possibly have known how to pile up basketfuls of dirt.
@RusA #9856855
There are several patron saints who guard against plagues and pandemics, but I can't find anyone who oversees vaccines. Of course, if I started praying to Roman Catholic saints, my bishop would probably revoke my Lutheran confirmation card. So Doraemon it is!
One of those saints who one can pray to to protect against plagues is St. Marina of Antioch. At one point, Marina was attacked by Satan in the form of a black man, and she grabbed him by the hair and whacked him with a hammer until he ran away. I don't know about vaccines, but it sounds like she could be the patron saint of protection in questionable urban areas.
@RusA #9856864 I found a video about that Buddha-Trump, an interview with the artist on Reuters about why he made the statue in the first place. He said that in his culture, an old man who has been successful should be relaxing and enjoying a peaceful life; but Trump is still "tormented and fretful over various desires and uncertainties." He wanted to express this dichotomy in his art, and he thought it would be amusing and fun.
You can get a small one from his studio for US$150, or a large one for $3000. Obviously, buying the more expensive one would shower you with many more blessings . After all, he blesses extremely well, nobody blesses as well as he does, like basically the best ever at blessing. He knows lots of spiritual beings, he's got a great relationship with the buddhas and all, but he's actually the most spiritual person around.
@uktana WHAT? $ 3.000 for that Trump the Buddhist all i know that he left the white house not in peacfull at all
BTW... I once saw the movie about Pres. Truman on tv cable, i forget the tittle of the movie, but in the end of the movie when Truman lost the next election(he was the VP , then a President after FDR die) he waiting to welcome the winning President, if i'm not wrong, he's Dwight D.Eisenhower. But Eisenhower refuse to meet Truman, but in that movie didn't explain why...so, when Trump left the white house without welcomming Biden. It wasn't the first time that rude thing happened.
@RusA #9856877 WHAT? $ 3.000 for that Trump the Buddhist all i know that he left the white house not in peacfull at all
Trump has been pretty quiet lately, so maybe he's been spent the last four months meditating, and found... well, I'm not sure how it's expressed in Buddhism, but Christians would call it repentance (realizing what a mess you've made of things, and deciding to change your ways for the better) and amendment of life (resolving to do things right from now on). Who knows? Once he comes out of seclusion, he might start talking about how well he's following the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, nobody follows them like he does, he's the most noble and truthful path-following person in history - well, there was that Buddha guy, but we don't really know much about him, do we? He's laid down his ego, and he's the best ever at ego-laying-down - he's the most humble of all the really great enlightened beings.
But Eisenhower refuse to meet Truman, but in that movie didn't explain why...so, when Trump left the white house without welcomming Biden. It wasn't the first time that rude thing happened.
Eisenhower and Truman got along fine until Eisenhower began his campaign for the presidency in 1952 as a Republican. By then, Eisenhower had begun to regard Truman as an inept, undignified leader who had surrounded himself with crooks and cronies. Truman, in turn, was furious with Eisenhower's claim that there was a "mess" in Washington. He was incensed that Eisenhower would undermine his efforts to end the Korean War by promising to go there himself. And he certainly was not pleased with the candidate's criticism of his foreign policy, particularly since Eisenhower appeared to be in total accord with it before the campaign. When it came time for their traditional ride together as president and president-elect to Eisenhower's inauguration ceremonies, the chill in their relationship was clearly evident. Eisenhower even refused Truman's invitation to join him for coffee in the White House.
@uktana #9856893 yeah...Trump is so quite, not much news from him...a little boring, i remember when he was a President,it always something news in every day and every minutes
I don't believe he's in meditation zone , maybe an Aliens kidnapping him :
But i must to admit that Trump was an eye-opener to me, without him i never really interested in USA election or political things, he just made it funny
Ow...thanx, yeah... That Korean war, that's why he refuse Truman's in White house
@uktana BTW...if u feel the side effect of the vaccine, please let me know, the last time i did the vaccine for servix cancer then i got fever and my arm hurt for couple days, it's worst that do the blood donor with big needles. Hope i don't need Trump the Buddhist for my protection when i do the Covid-19, even he already survive from it
@uktana #9856865 BTW ~9856927 why i get that feeling that he knew we were talking about him recently
Oh... He was the one who found my comment about Mixu when i though Mixu was a girl and not a boy, luckily Mixu wasn't mad about my mistake
@RusA #9856869
Funny thing: I arrived early for my vaccine appointment this morning, so I was killing time texting with my cousin in Missouri, who feels about like I do about Trump. I sent her the photo of The Buddhatrump, and as a joke, I put that on my phone as the background to the home screen. The vaccination went well, and I didn't have the least degree of side effects... So maybe there's something to what John Michael Greer said about that statue that "five thousand years of lively and inclusive polytheism have made it easier for Chinese people to recognize spiritual power when they see it". Or maybe he's like those Roman Emperors that become gods after they die, and people burn incense and pray to them just like any other gods.
@uktana #9856894 Yey... congratulation u did the shot without
WHAT? So Trump the Buddhist did protect u from your weakness. Did i made u converted to that kind of thing?
I think there is a Greek quotes about the man who see himself in the mirror, it's not the real reflection that they believe they see, but about something in their head they always believe they see in the mirror. And Trump always overvalue when he sees himself in the mirror and i don't understand why u always undervalue yourself? Why u always say that u're a beast or not really that good? I mean... Look at Trump he always see himself as the God https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rafv1ldWFY
@RusA #9856896 I don't believe he's in meditation zone , maybe an Aliens kidnapping him
That would explain a lot!
"So long as they're not Muslims, they're OK."
#9856899 BTW...if u feel the side effect of the vaccine, please let me know, the last time i did the vaccine for servix cancer then i got fever and my arm hurt for couple days, it's worst that do the blood donor with big needles. Hope i don't need Trump the Buddhist for my protection when i do the Covid-19, even he already survive from it
Yes, there are side effects that can happen with any vaccine: soreness or swelling where the needle went in, or headache and low-grade fever. This is the body's immune system adapting to the vaccine and producing the antibodies, which is what you want to happen. These symptoms might go on for a day or two until the body finds a "new normal", and some people have milder reactions than others. It's unpleasant, but not usually dangerous. More concerning is that some people might have an allergic reaction to the vaccine - at CVS Pharmacy, where I got my shot, one of the questions they ask is if you've ever gotten an allergic reaction to any vaccine before. Other serious side effects are rare, but they do happen, but every medication has side effects, you just need to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks.
I didn't feel any side effects at all, except for about nine hours later I felt some soreness at the injection site - nothing serious, and no swelling or anything else. It was all gone by the time I woke up, and this morning I feel just fine. They do recommend being well-hydrated when you get the shot ("Drink at least sixteen ounces of water an hour before your appointment to lessen the possibility of side effects"), so all the water I drank - more than sixteen ounces - might have helped, too.
@uktana #9856908 yeah... But the Aliens will send him back to earth again, they watched fox news and then believe what they said that Trump is the smartest human on earth, very genius, and the best president ever, when they arrive at their planet, Trump starting to make many racist comments about how bad is their planet, how ugly they are, and how greeny their children are and not white enough for him. So....they can't take him anymore. They will send him back pretty soon
Ow...thanx for the explanation of the vaccine and the side effect, yeah...drink much water before do the vaccine
@RusA #9856910 they watched fox news and then believe what they said that Trump is the smartest human on earth, very genius, and the best president ever
There's an episode of The Twilight Zone called "Hocus Pocus and Frisby", which is about a guy who's always spinning tall tales about what a great guy he is, just to entertain his friends.
Then he gets abducted by ETs who have no concept of lying or storytelling, and assume that everything he says is true, and that he really is the greatest human who ever lived. (Spoiler alert: he escapes when he finds out they can't stand his harmonica playing!)
Here's another article about it, with some screencaps. The remarkable thing is that this episode was broadcast in 1962, a year and a half before Betty and Barney Hill spoke publicly of their abduction experience, which had happened in 1961, but was unknown to the public and press at the time. And the aliens under their human disguise have some similarities to the Gray Aliens we're all familiar with today, but weren't at all common in previous abduction stories, though similar creatures did show up from time to time in the contemporary science fiction. MInd you, these sci-fi works were in black and white, so all of those aliens would have looked gray to anyone who was watching.
when they arrive at their planet, Trump starting to make many racist comments about how bad is their planet, how ugly they are, and how greeny their children are and not white enough for him. So....they can't take him anymore.
I love it! I may borrow this idea for something later on, if you don't mind.
@uktana #9856951 ah....that Twilight zone seems like a popular tv show there, i never heard it until u once posted in the forum about it. Oh... Of course u always can borrow my idea about Trump's story, i don't have any copy right for that kind of things , and i think u always make it better than mine
BTW... Another old American tv show that i like is "The Adventure of Ozzy and Harriet" The Nelson family also have the real casts member of they real families, they also did the ad advertising on their show like George & Gracie, what i like from that is i can see the old house stuff that they use, like the Kodak camera or the cream shaker https://images.app.goo.gl/1RsvmXf8dSB3gQm1A
and then the weird thing about their show is that, they have a neighbor who always come to their house, but his wife never show up, they just use the voice and shadow of the actor, which i found funny like in "The Big Bang Theory" the character of Howard's mom only has a voice but we never seen the actor who play that roll
@uktana oh... I also have imagination that The aliens do an operation surgery to Trump's brain and searching for smart thing that he always said,but they didn't find it. That's why they don't want to attact earth and no star wars, coz they really dissapointed about what human or fox news said about the smartest and the best leader in history ever
@RusA There was a running gag in the old Bloom County comic strip (which I've been reading online lately) of Trump suffering an accident, and his brain was transplanted into a regular character named Bill the Cat, a scruffy, mangy alley cat. That was good for a few laughs. This was in 1989, so it's ridiculous how Trump got so huffy about everyone making fun of him while he was President - everyone made fun of him from the very beginning.
@uktana #9857019 Bill the cat with Trump's brain inside
Wow...they already mocking him since 1989
BTW... I was wondering if Trump can be Biden's WH press secretary? I mean Biden always says for unity and don't hate Trump. Why don't make him as his WH press secretary, he don't have any power anymore, and i think Trump always like talk at the podium, since his social media banned, it will fun to see him still fight with the media and called them "fake news"
@RusA #9857029 BTW... I was wondering if Trump can be Biden's WH press secretary? I mean Biden always says for unity and don't hate Trump. Why don't make him as his WH press secretary, he don't have any power anymore, and i think Trump always like talk at the podium, since his social media banned, it will fun to see him still fight with the media and called them "fake news"
The Republican Party is split between Trump and his supporters on the one hand, and the rest of the Party who are sick and tired of the guy and want to return to more normal Republican Party values. It tells you something about how things are going, when George W. Bush becomes the voice of reason.
Yeah... Make America Texas again
See...that Fox Business that Trump will comeback for the next election. I hope that ET never read that news
BTW... In USA, is there any non white or non Christian holiday?
@RusA #9857052 See...that Fox Business that Trump will comeback for the next election.
Fox News is just playing to an audience in order to get ratings. Nobody knows what Trump will do in 2024, or even next year when the mid-term elections come up. There are lots of House and Senate seats up for grabs, that Trump may or may support candidates for. For all we know, he might be thinking that since he's already been the Greatest President In American History, he'll be looking for the Next Big Thing to promote his brand.
My opinion right now is that he's lying low on the advice of his lawyers until the cases of the people who attacked the Capitol Building go through the court system. A lot of them are defending themselves by basically saying, "Trump made me do it!" If he's renegotiated his deal with Satan and comes out of the situation squeaky-clean, then we'll see what he's up to next.
BTW... In USA, is there any non white or non Christian holiday?
Oh, yes, we have a number of secular holidays that are not specifically Christian, notably our Independence Day or Fourth of July. And then there's New Year's Day, Groundhog Day, April Fool's Day, May Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day and many others. Of the six Federal holidays that we get paid time off for, only Christmas has any religious significance, and one may argue about how much Christ is left in Christmas these days.
There are a number of recognized holidays originating in ethnic groups - Martin Luther King Day and Juneteenth for the black community; Passover and Rosh Hashana for Jews; or Diwali for Hindus. There's some talk about giving some official recognition to Muslim holidays as well, but this is hugely controversial. Most of us don't get the day off for such observances, but most businesses have no problem letting employees have time off if they want it. We make jokes about how, when Passover come around, all the Jews at work suddenly disappear. Sometimes there are problems when Easter and Passover occur at nearly the same time, when the Christians and Jews fight over who gets time off this year.
Even our Thanksgiving, loaded as it is with quasi-religious sentiment, is essentially a secular holiday that even atheists observe, and is the one day of the year when all the Chinese restaurants are closed.
@uktana WHAT? U have an April fool as a holiday? I read that Sweden has a waffel day as a holiday
And Diwali for Indian from India, and how about the Indian native American, are the get any holiday? I mean they still USA citizen,right? Not an immigrant?
Honestly i don't really like the western news about my country, like this news https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pD58Dj648gM WHAT? indonesia is a zero tolerance? We don't just celebrate the white Christian holiday like Christmas, easter(paskah) as our national holiday here, why can they tell that Indonesia has a zero not even 10℅ tolerance i mean like...if they even look at them selves in the mirror. I bet they only have just white Christian holiday. And when they come in here, they even treat our local like we were still in the year before 1945. I mean we got our independence by blood, the Dutch never gave us that easy. Even the Netherland's king made his apologize statement to us, coz it was really bad.
But like what they said, always look at the bright side, at least our country not the target of the war immigrants
Today, even the Australia learn Indonesia language for their student in their school, but for me like when i travel abroad Indonesian is my secret language, so i can speak in front of that person the thing that they don't want to hear, but now that Australian can understand us, nothing fun anymore :
I mean like... Why don't they study their native Aborigin language? They probably can find out what the real "Kangoroo" names, i read that "Kangoroo means " I don't know in Aborigin's languange, so... If they more learn the native languange isn't that today we already know the real of that hopping animal names
@RusA #9857077 WHAT? U have an April fool as a holiday? I read that Sweden has a waffel day as a holiday
April Fools Day is a very old custom going back to Europe. In the French version, also in Quebec, they hang a fish onto someone's back so that he walks around with it until someone points it out. Poisson d'Avril! That's what they say, "April Fish!", instead of "April Fool!" It used to be a real, smelly fish, but these days it's usually paper or cardboard.
The French above translates as "to glue a fish onto someone's back".
For our April Fools Day, we don't do that. We play pranks on each other, or try to get someone to do something ridiculous to make him look like a fool. Radio stations and news outlets will often give a fake news report and then see how many listeners fall for it. It's always something ridiculous, like how the government is recalling the green money and replacing it with orange money, so we should take all our green money to the bank and have it exchanged for the orange money. The banks hated that one, because people actually did show up to exchange their money. One of my favorites was from a website that's no longer around that ran an article about a merger between Walmart and Disney Company, with the new company called WaltMart, and would open miniature Disney theme parts at Walmart stores. There's also a famous one from the BBC where they reported on the latest bumper crop of spaghetti from the Italian and Swiss spaghetti farms.
And Diwali for Indian from India, and how about the Indian native American, are the get any holiday? I mean they still USA citizen,right? Not an immigrant?
American Indians generally keep their festivals to themselves, only allowing tribal members and other people they trust to participate. Most tribes, at least the settled ones that grew crops, have a harvest festival in the autumn that in English is usually called the Green Corn Dance. Some of them are open to the public and some aren't. The local Mashantucket Pequot tribe, which owns the big Foxwoods Casino, have one they call Schemitzen in August which is quite popular. It's a multi-tribal affair, and they get Indians from all over the country to participate in traditional dance contests and sell their handicrafts to visitors. (Come for the artwork, stay for the gambling! ) The Western Cherokees used to have two corn dances, the Green Corn Dance in August, and the Ripe Corn Dance in September. These days, they split the difference and have just one: the Cherokee National Festival on Labor Day weekend in early September. Then there are what are called "powwows", which are festivals that occur throughout the year, different dates for different tribes. I know Indian artists and craftsmen who make their living on "the powwow circuit", meaning they spend most of the year traveling around the country from one tribal powwow to another selling their work.
WHAT? indonesia is a zero tolerance? We don't just celebrate the white Christian holiday like Christmas, easter(paskah) as our national holiday here, why can they tell that Indonesia has a zero not even 10℅ tolerance i mean like...if they even look at them selves in the mirror. I bet they only have just white Christian holiday.
I know, it's like some people in the media just won't accept that there's such a thing as Islam that's not theocratic and terrorist. We certainly have such people in our Christian communities, the most extreme version of which are the Christian Reconstructionists, who want to eliminate the Constitution as the basis of our civil law and replace it with something based on their interpretation of the Law of Moses (stoning gay people to death seems to be something they're especially promoting). But even not going to that extreme, a lot of conservative Christians think that the civil law ought to reflect their religious beliefs: women barred from outside-the-home employment, no businesses open on Sunday, and everything they don't like should be explicitly against the law. I think one reason they're so afraid of Muslims and their shari'a is that they don't want the competition. And yes, if it were up to them, all non-Christian holidays would be banned. Some would eliminate Christmas and Easter as being more pagan than Christian, and would prefer Biblical holy days like Passover. These are the people who are complaining these days about being persecuted by non-Christians, because they don't know the difference between persecution and not getting their way all the time.
Today, even the Australia learn Indonesia language for their student in their school, but for me like when i travel abroad Indonesian is my secret language, so i can speak in front of that person the thing that they don't want to hear, but now that Australian can understand us, nothing fun anymore
That thing about using Indonesian as a secret language that might not be so secret, reminds me of people in the neighborhood where I live - they'll switch to Spanish when they don't want us Anglos to know what they're saying, not realizing that I understand enough Spanish to follow a conversation. I never let on, though, because why spoil their fun? Australians probably learn Indonesian these days for the same reason that American schools - which used to teach only French, Spanish, and German as foreign languages - are now teaching Russian and Mandarin Chinese, because the world is a much smaller place these days.
@uktana Yeah...we also prank someone on April fool's day, but not a holiday in here.
Yeah... I mean why even that media made that news like that, Indonesia even not the biggest immigrant in their country, we even have a Buddhist holiday, and Hindu holiday, when i went to Mt.Bromo in East Java with my friends, that place is a Hindu place and no Mosque in that place, 4 of my friends are muslim men and it was Friday, they just didn't do the Friday prayer without grumpy, nothing with zero tolerance at all. Maybe they just want to make the muslims as their next target for they neo NAZI concentrasion camp, and not enough with the muslim in middle east. No wonder that they think that Indonesian don't eat pork even we export our pork to Singapore, and never drink any alcohol. If someone ask me that question again maybe i'm just say that so true, so.. I don't wast my energy for deny it, whatever they say, i don't really care anymore
Seems like all the news we get over here about Indonesia is about plane crashes and terrorist bombings and how bad covid-19 is over there. That's if we hear any news about the country at all, which we don't get very much of. It's mostly China and India and Japan with pretty much nothing in between. One of the reasons our domestic terrorist problem is so bad now in the U.S. is that Homeland Security was focusing so much on Muslim-Americans, who mostly just want to live their lives and make a living like the rest of us, that the violent end of the alt-right, the militia movement, and various other fruitcake groups were allowed to grow with very little attention, until they tried to overthrow our government. Now all of a sudden, DHS is saying, "OMG, the country is full of terrorists - and they're all white native-born Americans!!!!"
@uktana #9857138 yeah...there was a controversial things after the Vegas shooting, how the Western media always pick aside, like when it's Black peoples then they always say "a murder", and if they a Muslim they use the word " terrorist" and when they a white, they use more positive names like "a good person with mental problems" it's all about the positive names, recently that Colorado shooting also, when the media report that he isn't a racist man, i saw South China Morning post, all Asian comments "What?he killed 6 Asian women, and they said he's not a racist?". And like when John Oliver explaining about immigrant stealing somekind of small things but the media reported with the bad negative things, he always said "look at the British Museum, that place is full of stolen stuffs from all over the world" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hoTxiRWrvp8
Theres a strange local news that i read recently, that the Netherland goverment will send all their things in their museum, stuffs about Indonesia that they brought in their colonialism era, and i was thinking isn't that the British Museum that they were protesting about? Why the Netherland is the one who send their stuffs back to us
And about the plane crash, we suspect that our sea has some kind that powerfull magnet like that Bermuda triangel, it''s always the budget airplanes that crashed when they fly not that high, not that our national airplane. And the Covid-19 magically no one of my family and relatives got that, two month ago my aunt sent a message news, asking families to pray for my father's cousin who got that Covid-19, coz he already in ICU and need the plasma donor, and i was thinking "oh... That uncle and my father was really close, and he is a good uncle" but then my aunt gave the news that he survive after a relatives gave a herbal medicine to him at the hospital
The negative news it is the one more like when i saw our local news about Israel that always negative. Then when i saw in Rick Steve travel video that Palestinian crossing the border to work in Israel, like i though they just killing each others , or when Conan O'brien went to Israel and the visit the Syrian refugee hospital, that kind of positive news never reported by our local news, so...peoples in here just think that Israel just bad, and nothing good about them
@RusA #9857151
Our government used to be reluctant to call anyone but Muslim attackers "terrorists", but since nearly all of the mass shootings lately, and plots uncovered and thwarted by the FBI, have been by American citizens working to promote a radical political movement, the Feds have finally come to their senses and started using the term "domestic terrorism". They do make a distinction between the shooter representing a group, and some lone fruitcake that went off his nut and started shooting up a mall or something. The former is a terrorist, but the latter is just some crazy guy with a gun.
As for Israel, the media here in the States tends to be pro-Israel; but more finely divided, the Right supports the Israeli government and the Left supports the Palestinians in their fight for equal rights. I try to stay out of the fight, especially since most of the time the Israelis and the Palestinians manage to live together relatively peaceably, with flare-ups breaking out from time to time; and so long as there isn't a war going on, I'm happy to let them mind their own business.
@RusA #9857151 Theres a strange local news that i read recently, that the Netherland goverment will send all their things in their museum, stuffs about Indonesia that they brought in their colonialism era, and i was thinking isn't that the British Museum that they were protesting about? Why the Netherland is the one who send their stuffs back to us
There's a movement now for all the old colonial powers to send back stuff they carted off from colonies when they were the local landlords. The items in the British Museum get most of the attention, but everyone was doing it back then, and some modern nations, like the Netherlands, are doing more about it than the UK. The two arguments are: on one hand, these items were stolen from those who created them and ought to be returned; on the other hand, if they're sent back, they'll just gather dust in some closet in Egypt or wherever, whereas in a major museum they can be seen and appreciated by the whole world.
Our version of that is the Repatriation movement, about how Native American artifacts that are displayed in museums ought to be returned to the tribes they were taken from. This is especially important when it comes to ritual items and skeletons, because traditional ritual practice and connection to the ancestors are major parts of Indian culture. There's certainly a good deal of justice in this movement, but unfortunately it's been muddied by what some people call "category grifters". Those are the people who insist that because they belong to some category of people who have suffered awful things, they therefore ought to be given goodies that they haven't earned. One of the worst examples of this are cases of prehistoric skeletons being claimed by various contemporary Indian tribes that can't possibly have existed when that skeleton was walking around in flesh and blood several thousand years ago.
This is a general problem with dealing with Indian tribes, because the "tribe" is a political unit created by the U.S. government in, mostly, the 1800s. The Indians themselves divided up in a variety of ways, mostly based on ancestry, language, and culture. Some of these correspond to modern tribes and some don't. Especially in cases where small neighboring bands were fused together by the Bureau of Indian Affairs into a larger tribe that they could manage more efficiently - something like what the British did in Mesopotamia after WW 1 to create the nation of Iraq - it can be difficult to determine what belongs to whom.
@uktana #9857201 ow...thanx for that info, i don't know about that movement. I though it was just like... there was a conflic between the China and Phillipines about their sea zone teritory, and the result was they gave Indonesia more portion of that sea, but we didn't do the protest about it in the first place , so when i saw the news about Netherlands give us back our stuff, i just remember about that British Museum protest.
My grandma used to show me a gold medal from Dutch queen, when her grandma went to Netherland and receive that medal after she made some traditional handmade fabric, so... I though that Indonesian stuff there not all stolen things, coz they gave us the gold medal as change.
Wow... That skeleton seems so spooky
@uktana like this Malaysian Airlines https://satwcomic.com/lost it lost contact after they enter Indonesian sea, and found just small pieces in Hindia ocean between Indonesia and Australia, that plane should be go north to Hongkong, and recently we also lost our submarine in south Bali sea, there something strange with our sea, maybe there is Aliens in our sea
Expt. For the Lion Air that was Boing problem with their new plane.
@RusA #9857160
I'm surprised that all the Bermuda Triangle nuts don't write about things going on around Indonesia. Maybe it's all the mermaids that are causing the trouble, or the tribal people aren't sacrificing enough virgins to the sea gods or something.
@uktana #9857192 i feel like in today world, when internet become cheap and free wi-fii everywhere ,so everyone can get their information so fast and upload their own story...seems like everyone can playing the "Victim", like Palestinian playing the victim, Israeli playing the victim, Trump playing the victim, the immigrants playing the victim, even the victim also playing the victim (they make they
bad things into worst) to make a symphaty from the audience from all over the world, just like that Shakespear says that everyone is merelly player in As u like it. For me like always see the news and see it as 50/50 not trusting that 100℅. Always become neutral like Switzerland, they more like neutral in everything, not into world war and even they are a rich country they don't want to join the EU , btw why is the neutral countries in WWII always start with the letter "S" (Switzerland, Spain, and Sweden) ? and i think like the "Karma" is never wrong, in here we always have a forest fires/ wild fires every summer, the smokes always go bad and come to Singapore and Malaysia, and they must to close school and workplaces coz it's unhealthy, first they blame Indonesia for that smokes, but then after the investigation we did, the source of that wild fires are made by the owner of oil palm plantation in Sumatra and Kalimantan island, and whose the owner of that plantation? They are the citizen of Singapore and Malaysia in Indonesia we have this quotes "Tidak ada asap jika tidak ada api" means that theres no smoke if theres no fire, if we want to know why we get smokes, we have to find who set the fire. The Singapore and Malaysia goverment finally give charge to their citizen who made that fire. And magically the smokes never going to Java island, Thailand, but i don't know if Brunei Darussalam get that smokes too. Even that wildfire in Australia, the smoke never get to Java island see...that Karma never wrong
Yes, it's quite a business, this victim game. One hot-button issue today is that black people who have never been enslaved want white people who have never owned slaves, to pay them "reparations" (which is otherwise spelled "f-r-e-e m-o-n-e-y" )
because their ancestors from five, six, or seven generations ago were slaves who were badly treated. The only fair kind of reparations are to living people who have been imprisoned for decades for a crime that contemporary re-examination proves they didn't commit, who who have otherwise suffered a catastrophic loss at the hands of the government or the police. Everything else is pretty much trying to get something for nothing.
I mentioned the term "category grifter" before; "grifter" means a con artist, and a category grifter is a person who insist that because they belong to some category of people who have suffered awful things, they ought to be given goodies they haven't earned. Now even white people are getting into the act: I'm unlucky that I have no ancestors who were Irish (who were badly treated by the British, and then badly treated when they came to the U.S.) or Italian (who were poor or persecuted in the Old Country, and also treated badly when they came here). In reality, German immigrants and German-Americans were persecuted, if not viciously attacked, during World War I in much the same way that Muslims are today, so maybe I can get in on the Oppression Olympics myself. Though people would tend not to take you seriously if you tried to claim special favors because your German ancestors were treated badly.
Jews were treated pretty badly both in Europe and the U.S., but except for some legitimate situations in Germany that occurred during the Nazi era, they're not trying to get reparations - probably because (as some would say) they own everything and control the money supply anyway. Or maybe it's just because their culture teaches people to be responsible and to work hard to get what you want.
Funny that in your language it's "There's no smoke where there's no fire". In English, we express it in just the opposite way: "Where there's smoke, there's fire", meaning if there are rumors going around about something, there's probably some kind of truth behind it. Since this is obviously not always the case, some of us clever people will say, "Where there's smoke, it might just be a smokebomb".
@uktana #9857247 WHAT? I never heard about that "reparation", that insane
Even the first country is playing the victim too, i mean... It was a treaty agreement to open their country for immigrants, so..they have responsibility to follow that treaty(i forgot the name of that treaty) so... If they don't want their country full of immigrant, why don't they renew that treaty? Or make something to make the original country peacefull again.
But white peoples this day also must to remind themselves that black peoples today already free, so...they won't call 911 when black peoples just want to relax having barbeque at the park
BTW... I read this from an Indonesian who live in Norway, and she works in University in Oslo. One day one of her coworker (a German proffesor in university) went jail, coz someone made a call to police when he was walking with his black wife, the German proffesor has a long hair, and the university must to explain to the police that he and his wife not a criminal, they were just exercising at the park
Must be aliens to blame or something for the Masalembo Triangle, and not mermaids. The ETs or Atlanteans or whoever must have moved that giant crystal pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean over to Southeast Asia - some of the articles I found pointed out that there haven't been any mysterious crashes or disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle for a good long time, but just look at what's going on in Indonesia! They suggested that whatever force used to be active in the Atlantic has now moved, and that would explain what's going on in your part of the world. (The idea of the crystal pyramids being moved is my own addition to the pile of nonsense accumulated information. )
@uktana #9857249 WHAT? Crystal Pyramid from Planet Krypton
We already sacrified some virgin goat and chicken, like in Thailand they use Fanta to replace the blood
I find it funny that people who follow Afro-Caribbean religions (Voudoun, Macumba, Santera, etc) offer rum to their loa (gods and spirits). They also sacrifice chickens, so maybe the loa would be satisfied with Fanta if it was offered to them in place of the chickens.
@RusA #9857286 WHAT? I never heard about that "reparation", that insane
You'd think so, huh? This idea got started as a minor idea within the Civil Rights movement in the Sixties, but faded away until recently. Now with everything being about "systemic racism", the idea has reared its ugly head again. To me, the idea of paying reparations to people because their distant ancestors were enslaved is about as nonsensical as one Balkan ethnic group demanding reparations from another Balkan ethnic group, because that group pushed the members of the first group into the territory of a third group, who treated them badly. But then, I'm a middle-class white male, what do I know, right?
But white peoples this day also must to remind themselves that black peoples today already free, so...they won't call 911 when black peoples just want to relax having barbeque at the park
Not to be unfair about it, because black people and Hispanics, and recently Asians as well, can't go outside and be 100% guaranteed they won't be hassled by someone. Puerto Ricans especially and Asian-Americans get shouted at to "go back to where you came from", even though "where they came from" might just as easily be Brooklyn as anyplace else. It's part of our culture that when things start going downhill, we start blaming people who "look different".
Oh, yes, I've heard of this one. I think the U.S. is a signatory to part of it but not all of it, but I'm not really sure. Our problems with immigrants has been with "economic immigrants", who come here to make a better life, and not so much political refugees except during major wars. But the majority of our recent immigrants at the southern border have been refugees from Central America fleeing violence and persecution, rather than economic immigrants from Mexico looking for work. We don't want to send them back to a dangerous situation, but there are so many that we can't possibly absorb them all. So it's a problem, and will be one of the issues that will define the Biden administration in history, just as Trump's failure to build his big, beautiful wall is one of his.
@uktana #9857300 But then, I'm a middle-class white male, what do I know, right?
Oh.... I have a brilliant ideas about this one
1. First u show them your empty wallet and say "see...theres nothing in there."
2. More creative way..u should fill your wallet with leaves from trees and then show them any say "please... Take them all, i don't need them anymore.
I saw in Conan O'brien that Biden want to change " andrew JacKson" pic with "Harriet Tubman" in $20 , that thing was told in Obama era but then Trump cancled that. And then Conan said that "it's a great thing, but we don't use paper money anymore, specially in this pandemic".
Yeah... Your economical immigrant, maybe they just want to see " Robocop".
I saw on youtube that middle eastern immigrant made a video about how they can pick real money on trees in Sweden, maybe that's why they take a risk to ride small boat to Europe
@RusA #9857313 It's a good thing they didn't decide to try to put Tubman on a new one-dollar coin. Both the Susan B. Anthony dollar and the Sacagawea dollar were huge flops. I'm not sure why the U.S. Mint keeps putting out dollar coins when it's clear that the public doesn't want to use them. The twenty-dollar bill is the most widely used of the paper currency, so white supremacists will have to start doing what American Indians have done with the Andrew Jackson twenty for many years: only handle the bill face down so you don't have to look at the portrait. (Pres. Andrew Jackson is one of the most hated historical figures to Indians, since he forced the Southeastern tribes off their land and onto the first reservation.)
And then Conan said that "it's a great thing, but we don't use paper money anymore, specially in this pandemic".
Funny you should mention it: when I got my haircut, I offered my debit card as usual, and the barber said, Sorry we don't take cards, it's cash only. I realized that I hadn't handled any cash for a good three months. Fortunately, he trusted me to run around the corner to the ATM.
Yeah... Your economical immigrant, maybe they just want to see " Robocop".
I've been making jokes about how all those unaccompanied minors showing up at the southern border from Central America, want to come to America because it's a free country where they can read Dr. Seuss books, watch Speedy Gonzales cartoons, and eat lots of pancakes with Aunt Jemima syrup while they watch the Washington Redskins play football.
@uktana #9857317 oh... I saw in Truman movie, when he said that he was joinning the white supremacist when he was young coz his father was there too, and George Washington wasn't really happy when his army mixed with black peoples.
Maybe u're the loyal customer in that barber shop, so.... They trust u when u said don't have any cash.
i'm still using cash in here for buy anything from the small shop nearby coz they don't take any card too, i even don't wear a mask when go there to buy something
Lol yeah...many immigrants come to USA to read Dr. Seuss books, but i don't know who is Speedy Gonzales and Aunt Jemima syrup.
I don't really understand why they really want to move to the first country, for me like even the news always said a good things about the first country, such as... Zero crimes, great education, exellent health care, very-very rich, cleanest water, healthiest foods, very-very happy place, modern technology....etc... But still why they suicide rate is so high? Not just the first country that full with immigrants, in Asia a country like Japan, which just approve max 6 immigrants a year also has the highest suicide rate.
I mean like in here we have to much excusses to die, like we kill each others when i see the crime news, or vulcano can kill us, or Tsunami can kill us, or our polluted and unhealthy foods can kill us, but most of us still alive and still the most populated country in the world
And if i want to be an immigrant, i more prefer the country like Barbados, coz i can't stand the cold in 4 seasons country, maybe just visit the first country for 2 weeks is a fun thing but not to move there
@RusA #9857322 oh... I saw in Truman movie, when he said that he was joinning the white supremacist when he was young coz his father was there too, and George Washington wasn't really happy when his army mixed with black peoples.
In Washington's time, most black people were still slaves, in fact the Founding Fathers are all getting a bad rap from the "anti-racism" crowd for owning slaves, even though if you had a farm or a large business, you had slaves, period - that's just how things were back then. Free blacks certainly existed, but how "equal" they were was quite controversial at the time.
Irrespective of what racist ideas Pres. Truman grew up with in Missouri, he's a major figure in the Civil Rights history because he desegregated the Armed Forces. This was a very big deal at the time (1948). I'm not sure what his attitudes were in other situations.
Lol yeah...many immigrants come to USA to read Dr. Seuss books, but i don't know who is Speedy Gonzales and Aunt Jemima syrup.
I was making a joke about how the Left wants to eliminate anything it sees as having anything at all to do with their use of the word "racist". This included eliminating any people of color from the logos or advertising of products, or in books and films that children might see, or that they themselves might see and get offended by. I made a Totally Not Fake News thread about it when it first hit the news cycle. ~9833139
Aunt Jemima is a brand of syrup that used a "Negro Mammy" character in its advertising, when such things were acceptable. This is considered an offensive stereotype today; and even though the look of Aunt Jemima changed over the years to a friendly middle-class black woman, this didn't satisfy the critics.
Old Aunt Jemima / New Aunt Jemima
I sort of understand that one, but eliminating Uncle Ben makes less sense, and changing the female-shaped bottle of Mrs. Butterworth syrup makes even less sense, since she's not explicitly a black woman anyway.
Speedy Gonzales is a popular character on the old Warner Brothers cartoons, where he and Sylvester the Cat had the kind of relationship that The Road Runner and The Coyote had - Sylvester would try to catch Speedy, and Speedy would zoom around and get the best of him. The Left considers him to be an offensive stereotype of Mexicans, even though Hispanic people love the character. Perfect example of white people getting publicly offended on behalf of minority people who are not offended in the first place. And if you point this out to them, they just insist that those poor minority people are just too dumb to be offended by such obviously evil images. (Not that they put it exactly that way, of course. They would say something more like, that Black-and-Brown People need to have their consciousness raised about the systemic racism that they weren't paying attention to up to now - or something like that.)
And six of Dr. Seuss' books have been dropped by the publisher for racially-insensitive drawings of Africans and Asians, and the result was that many other Dr. Seuss books shot up into the top twenty books being sold on Amazon. I made a Fake News post about this ~9855395 , and also a serious one that this might be a plot by the publisher to sacrifice a few least-selling books in order to get sensible people mad enough to go out and buy the other books. ~9855528
I mean like in here we have to much excusses to die, like we kill each others when i see the crime news, or vulcano can kill us, or Tsunami can kill us, or our polluted and unhealthy foods can kill us, but most of us still alive and still the most populated country in the world
Sounds like Indonesia is almost as bad as Australia about everything wanting to kill you, except tht Australia has fewer people to kill.
#9857326. Maybe that peoples want to erase all the bad stereotype about black peoples for almost 300 years, it's not just in USA, but some in small part of the world, it still exist. And that many Hollywood movie recently also make that as awareness of that kind of bad prejudice. It's also one of the song in "into the woods", want to change that things start from the children in today generation. And they don't sell that books just in USA, but all over the world. https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/barbrastreisand/childrenwilllisten.html How do you say to your child in the night
"Nothing's all black, but then nothing's all white"
How do you say "It will all be alright"
When you know that it might not be true
What do you do?
Careful the things you say
Children will listen
Careful the things you do
Children will see and learn
Children may not obey
But, children will listen
Children will look to you
For which way to turn
To learn what to be
Careful before you say
"Listen to me"
Children will listen
This song also is in "into the woods" movie.
Like that when Justin Trudeu must apologize for his black face picture, or Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon had to appologize when they play black face character in SNL, moral of that story : before u get famous, make sure that u don't have any racist comment or racist picture from the past documented coz the internet will always find it, and since u a white man, they will make it bigger
Yeah... Why people always think that Australia full of many scary things that can kill them They more have friendly city with free clean toilet like Brisbane . My mom said in Switzerland their toilets are so clean but expensive
My friend once told me, after she went to Singapore that she found out that the news in Singapore aren't really news, she meant that theres no criminal news there, then i said "yeah.. They crime is almost zero, they also the first country in south east Asia." and then she said "but it so boring". So...maybe for Indonesian our crime news can be somekind of entertainment
@RusA #9857335 Like that when Justin Trudeu must apologize for his black face picture, or Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon had to appologize when they play black face character in SNL, moral of that story : before u get famous, make sure that u don't have any racist comment or racist picture from the past documented coz the internet will always find it, and since u a white man, they will make it bigger
That's true. Blackface comedy used to be considered funny rather than insulting, sometimes considered a friendly tribute to black culture. It was quite popular among college frat boys, which is getting a lot of them in trouble if they become famous later on.
Also, in the old days, theatrical actors were taught to do "ethnic" makeup and accents as part of their craft, which included stereotyped "Negro", "Oriental", and "Native" characters. This sort of thing is considered unacceptable today, especially when done in a ridiculous way like Mickey Rooney's Japanese character in Breakfast At Tiffany's. I just saw an old horror movie called From Hell It Came, the one about a killer tree stump , and though it takes place on an unnamed South Sea island, most of the "natives" were obviously American actors in dark makeup and wigs.
My father tells about the time when he was in college in the mid-Seventies: one of their talent shows was framed as an episode of Johnny Carson's Tonight Show, with students playing Carson and his sidekick Ed McMahon and various then-well-known celebrities. Then the students who were presenting their talents were introduced as "guests" on the show (including my dad's jazz ensemble). One of the "celebrities" on the show was a football player who dressed up as someone who was quite well-known at the time: the black comedian Flip Wilson in his drag character "Geraldine Jones". To be clear about it: this white student did a routine as Geraldine in blackface and in drag! This was in the mid-Seventies, when blackface was still considered funny, but drag was quite risqué. We don't know what ever became of that student. He could get away with it because he was an straight athlete and a leftist activist - blackface and drag was sort of his way of demonstrating that everyone is equal, male, female, black, white, and everyone. Not many people would see it that way today, and we sometimes joke about if he turned conservative like a lot of Seventies liberals did in the Eighties, and suddenly the college yearbook turned up at his investment firm or whatever, with the photo of him as Geraldine.
My friend once told me, after she went to Singapore that she found out that the news in Singapore aren't really news, she meant that theres no criminal news there, then i said "yeah.. They crime is almost zero, they also the first country in south east Asia." and then she said "but it so boring"
My impression of Singapore is that there's so little crime because they'll slap you in jail and beat you with a rattan cane for tossing a wrapper on the sidewalk. So everyone behaves themselves.
We don't have a lot of pay toilets in the U.S., but in many places the public toilets are locked and you have to get the key from whomever is in charge. Cleanliness varies enormously, from squeaky clean to shockingly filthy, and a lot of public facilities make a big deal out of how spic-and-span their bathrooms are. There's a joke about a Swede driving across America who saw a sign that said: CLEAN BATHROOMS, so he cleaned fifty of them.
@uktana #9857348 the funny thing that i found about the peoples on the internet, they not just digging about a white man or woman did in their past with somekind the racist thing that normal in the past. Even Kamala Haris as a women who half black and half Indian, if u think that peoples on the internet just let her go, ŵell... They don't, they keep digging about Kamala's grandfather in Jamaica who had slaves so....they not just attack the white person,but also the black women about her ancestor, that so insane
Yeah...Singapore secret agent also have an access to the phone of their citizen, since they just a small country and have just couples of peoples, and a spy camera everywhere, and too much rules. There was an Indonesia teenagers got viral coz when she went to Singapore with her friends, the hotel staff suspect her bring drugs or cocain, when the cleaning lady staff found a white powder when she clean the toilet, they sent her and her friends to the police. And u know what? It's not a cocain or any drugs, it just the a "deodorant powder" but the hotel wasn't feel guilty about it, and gave her charge of broken door that the hotel staff made. And the girl's father wasn't really happy about it and made a bad review about the hotel to the media. Then the hotel made a apologize statement and cancel their charge. Singapore is the only country in south east Asia which has that free drinkable water in their park
Oh... That's a funny jokes about a Sweds clean the toilet
@uktana #9856863 oh...Gracie always has many weird jokes. What i like about that show is they always do the advertising during the show, like how to use the "Carnation" then Harry Von Zell will make a cream souce or something from the milk.
And in one episode that Harry Morton said that "if he has a wife like Gracie, then he will be rich ļike George "
@RusA #9856872 What i like about that show is they always do the advertising during the show, like how to use the "Carnation" then Harry Von Zell will make a cream souce or something from the milk.
I know, it always seems strange to me when they bring the story to a screeching halt in order to hawk some Carnation evaporated milk. Evidently, this was the way products were advertised on TV back then, but there are very few examples left that anyone watches, and we're so used to discrete commercial breaks that it seems at least as weird as Gracie's dialogue.
@uktana #9856874 yeah...and another weird thing on the show was, when their children finally came to the show, they already teenagers, first they introduce there was a daughter and a son, in season 4,but then only the son "Ronny" who still stay until the end of the seasons, and he is their real adopted son of George and Gracie.
I've seen that kind of things when i saw the "Cosby show" before i know that Bill Cosby is a sexual predator
In the Cosby show pilot, they said they just have 3 kids, but then they added one more"Sandra" after some episodes and said their oldest kid study in university that never home, and TA-DA they ended with 4 kids. It' doesn't matter if it's not make sense, it just a tv show
@RusA There are more than a few incidents of TV shows changing the number of children, sometimes explained, sometimes not. On the 60s sitcom My Three Sons, the oldest son got married and moved out of town. So in order to keep from having to change the name of the show to My Two Sons and the One Who Doesn't Live Here Anymore , the family adopted a younger orphan who had previously been fostered by some of their neighbors, and became three sons again. So that one was well-explained.
Fun fact: the actor who played the new son, Barry Livingston, was the biological brother of the actor who played the the now-middle son, Stanley Livingston. It's weird that the stepson looks more like one of his stepbrothers, than that stepbrother looks like his "natural" brother.
Fred MacMurray, William Demarest, and the three sons. The Livingston brothers are in the front.
Not so well explained was the disappearance of Chuck Cunningham on the Seventies show Happy Days, the older brother of Ritchie (Ron Howard's character). His unexplained disappearance, and the fact that he was never again mentioned on the show, gave the name to a dramatic trope: Chuck Cunningham Syndrome. There's another famous example in one of the old soap operas. From the article linked above:
In a 1970 episode of the soap All My Children, a teen named Bobby Martin goes up in his family's attic to wax his skis. The actor was then abruptly fired and so Bobby was never seen again. Years later, the show lampshaded this by having a character go into the same attic and find a skeleton with a pair of skis, wearing a ski hat with "Bobby" on it ...
@uktana #9856892 ow... Thanx, so many that i never seen "My three sons" and "Happy days", they made that a syndrom
Yeah...the actor not only left but sometimes they got fired or die, and they change the actors and the story but not the name of the show
@RusA #9856897 This reminds me of an incident that happened with a sitcom back in the Eighties: Valerie Harper was a popular actress, known for a role in the classic Mary Tyler Moore Show, and she got her own sitcom titled Valerie, in which she played a character named Valerie Hogan. After two seasons of good ratings, she demanded more money, and when the production company wouldn't give it to her, she walked out. This was followed by a series of lawsuits and negotiations, which ended up with the producers basically telling her, "You can't quit, you're fired!" The show continued with the teenage sons, and with their aunt heading the household, under the name Valerie's Family. The series continued to do well in the ratings, so the brass decided, "Well, who needs Valerie Harper anyway?", and the name was changed to The Hogan Family, and it went on for three more seasons.
Something similar happened to Roseanne Barr, with the new version of her sitcom Rosanne: when she got too demanding, the brass fired her, but continued the show under the name The Conners, and it's presently doing quite well without her.
@uktana #9856907 oh...that Rossane was the still new, i remember one of the late night tv show mocking her, after her show was cancel and she move to Israel to runaway from her drama. And then the host said "u go to middle east to find a peacefull place"
@RusA #9856911 Roseanne's done some pretty bizarre things in her lifetime, so it doesn't surprise me that she would go to the Middle East to find a peaceful life. She ran for President in 2012 (Spoiler alert: she lost ). I think I had a post somewhere in my Not Fake News thread about how after Sarah Huckabee Sanders stepped down from her position as White House press secretary, Trump was going to appoint Roseanne to replace her.
@uktana #9856948 ow...so Kanye West isn't the only one who lost at his presidency campaign
Trump always had the funniest White House press secretary like that Sarah Sanders, Sean Spicer, i hope it was Roseanne and not that McEnnany
Today WH press secretary is just too normal, i never interested to watch it again
@RusA #9856966 Trump always had the funniest White House press secretary like that Sarah Sanders, Sean Spicer, i hope it was Roseanne and not that McEnnany
Today WH press secretary is just too normal, i never interested to watch it again
I'm a little late in noticing this one, but I couldn't help commenting about how nice it is to have a President that doesn't stick his face in a TV camera every chance he gets, who people don't listen to most of what he says, and who seems to want to work with the Republicans to get things done. (So far I'd give him a grade of C- on that one, but he's got lots of room to improve ). Also, it's nice to have a Press Secretary who doesn't lie about everything, and a Cabinet full of people who I have to look up to remember who they are, and who just quietly do their jobs. Boy, what a difference!
I do miss some of the entertainment value of Trump's Press Secretaries and Cabinet members, and it's darn difficult to figure out how to make fun of them, but I'm not really complaining about it.
@RusA #9856966 Trump always had the funniest White House press secretary like that Sarah Sanders, Sean Spicer, i hope it was Roseanne and not that McEnnany
Today WH press secretary is just too normal, i never interested to watch it again
I'm a little late in noticing this one, but I couldn't help commenting about how nice it is to have a President that doesn't stick his face in a TV camera every chance he gets, who people don't listen to most of what he says, and who seems to want to work with the Republicans to get things done. (So far I'd give him a grade of C- on that one, but he's got lots of room to improve ). Also, it's nice to have a Press Secretary who doesn't lie about everything, and a Cabinet full of people who I have to look up to remember who they are, and who just quietly do their jobs. Boy, what a difference!
I do miss some of the entertainment value of Trump's Press Secretaries and Cabinet members, and it's darn difficult to figure out how to make fun of them, but I'm not really complaining about it.
@RusA #9856966 Trump always had the funniest White House press secretary like that Sarah Sanders, Sean Spicer, i hope it was Roseanne and not that McEnnany
Today WH press secretary is just too normal, i never interested to watch it again
I'm a little late in noticing this one, but I couldn't help commenting about how nice it is to have a President that doesn't stick his face in a TV camera every chance he gets, who people don't listen to most of what he says, and who seems to want to work with the Republicans to get things done. (So far I'd give him a grade of C- on that one, but he's got lots of room to improve ). Also, it's nice to have a Press Secretary who doesn't lie about everything, and a Cabinet full of people who I have to look up to remember who they are, and who just quietly do their jobs. Boy, what a difference!
I do miss some of the entertainment value of Trump's Press Secretaries and Cabinet members, and it's darn difficult to figure out how to make fun of them, but I'm not really complaining about it.
@uktana #9857278 yeah... Funny things that i know and just remember all the WH press secretary in Trump era, i didn''t know who was in Obama era and even in Biden era
@RusA #9857284 yeah... Funny things that i know and just remember all the WH press secretary in Trump era, i didn''t know who was in Obama era and even in Biden era
I know Jen Psaki, Biden's press secretary, just because she's on the news all the time, but I'd pretty much have to go all the way back to the Reagan administration to find a familiar name, and that's just because I watch the Johnny Carson show a lot, and he made fun of them sometimes.
@uktana #9856909 when i took a picture with a big tiger at a zoo. The tiger really looks like a big cat and i just want to do like Elmyra always do to her cat in looney toons "I Taut I Taw A Putty- Tat"
@RusA #9856912 Our public TV network had a series of documentaries about cats, talking about their evolution, their history, and how they live in their environments, from lions and tigers to housecats. One of the most impressive things was that they pointed out that biologically, all cats are pretty much the same, in spite of their differences in looks and size. When I've seen them in zoos, it doesn't take much imagination to see them as being just big housecats.
Supposedly, cats became domesticated shortly after humans invented agriculture and then invented something called "grain storage". With stored grain came hungry mice, and after the mice showed up, the wild desert or jungle cats starting showing up to prey on them. It didn't take long for the humans to realize that it would be nice to have cats around all the time, and for the cats to realize that there was more to life than scrounging around for a living.
@uktana #9856943 ow...thanx for the explanation about the King of the jugle and the king of the internet, they're almost the same
But i'm afraid if i do things when i touch the big tiger like i do to the small cat, that Tiger will eat me
@RusA Yeah, I've had a few "playful" fights with cats that left scratches all over my forearms, so they're by no means less fully armed than a tiger, they're just smaller. If a housecat were big enough, it would probably eat humans, too.
@uktana #9857018 oh...when my parents told me to sleep alone in my own bed room for the first time, i asked them if i can pet a cat, i was afraid with ghost and didn't want to sleep alone upstairs. First they said "no" cat as a pet since my father already have fish and bird as pets. But then there was a foster cat that always came to our house, and my father's car accidently crash the cat, we though the cat run away and die somewhere, but then he magically came back and alive, they really have a nine life
So...finally i was allowed to pet that cat, and sleep with the cat in my bed room, but it wasn't easy to make the cat stay all night in my room. I must to fight with the cat, so he can't escape from the window and my arm always full with the scratches all the time. My friends always asked me when they saw all that scratches if i fight with someone or i want to kill myself, and i must to explained to them that it was a cat that made it
BTW, my mom said if the cat can life for over ten years, they become a witch,and my first cat life almost 15 years, so we though he must be a witch
@RusA #9857028 First they said "no" cat as a pet since my father already have fish and bird as pets.
Yeah, I can see how with fish and birds as pets, they'd be reluctant to have a cat around.
BTW, my mom said if the cat can life for over ten years, they become a witch,and my first cat life almost 15 years, so we though he must be a witch
I've never heard that one. In Western folklore, cats are associated with witches, but as familiars (demonic assistants) or as the shape a witch takes when she sends her spirit out to cause mischief. One or both of these is the reason we say that it's bad luck for a black cat to cross your path: it might be that a witch or her familiar has noticed you and might do you harm.
As far as age goes, a fifteen-year-old cat is just an old cat, we have no particular anxieties about that, except that the owner might have to spend a bundle of money on veterinarian bills.
@uktana Oh....the cat was abandoned adult cat that i took and foster, just short hair local cat, not a persian flat nose or angora cat. The local cat in here usually just eat fish mixed with rice and nothing expensive foods, and he was an expert hunter, coz he used to be outside. I once found the Persian cat, and after asked the neighbor if they lost their cat, and nobody claim the cat, then try to feed him, first with the expensive foods but then he doesn't want to eat that food again and more like the fish mixed with rice
Yeah... Why is always black cat associated with witch, for me all cat are evil
@RusA #9857053 Yeah... Why is always black cat associated with witch, for me all cat are evil
It may be because the color black is traditionally associated with sorrow and loss (people at funerals and in mourning often dress in black), and also with the Devil and the powers of darkness. Witches were said to deal with the Devil appearing as "The Black Man" - this does not mean a person of African descent with dark brown skin; it means a humanoid figure who is literally the color of coal. So, in a natural association of thought, black cats along with other black animals came to be seen as servants of these powers.
I think a lot of that comes from the spookiness of encountering a black cat at night: they blend into the darkness, so they can suddenly appear or disappear seemingly out of nowhere; or they can appear as just a pair of glowing eyes, which can be quite frightening until you figure out that it's just a cat.
@uktana Ow....thanx for the explanation, but when i was in the dark, i can't even see my white shirt and all colors, expt. If it's glow in the dark, and every cats have their light in their eyes when the dark. So... I'm still in my opinion that all cats are evil, not only the black one
@uktana #9857073 BTW i didn't mean that black cat as the racist way. And i know u're not racist either coz u use your ID "Uktena" as native American legend, i love all your answears, but sorry i can't reply it in long answear coz i get dizzy with my own english
That's OK, I don't have much trouble following what you're saying, and you seem to understand me OK, which is more than I can say for some English speakers, who think I "use too many big words".
And besides that, you're about the only person left on this board I can have decent conversations with. The Yellow Aardvark just wants to play headgames, American Butterfly mostly talks about fan art, comrade_Comrade might as well be "Russia Today Digest", and except for Erik, everyone else seems to have left. I continue to post on the forum just because I've been doing it so long, and these days I do it mostly to amuse myself.
@uktana #9857136 luckily we do this conversation in written, so... I can use google for something that i don't understand if we do this face to face, u only just look at my blank face " heh...what? I don't understand what u mean??? and when i speak the English words is worst that my writting
Yeah...more jokes from Eric's post
Psssstttt... I hope that Eric didn't read our adult conversiation about "Doraemon" he's too young for that
@RusA #9857153 luckily we do this conversation in written, so... I can use google for something that i don't understand
I'm glad you take the trouble to look things up, that's what I do when I talk to people on other forums, esp people who are older than me who remember a lot of pop culture that I either don't know at all, or have barely heard of. Unfortunately, from a lot of people I get a response something like, "I don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, and don't care even a little bit".
if we do this face to face, u only just look at my blank face " heh...what? I don't understand what u mean??? and when i speak the English words is worst that my writting
I can sympathize somewhat, because that's how I am with French. I can write in French pretty well with a fair number of grammatical mistakes, but when I try to speak it to a French person, that's pretty much the reaction I get - that blank look that says I might as well be speaking Swahili to them. I can also carry on a written conversation in German and Danish, but forget about any face-to-face conversation in those two languages!
@uktana #9857195 Swahili? How about your native Chinese
I think that u're smart but not that snobbish, like u already did the SWOT analysis, so...that u know your weakness, and then no problem with other peoples mistake
Yeah... I mean like sometimes the google not always right too, that's why after searching it i also ask if that is your talking about to just clarify something that i don't understand.
Oh... BTW... I remember one of the racial jokes in "Modern Family" tv show,theres a character "Phil" when he went to some summer camp,and he join the team games, they name their team "white" and then their make a T-shirt with the slogan "u aren't white, u aren't right." and when Phil go home still wearing that T-shirt with Uber, the Uber driver is an African-American man, and then when he arrive at his house, the Uber driver is so mad when read that words, then he gave Phil's bags with angry face. And then Phil just looks at the camera, and don't really understand why that Uber driver really mad at him
@RusA #9857208 Swahili? How about your native Chinese
I think that u're smart but not that snobbish, like u already did the SWOT analysis, so...that u know your weakness, and then no problem with other peoples mistake
Well, that's true, I am as fluent in Chinese as I am in Swahili, so there's that.
Sometimes people think I'm a snob because I listen to classical music, prefer wine to beer, can talk about Shakespeare and James Joyce, and speak with a more-or-less "educated" diction. But what such people don't notice is that I also listen to grunge music, like a good beer now and then, can talk about comic books and crappy movies; and with an English-teacher mother and a wannabe-lawyer father, "proper" English just comes naturally to me - and I don't got no problem with yakkin' like a yokel if I git durn ready to.
Yeah... I mean like sometimes the google not always right too, that's why after searching it i also ask if that is your talking about to just clarify something that i don't understand.
I have a problem with people who think that the internet never lies. Me: "Man, where'd you get a crazy idea like that?" Them: "Well, it's all over the internet!" (Implying, "so therefore it must be true."). Me: "I never heard of such a thing; and in all modesty, I spend a lot of my time online, and if I never heard it, it can't be all over anything!" They actually mean something like, "It's all over Facebook and Twitter and all those fruitcake sites that I get my news from instead of the lying mainstream media". The latest one is: something terrible is going to happen to Pres. Biden and V.P. Harris, and so we'll have a special election, and Trump will win and be President again. I just tell them to find some website that explains the 25th Amendment to the Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, which say that if something happens to Biden and Harris, then Nancy Pelosi (as Speaker of the House) then becomes President. Boy, THAT freaks them out! Invariably, such people think they're smarter than I am because they know how to find things on the internet, whereas I regard them as badly educated because they don't know how to evaluate and judge the truth or fallacy of what they find.
I never took a shine to Modern Family, though from what I've seen, it seems to be full of clever humor, and that story is pretty funny. It reminds me of a scene from Crocodile Dundee, where Dundee, fresh from the Australian outback, encounters an African-American limo driver, and says, just to be friendly, "So what tribe are you from, mate?" Limo driver: "Tribe?" Dundee: "Yeah, you're a blackfellow aren't you?" The driver looks at his hand and says, "I was the last time I looked!"
We have an old expression to thank someone for going out of their way to do you a favor: "Thanks, that's mighty white of you!" This originally meant "white" as a symbol of purity and spiritual grace, similar to how we say, "Thanks, you're an angel". But NObody takes it that way these days, as you might imagine, and it's one of those things that you just don't say.
@uktanahttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf3ER5Ope_s this American gothic painting's model were the painter dentist and his sister, and was a 2nd winner also sold just for $200 it just like Van Gogh just sold only 1 or 2 of his paintings and become popular after he die
@RusA Grant Wood's American Gothic is one of the most famous images ever in our culture. As the video points out, there are endless parodies of it. I even did one myself: ~9821881
And it's true, you never know what piece of art is going to become famous later on, when it first comes out.
@uktana Oh.... Not just the painter, when i read the author of Moby Dick also not that famous until he die and someone find the book interesting. Picaso and J.K Rowling are the very lucky painter and author
@RusA That's quite true. Back in the early 1800s, the composer Felix Mendelssohn started championing the music of a rather obscure Baroque-era composer who wrote his music about a century and a half earlier, and whose work practically nobody was listening to. That composer's name was Johann Sebastian Bach, whose work today is considered foundational to nearly all Western concert music, largely thanks to Mendelssohn getting people to give him a listen.
There's lately been a revival of one of Bach's contemporaries, one John Hebden, whose name, in all my musical education and experience, I never heard even once until just a few years ago. As far as I can tell, his music isn't considered as influential as Bach's (and there's very little of it surviving after 400 years of obscurity), but it's nevertheless quite as good as some of his other contemporaries.
The opposite of this is an artist, actor, or other performer who gets very popular in his time, but then a few decades later he's all but forgotten. One of the problems I have watching old episodes of Johnny Carson's talk show, is that in his monologue he mentions a lot of public figures, politicians, and entertainers, who were clearly well-known at the time, but whom I have to look up to see who they were and what's so funny about them. For every Picasso, there are a dozen artists like Gleizes (who?). And since Rowling is contemporary with us, and still very much alive, it would be interesting to see if anyone is still reading Harry Potter books 100 years from now.
@uktana Oh... I though that Johann Sebastian Bach already famous along time ago...
Yeah... Gleizes who? Cubism really that popular. I saw in Madeline that French cartoon, mocking about how the kids can make a painting and she forgot where she put her painting when she was waiting to see "Mona Lisa" at Louvre, and then the next day there is a news about how people talking about unknow painting that they found in the museum and think it was made by Matis coz she just use "M" as her ID
BTW... If u already complete your Covid-19 vaccine, u won't be able to make that survivor pandemic tattoo,if u afraid with needles, right?
@RusA #9857083 I saw in Madeline that French cartoon, mocking about how the kids can make a painting and she forgot where she put her painting when she was waiting to see "Mona Lisa" at Louvre, and then the next day there is a news about how people talking about unknow painting that they found in the museum and think it was made by Matis coz she just use "M" as her ID
Cubism is rather different from non-representational art. Cubism has subjects that are recognizable as people, buildings, or objects, but they are abstracted into flat, distorted shapes. Non-representational art, which is the kind people more usually make fun of, has no recognizable subject, but is judged by things like balance, use of color, and internal logic. I'm no fan of either one, actually, though I did a few of both kinds in my art classes in school (since, thankfully, lost!). As far as cubism goes, I agree with Corky Sherwood on Murphy Brown when, in trying to improve her art education, gave up when she encountered Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase: "I don't get it. Where's the nude? Where's the staircase? They might as well have called it Fish Eating a Cheeseburger!" She apparently never saw the equally famous photograph of Duchamp descending a staircase in the same manner.
Although I get why people like abstract art, I'm the old fashioned sort that thinks such things could just as easily be painted by elephants or monkeys.
BTW... If u already complete your Covid-19 vaccine, u won't be able to make that survivor pandemic tattoo,if u afraid with needles, right?
Oh, dear, I never thought of that. I'm not due for my second shot for a couple of weeks yet, but yeah, the tattoo needles would really freak me out. Maybe I could get one of those decal-type tattoos.
Same here. I've seen so many of my friends get married and divorced, sometimes two or three times already, and it's always a mess, especially if children are involved. My older sister got divorced, then married a guy she met online through the World of Warcraft MMORPG. They've been together for many years now, and seem quite happy together, so God bless 'em. My sister got divorced, but got two lovely children out of the deal, both teenagers now. She's on the dating circuit now, but has no plans to re-marry if she can help it. And for me, I've never been married and have no plans to be, partly because I don't want to play the dating games, and partly because I'm really bad at relationships. One advantage of getting older is that at some point, people stopped trying to push their single female friends on me.
@uktana oh... Theres no divorce and partnership without married in my close family, my cousin just ended up in unhappy married, with 2 kids, and i saw my other cousin fight with her new husband at their wedding day
My mom used to push me to get married, she even want me to marry her relative, Yuks...say "no" to incest her last stategy usually make my father the one who push me, but since my father already passed away in 2012, and my little sister also joinning me with "Yukz... Married", so... My mom already gave up
And getting older i'm also more enjoying my "FRREEEDDDDOOOOOMMMMMM"......
@RusA In the U.S., divorce is so easy, and there's so little social stigma attached to it these days, that a lot of marriages end in divorce now, when thirty or forty years ago, they would have tried to work things out. My sisters got married too early, and they and several of my friends were good lessons in taking things easy and not letting people push you into something you don't want. Besides, I'm far too fond of spending time by myself. It was tough enough to live with just roommates, and even then I could lock myself in my room and not come out when I felt like it.
@uktana #9857137 oh... I meant that my cousins are Catholic, they don't believe in divorce, some catholic already not make a divorce as a big deal anymore, we also have a catholic celebrity who got divorce too, but some still believe it's a sin.
And if i want to be a partnership with someone maybe not in this country, like the neighbor will report that kind of things, this not a country for "mind your own business" some peoples who do that kind of partnership relationship usually live in an expensive place, where they don't know whos their neighbors
@RusA #9857152 oh... I meant that my cousins are Catholic, they don't believe in divorce, some catholic already not make a divorce as a big deal anymore, we also have a catholic celebrity who got divorce too, but some still believe it's a sin.
Yes, divorce is still against the teachings of the Catholic Church, but they do have a loophole: they grant annulments, which is an official decision that the marriage was never valid in the first place. There are all kinds of little things that can affect the validity of the Sacrament of Matrimony, and they only need to find one of those things to annul the marriage. But they say that the children of the marriage are still considered legitimate in the eyes of the Church; so from the point of view of a Protestant, it looks like they're giving out divorces and calling them "annulments".
Here in the U.S., Catholics don't always respect the Church's official teachings, and if the bishop won't grant an annulment, they just go ahead and get a civil divorce anyway. I don't begin to know what kind of complications that causes. For us Lutherans, we frown on divorce, and an unhappy couple will work with the pastor and the bishop to work things out; but some marriages just can't be saved, and we consider it a better moral decision to end the marriage and try again than to stay together and make everyone miserable.
And if i want to be a partnership with someone maybe not in this country, like the neighbor will report that kind of things, this not a country for "mind your own business"
Some parts of the U.S. are like that, notably in the South and small towns in the Midwest. Here in the Northeast, people do tend to mind their own business, to the extent that people from the South consider us "unfriendly", while we for our part consider them to be intrusively nosy.
@uktana #9857190 oh...yeah that annulment. My cousin also explaining, that they can do divorce,but it must approved by the Pope. And it will take a long time since the Pope must approve all the divorce cases from all over the world. That's why it makes them lazy to do the divorce
@RusA #9857211 That's the problem with having a global organization where the guy at the top is supposed to make all the important decisions. This is one reason why Americn Catholics tend to do things their own way, which drives the Vatican nuts.
@uktana Oh... I listen to clasical music sometime, but i did remember how difficult when i used to play some of them, that's why i more prefer the pop music i don't understand pure Shakespeare, but recently i just knew that he write some comedy and not just tragedy, and i searcĥ the summary like Love's labor lost, comedy of error, midsummer nights dream, As you like it much Ado About Nothing, All's well that ends well, measure for measure.
Oh... I recently read the Teenlit novel https://www.amazon.com/Planet-Janet-Dyan-Sheldon/dp/0763625566. Planet Janet by Dyan Sheldon, and i really love it. In that novel she mention about Ulysses by James Joyce and The Outsider by Albert Camus. When i search about the Ulysses, which i never heard about James Joyce before, and found the video about that book https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X7FobPxu27M&t=1s
I love when Joyce said, responding to criticism of 'Ulysses' when it was first published, if 'Ulysses' isn't worth reading, then life isn't worth living." in the Planet Janet novel, her teacher also asked her to write story, And when Janet finish made her story and give it to her teacher, then the teacher criticized about the plot of her story doesn't make sense. She said the same thing to her teacher that "it wasn't her problem, that is life"
I really love that Planet Janet novel coz i used to read Famous Five by Enid Blyton when in the book the kids always trust the police, and the police is always right, but in Planet Janet novel already modern, the first edition publish in 2002, so.. It was my teenager time too, and her Janet's friend said to never trust the police in London, after Janet made a report and the police just laugh at her, seem like the recent protest in London about Sarah Everard vvigil.
And she also has a father who she always call "Sigmund" coz he is a psychotherapy like Sigmund Freud. I recently read a books and that Freud name always mention, i didn't know who he was, but then i found out about his psychoanalysis method. He's kinda the father of psychology, and then i found this video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mQaqXK7z9LM&t=5s
I love that he was so clumsy, but then he found something about psichoanalysis, and his studied himself for his work, it just reminds me when my friend change her major to Psychology, and when i asked her why? Her answear was coz she want to heal her self. Yeah...maybe we should analized ourself first, coz we still can lie to the psychotherapy but not to ourselves.
WHAT?the internet say Trump will be President again oh... I love that Nancy Pelosi, she was the one who make trump's impeachment report into pieces, in front of Trump's face
Oh... I used to watch that Crocodile Dundee, but just focus on how he handle the Crocodile, not to his jokes
Some peoples criticized the "Modern Family" coz in that show the white family still allow the Colombian or hispanic step mother, gay son, adopted Asian Vietnamese daughter, but not African-American as the member of the "Modern American Family". And i noticed their jokes about Asian that Asian is a bad driver, and there was a schen when a gay couples telling their Asian adopted daughter not to sit on their new white sofa, and then the daughter protesting why her white persian cat " Larry" can sit on the sofa?, and then one of the gay couple say that "hunny...coz Larry is White." and then the daugter mad and run say "but...u guys choose me." They mean that Larry has the white fur and the daughter wearing dirty dress, but it also can be a racial jokes
@RusA #9858602 Funny how Epstein's name turns up in nearly every story about celebrities these days. I doubt that too many of them were actually involved in whatever Epstein was up to, but they probably knew about it and just considered it his little kink. Still, when the news comes out, people are going to wonder why they didn't speak up about what was clearly illegal stuff.
I bet nobody in the Danish Royal Family knew who he was, though.
@uktana #9858633 yeah...he seems like a billionaire mafia or something, i saw the investigation about Epstein privat island, that even the employees know about his bad behaviour, but they alredy in contract not to open their mouth about it
Many celebrities also know Harvey Weinstein, but he wasn't that bad as Epstein.
Yeah...i also think that nobody in a very happy Danish royal family know about him
There are a number of celebrities who have gotten caught with their hands in inappropriate places, whose careers were damaged when the news came out. Right now NY governor Andrew Cuomo is on the hot seat about it, which I did a Not Fake News story about not long ago. ~9855858
Some people I really like, like actor Kevin Spacey, humorist Garrison Keillor, and comedian-turned-politician Al Franken pretty much lost their careers over allegations of improper behavior. This also happened to one of my favorite local celebrities, Geoff Fox, who was a weatherman for Channel 8 in New Haven and did a lot of science reports for various national media. He got fired from Channel 8 for inappropriate behavior, moved to California where he did it again and got fired again, and now is working somewhere in Nebraska. It's funny how someone as intelligent as he is can be so stupid sometimes.
@uktana #9858675 oh...there was one episode in "a good fight" after the Bill Cosby case, in that episode the one famous right activist hero is the partner of the law firm who just die not long ago, and his secretary report the rape case to the firm,and want the money from the firm for her kids, the victims who is a black woman said that she won't tell the media, coz she knows only a few black men that consider a noble men, usually black men always connected with mafia, drug dealers or many crimes, so she knows what the media will always attacking hard to the noble black man than the others. So... It's always depend with the victims.
And the wives of billionair like Milenia Trump, or Melinda Gates have no problem at all when their husband have an affair with other women. And yeah...that Andrew Cuomo seems more like Joe Biden, i saw in 60 minutes Australia, when a women was telling that Biden rape her while she was working with him. But she's not a Trump supporter too, so she didn't make any book about it
Several women have said that Biden touched them in an uncomfortable way, like touching their hair or their shoulders or arms and calling them "Sweetie", or kissed the back of their neck, that sort of thing. Definitely inappropriate and these days mostly illegal as sexual harassment, but not really sexual assault. And frankly, guys as old as Trump, Biden, and Cuomo pretty much expect that they can take such liberties, because they're paying the woman a compliment. OK, Boomers!
One woman who worked for him says he touched her like that, but it wasn't sexual or threatening, and that she quit because he felt like he treated her like an ornament instead of a person (like wanting her to serve drinks at an event because he thought she had nice legs). Then seven years later, during the campaign, she suddenly got her face on TV claiming that Biden really groped her in a really reprehensible way, which she'd never said a word about to anyone before, and which came as news to everyone who knew her at the time. It's almost certain that she's fibbing - when people who knew her called her out on changing her story, she quietly disappeared. Who knows what really happened? but if the woman doesn't call the police or file a lawsuit, and there's no investigation, it turns into "she said" against "he said". Well, she said against he said and she said and she said and she said and she said it didn't happen.
As for Cuomo, I wouldn't put anything past that little speck of lint, but we'll see if anything comes out of it. His defense seems to be that he's an Italian-American guy, and that's the way they treat their women. Even the Democrats aren't letting him get away with that one!
I know, that one sounds strange to me, too. I love European cheeses with a lot of, um, character, and people tell me that they smell like dirty feet. To me, they have the appealing fragrance of well-ripened cheese.
@RusA #9857336 I had a Chinese friend who thought any kind of cheese was absolutely disgusting. He considered it nothing but spoiled milk. Then I'd point out to him that he ate this "preserved bean curd" stuff that didn't look or smell like it was very well preserved.
There's a Japanese dish I've made before, though, called misozuke, which is tofu that's been slathered with a mixture of miso and rice wine, and left to sit in the fridge for anywhere from a week to three months or so. Over time, it's supposed to develop a cheese-like texture, but I've never been patient enough to let it sit for more than a week or so, when it tastes like flavorful, extra-salty tofu.
And yeah, I love blue cheese, but my sister thinks it's just moldy cheese. She says, "How can you tell when that stuff has gone bad?" I wouldn't know, because around me it never lasts more than a couple of days.
@RusA For making vegan cheese at home, most recipes use some combination of tofu and almond butter, with seasonings like nutritional yeast and lemon juice. Here's an overview from Martha Stewart.
Commercial vegan cheese is usually some combination of soy products, oils, thickeners, and flavorings. A typical one from Whole Foods is made from: Water, vegetable oil, tofu, soy protein, carrageenan (gelatin made from seaweed), maltodextrin, apple cider vinegar, corn starch, calcium phosphate, potato flakes, sea salt, guar gum, potassium phosphate, non-dairy lactic acid, adipic acid, soy lecithin, natural colors. Sounds like a typical recipe for that artificial stuff you can buy in the supermarket that has to be labeled "cheese food" because it actually contains very little cheese.
I might try some of these out of curiosity, but rather than trying to have an artificial "plant-based" product that "tastes like the real thing", I'd rather have the all-natural real thing that's just made from milk, rennet, flavorings, and maybe a little cave mold for that extra je ne sais quoi .
@uktana #9857378 ow... Martha Stewart overview ..thanx
Yeah...most vegan don't eat milk and eggs, then how come they have cheese. Thanx for the recipe. But i think i just eat tahu and tempe than that vegan cheese
@RusA #9857394 Yeah...most vegan don't eat milk and eggs, then how come they have cheese. Thanx for the recipe. But i think i just eat tahu and tempe than that vegan cheese
As far as I'm concerned, those vegan cheese substitutes are for people who want to be vegans because it's fashionable in their social group, or because they want to look more virtuous than ordinary people, but don't want to change their habits very much - and becoming a serious vegan demands a lot of change! Most of those people will be scarfing down bacon cheeseburgers within a few months, just you watch!
There's a difference between vegans and vegetarians, though: "vegetarians" only avoid foods that result in the death of an animal: meat and fish, mostly, but have no problem with consuming dairy products, and many will eat eggs as well, or at least veggieburgers that use egg white as a binder. "Vegans", on the other hand, avoid all animal products, including eggs and dairy, and even honey or any other food produced by animals. To them, milk belongs to baby animals, not to us; and honey belongs to the bees, and we shouldn't steal it from them. They also avoid, on principle, any kind of animal products in clothing, such as leather or wool. Using non-dairy cheese is the least of their concerns, so they leave it to the phonies who like to call themselves "vegans" but don't walk the walk.
Some of the people on both ends can get awfully high and mighty with us barbarian carnivores, and it's for good reason that Anthony Bourdain used to call them "the fascist vegetarians and their Taliban-like offshoot, the vegans". He had the greatest respect, though, for the vegetarian cuisines of cultures like India or Asia, which have been doing it for centuries as ordinary cuisine, and not because of fashion or virtue-signaling; and he never really criticized westerners who practice vegetarianism quietly and without making a big deal of it.
@uktana #9857430 He had the greatest respect, though, for the vegetarian cuisines of cultures like India or Asia, which have been doing it for centuries as ordinary cuisine, and not because of fashion or virtue-signaling
Oh.... U reminds me of this story, i read in one of Indonesian traveler's book, when she got her Master scholarship for Business in Phillipines, most of her classmates are Indian men, all that she knows about them that they are a hindu vegan, until they went lunch together, and then when she order the beef burger, all of her vegan friends also order the samething. Then she asked them "aren't u guys are vegan?". They answear " oh...yeah...we're vegan, just don't let our wives know that we eat beef burger." even when they invited her to India, that she can travel and stay at their places, they still eat that beef burger when his wife wasn't by his side
@uktana #9857471 oh... There was a senior in my work place a muslim that really devoted to his religion, his desk was in front of the room, and if someone want to give foods to our division, they always put it on the back of his chair. One day i asked him "why he never eat all that chocolates", and he answeared "coz it's from abroad, and he don't think it's halal". Then i said " but theres Arabic letter in the label of the chocolate", he answear "yeah...but it doesn't mean it's halal chocolate". . i told him again " but the one who gave u this chocolates are muslims too, and most of them already hajj." he still believe that chocolate aren't halal and never eat them.
And then one day, one of our vendor invited us to lunch, and they the one who pick the restaurant. They said that the restaurant has a special menu "Russian chocolate", they explain it that the chocolate made from vodka, and they order it with red velvet cake. I went to buy something outside after eat the main course, and when i come back to my chair i just see the red velvet cake. So... I asked him "where is that Russian Chocolate"" then he said that he ate that chocolates, and the other also already finnished with my other friends. I was schocked, then i said "didn't u listen to their explanation before, that chocolate made from vodka?". He said that he didn't hear it, then i asked my other friend, and my other friend said he knew it, but he let my senior eat it
I know that when u cook with alcohol that the alcohol will go away with the heat. But it's fun to mocking him that he ate an alcoholic chocolate, when he always avoid non halal chocolate on his desk i said to him "oh...alcoholic chocolate...so yummy".
@RusA #9857686 That's funny. I do know vegetarians who take an attitude of "If I can't see it, it isn't there", and so don't worry about something possibly containing egg white as a binder, or animal gelatin as a thickener, that kind of thing.
With more and more Muslims living in the U.S. today, many companies have started putting a halal symbol on their products along with the more usual kosher symbol for Jews. There's no symbol for vegans, so they have to trust the label that says "made from plants".
#9857784 yeah.... I saw many chocolates from Europe have many languages to describe the ingredient including in Arabic, but he was right that there's no halal label on it. And i really love the chocolate with rum, it's tastes so good
@RusA #9857362 A stray cat is a homeless cat that wanders around at large and scrounges for its food. A foster cat is one that is taken in temporarily by a private person or family, usually from an animal rescue group or animal shelter, for a set amount of time or until the cat is properly adopted. Same thing as a foster child, really, except that it's a cat. This is done for various reasons: animal rescue groups may not have a place to house the cats they find, and animal shelters may not have sufficient room, or want to make room for new animals.
So a stray cat might be caught by a rescue group, which then finds someone to foster it, and eventually it gets someone to adopt it permanently as a house pet.
@uktana #9857379 oh...thax for the explanation, so i was wrong when i explaing when the first time i got my first cat was a stray cat and not foster cat , in Indonesian we call it "kucing liar" and when i googeled it become "wild cat" and i was thinking "isn't that wild cat live in forest and looks like more like tiger" , and i remember when i saw on tv some celebrity foster their pet and not buy it from the pet shop, that maybe same with the " kucing liar" in here
Sometimes English also has rules with something formal or common in use the word... Like when one time i got this phone, usually it's for my friend extension, but he wasn't in the room, and then the operator sent it to my extension, when i pick up the phone, he was speaking english and asking about my friend, so i was told him that "he's not on his table", and then the person on the phone correcting me by saying "Oh... Do u mean he's not on his desk". See... Since i never use English converciation everyday, i forgot to use the common English for something simple . We also have something like slang language here that sometimes we make fun with the English words, like we always said if someone always act jush their own way and not follow the rules, we said " seenak jidat lo aja" or we translate in bad english as "as delicious as your own forehead".. And in Singapore they have "Singlish" they mixed the English, Malay, and Chinese. Like when they want to go sight seeing, they will say "let's go we walk-walk lah.." not just "walk" ,in malay is "Jalan-jalan" and the Chinese "lah" as their dialec
@RusA #9857392 Yeah, the term "wild cat" is ambiguous, and would be understood in context. Usually it means lions and tigers and such, but if your neighbor said that there's a wild cat that keeps getting into the dumpsters, we'd all understand he means a stray cat.
"Wildcat", one word, means the wild felines that domestic cats descend from, that still look very much like them.
The article says, "Not to be confused with feral cat", which is another word for stray cats. . I mentioned the word "feral" in our conversation about children raised by animals - that word means domestic animals that have escaped captivity and live in the wild, like cats, dogs, horses, or whatever. Amusingly enough, Australians tried to use camels to travel across the Outback, but it didn't work out, so they turned the camels loose. The result is that there are herds of feral camels roaming about the Australian Outback. Our Army tried that in the Southwestern desert just before the Civil War, and that didn't work out any better. There are stories of feral camels still living in the desert, but there doesn't seem to be any truth to them. There was a movie made about the U.S. Camel Corp, though.
English is all full of slang - your car or automobile can also be your wheels or your ride, besides all the things I mentioned in my Funny Word post. ~9854893 We also mix English with foreign words, as in Spanglish (Spanish and English, popular in the Southwest) or Yinglish (Yiddish and English, which describes the speech of many Jews) As for blanking out on the right word, nearly everyone who speaks English as a second language does that - even us native speakers, which is why we have terms like "Whats-his-name" and "Doohickey". Another Funny Word post: ~9821878
@uktana #9857425 ow...that feral Camels seems like the runaway pets
Oh...that funny words are from Spanglish and Yinglish
Yeah...theres always many funny words all over the world
@RusA We don't have much Indonesian food around here, so I never heard of mie goreng. The most popular Asian noodle dishes are Chinese lo mein and Thai pad thai, along with Vietnamese pho, which is not quite the same thing. And, of course, ramen in the little packets. I will have to check around and see if anyone sells that Indomie stuff around here.
Looking at recipes for mie goreng online, it looks pretty much like how I would make lo mein at home. I have most of the ingredients except for kecap manis, which would not be hard to find. I don't suppose our version of tomato kecap (ketchup) would make a very good substitute.
#9857427 no.... I was mocking u after your comment about original foods ~9857413 i was pointed about how popular our noodle brand, and beat others ramen producs from Japan, Thailand, and Malaysia. I meant if u really want to try the same food that don't change the tastes or anything u put in the dishes, then try that our popular "mie goreng" from our local brand Indomie coz it's also popular in here too. Oh... Even my mom always said that i used to eat 4x a day,not like the others in this country who only eat 3x a day. My mom mocking me that i used to eat 3 times for rice and plus 1x for instan noodle, that when in my teenager times when she always complaining that i never home, and always playing outside with friends
I once saw a tv show when they compare the Thai foods in Thailand and in USA, and how different the tastes between 2 countries. In USA they replace many spices that they use in the original receipes. Or an Indonesian who said that she love Mexican foods, but when she went to Mexico, she found out that the foods are really different with the one she always eat outside Mexico, and then she says that turned out all the Mexican food that she ate were the Mexican foods in American version Tha's why i always curious to try any foods in their original places.
But even the foods here are so different, like in this Java island, most peoples in western part of Java don't like the foods from Central Java, we say that their foods just to sweet, even their "sambal" or chili souce is just as sweet as jam, when we travel there , we only stand their local foods for one day, and then we better eat at the fastfood for the next day or we just bring our own "sambal" if we go there or when we travel outside Indonesia .so...we won't be so grumpy about their local foods, if the local foods are just to sweet for us, we just eat that with our sambal, ,
and it always work for many Indonesian.
@RusA #9857454 no.... I was mocking u after your comment about original foods
Oh. Yeah, I completely missed the connection. It seems that Indomie is available at Walmart, and I would guess probably at any store that sells instant ramen, so I'll keep an eye out for it. I don't usually care for that kind of product, but I'll certainly give it a try. It's a shame, the founder of the company was only 59 when she died.
I once saw a tv show when they compare the Thai foods in Thailand and in USA, and how different the tastes between 2 countries. In USA they replace many spices that they use in the original receipes. Or an Indonesian who said that she love Mexican foods, but when she went to Mexico, she found out that the foods are really different with the one she always eat outside Mexico, and then she says that turned out all the Mexican food that she ate were the Mexican foods in American version
Yes, people are always surprised when they go to China, Mexico, Italy, even France, and find out that the food is way different from what we call "Chinese", "Mexican", "Italian", and "French" food here in the States. Ethnic restaurants have to alter the cuisine to suit our tastes, or they'll go out of business very quickly. Well, except in places that have a high number of recent immigrants from a particular country. I've told about my Chinese friend who didn't like "Chinese restaurants", but when I'd visit him in NYC, he'd drag me down to Chinatown for the real thing. I'd depend on him to read the signs and menus, which were all in Chinese, and it was quite an eye-opening experience. He moved back to Hong Kong some years ago, so now I have nobody to guide me through those places.
And a lot of it is, as you say, about what's available here as opposed to what is available elsewhere. Irish immigrants, for instance, who settled on NYC's Lower East Side found out that the meat they served with cabbage - roast beef or slab bacon - was expensive; but they discovered that corned beef was cheap and easily available, so they made corned beef and cabbage a new Irish tradition.
I used to watch Anthony Bourdain's TV show No Reservations and Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods, where the hosts would travel the world sampling the most authentic food of each region, visiting out-of-the-way places and avoiding the tourist spots. Bourdain loved France and Italy and Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam; and he hated Scandinavia and Eastern Europe generally. When he visited Romania, he had so little to say about the food that he spent most of the episode talking about Count Dracula.
But even the foods here are so different, like in this Java island, most peoples in western part of Java don't like the foods from Central Java, we say that their foods just to sweet, even their "sambal" or chili souce is just as sweet as jam, when we travel there , we only stand their local foods for one day, and then we better eat at the fastfood for the next day
In a country as big as the U.S., you would expect a lot of regional cuisines, and we sure do have them. Such variety has been plowed under by the big corporate restaurant chains - not just McDonalds and KFC, but sit-down restaurants like Friendly's, Applebee's, and Olive Garden - but "country cooking", as we call it, is still there if you look for it.
I've spent a lot of time in southern Missouri, which is culturally part of the South, and the food people eat reflects it: I always say that the Four Basic Food Groups of Southern cooking are salt, sugar, starch, and grease. Everything seems heavily salted and with lots of black pepper, they put sugar in things like sauces, gravy, and cooked vegetables, and half the food is fried in lard , bacon grease, or Crisco vegetable shortening. Salads are drowned in high-calorie dressing, potatoes are mashed with lots of milk and butter or fried in grease, and vegetable side dishes have the daylights cooked out of them, then they're seasoned with bacon grease and sugar. It's delicious and filling, but there's no way I could eat that way all the time. No wonder you look around and it seems like everyone over the age of 30 is an overweight lardbucket. I keep joking with my relatives when I visit that I'm going to start bringing my own provisions.
Here in the Northeast, there's no particular cuisine that stands out: the original settlers were English and brought their food with them (British with a French influence); then we had wave after wave of immigrants who settled in the area and brought their food with them; and then a lot of the "health food" movement started or took root here, like vegetarianism, originally promoted by Christian Science (from Boston), Seventh-Day Adventists (from Maine), and Theosophists (from England, but took root in Boston and NYC very early on). Lately, such novelties as becoming a "locovore" have become popular, meaning that one should only eat products originating in one's local area - usually defined as a 100-mile radius. But as one foodie on the radio put it, "That's a good idea, but I live in New England. What am I supposed to do, serve my guests potatoes and turnips all winter?" So what you eat largely depends on what family and community you grew up in.
@uktana #9857470 oh.... Like i wrote before that that instant
noodle is a poisonus food, many Indonesian also blame their deases to instant noodle, specially when someone live outside Indonesia then their family will send them the box of that Indomie, so...they can save their money for meals. Many healthy foods freak won't even dare to touch that instant noodle, but for me it's about how u eat in right way and right amount, like i won't eat instant noodle more than 1x a day, and i always mixed it with many vegetables that i like, not just eat it with eggs, i used to mixed it with rice too and it tastes like heaven to me, but since i don't have many activity like when i was teenager, so if today i eat that instant noodle then i won't eat any rice anymore even a healthiest food can be so poisonus if u over eat it:m
Yeah... I once read that even the Chinese food in south east Asia countries are different from , the Chinese foods in China. She also surprise that Chinese food in China is so oily and not what she expected. Yeah.... Many restaurant owner have to calculate their profit too, if they must to import many things from outside the country, the foods will become so expensive, and many peoples in other countřy have different tastes, so... They will see what the peoples in their neghborhood love than the original country. I never want to try any Indonesian foods outside Indonesia, i was just travel not more that 10 days.
And if i want to eat any Indonesian foods, i always order that on the planes when back home, the stewardes already Indonesian peoples. Maybe if i live more than a month outside my country that i really miss my foods, then i will try the Indonesian foods in other country
Oh...and many Mexican foods in other country like in here also have American version, not the Mexico version. There's also an Indonesian, when she get the scholarship in Germany, she was imagine that the western fried food are delicious , but she said that the fried food in Germany not as yummy as she expected, but then when she move to New Jersey in USA, she found that the western fried food that she was imagine are the American version, it's not that healthy like in Gemany, but so yummy. I mean like every person tongue are different too, sometimes the restaurant is so popular and always full, but i don't like the foods in that restaurant. Or mostly my male friends here, they always said that for them, there are only two types of food, first is delicious and the other is very delicious, it means that they never grumpy about foods, no bad foods for them, and they don't like to waste any foods on their plate, they will eat them all.
BTW.. How about the Indian native American foods, are they the same as Mexican foods?
@RusA #9857481 oh.... Like i wrote before that that instant noodle is a poisonus food, many Indonesian also blame their deases to instant noodle, specially when someone live outside Indonesia then their family will send them the box of that Indomie, so...they can save their money for meals.
I've had a bad digestive reaction to some instant noodle mixes, which is why I don't usually eat them. It depends on the brand, though - the supermarket brand Maruchan seems to be the worst, as well as not tasting very good. My greengrocer has a good selection of Asian specialties as well, and a whole aisle of instant noodles, many of which are quite palatable. They are all either Chinese or Korean, though, so no mie goreng. Next stop will be the big Asian supermarket where they seem to have everything.
I once read that even the Chinese food in south east Asia countries are different from , the Chinese foods in China. She also surprise that Chinese food in China is so oily and not what she expected.
I've heard that complaint a number of times from people visiting China, that the food people eat over there is way too oily, plus they eat things we'd never think of as food. As I've mentioned more than once, Chinese restaurants in the U.S. serve food altered to appeal to Americans, including the ones that are supposed to specialize in Hunan, Szechuan, or Shanghainese food. (Conventional Chinese food in the U.S. is mostly Cantonese as filtered through 19th-century San Francisco, )
There's a rumor that our Chinese restaurants have a "secret menu" that's not written down - you have to speak Chinese and know what to ask for to get the "real" Chinese food. I've seen my Chinese friend order off-menu in Chinese, but what we get isn't anything exotic. For the most part, if you want something that's not on the menu, but they have the ingredients for it in the kitchen, they're happy to make you a special order. I'm not sure if you could get dog with plum sauce or caterpillar stir-fry that way, though.
@uktana #9857536 oh... In here, we don't have any prejudice with the Chinese that way, we just know that at the Chinese restaurant they use pork for their foods, usually they have non halal foods. But our prejudice for someone who eat dog belongs to the native peoples in north Sumatra island, and they mostly christian, we also suspect them when the dog in the neighborhood missing, that the "Bataknese" that we call the people from the north Sumatra, kidnapping the dog and eat it. I once ask my Bataknese friend, if he ever eat the dog, and he said "yes" his mother made as rendang, and i said... "WHAT??? I though rendang just from beef." and i also read that peoples in north Sulawesi island who also mostly christian,they sell the dog, cat, and even rat meats in their traditional market, so... They traditional foods based from that kind of meats
@RusA #9857481 continued BTW.. How about the Indian native American foods, are they the same as Mexican foods?
The answer to this one is going to be long, so I put it in a separate post.
Mexican food is mostly a blend of Spanish and native Mexican cuisines, relying heavily on maize corn, beans, and local produce. What they call a "taco" is meat and condiments put onto a piece of flatbread (which may or may not be a tortilla made from maize) and then eaten by hand after folding it over. The "hardshell tacos" you get here in the States, as well as the burrito and other Taco Bell specialties, are as unfamiliar in Mexico as fortune cookies are in China. They also have a number of stews and sauces that go by the general name mole, pronounced "MOH-lay", which very often includes unsweetened cocoa as a bitter flavoring. Mexico is a large country, and as you would expect, has many regional cuisines, none of which are much like our "Mexican" food, which these days often goes by the more accurate name of "Tex-Mex".
Native American food is as varied as the tribes themselves: In the Eastern part of the country, where tribes were settled agricultural societies, the food is based on corn, beans, and squash (often planted together as "the Three Sisters"), as well as wild plants, and venison and small game like rabbits.
Around the Great Lakes, the tribes cultivate wild rice, as well as hunting and gathering. In the Great Plains, where the tribes were nomadic, they mostly lived off the enormous herds of bison, as well as what wild plants were in the area, especially seasonal berries. (Pemmican - meat pounded with berries and dried into a kind of jerky - was and is very popular.)
In the Pacific Northwest and other coastal regions, fish is very popular, especially salmon. Today there is a great deal of conflict in the Northwest between Indians and Anglos over fishing rights. By treaty with the Federal government, the tribal Indians can fish out-of-season, which Anglo fisherman consider an unfair advantage.
Native American food today is also influenced by the fact that many of the tribes have lived for decades on reservations that were usually established on poor land that nobody else wanted. Without the ability to hunt and gather in the traditional ways, the reservations were often without sufficient food supplies. So the people ate whatever was available, often relying on government commodities like flour, sugar, lard, and coffee. As a result, the contemporary cuisine is starchy and fatty, with obesity and diabetes being serious problems among reservation Indians. A typical everyday food for them is the "Indian taco", which is a piece of frybread (thick flatbread fried in meat grease) topped with whatever is available - often meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato. Real Indian frybread is a treat, but it's not exactly health food. There is a considerable movement now to change all this, and to produce an authentic "Native" cuisine that combines contemporary techniques with traditional foodstuffs.
From the movie Thunderheart (1992): a half-Indian FBI agent amuses the teacher at the reservation school when he tells her that his father used to call him "Wasi", which he thought meant "good boy". She informs him that in the Lakota language, "Wasi is what we call the lard we put in stew. I think he meant that you were a chubby boy!"
#9857538 oh...yeah that "Tex-Mex" is the American version of Mexican foods in here too
Ow...thanx for the explanation about many variation of the Indian native American foods, that's what i love about your explanation that u always go back to their history in the past, and also added some funny thing like that "Wasi" not just told me that "Yukz...the native American foods are so unhealthy today, and that's all their fault and tradition!"
@RusA #9857618 But our prejudice for someone who eat dog belongs to the native peoples in north Sumatra island, and they mostly christian, we also suspect them when the dog in the neighborhood missing, that the "Bataknese" that we call the people from the north Sumatra, kidnapping the dog and eat it.
That's funny. Our joke about Chinese restaurants are more often about cats than dogs. In one town near where I used to live, the residents there used to joke about how few stray cats there were since a group of Cambodians had moved into town. Also, we say: never buy a used car from someone named Honest John, never sleep with someone who is weirder than you are, and never eat at a Chinese restaurant that's next to an veterinarian's office.
@RusA #9857508 oh.. Really...our tempe also a famous healthy food besides that luwak coffee.
I'd love to try luwak coffee some time, but I've never seen it, even in the most upscale coffeehouses. It's famous because of the... uniqueness of the sourcing but I guess it's like the way Americans won't eat anything that's too far inside the animal or too far down on it. That seems to go for beverages as well.
I discovered tempeh only a few years ago, and I love it. It can substitute for ground beef in vegetarian chili con carne or stuffed peppers, but I also like to cut a block into thin slices, pan-fry it, and put it on a sandwich with lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise, and anything else you might put on a sandwich.
Tempeh mendoan looks like it's right up my alley, but tempeh orek sounds a little too sweet for my taste. Still, I'd have no problem with fixing it according to the recipe and adjusting it to my preferences. You're going to lure me into buying specialty items to make Indonesian food, the way I have soy sauce and rice wine and rice vinegar for Chinese food, or bonito flakes and miso and a variety of seaweed for Japanese food. So far the only things I need seem to be kecap manis and galangal.
@uktana #9857530 oh.... I never try Luwak coffee either till this day. The price of Luwak coffee is so expensive, when i was in Lombok island and went to the souvenir shop, they have that real sample of Luwak coffee, when i asked the price, it's almost $30 for small pack, and they didn't have any tester for that coffee ,and i didn't want to spend that sum of money for something i don't know the tastes. but they have a tester for the wild horse milk ,then when my friend touch the real sample of their Luwak bean coffee, i said to her to put that down, it's a real "Luwak's poop"
When the native American have the unhealthy foods on their reservation, in fact when i searching about the history of the Luwak's coffee also from the sad story from my ancestor in colonial times The coffee bean produced in that manner was discovered and collected by native farmers in Indonesia during the colonial period of the 19th century, when the Dutch forbade local workers from harvesting their own coffee.https://www.britannica.com/topic/Kopi-Luwak . i was wondering what my ancestor will think that their invention of coffee become the healthiest and most expensive drink in the world
Oh... It's the original recipes for tempe orek, but in the western part of Java usually we added the chili, and it testes hot, sweet, and a bit salty, even the tempe mendoan we eat it with the kecap manis sauce mixed with chilli chops. The funny things that the only "nasi goreng" in Java island use the "kecap manis" in their receipe, my friend once told me that in Sumatra island they don't use "kecap manis" in "nasi goreng", and i say "yes, i saw it in my friend's house, her mother version of " nasi goreng" or fried rice was red and not brown like popular in Jakarta." But my mom is from Sumatra too, and she always make the brown nasi goreng with kecap manis, and we always eat it with chili souce or dry chili
@RusA #9857616 Thanks for the info. I'm learning more and more about Indonesian food, including where is the best place to go for dog meat if I ever visit there. It's a shame we don't have many Indonesian restaurants around here. Apparently some of the places labeled "Asian bistros", of which we have plenty, have some Indonesian dishes on the menu, so those might be worth a visit. Other than that, the closest ones are in NYC.
@uktana #9857787 oh...yeah... I'm the expert of Indonesian foods. The Chinese restaurant in here also have special menu "frog's meat", and one time i found the article that said that Indonesia also the bigest export for that frog meat or frog legs (i don't remember which one we export since i never try any frog meat, i mean...that frog could be a prince )
I think the Indonesian foods have the same tastes as Thai foods, like that sour, hot, and sometimes use the coconut milk. Oh...and don't forget that i also already told u about our eastern island where u can find the human's meat too, but just make sure since u have your imaginary Germanic blood, that they.
want to eat the human's meat with u, not u're the one on their table
@RusA #9857837 The Chinese restaurant in here also have special menu "frog's meat", and one time i found the article that said that Indonesia also the bigest export for that frog meat or frog legs (i don't remember which one we export since i never try any frog meat, i mean...that frog could be a prince )
Frog legs are actually quite popular in some parts of the U.S., though you pretty much never see them in restaurants. My relatives in Missouri live near a big lake, and there are plenty of big frogs with nice meaty legs, that they consider a kind of wild game just like rabbits and squirrels. I suppose the legs, with all the jumping muscles, are the only part of the frog worth eating, and I've always wondered what they do with the rest of the frog. There's a classic sick-joke cartoon about that from the old National Lampoon humor magazine, and if I can find it, I'll post it on the Memes thread.
Good point about the prince, though.
Oh...and don't forget that i also already told u about our eastern island where u can find the human's meat too, but just make sure since u have your imaginary Germanic blood, that they.
want to eat the human's meat with u, not u're the one on their table
Those tribes have been civilized lately, or so I've heard, and if I'm in the area, I might visit the Michael Rockefeller Memorial Bar and Grill, that I've heard serves a kind of "long pork" that you can't get elsewhere.
#9857966 oh...frog legs also popular in USA
In here we eat chicken legs, but we also eat others part of the chicken too
Are u sure that a real "long pork" ?????
I more like to tell someone that canibal peoples still eat human here, and i will say... Oh...in Indonesian foods if u're not a vegan, than we must consistent when eat all meats, including human sounds more scary
@RusA #9857991 oh...frog legs also popular in USA
In here we eat chicken legs, but we also eat others part of the chicken too
I've never heard of any part of the frog being eaten except for the legs, again probably because there's not much meat on them otherwise. Funny that even though frog legs are popular in parts of the U.S., we still associate the dish with the French and their cuisse de grenouille (literally, "thigh of frog"). They're not popular in the Northeast, and I've never seen them even in French restaurants. Also, they're not kosher for Jews, and I'm pretty sure they're not halal for Muslims, either.
Are u sure that a real "long pork" ?????
I more like to tell someone that canibal peoples still eat human here, and i will say... Oh...in Indonesian foods if u're not a vegan, than we must consistent when eat all meats, including human sounds more scary
That's funny. It's like what people say about how the Chinese will eat anything with four legs except a table, and anything with wings except an airplane. My Chinese friend also used to say that with all their inventions and discoveries, the Chinese never developed a proper science if zoology, because when a Chinese man sees an animal for the first time, all he can think about is, "How can I possibly cook this thing?"
That "long pork" thing is something I didn't know about until recently. I think it was either Dorkymike or Yellow Ardvark who kept making jokes about it. In American culture generally, we mostly make jokes about cats in Chinese cuisine.
Besides frogs, people in the South also like to catch and eat turtles. There are a number of turtle species in the area, but the ones really prized for their meat are the big snapping turtles.
If you can catch one of them without getting a finger bitten off, "they make good eating", as the locals like to say. You can make soup out of them, but more usually they're cut into pieces, coated with flour or breadcrumbs, and pan-fried like chicken.
@uktana #9858031 ow...that turtles
I saw in east Kalimantan/Borneo island at the souvenir shop, they sell the oil of turtles, but i don't know what they do with the meat.
#9858029 yeah...frog meat isn't halal, that's why i told u that they only sell it in Chinese restaurant with the pork menu. And the cat eater mostly for some peoples in north Sulawesi, not the Chinese restaurant in here, and since that Indonesia most populated with muslims that eat halal foods, so..our restaurant mostly free from cat & dog meats
BTW... How about the horse meat in USA?
@RusA #9858043 I saw in east Kalimantan/Borneo island at the souvenir shop, they sell the oil of turtles, but i don't know what they do with the meat.
Turtle oil is derived from the muscles and genital tissues of sea turtles, it says right here. I doubt that it can be sold in the U.S., because sea turtles are endangered, and we can't make a proper old-fashioned turtle soup, either - we have to use land turtles for that. After extracting the oil, I'm not sure there'd be enough of the critter left over to be eaten. Looks like turtle oil is good for the skin, and can be taken internally for lung and cardiovascular health. I think I'll pass on that, though.
BTW, I spoke to my cousin in Missouri last night, and asked her what they do with the rest of the frog when they cook frog legs. She said, "Oh, you just throw it away, or use it for bait to catch fish." So there's the answer to that question from someone who knows.
BTW... How about the horse meat in USA?
Horse meat is not at all popular in the U.S. Because of our history with having horses as pets and an important means of transportation, most of us would no more eat horse meat than we would eat cats or dogs. In fact, it's illegal to sell horse meat in many states. We do have sick jokes about how questionable ground meat products might go "neigh" when you bite into them. I particularly make jokes about what Subway puts into the meatball sandwiches that I like so much. It's quite different in parts of Europe and Canada, especially in Quebec - be careful if you order a French meat-and-potato pie from Quebec! Here's an article from a newspaper in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
A restaurant in the Lawrenceville section of Pittsburgh served a dish containing horse tartare as part of a special event the restaurant was hosting with French Canadian chefs as guests. The restaurant, which otherwise does not serve horse meat (which is legal to serve and consume in Pennsylvania), received an inspection and a warning from the USDA not to serve horse meat again.
Another joke we make about horses is that an old, worn-out horse is "ready for the glue factory". This has to do with the old fashioned hide glue, which was made with cow hides as well as horse hides, but for some reason it's the horses we joke about. I don't know if they still make hide glue or not. It used to be widely used in the manufacture of hardback books, but those use more modern adhesives these days.
#9858095 BTW, I spoke to my cousin in Missouri last night, and asked her what they do with the rest of the frog when they cook frog legs.
Were we took this frog legs too far? I was just mention about frog meat in our Chinese restaurant is a famous thing besides their pork, and never give them prejudice about that cat & dog meat, but thanx for that information about the rest of the frog meat, since i never interested in frogs, and even i wrote before if they could be a prince, when i see a frog, i usually just move away from them
Yeah.... I don't really understand about the horse meat as a pet, i mean like we also can pet pig, cow, and rabbit and they're not illegal, and nothing connected with the biblical thing. I once try the horse meat when i went to Mt.Fuji with my cousin, and then we ate it in front of one of the aunt that already become the UK citizen coz her husband is british. And then she looks at us like... "Yukz...that horse meat." I was forgot that in UK it's illegal, and i just want to try something different, and found that ramen with horse meat, then i just said "oh...it tastes like a beef".
@RusA #9858108 Americans don't usually think of cows and pigs as pets, or chickens either for that matter. People who live on farms might give the individual livestock pet names, but they do understand that those critters will eventually end up on the dinner table. On the other hand, rabbits are usually housepets, not raised for food, and many Americans think the idea of eating rabbit is disgusting, same as with a cat or dog. Eating rabbit tends to be something people in rural areas and ethnic groups do. I myself would love to have a pet rabbit if I had room for one; but on the other hand, the only reason I don't buy rabbit meat at the grocery store (where it can be hard to find, but does exist) is that it's so darned expensive.
Another popular pet for children is the guinea pig, but with a number of Peruvian immigrants moving into the area, we're shocked to find out that they consider "cuy" (guinea pig meat) to be a special treat.
As for horses, people that own them do so for recreational riding or for entering into equestrian events - horse racing is a very popular sport here, and the Triple Crown races, going on now, get as much news coverage as does football and baseball. We definitely do not think of them as a menu item.
@uktana #9858156 yeah...i also read about that gunea pig meat looks like eat mouse meat in fancy restaurant. And thanx for the eplanation about the horse meat
@uktana BTW... Since your ancestor was German, what is Prussia? I saw that Cathrine the great, Russian queen was from Prussia. I never heard about Prussia before i found it in this SATW comic, but the character in here just about Otto von Bismack.
@RusA #9857679 First of all, you have to remember that before 1871, there was no such thing as the nation of Germany - the area was divided up into a bunch of German-speaking states and principalities of various sizes, of which Prussia was the largest. It started as more or less where East Germany used to be, along with part of what is now western Poland; eventually it annexed other states to cover most of what's now northern Germany. After Bismarck's creation of the nation of Germany, it continued to be a major regional power.
And yes, Prussia and Austria supplied princesses to many of the crowed heads of Europe. Bismarck was a Prussian leader whose great accomplishment was welding all the little Germanies into one nation called "Germany". So Prussia = Bismarck is not a big stretch.
Germany between the World Wars
The state of Prussia was abolished after WW II, and its territory was divided up into eight or nine contemporary states. We still talk about a certain kind of German as a "Prussian", meaning he's strict, humorless, domineering, and acts like he's a military commander and everyone else is his soldier.
My German ancestors were actually from Frankfurt am Main, which is in Hesse, dark pink on the map above, and was never part of Prussia.
#9857753 ow... Your ancestor were from Frankfrut. Thanx for the explanation about the Prussia. Yeah... The biggest part of Prussia in northern Poland. And there's also so many castle in Germany, i though it belongs to Prussia empire, but mostly in Bavaria.
@RusA Yeah, castles, lederhosen, and Oktoberfest are all Bavarian things that Americans think are generally German. BTW, since my ancestors are from Frankfurt, that makes me a sort of a Frankfurter.
Fun fact: Cinderella's Castle in Disney's Magic Kingdom is largely based on King Ludwig II's Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria.
Another fun fact, but it takes some setting up: In Russian, they call cabbage soup щи, "shchi", pronounced "shchee". That first letter is a unique sound in Russian that's approximated with "sh" (as in "shirt") and "ch" (as in "cheese") run together in English. In German, the "sh" sound is spelled "sch", and the "ch" sound is spelled "tsch"; therefore spelling the Russian word for the soup with German letters comes out as "schtschi". The last tsarina of Russia was an Austrian princess who was married off to the Tsar. She hated the Russian people and they returned the favor - one of their jokes was that Tsarina Alexandra was so stupid, she had to use eight letters to spell a two-letter word.
#9857963 what is Frankfruter? Like u eat hot dog everyday
Isn't that "schtschi" somekind of art firm "schtschi & schtschi".
I read somewhere that Russian letters made by their king who can't read, so...their letters are so weird
@RusA #9857973 what is Frankfruter? Like u eat hot dog everyday
"Frankfurter" means anyone or anything from Frankfurt, just like Hamburgers are from Hamburg and Berliners are from Berlin. Our use of the word "frankfurter" comes from the Frankfurter Würstchen, a boiled smoked pork sausage in a casing. Although we informally call hot dogs "frankfurters" or "franks", a real American frankfurter is shorter and thicker, and has a casing, which hot dogs don't have. That's why hot dogs are often called "skinless franks". Real frankfurters are more versatile than hot dogs: in my family, they were an ingredient, along with bratwurst and other sausages in one of our favorite dishes, wurst and kraut (sausages cooked in sauerkraut). This isn't really very tasty if you use hot dogs.
I read somewhere that Russian letters made by their king who can't read, so...their letters are so weird
Russian letters, or more exactly, Cyrillic letters because they're used in other languages as well, were invented by two Greek scholars, Cyril and Methodius, who brought both literacy and Orthodoxy to the pagan Bulgarians in the ninth century. Actually, they created an odd-looking script called Glagolitic, which was altered by scholars under the authority of Tsar Simeon the Great a few years later. The letters are based on Greek, with some non-Greek sounds represented by altered Galgolitic letters, like the "backwards R", which is actually a vowel pronounced "ya" (as in, "Yah, you betcha!" ) The first Cyrillic script was used to write Old Church Slavonic, which today is the liturgical language of the Russian churches, but is actually an old form of Bulgarian, related to but distinct from Russian. The modern Cyrillic alphabet was mostly developed under the authority of Tsar Peter the Great as part of his modernization of Russian culture around the year 1700, in order to make typesetting and printing easier. It resembles the Greek alphabet even more today, and if you know that one, you know about 85% of Cyrillic.
The Russian parish I hang around at has some old prayer books written in Slavonic in their library, dating from before 1970 when they switched to mostly English services. They're really quite interesting, even though I can't read a bit of them.
@uktana .
#9857989 i want to wrote "sausage" but i forgot how it spell, than i remember the hot dogs
Oh....i once saw in travel video about Frankfrut, they have "Goethe" museum. The Germany ambasador place in here use "Goethe institute" to name their place. I didn't know who the hell is Goethe, until i read "Sophie's world" by Jostein Gaarder.
So...Russian letters came from Greek, thanx for the explanation, yeah some of them looks like backward and the opposite of other letter
@RusA #9857992 I didn't realize until I looked it up, that when Goethe was born in 1749, Frankfurt was an Imperial Free City in the Holy Roman Empire. That means that it administered its own affairs, was represented in the Diet (Parliament), and was subject only to the Emperor himself. Things must have deteriorated quite a lot by the early 1900s to make my dad's family want to leave.
And yeah, most educated Americans know who Goethe is, but I don't think many of us have actually read anything he wrote.
#9858027 Things must have deteriorated quite a lot by the early 1900s to make my dad's family want to leave.
Oh... I don't understand...why i must to reminds u about your family history it just like i must to copy, and paste story from the Anne Frank's diary, OK...let me explain how your father family move from Frankfrut, first...we all know that your father Jewish family same as Anne Frank family were from Frankfrut, Frankfrut owed much of its commercial and cultural pre-eminence to its Jewish community, of which your father family were members, had been natives to Frankfrut. Different from Anne Frank, your father family move 20 years earlier before the WWI coz anti semitism already grow in many places in Germany. And then your father family move to USA but i don't know any reason why they latter move to Canada? Since your mother family is Chinese, and already migrated to Canada, coz anti Asia in Warren J. Harding era in USA
@RusA #9858046 Oh... I don't understand...why i must to reminds u about your family history
I feel a little strange that what you wrote makes a whole lot of sense. It's a good thing my family made the Atlantic crossing before all that stuff with that Hitler guy started.
Speaking of that, our public TV network has been running a series called The Rise of the Nazis. It's quite complicated and hard to understand, but one reason Hitler was so successful is that he cultivated an image of a harmless, conventional middle-class Austrian who was nice to children and petted dogs. A lot of those in power didn't particularly like some of the other Nazis, but they thought that Hitler was someone they could control, and the public liked how he could give a speech. Plus nobody particularly liked the Jews anyway.
Although Nazism is considered right-wing by modern standards (nationalistic, pro-military, and promoting collective thinking rather than the rights of individuals), it was at the time a third choice between the right wing (the aristocracy and the military) and the left wing (the socialists and communists). Hitler cozied up to the aristocracy and got himself appointed Chancellor, and fought with them against the socialists. Then when President Hindenburg (the only official with the power to fire the Chancellor) died, Hitler got the Reichstag to combine the offices of President and Chancellor into a new one called "Führer" ("Leader" or "Guide"). Soon after that, the aristocracy realized that their heads were on the chopping block along with the socialists if they didn't say Sieg Heil!
@uktana #9858094 yeah....and don't make me create your family tree, i will just start from T-rex until Mulan in China as your great great great relatives
I read the afterword in Anne Frank diary, and found out that Hitler was an Austrian-born former house painter
And between 1924-1929 most Germans regarded the Nazi as ruffians and clowns of no great importance, until the worldwide depression in 1929, ever greater numbers of Germans began to listen to Hitler. And he wasn't attacking Jews, he also said that "the Slavs" were subhuman people fit only to be slaves
Anne Frank was born in Frankfrut before her family move to Amsterdam, and she said that her uncle already move to USA.
I once saw a video about the grandchildren of queen Victoria of England, before the WWI, the emperor of Germany was one of the Queen Victoria grandchildren, and the King Edward something of England is his Uncle, and the King of England doesn't like his nephew hates about the Jew, so...the Jewish hate already started before the first world war.
And the first world war mostly the family war in Europe, coz they still relative between Germany and England
@RusA #9858111 I once saw a video about the grandchildren of queen Victoria of England, before the WWI, the emperor of Germany was one of the Queen Victoria grandchildren, and the King Edward something of England is his Uncle, and the King of England doesn't like his nephew hates about the Jew, , so...the Jewish hate already started before the first world war.
Yes, that would have been King Edward VII, Queen Victoria's oldest son. Kaiser Wilhelm II was her grandson, the son of her daughter Victoria who was married off to Kaiser Friedrich III. Victoria had nine children and 40 grandchildren, most of whom she married off to the other royal families of Europe. Her logic was that if everyone belonged to one big happy family, then the wars that plagued Europe throughout its history would be a thing of the past. Yeah, that didn't work out so well once Wilhelm decided that "Mom liked you best!" As you say, World War I was as much a squabble among family members as it was anything else.
And yes, Hitler's antisemitism was by no means a novelty - oppression and segregation of Jews go well back into the Middle Ages. (The word "ghetto", now meaning an impoverished urban area inhabited by people of color who have little desire or means to leave, originally referred to the walled areas of Italian cities where Jews were restricted to live, often being locked in at night.) He just put it in high gear and approved the ideas of others about how to deal with "the Jewish question".
As much as we Lutherans love to quote Martin Luther's writings, there's one thing that he wrote we'd rather forget all about. After it became clear to him that the Jewish population was not going to be flocking to his new religion anytime soon, he wrote a vicious book against them with the colorful title of Von den Jüden und iren Lügen (About the Jews and Their Lies). Yes, it's just about as bad as you would expect, and certainly influenced Nazi thinking on the subject.
@uktana #9858155 yeah...that's what we don't get in our history study when in school, that WWI was a "family drama", and that video was uploaded in 2019, and in here we never really study about the European royalty either, mostly just French revolusion, nothing with Queen Elizabeth II ancestors and just hot gossip from Diana and Charles
I saw in the " Suzy Gold" movie about the Jewish family, i think they more like not to open to others, and saying other than Jews as "Hobo", means not as smart as Jews. And when in Israel that someone interview peoples on the street about the Jesus and Muhamad, they mostly not recognized those two and in Europe at that time mostly Christianity is the bigest emperor.
And today video on youtube, there was an exoduse many Jews in European want to go back to Israel, and the Israel goverment welcome them with many jobs and facilities, and places to stay, that's why they move the Palestinian to go away, and since the middle east soil rich with oil, and to many conflict in their area, they become many war immigrants in Europe and other first countries which sign that treaty immigrant. So... It's not solving the problem, and make another new problems
@RusA #9858183 we never really study about the European royalty either, mostly just French revolusion, nothing with Queen Elizabeth II ancestors and just hot gossip from Diana and Charles
In history classes in American schools, we mostly learn about Henry VIII and Elizabeth I (because the Elizabethan Era was so important in world history), then not much of anything until Elizabeth II. Maybe they'll mention Edward VIII, because of the scandalous story about how he gave up the crown to marry an American woman (making his brother George, Elizabeth's father, king in his place). And not much else. I myself have learned quite a lot about the British monarchs on my own, mostly about the Tudors (Henry VIII, James I, and Elizabeth I) and the modern ones (George I - IV, then a William, then Victoria, then the two Edwards, two more Georges, then Elizabeth; and coming up: Charles III, William IV, and George VII - unless, as a rumor goes, Prince Charles will take the name George, in which case Prince Williams son will be George VIII. It makes your head spin to try to keep everything straight. I get a lot of this from documentaries about British history from our public TV network - PBS just loves the British!
I saw in the " Suzy Gold" movie about the Jewish family, i think they more like not to open to others, and saying other than Jews as "Hobo", means not as smart as Jews.
Yes, Jewish people tend to be "clannish", meaning socially exclusive, and prefer to be around other Jews as much as possible. This is one reason why some people think that the Jews must always be up to something.
Their word for us is "goyim" (singular "goy"). This means "people", but is taken to mean "people who are not Jews". This is considered a bit rude, and a more polite word is "gentile". They do have other, more colorful terms, that they use when they think "there's nobody here but us Jews", but you don't hear them use those term around us goyim.
As to the present Israeli/Palestinian conflict: after the Holocaust, many, both Jews and gentiles, thought that it was about time the Jewish people had a place of their own to call home, and the United Nations voted in 1948 to divide what was then the western part of British-ruled Palestine (which included what is now Israel and Jordan) into both Jewish and Arab sections. This worked well for about five minutes before Jews from around the world started flocking in, pushing out the Palestinians who had been there for generations, and claiming the land for themselves. The two groups have been fighting each other over the land ever since - the Jews think that they have a right to the land because God gave it to them; and the Palestinians think they have a right to the land because they were there first. The Israelis keep control because they have an army, but the Palestinians are good at throwing rocks, and arms dealers are happy to sell them bombs and rockets.
@uktana #9858232 yeah... I saw that "King Speech" movie, and found out about the George VI, i think he's a great King when he was dealing with his public speaking problem, and believe that his own daughter can rule England, and he was right that Elizabeth II still the longest Queen in history, i mean he still have an alternative to have a son or another wives, since he's king of England, but he didn't do it
Yeah...that Palestine and Israel conflic will last forever, in here they say that the doomsday will come if Jesus return, and a peace in middle east, means that if there's a peaceful in middle east then god don't have any job anymore. Peace in middle east is also means the end of the world
@RusA Oh, and about Hitler: I forgot to mention that he was not just a house painter (or as some people say, a "paperhanger", meaning someone who puts up wallpaper), but was a fine artist in his own right. His ambition was actually to be an artist, but his application to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna was rejected. The school said that he was very good at painting buildings, but not so good at painting people, and suggested that he should study architecture instead. Here's an example of his work, King Ludwig's Neuschwanstein Castle which, as I mentioned, was a model for Cinderella's Castle in Disneyworld. And speaking of Disney: Hitler was a huge fan of his, and considered Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to be the greatest film ever made. A few years ago, some sketches were found hidden behind a painting that are thought to have been Disney fan art by Hitler himself.
Since the drawings include Pinocchio, they must have been done some time after the movie was released in 1940. Hitler might have hidden them away because he thought that such childish artwork might make Der Führer look a little silly.
@RusA #9858262
There is a tendency, especially in the Jewish community, to criticize any attempt to point out things like this about Hitler, and instead we're supposed to consider him a thoroughly evil inhuman monster with no redeeming qualities whatsoever; and if you say anything nice about him at all, you must be a Nazi yourself and support everything he ever did. The way it's usually stated is that "you're trying to humanize Hitler!"
Well, duh! To me, Hitler is a good example of humanity at its most complicated - especially of how a relatively normal human being with high moral standards who loves dogs, gets on well with children, enjoys Disney cartoons, and has a talent for artwork, can still be a self-centered, belligerent, depraved bastard, whose high moral standards don't include "thou shalt not kill".
@uktana #9858324 i always think that every human have 2 sides (good and bad) like Hitler at that time was the Hero for the peoples in Germany who think they want their land and pride back after the WWI and treaty of Versailles, seems like Soeharto in the old days was our military hero, and then became too greedy with power and money, but he got better treatment than Hitler,who then suicide with his new wife and kill his own dog, Soeharto never go to jail, only his youngest son who charge guilty for most his corruption, collution,and nepotism in this country.
Funny things, that i read even some of the Jews also made their anti semmitism comments, i've read about an American jew "Bobby Fischer" who get the Icelandic citizenship after his bad behaviour
@RusA #9858335 Funny things, that i read even some of the Jews also made their anti semmitism comments, i've read about an American jew "Bobby Fischer" who get the Icelandic citizenship after his bad behaviour
As I remember, Bobby Fischer was a kook in many ways, but boy could he play chess!
One common thought-stopper today is to claim that anyone who has the least reservation about the State of Israel, and how it runs its affairs and treats its neighbors, must be antisemitic. The usual term for Jews who do this is "self-hating Jew", even though there have always been Jews who aren't happy with what's going on in Israel. Presently, Bernie Sanders is getting this for suggesting that Israel's right to defend itself (which he supports) needs to be balanced by fair treatment of the Palestinians, and for stating that the Netanyahu administration is engaging in "racist nationalism". Self-hating Jew? Bernie Sanders is a cranky old man who hates a lot of things, but Bernie Sanders is not one of them.
#9858379 yeah...that Israel and Palestinian conflic will never end, they also kill their own leaders whose made the peace, and they said coz it was the original places of their religions. I feel so lucky that our neighboor countries never make a big deal about original things, even we have some problems with the original thing like "rendang" with Malaysia, but we never bomb or shot each other like them
I remember when i went to that Sleeping Buddha temple, one of my friend said something like "have u notice that Indian hindu also pray to Buddha, and when in Hindu temples in Bali, the Buddhis monks also pray to the hindus gods. They just respect each other gods without any big deal about it, or compare each other gods, who is better than the other."
@RusA #9858386 I feel so lucky that our neighboor countries never make a big deal about original things, even we have some problems with the original thing like "rendang" with Malaysia, but we never bomb or shot each other like them
Same here in the U.S. - we get along just fine with our nearest neighbors, though we don't always agree with each other - even Cuba isn't a threat to us anymore - and we've got big oceans in between us and anyone who wants to attack us. The biggest conflict we have is with Mexico over issues of language, immigration, and which one of us has the best tacos, but we haven't been in a shooting war with them since 1848. We did have that nasty business in Cuba in 1898, but that was Spain's fault and not Cuba's.
I remember when i went to that Sleeping Buddha temple, one of my friend said something like "have u notice that Indian hindu also pray to Buddha, and when in Hindu temples in Bali, the Buddhis monks also pray to the hindus gods. They just respect each other gods without any big deal about it, or compare each other gods, who is better than the other."
It's easier for them, because Hindu has so many gods, it's easy for them to see the Buddha as just another one of them, and Buddhism as another variation of the natural religion of mankind. Buddhism, on the other hand, grew out of Hinduism and has much in common with it, including, in some versions, big chorus-lines of gods, though of course their ideas about them are different. Christianity has something of the same relationship to Judaism, being like the mother and her independent child who don't always get along with each other. In spite of centuries of problems, it's generally easier for Christians and Jews to cooperate than it is for either of them to cooperate with other religious groups.
@uktana #9858404 yeah...even many countries in Africa just can make peace with the neighboor. I was surprise when there was an Asean games in Jakarta not long ago, there was many comments from Israeli about dissapointment how their country banned from that competition, and i was searching that it wasn't just in Jakarta, but many Asian countries banned Israel for many Asian competition
I also think that Jew and christian are just the same. Wasn't that Jesus was a jew? And i was confuse when many christian blamed Jews for Jesus death.
@RusA #9858416
There's quite a lot of hostility toward Israel in many countries of the world, the given reason being about their militarism and the way they treat the Palestinians. The U.N. is always passing anti-Israel resolutions, because there are more countries there that don't like them, than countries that do.
I also think that Jew and christian are just the same. Wasn't that Jesus was a jew? And i was confuse when many christian blamed Jews for Jesus death.
This is a complicated question that I'll try to be as brief with an answer as possible. To start with, Jesus and the Apostles were all Jews, and Christianity started out as a sect of Judaism. However, mainstream Jews and the followers of Jesus went their separate ways very early in their history: the Apostles Paul and Peter spread their new teachings across the Greek world and into Rome, and along the way decided that Christians did not have to follow the Jewish laws, which ipso facto made them non-Jewish. Eventually a system developed of having a bishop (or supervisor) in charge of a given geographical area, with the churches in that area being run by presbyters (elders, or what we now call priests and ministers) under the bishop's authority.
In 70 AD, in response to an uprising, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, including the Temple that was the center of their religion, and scattered the Jewish population across the known world. This was devastating to the Jews, and they had to reform themselves into communities that centered on local synagogues led by ordained rabbis, instead of on the Temple in Jerusalem led by hereditary priests.
So Judaism and Christianity became separate religions almost right away, and have remained so since. Jews don't accept Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, and Christians don't follow the Jewish laws; Christianity also has additional scripture, the New Testament, consisting of eyewitness accounts (the Gospels and Book of Acts); letters, mostly from Paul, but from others as well; and one very weird bit of scifi/fantasy (the Book of Revelation) that nobody can agree on what it's supposed to mean. The Jews have the same books in their Tanakh as we have in our Old Testament, but they arrange them a bit differently, and to them the New Testament is no more scripture than is the Book of Mormon.
As to blaming the Jews for Jesus death, this has always puzzled me, because Jesus' death and resurrection is the center of Christian religion, so you'd think even if they were responsible, that would be a good thing. The whole idea of the Jews collectively being "Christ-killers" started in the Middle Ages when people were making up anything they could think of to persecute the Jews with, and the idea lasted well into the Twentieth Century. Contrary to what some people think, it was never an official doctrine of the Catholic Church, and they formally rejected this teaching in 1964.
Jews and Christians both have the Bible as their holy book. But one crucial difference between Judaism and Christianity is what parts of the Bible their doctrines are based on. Judaism is based on the Old Testament, whereas Christianity mostly is based on the New Testament.
So if a law from the Old Testament is contradicted by the New Testament, then it doesn't apply to Christians. For example, Jesus declared all foods clean according to the Gospel of Mark, and that's why Christianity has little to no dietary rules, unlike Judaism.
The reason the Old Testament is part of the Christian Bible is, accoding to many theologists, that one has to have read the Old Testament to fully understand the New Testament.
And unlike Christianity, Judaism is not a missionary religion. That's why the number of Jews is so low compared to the numbers of Christians and Muslims. You can convert to Judaism, but it is a tribal religion at its core.
@EricTheRedAndWhite #9858445 ow...thanx for the explanation. And if u read about the Danish royal, it was @Uktana who mentiont it first, we just make fun for commparing the British royal with the Danish royal family
@EricTheRedAndWhite BTW... I was wondering since Japan was allied with Germany in WWII, how was the Asian in Europe at that time? More like the East Asia peoples.
@EricTheRedAndWhite #9858457 That's been happening a lot to me lately on this thread: I post it once and it shows up twice. I've been catching and deleting the duplicates when I see them.
@uktana #9858455 but i always think the countries that pro Israel, are just want their Jewish peoples move to Israel, and not live in their country anymore, i saw that like Jews in New York whose just speak Hebrew, and not english. And in one interview with a jew who live in France then move to Israel, he said that Europe not really save anymore for them, like in France they banned any religious dresses or hats or head covering things, and the rise of Neo Nazi in Germany. But like i said before...when we arguing about Israel and Palestinian conflic seems like wasting our times and energy, they're both the one who make peace as a sin, they will do their conflic until the end of the world
Oh...thanx for explaining about that difference between Jews and Christian, and the Jewish the "Christ-killers" isn't that funny the roman who kill Jesus, become the center of Christianity. Semit religions are so confusing, for me the Jews is the parent who not recognized his 2 childrens. Christian is a big brother, who hates his parent and his little brother. And Islam is the little brother who said that i'm more modern than my parent and big bro. But in the end everyone is going to hell
@RusA #9858121 Christianity has its own issues with portraying religious figures. In general, Jesus and other religious figures can be portrayed, but God the Father isn't, and the Holy Spirit is mostly only portrayed as a beam of light, or as a dove (from one of the Gospel accounts of the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus at his baptism "in the form of a dove"). Evangelical Christians, that is, the ones who reject Catholic practices and base their teachings solely on their interpretations of the Bible, tend to frown on religious images, certainly the statues that Catholics use or the icons of the Eastern Church, which they regard as idolatrous. It's very common, though, to have modest inspirational paintings of the Last Supper or Jesus knocking at the door in churches and in the homes of pious members.
Educated Christians understand that portrayals of Jesus are artifacts of the culture that produced them, and not supposed to represent what he really looked like. Blond versions are almost unknown - Jesus is usually portrayed with European features, brown hair. and either brown or blue eyes. This is also true of Russian icons, though many follow the Greek icon tradition of giving Jesus a Mediterranean look; and his complexion gets darker as you move further south. Jesus in the North African and Ethiopian churches tends to be very dark-complexioned indeed.
My understanding of Islam is that the most conservative groups frown on any portrayal of any living being, because only God can create such things, and such pictures may tend to promote idolatry. This obviously varies from one place to another, as humans and animal are freely portrayed in Persian and Turkish art. Even Muhammad shows up sometimes. Middle-Eastern Muslims have a chip on their shoulder about what they consider centuries of oppression by the "Crusaders", and they tend to think that offensive portrayals of Islam in Western media is just more of the same kind of oppression that they have to fight against. They would probably argue that the Persian images don't count because those people aren't real Muslims.
#9858153 i really love your answear. I didn't know in Africa that Jesus also looks like a Niger
I meant like...why the muslim mad about Muhamad cartoon, but they don't mad about any of Jesus statue and painting, if they want to consistent with their reason of madness Muhamad wasn't god, but just prophet like Jesus, i was arguing with that Australian, he said he's muslim from Bangladesh i don't understand in middle eastern law not to potraying their holy person or something, maybe they don't have narcististic thing like Buddha or Ganesha
And like i wrote before about the Muslim in south Sulawesi island, who don't just pray like Muhamad, but also must look a like Muhamad, that they think has a blonde hair as caucasian , and they must to dyeing their hair like a joke
@RusA #9858181 I didn't know in Africa that Jesus also looks like a Niger
It gets worse: a lot of black Christians in the U.S. insist that all the Biblical figures, from Adam and Eve to Jesus and the Apostles were all sub-Saharan black Africans.
They claim that in ancient times, the word "Africa" meant everything from the African continent to what is now Iraq, and all the people there were Negroid until they got pushed down by other groups into central Africa. This is ridiculous, of course, because in ancient times, "Africa" meant just what we call North Africa - the Romans had little idea of what was south of the Sahara.
I meant like...why the muslim mad about Muhamad cartoon, but they don't mad about any of Jesus statue and painting, if they want to consistent with their reason of madness
I don't begin to understand their thinking, but maybe it's because they think the person Christians call "Jesus" is not the same one as the prophet that they call "Isa", in much the same way that many anti-Muslim Christians will insist that "Allah" is not the same being as the "God" they worship. As a wise person once said: we'll have to die to find out who is right.
Oh, yes, I'd forgotten what you wrote about the blond Muslims in your country. You've got to admire their dedication.
@uktana #9858233 maybe it's because they think the person Christians call "Jesus" is not the same one as the prophet that they call "Isa"
I don't think they are 2 person in old times that came from the Virgin Mary, or maybe the virgin mary are a common names in the old days
Oh, yes, I'd forgotten what you wrote about the blond Muslims in your country. You've got to admire their dedication
Yeah...there always news about them o
In our local news every year
@RusA #9858260 I don't think they are 2 person in old times that came from the Virgin Mary, or maybe the virgin mary are a common names in the old days
It's more like, they're the same person, but Muslims think we got everything about him wrong. Our answer is that we have writings by people who knew him personally, and a direct line of transmission of documents from one generation to another until the Bible was put together in the 4th century. Their answer is, who are you going to trust, a bunch of writings that probably got changed over the years, or God himself coming along 600 years later to straighten us all out? And then we say, since we only have one person's word for that, why should we take it seriously? And around and around we go!
@uktana #9858322 Yeah....they have too many version of not only Jesus, Muhamad or other holy person in the old days is like when i want to write your biography as a god , then i will just write that one of your ability is can eat 100 durians in one hour, even i know that u never seen that durian in real life, or come to Asia
In Huckleberry Finn, when the widow Douglas told Huck about Moses, and then he found out that Moses had been dead considerable long time, he said that he didn't care and don't take no stock in dead peoples
Or in Moloka'i when the main character asked her aunt why she still believe to their old god than Jesus, her aunt answear "is a daughter 'born from the brain' of her mother any less believable than a virgin who gives birth to the son of god?" in the book also explaine that Hawaiian King made a new rules that every new born child have to be named of a western saint, and when the main character got sick, her father remember his dream and change her daughter name to their own native name. Same in here most baby born already have somekind of Arabic, saint or western names than our old native names, but it's not mandatory things from our president
And there was an Indonesian writer, that i once told u that she is the mother of the "minion" movie creation, i read her book, and she also found out the Buddhist religion is more close to her Javanese tradition more than her Islamic religion, so when she die not long a go, i read on the news that she was cremated, not following the muslim ceremony.
@RusA #9858336 Yeah....they have too many version of not only Jesus, Muhamad or other holy person in the old days is like when i want to write your biography as a god , then i will just write that one of your ability is can eat 100 durians in one hour, even i know that u never seen that durian in real life, or come to Asia
There's actually a running gag in parts of the internet, started by an oddball group called the Church of the SubGenius, about "the plague of the Jesii", which is a time when we will be overrun by various forms of Jesus, all different, and all claiming to be the one and only genuine article. ("Jesii" is a humorous dog-Latin plural of "Jesus", which in real Latin is actually one Jesus, two Jesūs, with the plural having a long vowel. Normally in English, if there's one Jesus, and another walks in the door, then you have two Jesuses. see ~9857360 ) The SubGeniuses have a similar teaching about a whole herd of Buddhae overrunning the world.
And it's true that we don't know anything about these historical characters except what the old documents tell us, and what their followers tell us about them. But the documents are often questionable, and their followers disagree on just about every point about them. There's a lively occupation for scholars in chasing down "the historical Jesus", and "what the Buddha really taught", and what Mohammad might have been smoking that made him see visions. Not to be invidious about it: the Prophet Ezekiel and whichever John wrote the Book of Revelation might have been stoned out of their minds, too, to judge by their writings.
In Huckleberry Finn, when the widow Douglas told Huck about Moses, and then he found out that Moses had been dead considerable long time, he said that he didn't care and don't take no stock in dead peoples
I made a joke about that, in a post about a nutty Turk who thinks he's figured out the Quranic version of the story of the Great Flood: the Ark was really a nuclear-powered ship, the "animals" were cell samples to be cloned after the waters receded to repopulate the Earth, and Noah spoke to his fourth son (in this version, stranded on a mountaintop) with a cellphone. See ~9720016 At the end, I wrote, " I mean, if you read that other version of the story, you wouldn't believe it, either!"
@uktana #9858375 i read the funny book in Indonesian version "The Geography of God" by Eric Weiner, the original version is "Man seeking God". He is jews who works in NPR, and was a writer in NY times, his brother is a Rabi, but he's not religious himself, and then he told his brother that to make the book, he already travel around the world, and did anything religious like pray with muslim, Catholic, hindu, Buddha, even the cult in Fance that believe Jesus as aliens. And then in the final chapter of the book, he asked his own brother the same question that he ask to all religious leader " what if that they beiieve as the holy messiah or phophet or any that religious person in the past just a mad crazy person that they think they can hear the sounds of god?" i don't really remember what his brother answear, but then in the end of his book, he said like ...after all of his experiencies, he prefer to be an atheis
@RusA #9858388 That reminds me of a humor writer named A. J. Jacobs, a secular Jewish fellow who wrote a book called The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Quest To Follow the Bible As Literally As Possible. Being Jewish, for him this means mostly the Old Testament with its bazillion rules and regulations. As Jacobs discovered, nobody can really follow them all literally - even the most Orthodox of Jews pick out 613 commandments that they consider important. Even Jacobs had to make some adjustments - for instance since you're not allowed to actually stone adulterers. He got around this by asking a guy if he'd ever cheated on his wife; and when the man said yes he had, Jacobs threw some gravel at him. He also spoke to many groups, both Jewish and Christian, who claim to be "following the Bible", but are all doing it differently.
I read this one when it first came out, and it might be time to look it up again. I already knew who Jacobs was - he was one of my heroes because he sat down and read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, then wrote a book called The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World . I used to amuse myself when I was a kid by picking out a volume of Britannica and just thumbing through it, reading whatever caught my interest. I never tried to read the whole set, but I certainly respect anyone who has.
@uktana #9858402 ow...i didn't know several books about that publish in year 2007, thanx for the info
My cousin also told me about her story, my uncle is a muslim and my aunt is catholic, my mom said that it was legal in the 80s to married with different religions here, they're not converted to one or other, today in here we must married with one religion. So...my cousin said that when she still kid, her parents raise her with the both muslim and catholic, like she did the fasting and prayer in ramadhan, and also went to Sunday church
No wonder, she also told me to pray at the Shinto temple, but i didn't know who was the god in that temple.
She doesn't know that praying to many gods also means that she is an atheis
@RusA #9858194 Most people don't have any ill effects from the injection, but CVS Pharmacy does give you a pamphlet that says: "Side effects may include swelling or pain at the injection site, headache, fever, nausea, fatigue, possible allergic reaction, sudden growth spurt, massive increase in strength, skin discoloration, and abnormal growth of extra limbs or changes in facial features. These are not the only possible side effects." CVS says that the side effects are mostly temporary, and should disappear within a day or two. But if this persists, I might start a new career as a construction worker.
Seriously, I drew this one a couple of weeks ago when AmericanButterfly was encouraging me to try my hand at SatW fan art, and I was getting impatient about having to wait a month between the first and second injections. I waited until now to post it, because timing is everything. I'm not sure if I want to post it on the Fan Art part of the forum or not.
@uktana #9858229 construction worker with 4 arms u will have a quick promotion coz u can always finish your job early
Yeah...u should post your art in fan art, it's for fun, it will show in your profil too. I think i saw someone upload his daughter pic in that fan art a long time ago
@uktana https://satwcomic.com/fanart/5946/denmark-and-beer
I really love this one, i don't know how that member combined the real pic with the cartoon, but Humon also have the same comics like that. And if u upload in fan art they more a lot of members can see it ,the one in the forum is hard to find.
It just occurs to me that with four arms, I can do twice as much artwork.
I do a lot of work combining images with Photoshop Elements, and though I've never tried pasting my artwork into a photograph, it wouldn't be hard to do so. I'll keep that in mind for future projects.
@uktana #9858323 yeah...u're so talented with that art works. i remember my own drawing since i was little, i don't know if i was a consistent kid or just lazy and never have any imagination, this is what i always draw at school in every pages of my drawing books, 2 mountains with sunrise, and the road and the rice field, and sometimes i added birds in the sky https://images.app.goo.gl/s5wq9V4ca3P6gtcb8
@RusA #9858331
Those aren't bad at all, in a folk-art sort of way. They show a good sense of balance, and even though the subject is pretty much the same, each one is different, and they have a nice use of color. My problem is that I just don't practice enough, so maybe only one in ten drawings I make is worth showing to anyone. I'm trying to get back in the habits I had when I was in school, when I was doodling something any time I had a pencil and paper.
@uktana #9858380 i didn't like drawing, my siblings always came home with their prizes and throphy after competition. I remember sometimes when at class i didn't finish it, and make it as home work, then asked my mom to draw me something
BTW... U always can have tattoo, even u afraid of needles
Yeah...i want to see your drawing in fan art
@RusA #9858390 Oh, boo-hoo, another child of privilege whining that life gave him lemons, and don't we all feel sorry for him? I'm sorry for the loss of his mother, of course, and too bad about the misspent years of his youth, but dahling, airing your dirty laundry in public like this is just not done! What does he think this is, the Oprah Winfrey Show or something? Oh, wait a minute...
Prince William has been doing the interview rounds as well, it seems. Maybe the two of them are trying to make the Royal Family more accessible to the people, after it has maintained a traditional kind of aloofness for decades, that people these days take for chilly detachment. They should go talk to their cousins in Denmark, who have done quite a good job at that sort of thing.
Harry might have a head start at looking like an ordinary person. Last Christmas, he and his wife were out to buy a Christmas tree, and some kid mistook him for the tree salesman.
#9858401 do u think after British peoples don't pay Harry anymore, then Harry just give Archie $10 baby meals, when his cousin George and his siblings get £ 1.000.000 baby meals
I'm not surprise if next day Harry will has his own American tv show, and not Just Oprah. I also saw Sarah Ferguson on Oprah, when she told her, why she didn't invited to Willam & Kate wedding in 2011. Oh....don't forget... i also on Oprah too, and told something to her, but i forgot... was i on Oprah show or just a wax museum
And peoples all around the world more like the royal drama, not a very happy Danish royal family, they will just... Fredrik, who? christian, who? Isn't that Hamlet still the prince of Denmark?
@RusA #9858410 do u think after British peoples don't pay Harry anymore, then Harry just give Archie $10 baby meals, when his cousin George and his siblings get £ 1.000.000 baby meals
And peoples all around the world more like the royal drama, not a very happy Danish royal family, they will just... Fredrik, who? christian, who? Isn't that Hamlet still the prince of Denmark?
That's true. The site where I got the story about Prince Christian's confirmation had a link to "Royals", and I thought there would be more news about the Danish Royals, but NOOOOOOO! It was nearly all hot gossip about the Brits. To get news about Queen Margrethe and her brood, I mostly have to go to Danish-language sites, and then they're all about how wonderful the Royal Family is. I don't know for sure if it's that they're really that boring, or if they're just that good at manipulating their publicity.
#9858441 yeah...$40 Million for Harry who was living in the luxury palace since he was born won't be enough.. I mean for us the ordinary peoples, we think we will spend it until our 7 generations, but for Harry maybe just for 3 years :stares:
Harry will make his lemon into gold and more money, he will become the new American royalty after the Kardashian ending their reality show
And if the British royal can make that to increase Will & Kate popularity, i mean like many British already grumpy about paying the royal with their taxes, and William just add more kids, or royal party, or apartment renovation. I once saw when Kate attending an event and the crowds screaming "boo" to her.
I mean, the British royal can use every Harry negative statement for their public symphaty too, and make their royal family more popular all over the world ,and it also can cover the Andrew's cases too
If Harry still in Britain, peoples will always compare him to his perfect brother, but in USA he can sell his royal story to the media with Oprah as his new best friend
Peoples all around the world more like royal drama and tragic life. Like most church in here always make drama about Jesus tragic death, do u think if Jesus had a peacefull death without betrial from his best friend, he will be really famous today? And peoples love to see that tragic drama on the happy christmas day in every year, never they play that a very happy life of Jesus and friends not only that royal tragic and drama make a lot of money from movie and play
@RusA #9858451 If Harry still in Britain, peoples will always compare him to his perfect brother, but in USA he can sell his royal story to the media with Oprah as his new best friend
Maybe he can be the host of his own reality show, Do You Have What It Takes To Be a Royal, maybe, where the contestants compete against each other to be the best at taking tea, waving to crowds, and wearing expensive but tasteful clothing (and for women, how well they can wear a hat).
do u think if Jesus had a peacefull death without betrial from his best friend, he will be really famous today?
That's true, and many important figures in early Christianity were executed by the Romans because they were considered a threat to the their stable society (not burning incense to the Emperor or to the established gods, for one thing). On the other hand, the Buddha died a peaceful death, and he's doing pretty well for himself these days.
#9858506 yeah...but christianity is the most popular religion in the world, not that peaceful Buddha https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious_populations
Oh...i'm not just talking this religion thing in this sites only, but also in my real life with my non religious family members (my sister, and one of my cousin) about how our big family become weird with this heaven talk, and the 3 of us just like aliens whose in their opinion will end up in hell but then my country also became weird too over this past 20 years, how my friends and neighbours, and peoples at work more close to god. But mostly i never talking that kind of sensitive things outside family, coz other can report and make it big deal.
And i'm also not really active in my social media anymore since 2017, and then found SATW just more fun, i can argue anything coz i don't know them in real life, the most fun was in 2017 at Trump era, that's when i realized how the world changing too, and i can see many opinion from peoples all over the world, and i can also add my knowlege about the history that very different from i was study in my school years
Yeah...who don't love the British royal with their fancy hat, and tea time
@RusA #9858520 And i'm also not really active in my social media anymore since 2017, and then found SATW just more fun, i can argue anything coz i don't know them in real life, the most fun was in 2017 at Trump era, that's when i realized how the world changing too, and i can see many opinion from peoples all over the world, and i can also add my knowlege about the history that very different from i was study in my school years
I don't have social media at all, but I'm active on a few other forums. Most of them are very specialized subjects, and any comments have to be on that subject, so I mostly just lurk and pop up when I have something to say. SatW is fun because I can write pretty much anything about anything, within the bounds of ordinary courtesy, of course. I wish more people would participate, but I'm happy enough with who we've got there.
I also like how there were so many people from so many parts of the world, it's been a real education. There are still quite a few people like that in the comics comments, but the forum seems to be just Americans and Scots these days.
@uktana oh...i found SatW first on Pinterest in Sept 2017, then accidently click the comic, and then went to the original sites. I never go to any forum, don't know any other forum either
And when i went to SatW forum already not much members there, so... I don't missing anything at all
@RusA #9858532 Well, the German Jews are mostly Ashkenazi, but I think most of the Asian ones are Sephardic, though they tend to be in the western end like Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. There are a significant number of Chinese Jews, but I don't know what group they belong to. So I guess I could be either one, or neither one.
@RusA #9858564 oh...i found SatW first on Pinterest in Sept 2017, then accidently click the comic, and then went to the original sites.
I've mentioned before that I found SatW by way of a random wiki-walk on the TV Tropes website, and followed the link to Humon's site. Back then - five years ago now - I was big into reading webcomics, and this was just one more. I hung around on the comics page for quite a while before trying out the forum. Up to then, my main forum where I could write anything about anything was the forum on the Internet Movie Database; but that one was badly moderated and was full of trolls and troublemakers, and IMDb eliminated it altogether. So that's when I started getting involved here.
My first post on the forum was sometime around the 2016 election, when I wrote about how we had two candidates nobody wanted to vote for: one of them was a loud, obnoxious, self-serving opportunist who's too old to be President... and the other one is Donald Trump. I remember when I first noticed you, when you posted on the Architecture thread about the Chicken Church.
@uktana #9858632 one of them was a loud, obnoxious, self-serving opportunist who's too old to be President
Did u mean Hillary Clinton?
Oh...yeah..that Chicken church, it was my joke after i saw your Chicken building
It was located near Borobudur temple, i went to Borobudur temple already 3x, but the chicken church wasn't popular at that time, until became a location of one Indonesian famous movie in 2016
Yes, that's one of those reversal jokes, where when you say a Presidential candidate who's loud, obnoxious, etc, people expect that you mean Trump, but those words could just as easily apply to Hillary.
Oh...yeah..that Chicken church, it was my joke after i saw your Chicken building
We used to have a lot of "roadside attractions" of that sort across the USA, but they declined in number after the interstate highways bypassed the local roads, and there aren't many left. Some people interested in "retro" cultural items try to find and if possible repair and preserve those that are left.
@uktana #9858673 i though Democrat in 2020 want to give changes to Pete Buttigieg, but then America still to conservative for gay president
Oh...i saw there is a retro hotel at the rest area near California, but the building not that wierd from the outside.
@RusA #9858686 i though Democrat in 2020 want to give changes to Pete Buttigieg, but then America still to conservative for gay president
Buttigieg was one of those people that ran for President just to get the name recognition. There's usually two or three serious candidates, and a dozen or two also-rans. He didn't have a chance to get the nomination, not because he's gay, but because he was too young and inexperienced. He's about my age, in fact, and just barely old enough to run for that office at all. And his only political experience is being mayor of a small city in Indiana - not a lot of training for what to do if North Korea suddenly attacks Guam and we've got to do something about it. I'm glad, though, that he hasn't disappeared altogether like most of the other also-rans. Having a low-level Cabinet position is the best place for him right now, so he can see how Washington works, and maybe he'll have a chance at the nomination in 2028 or 2032. By then he'll be 46 or 50 years old, respectively, which is about the right age.
Oh...i saw there is a retro hotel at the rest area near California, but the building not that wierd from the outside.
"Retro" doesn't mean just the oddball roadside attractions, but everything that was popular in a given era that seems quaint and charming now. Most retro focuses on the Fifties and early Sixties, because that was one of the more creative times, and that's what Boomers remember from their childhoods. A lot of it focuses on Mid-Century Modern furniture and Googie architecture, both of which expressed their idea of what the future would look like - which looking back from the real future, looks cute in an old-fashioned sort of way.
My interest is mostly in retro pop culture (old movies and TV shows, books and magazines, etc) and the gruesomely creative uses of canned foods suggested by the companies that made them. https://www.boredpanda.com/strange-vintage-food-cooking-recipes/ I've posted a few things like this on the Food thread, just to make fun of them.
@uktana #9858699 ooopppsss.... sorry i always use the word "changes" when i meant as "chances", lucky u're so smart, and can read what i meant :yes;
Oh... I though the world leader today just more and more younger, like Jasinda Arden the New Zealand PM, she was born in 1980 ,and President of Finland Sanna Marin has same age as mine, Finland located next to Russia and not in NATO, but u're right that USA mostly has more enemies than others
My first job was in construction firm as admin, one time my engineer coworker took me to the transportation ministry office, coz we have a job with them, i really love the transportation ministry building, it's the colonial old building, but when i come to the inside, they just did the renovation for the interior into modern office, and i can't believe it if i just look the colonial building from the outside.
And then on my cable tv in Nat Geo chanel,there is a program "restoration man" it's about the peoples in UK who bought the old castel, church, light house from really really old times, sometimes just the ruins, they bought it very cheap, and then they built it again, but still use the old first construction, and their new building must to get approve first from local goverment, and it's so hard to make their new building drawing approved by the official, they draw back again and again,until they get approval new building that they want.
But when they finish,the building are amazing coz it's old from the outside but so modern in the inside, just so cool.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0FmsLDwkA9g
@RusA Oh... I though the world leader today just more and more younger, like Jasinda Arden the New Zealand PM, she was born in 1980 ,and President of Finland Sanna Marin has same age as mine, Finland located next to Russia and not in NATO, but u're right that USA mostly has more enemies than others
The Constitution says a President has to be at least 35 years old, but we have a custom of electing middle-aged men as President; most have been between 50 and 65. The youngest was Theodore Roosevelt, who as Vice President, became President at age 42 when McKinley was assassinated, and then John Kennedy was the youngest President elected in his own right at age 43. When Reagan was running for President, there was much concern that, at age 69, he was too old for the job. Now that we have a 78-year-old sitting President, that seems a little bit cute. Contrary to what's happening in other countries, our Presidents are just get older and older.
And yes, it's quite a different job to run a country like Finland or New Zealand that mostly minds its own business, than to run one like the United States that wants to have a finger in every pie across the globe. We look for someone who is mature, established, and has some experience at least in national politics, if not international affairs. Three strikes for Buttegieg, who is none of these, but just give him time and I think he'll be someone to watch.
@uktana #9858721 ow... JFK was a young president, i think i read somewhere that JFK was the first Irish American president, it wasn't because he is catholic. I still don't know why the cause racism over Irish, someone in comic wrote that because of the potato famine and they're catholic too.
Oh... joe Biden is so old, i though it's just Bernie Sanders
@RusA #9858721 I think JFK was our first president of pure Irish ancestry. We've had several others with Irish ancestry mixed with other ethnicities, including Barack Obama, who is Irish on his mother's side. In 1960, many people opposed JFK because he was Catholic, and were afraid he'd be "taking orders from the Pope". His being Irish had nothing to do with it - the old anti-Irish feelings that were common in the late 19th and early 20th centuries had died out by then, as the Irish-Americans became assimilated, and quickly became just another kind of white folks. From thinking of the Irish as being lazy drunks who picked fights and belonged to a weird cult religion, we started thinking of them as colorful and fun-loving people who stood up for themselves when necessary. For the most part, a politician's religion has little to do with his electability these days: Biden being Catholic, or Sanders being Jewish, was barely mentioned during the election, and even Mitt Romney doesn't get much bad press for being a Mormon. The only ones who get criticism for their religion are Muslims, whom many Americans still don't trust.
@uktana #9858740the only ones who get criticism for their religion are Muslims, whom many Americans still don't trust
Wasn't that many American think Obama is a muslim, since his middle name is "Hussein"
Jewish and Christian are old religions in Europe and America, muslims is still new like Buddha and Hindu.
BTW... Wasn't that Al-qaidah or Osama Bin Laden group was trained by the USA army in Pres.Reagan era to kick out the Russian in Afghanistan? (There are pic on the internet when Pres. Reagan met Osama bin laden look so happy), And then they became the boomerang for the USA, i don't know what made them did the 9/11, maybe something they didn't like with their agreement with USA. And when George W. Bush killed Sadam Hussein, they didn't find any chemical weapon that Bush claimed when he first time attacking Iraq.
The Isis today also want the western think they're bigger than they are, they will claimed any boomer or shooter as their peoples, like that Vegas shooting, first the Isis claimed that he was their peoples, but then the investigation just said the shooter not related to Isis, he just think that he has a murder blood from his father.
And someone told me like Princess Diana death, wasn't an accident, but it was on purposse that they want to kill her, coz they didn't want the mother of the King of England become a muslim, since she dating that Doddy Al-fayed. But then i checked Diana Spencer bio on wikipedia, and found out that she isn't just has an Irish ancestor, but also one of her great grand parent is a muslim from India
I also think this Muslim hates won't be like Crusade in old times, since many peoples in Europe don't trust Pope anymore, i read that many Catholic churches near Vatican already close, coz European mostly not religious anymore, not just the catholic church but almost many churches in Europe already close, coz the young peoples not so religious
@RusA EDIT: This post was a double post of #9858740 above. I thought I checked to be sure to delete the double posts when they happen, but I missed this one.
@uktana the funny thing not only Europe become atheis, but muslim country like Saudi Arabia, today they allow women to drive, and the King/prince of Saudi want to open his new luxury resort beach, and will allow women to wear bikini too. And i saw a house touring in L.A on tv , there is a big house belongs to prince of Saudi, and the house has a wine room, like they don't allow any alcohol in their country, but they can drink it outside the country
@RusA #9858707 We make that mistake all the time, like in the last couple of days I'm hearing people say that "the President of England" just got married, by which they mean Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. It's even more confusing with countries like Finland that have both a President as their head of state (a ceremonial position) and a Prime Minister who is the head of government (who does the real work).
In the U.S. the President is both head of state and head of government, which leads to people thinking that if you criticize the President's handling of the government, you're as much as criticizing the United States. We also get situations where the President acts like he's been elected King of America - not just Trump, but G.W. Bush, Nixon, and to some extent Reagan, tended to think this way.
@uktana #9858720 yeah...it's really confusing, i though if the country not a monarchy and under other country commonwhealtg then will be republic with just the President and VP, so... I was surprise yesterday when knowing that Finland has both PM and President
@RusA #9858727 It varies from one country to another. In many countries, the Prime Minister runs the show and the President holds a ceremonial post, and shows up at important state events, but doesn't have any real decision-making power. In countries with a constitutional monarchy, usually the Monarch serves this function, while the Prime Minister runs the country (as in the UK). In some other countries, like France, the President and Prime Minister share decision-making power in various ways.
In Russia, the President runs the country, and the Prime Minister deals with the Duma (Parliament). In that case, the Prime Minister functions much like our U.S. Vice President: he/she presides over the Duma in Russia, or the Senate in the U.S., and is first in the line of succession, should something happen to the President.
Before Russia changed its Constitution, the President could serve two terms, but then had to wait out four years before serving two more terms. (This is different from our system, where one person can serve only two terms and no more.) During those four years, the Prime Minister, Dmitri Medvedev, was elected President and Putin became Prime Minister. Everyone understood that Putin was still in charge, and Medvedev was just a placeholder. Sure enough, in the next election, Putin again became President and Medvedev returned to being Prime Minister. In the meantime, the Duma changed the Constitution so that Putin can be re-elected as President as often as he wants to, so no more of those "Are you President today, Dmitri, or am I?" jokes that were going around in 2008-2012.
The short version is that the way the government is structured varies from country to country, and each one does it a little bit differently. So if you want to know how the government of a given country works, you just have to look it up.
@uktana #9858738 thanx for the explanation. Oh...that's Russian election, just reminds me of Soeharto era i don't know why in dictatorship countries, they still keep doing the fake election like that
@RusA #9858754 I don't know about Soeharto, but I do know a bit about how Putin became so powerful.
The Soviet Union was falling apart in the Seventies, and when Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader, he decided to do something about it. Reforming the Soviet system didn't work, so he declared the Soviet Union dissolved, replaced by a commonwealth consisting of the Russian Federation and all the former SSRs that were now independent states.
Boris Yeltsin was elected President in 1991, but he was an inept leader, and nobody really knew how to run a democratic system. So the oligarchs (businessmen who controlled enough resources to influence public policy) bought up state assets and made themselves even richer, plus the Mafiya (organized crime) came to control much of society. You had to pay bribes to everyone, even the police, to get anything done. Common news story at the time: Prominent businessman is shot to death in a restaurant; police first investigate his ties to organized crime. Or: prominent businessman found dead in his swimming pool with his hands and feet bound with duct tape; police rule it a suicide.
When Putin was elected, he started taking control away from the oligarchs and mobsters. He either folded the oligarchs into his government or had them eliminated, eventually re-taking control of former state assets (like radio and TV and various business interests) by accusing the oligarchs of "corruption" and throwing them in prison. He also reduced the reach of the Mafiya, forcing many to set up shop overseas.
And to be sure, a lot of Russians like Putin as a strong leader who keeps things in good order. His party, United Russia, is by far the largest, and each election is pretty much vote for Putin or vote for the candidate of a dozen or so fringe parties that nobody in their right mind would vote for anyway. After the chaos of the Yeltsin years, many Russians are happy that things are ordered and predictable; plus they've lived under authoritarian leaders (first the Tsars, then the Soviets) for centuries, so Putin's authoritarian ways is just kind of normal for them. Also, in spite of what the Soviets wanted us to think, Russians are a deeply religious people, and Putin's freeing up the Russian Orthodox Church and making the Patriarch of Moscow practically a government official, appeals to them in ways that others really can't understand.
To many Russians, "democracy" means disorder and upredictability, and they're perfectly fine with what Putin used to call "managed democracy", with him as the manager, of course! If there's one reason people vote for Putin in every election, it's the fear that if they don't, the whole country is going to fall into chaos again, with nobody running the government, oligarchs collecting bribes and criminals running loose, and the average person being poor and miserable.
@uktana #9858759 thanx for the explanation about Putin, all i know he was a KGB agent or something then became the Russian leader
Oh...we also still don't know why Soeharto became a President at that time, many analysis about that one of them is he read our first President letter in a wrong way
Everyone know that Soeharto was a hero after the comunist party murder some military leader, and then he banned any communist party, he got a letter from our first President actually just said "he has power to secure the country, and made it normal", but he read it wrongly and then became our next President nothing in that letter pointed him to be the next president, it's still a mysteri for us too
Yeah...that election fear to pick the same leader again, that reminds me of Soeharto. The weird thing about Soeharto, after he resign, no one took any revenge on him. Everyone just forgive and forgot about bad things he did, even that the new country like East Timor/ Timor Leste never bring him to the International court after his military murder, the family of our first President,like our first President daughter later became our first female president, just leave Soeharto alone in peace (Soeharto treat the First President family really bad), Soeharto never leave the country, he died peacefully, and his family like all his children and grand children are still rich and everyone still respect them until todau.
His youngest son who went to jail just for couple years, even can had an affair and knocked out the super model, we belive he got the luxury jail, and after he free, he still rich
We believe that Soeharto's paranormal must be really strong
@RusA #9858774 thanx for the explanation about Putin, all i know he was a KGB agent or something then became the Russian leader
That's right. After the Russian Federation replaced the Soviet Union, the KGB was succeeded by the FSB (Federal Security Bureau), which was supposed to work like our FBI, but was really just the KGB in new offices. There's no question that Putin used, and continues to use, his old KGB connections to get and keep his power, with many of the "siloviki" (strong men) getting new jobs in Putin's administration.
We believe that Soeharto's paranormal must be really strong
Too bad Soeharto isn't still around, he might have given Trump some pointers. I've been joking about how Trump has been able to get away with so much, and pull off astonishing triumph's like the 2016 election because he made a pact with Satan 40 years ago. Too bad for him the contract was up last year, and he lost the election and all the challenges to it. I suspect he's been renegotiating the contract so that he can get his mojo back - maybe he'll offer Eric up as a sacrifice.
@uktana #9858789 oh...did u mean that "EricTrump", right? Not Eric "merah dan putih"
I think Trump was really clean with his family members when he was a president, mostly he gave much his administration jobs to Jared Kushner, i think he was so sneaky, like if something bad happen, Jared will be in jail, and Ivanka can date Justin Trudeu
@uktana Oh.. I think the only place where white peoples really proude about their native is in New Zealand, like in their national anthem, they combined Maori language with English in "God defense New Zealand", they don't think that the native just a trash languange, and replace them all with all white European language (English, Spanish, French, Portugese). And i was surprise when see the white athletes always dance "Haka" in every international game, first time i saw it in olympic game, they really proude dancing the maori traditional dance, when i saw it, i can't see white peoples anymore, they became their native Maori. Even when the British royal came to New Zealand, u can see on the news, how British royal like "Charles& Camila" or "William & Catherine" did their "Hongi", something like "Yukz....hands are so dirty, in New Zealand we don't shaking hands, but we use our nose " . And i always see New Zealand usually in the 2nd position in many good things of world rank, or in the top 10.
The first one usually country like Iceland, or some hetero white countries in the North Europe. See... U can also be the best when u combine the native traditions
@RusA #9858794 oh...did u mean that "EricTrump", right? Not Eric "merah dan putih"
Yes, sorry, I meant Eric Trump. I did a write-up of this idea as a Not Fake News story, ~9858797 A joke in this one that nobody's going to get, is that the document posted there is an actual "pact with Satan", presented as evidence in the trial of a French priest named Urbain Grandier who was executed for witchcraft in 1635. This picture is well-known to those of us who like to read about such things, and all I did was change the signature at the bottom from Urbain Grandier to Donald Trump.
If Trump comes out of hiding and starts winning again, we'll know that he managed to get Satan to renew the contract.
@uktana #9858801 ow...that's original documen from witchcraft in 1635 with Trump's signature
I don't know that Satan really need human's legal document too
Oh...the funny thing that after Soeharto resign, his paranormal became famous, and always on gossip tv show
@RusA #9858820 Pacts with Satan were a very common thing in the witchcraft trials, at least to hear the prosecutors tell it. It was rare to produce an actual document like Grandier's, which is probably why this one is so often reproduced. More usually, the deal was what today we would call an oral contract: the sorcerer tells Satan he/she wishes to exchange his soul for wealth and power, and Satan agrees. Typically, Satan would seal the deal by touching the person and leaving a "devil's mark" - a mole, callus, birthmark, or other blemish supposedly distinct in appearance from a natural one. Close examination of the accused body, and pricking any suspicious mark (doing this to a witch's mark would produce no pain, so they said) was a standard part of these trials.
These days, ambitious and immoral people don't make a pact with Satan in exchange for wealth and power. Instead they sell their soul to a corporation and sign a contract of employment.
Speaking of leaders with supernatural powers: one of the wackier anti-Obama claims was that he was an evil magician who used African Muslim Satanist voodoo powers to get his way. Oh, and Hillary Clinton is a practicing witch who as First Lady engaged in necromancy, like getting advice by raising up Eleanor Roosevelt. Oh, and she eats babies.
@uktana #9858826evil magician who used African Muslim Satanist voodoo
Oh...there was on cable tv about big Asian airports, when in Dubai aiport, the airport staff open the bags that belong to African person, the bags are full of Voodoo things from Africa.
What??? Hillary Clinton eats babies , no wonder she looks so young
@RusA #9858842
Local boy makes good, huh? I might see if I can dig that one up, it sounds interesting and apparently got good reviews, except for how it fictionalized his life.
@RusA #9858748 Wasn't that many American think Obama is a muslim, since his middle name is "Hussein"
Yes, that rumor actually was started by Hillary Clinton's campaign when she was running against Obama in 2006, then got picked up by the likes of Donald Trump, and went like wildfire from there. A lot of Americans didn't want a black president, but they didn't want to sound racist, so they picked up on this as a way of hating on Obama without bringing up his race. Their logic was that since his father was a Muslim, then he must be, too, especially with a name like "Hussein" (though he was named after his father, the way many people are, including me). As I understand it, his father was nominally Muslim, but didn't really practice the religion. Also they say Obama went to a "madrasah", or a school that teaches Islam, in Indonesia. You may know how this works in your country better than I do, but what I know about it is that Obama's mother had him in a Catholic school when they lived in Indonesia, but when she couldn't afford the fees, she put him in the public school, where - surprise! - most of the students were Muslim. You could just as easily argue that Obama is "really" a Catholic, since he went to a Catholic school. Obama doesn't seem to belong to any particular denomination, but he publicly professes Christianity and usually goes to United Church of Christ churches. I'm not even sure that it's possible to be "secretly" Muslim, as Obama is claimed to be, since so much of the religion consists of doing things in public that would give you away. Obama has never been seen doing salat, plus he eats ham sandwiches, with both hands and drinks beer.
BTW... Wasn't that Al-qaidah or Osama Bin Laden group was trained by the USA army in Pres.Reagan era to kick out the Russian in Afghanistan? (There are pic on the internet when Pres. Reagan met Osama bin laden look so happy), And then they became the boomerang for the USA, i don't know what made them did the 9/11, maybe something they didn't like with their agreement with USA. And when George W. Bush killed Sadam Hussein, they didn't find any chemical weapon that Bush claimed when he first time attacking Iraq.
When the Soviet Union sent troops into Afghanistan, it was seen by the U.S. as an unwarranted act of aggression, and many thought that this was a first step to invading Pakistan and so get the "warm water port" that doesn't freeze up in the winter like their other ports do. So, on the principle that anyone who fights against the Soviets can't be all bad, the U.S. started supporting and training the Mujahideen who were fighting jihad against the Russians, a concept we didn't really understand back then. To be sure, most of their funding came from Muslim groups and charities that supported their fight - not all of it came from us.
Also, Osama bin Laden was not a fighter in Afghanistan, but was an organizer and fundraiser who collected resources for the Mujahideen from around the Arab world. His hatred for the U.S. came later, during the invasion of Iraq, when the Saudi government allowed our troops to organize in their country before the invasion. Osama considered this a horrendous act of sacrilege of what he considered holy land, and began working with others to strike a significant blow to our country.
And someone told me like Princess Diana death, wasn't an accident, but it was on purposse that they want to kill her, coz they didn't want the mother of the King of England become a muslim, since she dating that Doddy Al-fayed.
The sudden death of any popular celebrity will create a rash of conspiracy-murder stories. As far as history is concerned, Diana's death was a tragic accident caused by a reckless attempt to get away from paparazzi. Certainly, the Royal Family didn't like her choice of boyfriends, but there's no way they could have orchestrated the accident. What did they do, get secret agents to pose as paparazzi to chase the car, or pay off the driver to crash into the wall of the tunnel, and make sure that Diana was in position to be killed in the crash and not just injured? Of course, everyone knows it was really space aliens that did it!
@uktana #9858760Obama's mother had him in a Catholic school when they lived in Indonesia, but when she couldn't afford the fees, she put him in the public school, where - surprise! - most of the students were Muslim
Obama was here in Soeharto era, at that time the Islamic school had a "negative image" many noble whealthy muslim families at that time also sent their kids to the Catholic school, so...even he went to Catholic school, i believe some of his friends also muslim kids, and other kids from Buddist and Hindu religions, not just catholic kids. Obama's step father lived in "Menteng" area in Jakarta, It's no.1 area in Jakarta, Where the president house and most of his administration ministries, and many embassy located, even Obama said he lived in "Menteng dalam" not the main "Menteng", but still is a whealthy family at that time can lived in that area.
And "Madrasah" usually a Islamic school in the remote village for very poor family outside Jakarta at that time, so i doubt that he went to any"Madrasah" from his name seems like his Indonesian step father also a muslim man, and his half sister Maya went to Jakarta International scschool.eah... I meant if the royal family really afraid of Muslim, wasn't they checked Diana's backgroud before the royal wedding, that Diana has a Muslim ancestor. I though it was just Doddy Al-fayed, but when i saw the movie "Diana" i found out that she was in relationship with Pakistan muslim before the final divorce. Yeah...that Alien who murder her
@RusA #9858766
Thanks, that's very helpful. I'm always saying that if you want to know something, ask someone who knows, and I don't know anybody who can give me good information about Indonesia like you can.
Somehow all those scare-stories about how Obama was the Antichrist and was going to bring about the End of the World, or that he was going to throw conservatives into FEMA-run concentration camps and turn the U.S. into a communist country, didn't pan out, either
#9858787 it's so funny when i saw on tv how the white peoples in their interview always said that they afraid of Muslim, Jewish, or Black peoples want to kill them. For me as a non white, i'm more afraid with "white Christian", not only the history how they treat non Christian, and non white all over the world with their written law like "Stolen generations" in Australia, "Apharteid" in South Africa, many native in the colonial era, Nazi in Europe, even in modern times when they just call the police when they see colors people doing nothing wrong,then send them to jail, it's still a scary thing
@RusA #9858787 Yes, if I were not a white male, I would be afraid to walk around in public these days. Black and Hispanic people have always had to deal with being harassed by people who want to take out their frustrations on them, and since 9/11 such people have also been targeting anyone who looks "Muslim", including Sikhs and Palestinian Christians, both of whom get harassed. But now, in the last year, there has been a rash of verbal and physical attacks on Asians by people who blame them for covid-19 and all the social restrictions that came from it, loss of jobs, businesses closing up, all the rest. This is something new, because Asian-Americans as a group have always been "the model minority" - quiet, responsible, well-educated, and not prone to getting into trouble. Thank goodness Asian-Americans are standing up for themselves and making a public issue out of this. For one thing, it proves that they are real Americans who react to oppression the same way the rest of us do: stand up in front of a TV camera and say we're not going to take it anymore.
One thing that irritates me about this, is that the media have brushed off the old "Asian and Pacific Islander" label, like there's only one kind of people from India to Hawaii, who all have the same interests and concerns. I certainly don't have to tell you how ridiculous that is! This category used to be part of the government's racial bean-counting, when you had to check off a box on documents about what race you belonged to, but they changed it forty years ago. Apparently National Public Radio and CNN never got the memo.
@uktana #9858802Asian-Americans as a group have always been "the model minority" - quiet, responsible, well-educated
For me Asian always in the middle, and still not belong to American, there are always like if u white or black American, there will no more question about it, but so many Asian if the say they are European or American or even Australian, they will ask more question "Really? Where u originally came from?" like they don't believe that Asian can be the citizen of non Asian countries
And for me east Asian (Chinese, Korean, and Japanese) specially the Japanese are the one who trying so hard to be white.
I see their Japanese cartoon from the 90s to recent year, like that Sailor moon, or this one is most popular today , and really for kids https://images.app.goo.gl/1phg8NQHBeLmQ27y7 "Miiko", when i see that cartoon i didn't see Japanese in Japan, but i more see white kids in Japan. The east Asian peoples already have white skin, and few have blond and brown hair, but their eyes are small, i read so many east Asian peoples doing that plastic surgery to make their eyes become big, even my Chinese female friends here, coz they still can afford the plastic surgery, then they always do someting with make-up to make their eyes look bigger, but for me it's really didn't help at all
To be "profesional" these days means that we all must to speak like "white" and do as "white". Like Michael Jackson, even he already made a lot of plastic surgery, but still they will always find something to make him looks bad. Like the Covid-19, they will find something to make an excusses to attack Asian. Even we all non white do plastic surgery like Michael Jackson did, we still can be that white enough
When i saw the picture in church on colonial era, only white can sit on the chair, and non white must sit on the floor, only white christian can see colors from time to time
And today churches not only outside
, just Korean church or German/Swedish church, but also in here still just for peoples from North Sumatra or Javanese church, just few already national church.
@RusA #9858818 but so many Asian if the say they are European or American or even Australian, they will ask more question "Really? Where u originally came from?" like they don't believe that Asian can be the citizen of non Asian countries
That's true, for some reason it's Asians and Hispanics that Americans don't believe they could actually be born here. Hey, why don't you go back to where you came from? What, I should go back to Topeka, Kansas? Or: Where are you from? I'm from New Jersey. No, I mean, where are you from? I told you, New Jersey! (This is an ignorant way of asking a person where his ancestors came from, but we don't usually think to ask it that way of Asians.)
I see their Japanese cartoon from the 90s to recent year, like that Sailor moon, or this one is most popular today , and really for kids https://images.app.goo.gl/1phg8NQHBeLmQ27y7 "Miiko", when i see that cartoon i didn't see Japanese in Japan, but i more see white kids in Japan.
One thing that puzzled me when I first started watching Japanese anime is that nearly all the characters were drawn to look Caucasian, even if they were explicitly Japanese, and they looked just like the ones who were explicitly American or European.
Englishman Negi Springfield (in the green suit) surrounded by the totally Japanese students in his class at Mahora Academy.
When i saw the picture in church on colonial era, only white can sit on the chair, and non white must sit on the floor, only white christian can see colors from time to time
In the U.S., before the Civil War, people brought over from Africa were taught Christianity, but were not allowed to learn to read. As a result, they formed religious groups that relied on dynamic preaching and complex singing style based on traditional African models to spread the Gospel. Eventually these groups got educated preachers and, after Emancipation, formed what today we call the "black churches", which due to segregation, remained separate from white churches for another century. Although churches have been working toward integration for more than fifty years, there are still many black denominations, like the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the National Baptist Convention. They do allow white people to join if they want to. Most Catholic and mainstream Protestant churches tend to reflect their communities - Episcopal parishes, for instance, tend to be mostly black in the cities and mostly white in rural areas, and we have one Catholic parish that's made up of mostly Nigerian immigrants and their American-born children, that attracts other black Catholics. One of the strangest to my eye is a building near where I grew up that until recently was a Jewish Synagogue, that is now the First Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford. As I mentioned before, Asian Christians in my area tend to be Vietnamese Catholics or Korean Methodists, and Chinese Baptists are still a little beyond my experience.
@uktana #9858827even if they were explicitly Japanese, and they looked just like the ones who were explicitly American or European
Yeah...if i see the Japanese cartoon in original language, than i see caucasian in Japan speaking Japanese. in Eng dubs, then i see caucasian in Japan speaking English. it become weirder when i see it in indo dubs, then i see caucasian in Japan speaking Indonesian
@uktana BTW... I'm also not a fans of other semit religions (islam and Jew), even that Buddha, after i read that Sindharta Gautama left his wife, and kids for that stupid "enlighment"
@RusA #9858835 Oh...there was on cable tv about big Asian airports, when in Dubai aiport, the airport staff open the bags that belong to African person, the bags are full of Voodoo things from Africa.
If he was from Africa, it was probably a bunch of religious items from whatever native religion he practiced. Those are usually grouped together as "African animism" - animism means a religion that believes material objects have a "spirit" or some kind of consciousness that can be communicated with, and employed for good or evil purposes. Our Native American medicine religions are based on a similar idea, though of course very different in detail. I imagine the religious regalia of an African animist would look quite weird to a Muslim in Dubai.
Voodoo, or more exactly "Voudon", is a religion which developed in Haiti, that mixed together Catholicism with aspects of the former slaves' African religion. Notably, they identify certain saints with certain of their traditional "loa" (gods or nature spirits), and if you pray to, say, St. Peter the Apostle, you're praying to Legba, the loa of wisdom and communication. They believe in a supreme creator God, Bondye (from French Bon Dieu, the Good God), but the loa are the ones you get the goodies from, and Bondye is more like the founder and CEO of the Universe, who you don't usually have to deal with.
Voodoo is specific to Haiti, but other parts of the Caribbean and some parts of coastal South America have their own version that vary in detail: Macumba in Brazil, Vudú in Dominica, Santería in Cuba and Puerto Rico, Kumfu in Jamaica, etc. With so many Puerto Ricans in my local area, Santería is well-known and widely practiced, even among people who regard themselves as good Catholics.
Voodoo is also what we call the African-based magical practices centered on New Orleans, and there is a derivative folk-magic practice called "hoodoo", which is actually quite popular these days among white folks on one end of the New Age movement. We often used the words "voodoo" and "hoodoo" for superstitions that we don't approve of. Superstitions we do approve of are usually called "Christianity".
What??? Hillary Clinton eats babies , no wonder she looks so young
That's all part of that Q-Anon nonsense that believes Trump to be God's chosen warrior, fighting against a secret establishment of Democrats, corporate bigwigs, and celebrities, who engage in sex trafficking and sexual abuse of children, as well as cannibalism. And yes, Hillary Clinton is high on their list of evildoers. This is really just the same nutjob ideas from the Nineties that made the same claims about Bill Clinton and the two George Bushes, as well as any other powerful or rich person. Back then we thought it was all a bunch of harmless loonies like the UFO cultists or Church of Satan followers; but in the last couple of years, Q-Anon supporters have acted out their fantasies in violent ways. In the worst of these events, they were the instigators of the attack on the Capitol Building to overthrow the government and install Trump as.... I'm not sure what - Führer, King, or President For Life. Since their coup d'état failed, they have lost followers, but they're still plenty dangerous.
I made a Fake News post back when Trump started complaining about the witch hunt against him, that he and Hillary Clinton really were witches, and that the Democrats and Republicans were secretly doing magical workings together, in order to fight against the REAL evildoers: the Libertarians. Unfortunately that one was done so long ago that it's not available on the thread anymore.
@uktana #9858843 i'm confuse with the all semit religions(Christian, Islam, and Jew). They all don't believe in animisme gods made by stone, but must to believe to Allah, Jesus's father, and Yewyeh(the Jew's god sounds like that ) who also we can't see them either, and must replace it with Ka'bah (stone in Meccah), Jesus statue/cross, and that holy wall in Israel. And all semit religions even don't have any god with half elephant who has many hands, but just a human with half bird coz angel is human who has wings, and wings is a bird thing , can't believe with something magic, but must to believe with the normal person who can walk on water, can speak to animals,etc.
Don't believe in magic spell for witches, but have special words in prayer when we want our wishes come true. Don't believe in any magic as medium, but have holy water or holy something. Aren't they're just the same as animisme?
@RusA #9858856 #9858859 oh... I'm sorry if my questions make u dizzy,
Well, I can't really answer the questions you asked, in the way that you framed them, but it's a fair concern: why does Christianity condemn the practice of magic, and yet seems to think "miracles", which seem to be the same thing, are OK? The short answer is: the difference is where the magic/miracles come from.
In Christianity, God is all-powerful, and is willing to share some of that power with those who will use it responsibly, for ends that He approves of, by means of things that long experience (tradition) says are appropriate. We call that power "grace" (from a Latin word meaning "a free gift with no strings attached"), and the people, places, and things that mediate that power we call "channels of grace". Crosses, holy water, and in general anything that's used only for religious purposes can be a channel of grace, but must be used with prayer to God, because they have no power in themselves. Catholics and Orthodox make use of such things a lot; Protestants tend to shy away from such things, for the reasons you bring up: it's likely to lead to idolatry (thinking of the physical object as divine in itself) and to lead one away from God (because one thinks he can do these miraculous things by his own power).
Animists, on the other hand, may or may not have a Supreme Being (like the Bondye of Voudon), but they pay little attention to him; to them, the rocks and trees and artifacts and what-not have powerful spirits in them, that one can communicate with and employ to get things done in the material world. I likened Bondye to the CEO of a corporation, so to extend that analogy, the animistic spirits are like the office workers and sales representatives who actually do the work. Employing these nature spirits is how they practice their religion, and the only thing that matters is if one uses them for good purposes like healing, or becoming rich in order to help others; or for evil purposes like hurting other people or becoming rich in order to oppress others.
As to which one of us is right, well, as I always say, we have to die to find out. In the meantime, I think we should follow whatever religion we grew up in if we can, and if we can't then to find one that helps us do good in the world, even if that turns out to be agnosticism or even atheism. Unfortunately, my experience is that people who shop around for a religion they like tend to settle on one that makes them think they're better than everyone else, and turns them into total schmucks. This is as true of atheists as anyone else, although agnostics tend to be less full of themselves than either atheists or "true believer" religious people.
@RusA #9858856 continued They all don't believe in animisme gods made by stone, but must to believe to Allah, Jesus's father, and Yewyeh(the Jew's god sounds like that ) who also we can't see them either, and must replace it with Ka'bah (stone in Meccah), Jesus statue/cross, and that holy wall in Israel.
All religions have geographic places that they consider to have a closer connection with their idea of God than other places. For Jews and Christians, this is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which was a sacred site long before the first Temple was built. The Temple itself was the center of their religion, until the Romans destroyed it in 70 AD. The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is all that is left of the last Temple, which is why making a pilgrimage to the Wall and praying there (people write prayers on a piece of paper and stick them into the cracks between the stones) is so important to Jews. Christianity has no central geographical focus like that, but we tend to consider certain very old or very influential churches in the same way. Particularly, Christians like to visit the various churches and shrines in Israel that are traditionally the sites where Biblical events took place, tombs of important Biblical figures, and especially the ones marking sites where Jesus himself did his work. It's not called "the Holy Land" for nothing.
I don't know much about the Kaabah, but my understanding is that it was a sacred place long before Muhammad arrived, housing a variety of idols. The new religion got rid of all the idols, and now, according to what photos I've seen, there's nothing inside it but a lot of quotes from the Quran done in the usual beautiful Islamic calligraphy. It seems like it's an expression of how Islam swept clean the local religion and destroyed idolatry, and replaced it with a new, improved religion. The Black Stone is not actually inside the building, but set in a frame on one of the corners. I'm a bit unclear about why it's so important to a religion that frowns on any kind of veneration of physical objects; if it is, as many say, a meteorite, well, stones falling from the sky have long been taken as gifts from God in many different religions.
Your likening of bird-like angels to gods with animal heads is quite interesting. Actually, angels are regarded as pure spirits, created by God and only have the power He gives them. They have no physical bodies, but can assume a pleasing shape when they interact with humans. The wings are usually considered symbolic of their power to move instantaneously from one place to another. People who claim to talk to angels sometimes see them with wings and sometimes not.
Another interesting thing: angels are traditionally arranged in ranks, with some closer to the human world and some closer to God; and the closer they are to God, the weirder they are depicted. Messenger angels, the ones that deal directly with humans and the physical world, look like humans with wings; the Cherubim, who maintain the world and hold up the heavens, have multiple wings (usually four) and sometimes as many arms as wings, and have the head of a man, a lion, an ox, or an eagle - sometimes all four of them at once, facing the four directions! "And they are full of eyes within", whatever that means. The Seraphim, who directly express the power of God, look like a bundle of fiery, flashing wings that cover their bodies, usually six - two cover their feet, two cover their faces, and two that they use to fly. In some depictions they are shown as multi-winged serpents, but more usually as a head with wings. These images are all symbolic - we can't possibly see them as they really are, so they appear to us in these dream-like forms.
I'm not sure if I answered your questions or not, but that's pretty much all I've got on this very complicated subject.
@RusA #9858840 BTW... I'm also not a fans of other semit religions (islam and Jew), even that Buddha, after i read that Sindharta Gautama left his wife, and kids for that stupid "enlighment
It's quite strange to me, too, since in Christianity, a married man is not allowed to become a monk (the closest thing we have to the Hindu ascetics). He can became an "oblate", which means he joins a religious order and takes certain vows, but still maintains his social obligations with his family and community. These days, men who abandon their families in order to live a better life, more usually do it, not because they're looking for God, but because they're looking for better woman. In Hinduism, older men who have established careers and raised families will abandon both to become ascetics, but usually not until their kids are grown and can take care of their mother. Siddhartha Gautama was unusually young to be doing that, though.
@uktana #9858845 i think Siddhartha Gautama's story almost the same as St. Francist (Franciskan), they both were born in rich family, then after saw poor peoples, they feel bad for them, both made their father mad coz they gave all their money and expensive things to the poor, then became the holy cowly strawberry person
@RusA #9858855
Yes, Christianity has always held up as an ideal an image of poverty, self-sacrifice, and service to others that no one in their right mind can possibly live up to. You can't give up everything and give away everything today, because the culture today will not support you, like they would in St. Francis' time, or in Siddhartha's time. Even Mother Theresa had the support of the religious order she belonged to when she embraced a life of poverty and service to the poor. Anyone who tries to do that on his own today will end up as a street bum or a bag lady living under bridges and mumbling to themselves.
In my experience, the people who run the church parishes use this ideal to manipulate others into doing what they want - if you don't, you're just being selfish and not living up to the Christian ideal of service to others. The fact is, we live in a different world today, and it's important to maintain one's own health and well-being, and obligations to one's family. Afterwards give what you can to whoever deserves it. As a former pastor of mine put it, if you try to be everything to everybody, you'll end up being nothing to anybody. Or as John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, put it when asked about the proper Christian attitude toward money and wealth: "Earn as much as you can, and give away as much as you can."
@RusA #9858981 Peoples here mostly think that after 9/11 it's American propagandda about the "Oil" in middle east, since most middle eastern countries are muslim, and Bush just want to got the support to attack Iraq for the "oil" there.
The invasion of Iraq was never about oil as far as our government was concerned, but about getting rid of the leaders in that region who were unfriendly to us, and replacing them with leaders who would do as they were told.
It's complicated, but... [deep breath] There was a think-tank called People for a New American Century, or PNAC, who were right-wing "neo-conservative" hawks who wrote throughout the late 80s and 90s that with the fall of the Soviet Union, the U.S. was the only military superpower, and ought to take over the world through force of arms, and get rid of anyone who stood in our way. Well, they didn't put it exactly that way. They talked about "global hegemony" and "establishing a military footprint" to effect "regime change" where necessary. They said that we should start with Iraq, which had long been a troublemaker whom we had fought and beaten once before. Then after throwing Saddam out of power, we should then go after Iran and Syria, even Russia and China if they weren't frightened enough by then to support our interests. These guys were around since the first Bush administration, but he called them "the Crazies" and ignored them. But many of them worked their way into George W. Bush's administration, and persuaded Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to pursue their ideals, starting with Iraq. Contrary to their expectations, that first step took us right off a cliff, and into a tar pit that we've never quite gotten out of. Hard to believe, but those people are still around, and insisting that the Iranian people would welcome us as liberators if we invaded their country , just as they said in 2001 that the Iraqi people would do. Thank goodness nobody takes them seriously any more.
Oil, however, was why the American people were generally so enthusiastic about Bush's invasion plans. They thought that once we got control of Iraq's oil fields, we'd ship all their oil over here, and then we'd have cheap gasoline from then on. This was never part of the government's plan, because it doesn't work that way: the price of oil is based on the market price set by OPEC, and even if we took control of Iraq's oil reserves, it would still be sold on the global market, and we'd buy it as we always have. (From our government's point of view, it was a side benefit to control so much oil by way of a puppet Iraqi government, but not the main goal). It was something of a shock to Americans, then, when the price of gasoline actually started going up, from US$1.46 per gallon in 2001 to a high of $3.28 in 2008. A 2004 Boondocks cartoon, when the price had already gone up about 34%, expresses that feeling better than anything I can thing of:
And the pic on the internet with Pres. reagan with Osama bin Laden, we also assume that USA was also behind all that 9/11 attact too
Funny you should mention that! A position paper put out by the PNAC in 2000 laid out their plans for global military domination, but lamented that it was unlikely to happen without "a new Pearl Harbor". Almost exactly a year later, the 9/11 attacks happened. We first sent troops into Afghanistan to destroy al-Qaida's base of operation, but then the PNAC people in Bush's administration (including the Vice President and Secretary of Defense) convinced him to pin the tail on Saddam and use that, as well as unconfirmed intelligence that he was amassing WMDs, as an excuse to invade Iraq. Because of the timing between the PNAC's document, and Bush supporting the invasion with their rhetoric like "a new Pearl Harbor" and "global hegemony" and "military footprint", the rumors immediately started that Bush and the neo-conservatives had somehow been behind the attack. (When I first heard the news on TV, I got on my then-new internet connection, and the first search result was a page from some nutjob website where the headline was "BUSH DID IT!" It was an early lesson about not believing everything you read on the internet. ) It's highly unlikely that Bush was part of a plot to attack his own country, but the administration does bear some blame, because the intelligence reports were all there, the experts just didn't put them together soon enough. This lack of coordination is the reason Bush later established the Department of Homeland Security to oversee all the agencies that address security threats.
@uktana #9858993 ow...thanx for the explanation
I'm sorry still bothering u this weekend, coz i'm still curious about this. This was before Obama became President, and Kamala Harris became VP, and not much hispanic and Indian from India in USA so....America is so smart, what i read is at that time they weren't planning about cheap oil price in recent year, "oil" is non renewable resources, it means that if they empty the oil location in one place, there won't be any oil anymore. USA is rich with oil too in Alaska, and Texas. But USA want to keep the oil for far future.
When other places already empty their oil, and u can only find the oil in USA only, that the time when USA can take control the oil's price without OPEC. At that time middle east after Iran not welcome westerner anymore, and Iraq also want to invide Kwait, so they will expand their oil location, that's when USA used the strategy to attact Iraq. For my self, i more believe that 9/11 was Osama bin Laden alone got his revenge, but his action was triggered by the USA too, that's why i assume it was about the "Oil"
@RusA #9858999 I'm sorry still bothering u this weekend, coz i'm still curious about this.
I don't mind answering questions if I can, but some of the things you ask me, like how 9/11 happened and how we got into the Iraq War, are subjects that experts have written a ton of books about; so I have a bit of difficulty trying to work out a relatively short explanation I can post here. This is actually good writing practice for me, though, so I'm happy that you're giving me the opportunity. Besides, when else would I have a chance to share what has become my favorite Boondocks cartoon?
America is so smart, what i read is at that time they weren't planning about cheap oil price in recent year, "oil" is non renewable resources, it means that if they empty the oil location in one place, there won't be any oil anymore. USA is rich with oil too in Alaska, and Texas. But USA want to keep the oil for far future.
That's an interesting theory, but it doesn't quite work. America has used up most of its formerly large oil deposits, and lately has been having to try to tap the more difficult ones that lie off shore, in the Alaskan Arctic, and trapped in oil shale. There has been a movement for some time now to reduce what the media call our dependency on foreign oil, and become "energy independent", but at present we still import from other countries more than half of the oil we use because we can't produce enough domestically.
So it's not a matter of hoarding our own supplies until the rest of the world runs out - it's a matter of what we're going to do when everybody uses up their oil deposits, and we all run out. As you say, oil a non-renewable resource, and when it's gone, it's gone. There is quite a lot on the internet about "peak oil", meaning the point when abundant oil deposits around the world start running out, and we get less and less oil out of the ground every year. Nobody's quite sure if we've already reached peak oil, or if we reached it some time ago and are in a decline now; but so long as I can still get gasoline at the filling station to drive my car around when I need to, I'm not thinking too much about it.
One of the nutty ideas you find among pro-business right-wingers who can't stand the idea of having to reduce economic activity to save oil, is that oil is not really a non-renewable resource formed from biological life that lived millions of years ago. Instead, they say that oil is "abiotic" (from Greek meaning "non-living), that is, created in the Earth's mantle by chemical and geological processes that are constantly creating new deposits, and we just have to find them. Those people come up with lots of sciency formulas to show how this works, but so far nothing that, shall we say, would impress actual chemists or geologists. Another one is that we don't have to conserve the Earth's oil deposits, because by the time it runs out, we'll all be LIVING ON MARS!
For my self, i more believe that 9/11 was Osama bin Laden alone got his revenge, but his action was triggered by the USA too, that's why i assume it was about the "Oil"
It's certainly true that many of the problems we have in the Middle East are the result of the way we've treated those countries in the past. The main thing that set off Osama bin Laden was when Saudi Arabia allowed us to stage troops in the country in preparation for the invasion of Iraq. He considered the Arabian Peninsula to be holy ground, and the thought of us infidel dogs polluting the land with our ungodly presence made him start planning a way to get back at us.
We tend to be tone-deaf to the cultures and history of that region as well, and are always offending them in some ignorant way. A good example of this is how President G. W. Bush at first called the Iraq War "a Crusade". To him, this meant any campaign of good people against evil ones; but to Muslims, this means the historical Crusades of the late Middle Ages - not something they look back on with much fondness! Someone told Bush to knock it off, but the damage had been done, and al-Qaida and other radical groups began calling European and American soldiers "Crusaders".
@RusA #9858981 continued I mean...isn't that Christianity also a heresy of "Jew"?
Well, at first, yes. But as I said before, within a few years the followers of Jesus decided they didn't need to follow the Jewish Law any more , and started to develop their own ideas of proper behavior. At that point, they ceased to be Jews at all. Today there is a group called Messianic Jews, who are people raised as Jews who still follow Jewish customs, but accept Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, and their doctrines are mostly those of Evangelical Christianity. They're sort of neither fish nor fowl, because Christians consider them a sect of Judaism, and Jews consider them a sect of Christianity. I've known Jewish people to get very upset at the idea that Messianic Jews are any kind of "real" Jews at all.
As for Islam, it was never a part of Christianity in any way, and the Popes were wrong in declaring them to be heretical Christians. Islam grew organically out of the surrounding Arabian culture, and didn't have much contact with Christianity until they decided to leave the Peninsula and see what was going on in the rest of the world.
#9858870 #9858871 ow....thanx for your explanation
Your likening of bird-like angels to gods with animal heads is quite interesting
Yeah... I meant like why the "Nyai Roro Kidul" as the half human, half fish or mermaid sounds ridiculous than angel like Seraphim & Cherubim? Aren't they are just the same mystical creature. Why it's always the mystical creature from the middle east the one that all peoples in the world must to believe they more real than others?
Oh...yeah after i read the book "Geography of God". He said that pick religion for is like pick a menu from the restaurant. There are lots of items that u can pick, but it's always depend with your own tastes , but in the end, it doesn't matter who u want to believe as a god, the matter is how u believe it, and u will give the energy with the ritual thing that u do. It's just a believe system, even u choose to do it as a good way or a bad way, it's all up to u.
The funny thing that i experiencing myself... Like when i realized a lot of my dreams already came true, even sometimes in funny way, and i didn't even pray to any god, i was just thinking "oh...it must be nice to be in "x" place" , and then TA-DA 2 weeks later i was in that place that i want to , or like that fancy train that i took, i never knew before about that train, the funny things, i even didn't pay any money to ride that train yeah... I believe in destiny, miracle, and karma, and anything that i can't see (ghost, spirit), but not in any religions.
BTW... One thing about "Destiny" that i tnink so funny. I have this 2 real story, first is...my friend's cousin got a scholarship in France in 2008, i know that it's not easy to get that scholarship, i know she is smart and a religious christian, so...before she go to France, she went to her home town in Sumatra, she want to bring her mother with her to Jakarta, then she will go alone to Paris. But sadly her flight from Sumatra to Jakarta was a budget airlines, and the plane crashed, and she never able to go to Paris forever .
My second story is about my senior at work, he's the one who ate that Russian cake so... One day he accidently went to Europe, like i said before that he is a religious muslim man. Actually he wasn't the one who originally have to go to Europe(Budhapest ,&Vienna), coz he still young or just senior staff. The one who has to go was a boss in other branch in Sulawesi Island, coz he was so busy, and can't apply Europe visa, so... The only one who available and already has a passport was my senior, and it was very urgent, and he got his European visa in a week (yeah...as a most populated muslim country full of terrorist, we must to apply "Visa" to Europe, USA, even when i went to Japan, i also must to apply my visa first )
See... How destiny works in funny way... My friend,'s cousin with her much effort can't never arrive in Paris, and My senior at work can do it in a free and easy way. Sometimes i also confuse how paranormal can see the future, like every the end of the year, our paranormal on gossip tv will predict about our celebrities status next year, who the one who getting married, who the one who will divorce, etc. Sometimes they say they just can see it from the face, heh?
@RusA #9858899 See... How destiny works in funny way... My friend,'s cousin with her much effort can't never arrive in Paris, and My senior at work can do it in a free and easy way.
A fellow who goes to my church parish is an airline pilot who works out of Logan Airport in Boston. On September 11, 2001 he was scheduled to pilot a plane, but for some reason the schedule got changed and someone else got the job instead. This was one of the planes that were crashed into the World Trade Center. Seth McFarlaine (creator of the TV series Family Guy) was scheduled to be on one of the planes, but got to the airport late; and actor Mark Wahlberg was supposed to be on it as well, but changed his plans. So you never know what fate or destiny has in store for you.
Sometimes i also confuse how paranormal can see the future
I generally take a dim view of professional psychics, especially the ones who make a ton of money out of what is obviously the kind of cold reading that phony psychics and professional mentalists have been doing for decades. The famous "psychic" Sylvia Browne made an appearance on the soap opera The Young and the Restless, and made predictions with great accuracy. Afterwards, I was joking about how Y&R clearly takes place in an alternate universe where Browne is a genuine psychic, unlike in ours where she's a total fraud.
On the other hand, I know people who have an uncanny knack for knowing what other people are thinking, or making small predictions about the future that actually come true. This is just a natural talent they have, and is not something they can just turn on and turn off. I also know a woman who apparently sees and interacts with the spirits of deceased relatives. To her it's no bigger a deal to be visited by her dead father than to be visited by her very-much-alive son. This is something she will talk to me about because she knows I won't judge her one way or another for it, but she keeps her mouth shut about it otherwise.
@uktana #9858915 oh...one Indonesian celebrity also want to take one of 9/11 plane, but she cancle it in last minutes, she was shocked when her friend in the hotel said "look...that plane that we cancel went to WTC" yeah...everyone like the certain thing, but even the certain thing is also uncertain. I read the plane that took Kobe Bryan was the safest plane that won't fell, but it did fall, or when they say that "Titanic never sink", but it sunk at the first sail.
I didn't know if the ghost i saw was my relative or not, i already run away, and always run away, and never identify who the hell that ghost. Oh...i also saw that celebrity medium "Tyler Henry", when " Michael Jackson" show up, and explaining his death to his sister. Tyler said he can't see the ghost.
They just pop up when he touch some personal thing of death peoples, like he can hear what they said, and become the medium for the relatives who still alive.
I read a blog about an Indonesian in Norway, She also afraid of the ghost, she and her Norwegian husband just bought an old house up town, and their back yard is a forest, so if her husband have to leave house for business trip, she must to stay at her inlaws, and she must to explaine to her inlaws when they asked, what she really afraid of? Norway is so safe, no thief. Then she said that she afraid of "ghost", that her inlaws didn't really understand, Norwegian believe in trolls but they don't believe in ghost but her husband is really nice, she works in university in Oslo, and her workplace always send her to conflic/war area, if it still in eastern Europe, her husband always tell her to stay at his friends house, so she won't be afraid anymore
Well.. For me, i'm not really afraid anymore with ghost, and always remember St. Doraemon
Oh... One time my friend who can read the hand's line, read mine. He told me that i once really so sick when i was a kid, then i asked him, how he knows about that, he said my "life line" are breaking at the start of the my childhood time, then i look it myself, and realized he was right, my "life line" is really like a mess then become clear, that's when i was so ill and became the healthy teenager
@RusA #9858933 I've never had my palm read, but I used to go to New Age festivals all the time, mostly for the artwork and to meet people who are more eccentric than I am. Those festivals have a lot of psychic readers, and I'd get a readings from time to time. Most of them were obviously cold reading, as I mentioned above. Their trick is to ask you questions and base their reading on your answers, then to give broad statements that can apply to anyone ("You recently met a person who did something important for you"), and tailor the next part of the reading on your responses. I mostly went to Tarot readers, because I know something about how that sort of thing works, so I knew when the reader was actually going by what the cards said, and when she was doing a cold reading with the cards as props to beguile the client. In the first case, I would pay attention to what she said, but in the second case I would amuse myself by giving phony answers to her questions just to see how far up her own a~~ I could get her to stick her head. Of the genuine readers, I would say they had a pretty good score, though I can't say any of them changed my life in any significant way.
@uktana #9858915 Add: since that 9/11 they always said Muslim terrorist, not Al-qaidah terrorist, that's made many muslims all over the world mad, and they help the Al-qaidah with many bomb and attact including in here. When KKK,they never said Christian terrorist, even they symbol is a cross.
And when other than white christian revenge, like that Al-qaidah ,they didn't care any religions or colors to be their victims, even Kim Jong Un just said want to nuke Guam, he doesn't care many religions and colors in Guam. That's why i said that i'm more afraid with "White Christian" coz they the only one who see colors and religions from time to time and will write it as laws to make it legal or normal.
Like black peoples can't did so many things in the past, jewish can't did so many thing in the past, and now many banned to Muslim, or many attact to Asian
@RusA #9858941 What can I say? except that humans are schmucks, and the average Christian is no better than anyone else about using his religion to oppress, control, and manipulate other people if he gets half a chance.
Islam has been the Big Bad Guy to Europeans ever since the Crusades (Fun Fact: because Islam honors Jesus and his mother Mary, as well as the Hebrew prophets up to Abraham, for many centuries the Catholic Church considered Islam a Christian heresy that should be eliminated, rather than a different religion that could be engaged with.) America had almost no experience with Islam before the middle of the 20th century, so most of what we thought we knew were either the European misunderstandings, or romantic ideas derived from The Arabian Nights and the writings of British colonialists who went native - another reason why we tend to think Muslim = Arab.
To be sure, though 9/11 triggered a lot of anti-Muslim activity, it also inspired some people to learn more about the religion; and many cities with large Muslim communities are starting to let them apply their own laws on internal matters, subject to the general statutes, in the same way that Louisiana is allowed to apply their historic French civil law in some cases inside the state.
It's worth noting that before Islam became America's Big Bad Guy, that place was filled by Roman Catholicism: Catholics were unAmerican because they did whatever that foreign leader The Pope told them to do, and the Church was an authoritarian system entirely incompatible with American ideals. Now, six of our nine Supreme Court Justices are Catholics, and so is our President, and practically nobody thinks that's a problem.
@uktana #9858967 Peoples here mostly think that after 9/11 it's American propagandda about the "Oil" in middle east, since most middle eastern countries are muslim, and Bush just want to got the support to attack Iraq for the "oil" there.
I mean...isn't that Christianity also a heresy of "Jew"?
For me is more like about the "Oil" using muslim excuses, after Iran close the door for western, and then Iraq as muslim country not welcome the westerner too, so the only way was to attack the religion first. And the pic on the internet with Pres. reagan with Osama bin Laden, we also assume that USA was also behind all that 9/11 attact too
@RusA #9858468 We won't see it in my region, either. We'll get just the start of it at about 4:45 in the morning our time, but the Moon will be below the horizon by the time anything interesting happens.
@RusA #9858522 Well, of course, because Mars is the one that has all the artifacts of alien civilization like traffic lights and cities and such. The Moon's got practically nothing, except for that alien base on the far side and the skyscrapers that get deleted from the official NASA photos. Not much interesting there.
@RusA #9858565 Yes, that's the anniversary of the first Moon landing in 1969. One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind, and all that! It's not a widely-observed occasion, though I think it ought to be: celebrate the Twentieth of July just like we celebrate the Fourth of July and set off great big rockets! We could sing "Fly Me To the Moon", "Blue Moon", "Moon River", and "How High the Moon", as well as R.E.M.'s "Man On the Moon", Cat Stevens' "Moonshadow", and The Police's "Walking On the Moon", and listen to "Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade", The Beatles' "Mister Moonlight", and of course, Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4591dCHe_sE
@RusA #9858596 Of course! I have my Tuxedo Mask cosplay outfit and everything!
Seriously, Sailor Moon was one of the first Japanese anime I ever saw, and I remember my first reaction was: Young schoolgirls with long legs and really short shirts? What kind of audience are they appealing to anyway? Now that I'm more familiar with the subculture, I don't have to ask anymore.
@uktana lol...oh..Tuxedo mask
Yeah... It was my fav.Japanese cartoon too, besides Doraemon. And my reaction when i saw the Sailor moon was...how can she changes to her super hero costum took so long, and her enemies always wait until she's ready, she can probably die if her enemies attack her while still changing the costum
@RusA #9858468 This morning I missed another eclipse, this time a partial eclipse of the sun. It occurred just as the sun was rising at about 6:00 am. Even if I had gotten up that early, it was all over by the time the sun had cleared the buildings and trees on the horizon.
Oh, well, we'll get another one that's easier to see in 2024, and if I drive up to Lake Champlain in Vermont, I'll get to see a total eclipse.
@uktana #9858969 oh...i saw the eclips of the sun in the 2017, but it was too mucĥ clouds, then clear when already half of the sun that i can see. It was really cool
@RusA #9858612 No, never had the pleasure. The closest I've had to that might be herring in wine sauce, but that's just pickled, and not fermented. The fish is pickled with onion slices in a mixture of white wine and vinegar, along with some sugar and spices. I like that one as a snack or an appetizer on a bed of lettuce.
@uktana Oh...i saw in many video about surströmming, that smell really bad, and they have to open it outside, like in the garden or in the forest and they say it tastes really bad, but i saw in swedes peoples video, it tastes not really bad when they eat the right way... I though as a fish lover u ever tried that one, or maybe they sell it in USA
Maybe that wine herring not as bad as surströmming, but i don't know, i never try both of them
@RusA #9858646
A lot of fermented foods smell a lot worse than they taste. I keep a bottle of Vietnamese fish sauce on hand, and when you open it up, it smells just like what it is: the liquid drained off fermented anchovies. Besides some kinds of Asian foods, I use it in Western food when the recipe calls for anchovies, like in my favorite pasta puttanesca, or in the dressing for Caesar salad. It doesn't taste anything like as bad as it smells, with a somewhat fishy, salty, and savory flavor that I rather like.
I've never seen surströmming on sale around here, but they might sell it in parts of the country with a large Scandinavian population like Minnesota. For sure, they sell lutefisk there, which is fish that's been soaked in lye, a strong alkaline chemical that the rest of us use to clean our drains. The lye denatures the proteins and gives the fish a gelatinous texture, and a smell and taste that some people like, and others can't stay in the same room with. As humorist Garrison Keillor said, to get the lye out of the fish, "they rinse it and rinse it and rinse it, but if you ask me, they don't rinse it quite enough."
@uktana #9858674 oh... I though since u went to Swedish church, maybe they serve the surströmming too
Yeah...in many video they often compare the surströmming with the smell of Durian, so... I think for me it isn't really bad at all
@RusA #9858679 Haha, maybe they had it around fifty years ago when we were still the Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod, but the most Swedish food you might see around these days are meatballs, pancakes, and gravlax (salmon cured in salt).
@uktana #9858666 a very interesting history
The railroad business was a big business in USA after the civil war, right? I read that Anderson Cooper's mom was the heirs of her father's money from the railroad.
@RusA #9858706
Yes, that's true. Cooper's mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, was the great-great-granddaughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of the major tycoons in the Gilded Age of the mid-to-late 19th century. He made his money originally on running local river steamboats, then on ocean-going steamships, with which he cornered the market on ocean travel from the East Coast to the West Coast: traveling by ship down to the Isthmus of Panama, taking a coach across to the Pacific, then catching another ship to go up the other coast. It was a longer trip than going overland by stagecoach, but was less dangerous and took less time. He even proposed building a canal across Panama (and later Nicaragua, taking advantage of rivers and a natural lake) to make the whole trip in one ship, but he couldn't get the funding for it. Later on he started buying up local railroads from New England to Chicago and in 1870 consolidated them into one of the first big corporations in American history, the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, and he built Grand Central Terminal to run it.
Side note: I've mentioned before that in the movie North By Northwest (1959), Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint's characters take a New York Central train, the Lake Shore Limited, from NYC to Chicago, that leaves at about 6:30 pm, travels over night, and arrives at about 9:30 am. When I travel out west, I take the same route on the same schedule, and the train even has the same name. These days, it's Amtrak instead of New York Central, but it's cool to feel that connection with movie history.
And yes, the transcontinental railroad system was built after the Civil War, from 1863 to 1869, and revolutionized travel, replacing long, boring, uncomfortable, and often dangerous stagecoach travel with relatively safe and comfortable travel by train. The railroad system was to the 19th and early 20th centuries what the Interstate Highway System has been from the 1950s to today. Long distance air travel has taken some of the travel business, but it hasn't killed highway travel the way the highways and personal automobiles killed the railroad industry. Our present long-distance rail system, Amtrak, is heavily subsidized by the government, and many conservatives would like to see it disappear.
The Vanderbilts aren't anything like as rich and influential as they used to be, although a number of them continue in various fields of business. Most of the big Gilded Age family mansions were either torn down, sold, or turned into museums in the mid-20th century. Gloria, Anderson Cooper's mother, inherited several million dollars, but made her name in the fashion industry.
@uktana #9858719 ow...thanx for the history explanation. Oh... I love train too, i don't know why, but i kinda experiences so much train inside and outside the country. In my own country the train before 2011 was really bad transportation I never took any train before 2003, but since i went to university in other city, and so many traffic jam everywhere, so sometimes i use that stupid train. But today our goverment keep make modernize our train transportation, we just get the monorail, MRT, and airport train since 2017.
My first experience with the modern train was in Singapore, they have MRT (Mass Rapid Train) i took it from Changi airport to the city central, and they have a tourist card, so we can go everywhere with the very easy way, coz the train stations are everywhere, And then in Thailand i also took many trains, they name it "BTS" Skytrain, the funny thing in BTS tv, they always aired the Thailand funny advertising, i know that Thailand has many funny commercial on tv, and then i also try the monorail too. In Hongkong, i also use the "MTR", my friend said that i can use the MRT card in Singapore for the " MTR" in Hongkong, but i didn't bring that card, so i must to buy the new one And in Japan, they have JR pass for tourist, but u only can buy it outside Japan, for the Shinkansen train, only limited for city to city near Tokyo like Osaka, Toyama, Kyoto, Yokohama, and my card only for 7 days, but i also try their local train, aiport train, and monorail.
And my most amazing experience train was...one day my boss told me to go to other city near Jakarta, it was a bank invitation. First i didn't know nothing about it, the meeting point was at the train station. Turn out we went to other city by train, and it was a presidential train which have sofa seat, big tv, and the toilet so big and clean, which also has a shower in it
@RusA #9858726 And my most amazing experience train was...one day my boss told me to go to other city near Jakarta, it was a bank invitation. First i didn't know nothing about it, the meeting point was at the train station. Turn out we went to other city by train, and it was a presidential train which have sofa seat, big tv, and the toilet so big and clean, which also has a shower in it
I like train travel, too. When I take the train to visit my relatives in Missouri, I take the Lake Shore Limited from NYC to Chicago, and then I have a 24-hour layover in Chicago, during which I can travel around the city as much as I want on their intercity light rail system. Then I take a train from Chicago, through St. Louis, and I get off in Jefferson City, Missouri, which is about in the middle of the state. (The train, called the Ann Rutledge, goes on to its terminal point in Kansas City) From there, either I rent a car or my family picks me up.
We have lots of local trains here in the Northeast, including a new light rail system that runs several times a day between Springfield, Massachusetts and New Haven, Connecticut, with several convenient stops along the way. I usually drive myself around the state, or take the bus if I visit NYC or Boston, because it's easier to catch a bus than to catch the Amtrak train that runs along the shoreline between the two cities, but I'd really like to try out the light rail next time I go to New Haven.
We used to have luxury train cars like what you describe, back in the days when rich people traveled by train. Now they travel in fancy cars or private jets, leaving train travel to us poor people. Amtrak trains are comfortable, but nothing fancy.
In Hongkong, i also use the "MTR", my friend said that i can use the MRT card in Singapore for the " MTR" in Hongkong, but i didn't bring that card, so i must to buy the new one And in Japan, they have JR pass for tourist, but u only can buy it outside Japan, for the Shinkansen train, only limited for city to city near Tokyo like Osaka, Toyama, Kyoto, Yokohama, and my card only for 7 days, but i also try their local train, aiport train, and monorail.
Amtrak used to have something called the US Railpass, where you'd buy a card and use it for unlimited train travel around the country. Those aren't available anymore, but you can get Multi-Ride tickets with 6 rides, 10 rides, or monthly pass with two rides per day. Those are mostly meant for commuters, like Joe Biden who until recently took an Amtrak train from his home in Delaware to his workplace in Washington DC.
We've been working on developing monorail systems here in the U.S. since the 1950s, but for some reason, almost nobody except Disney Company has ever been able to make them practical. I've been to the Bronx Zoo in NYC, and they have a monorail system there, which is the only one I've ever actually been on. Mostly what we have in the U.S. are in amusement parks and a few airports. These days, the idea of large monorail systems is looked at with a bit of humor, the same way we look at the old ideas of flying cars and personal jetpacks.
@uktana #9858739 ah...i should write the "commuter line" than the local train
Yeah.. Our commuter line already change today since 2011, but i did ride the old one when the economic train still use the paper ticket, and there was many beggars , and people can sell many drinks and snacks on the train, also many passengers don't have the ticket, no AC, and they can sit on the roof of the train (many news about the train pessagers die coz they accidently touch the electric cable on the roof) , there was a express train before 2011 that not allowed the beggars , and full AC, no peoples selling foods, and drinks inside the train, but not every hour, and not much express train
I think with the train, i already experince from the worst one into the modern, fastest, and fancy one
i usually drive myself around the state, or take the bus if I visit NYC
BTW.... I saw in the movie, that in American high way, they drive really really fast
@RusA #9858749
In one of Anthony Bourdain's episodes about India, he rode on trains like that, and even buses that had passengers riding shoulder-to-shoulder up on the roof. Our Highway Safety Board won't allow such things here - you can't even ride standing up in the aisle.
BTW.... I saw in the movie, that in American high way, they drive really really fast
That's true. The interstate highways were built for fast driving, and state speed limits ranged from 65 miles per hour (110 kilometers per hour) miles an hour to 80 mph (129 km/h), with most being 70 mph (113 km/hr). In the 1970s the Carter Administration, to address the energy crisis, and in a misguided traffic-safety plan, forced a 55 mph speed limit on all highways (89 km/hr), which is ridiculously slow for that kind of road, especially out West where towns are some distance apart. Besides that, it had always been up to the states to set speed limits, and many regarded this as an unwarranted intrusion. Most people ignored the law and drove how they wanted to anyway, and states either ignored them, or used the situation as a source of revenue through collecting fines on speeders.
The national speed limit was increased to 65 mph (105 km/hr) in the late '80s, and then in the mid-90s, states were again allowed to set their own limits. Some states now have no speed limit at all, leaving it to the drivers' good judgement; here in CT, it's 65 mph, but most people drive faster than that when traffic permits. (Full disclosure: I'm most comfortable driving 70 mph in good conditions on the interstates, but of course I slow down when I need to.)
This is only on the interstate highways, of course. On local roads, the speed limits vary according to population density and road condition. In CT, it's usually about 30-40 mph (48-64 km/hr) in populated areas, and 50-55 (80-89 km/hr) in rural areas (of which there aren't very many these days!) Few people actually observe those speed limits, and it's understood that the police won't stop you for speeding unless you exceed the speed limit by 10 mph. I have to be careful driving in other states, where they don't give you that kind of wiggle room.
@uktana #9858758 yeah...our old train was like that in India so full, from the roof even infront of the train at the busy hour. One time i took train with my friend, i already bought the economic ticket, then my friend said to take the express train that stop in front of us, and she show me how to change the economic ticket to the express ticket inside the train, with the ticket staff, since the express train is full AC,and the ticket was 4x more expensive than the economic ticket, so not much peoples inside the train, and the ticket staff always checked every passager ticket.
I tried our commuter line in 2015. The train imported from China, still new and all full AC, even still hot inside since so many peoples now all inside the train, we must to buy the card not paper anymore, my own card can use for our e-toll, train, and debit card in mini market, so i didn't buy the new card for the train. The funny thing is no more beggars, or someone sell foods, and drink,or many items anymore, there's also a cleaning staff and security inside the train
Do i miss our old train? Nah... I don't think so...
(110 kilometers per hour) miles an hour to 80 mph (129 km/h)
Wow...no wonder it looks so fast one time i saw on tv when a car stop in the middle of highway, coz has a problem with the car, and the cars behind can't just stop, so it lost it's door, and some cars still crash that car until it reach the side of the road, so scary
@RusA #9858767 (110 kilometers per hour) miles an hour to 80 mph (129 km/h)
Wow...no wonder it looks so fast one time i saw on tv when a car stop in the middle of highway, coz has a problem with the car, and the cars behind can't just stop, so it lost it's door, and some cars still crash that car until it reach the side of the road, so scary
Yes, it's dangerous to stop for any reason on an interstate highway, partly because of the speed of the cars, and partly because drivers don't always pay as much attention to the road as they should. The highways have wide, paved shoulders, and should anything happen, one is supposed to pull over onto the shoulder as far as possible. This keeps the car out of traffic, but it's still dangerous to get out of the driver's side door, so a person always has to be careful. If the car breaks down in the middle of the road such that it can't get to the shoulder, it's almost certain to get hit, even though we're supposed to carry traffic safety triangles.
@uktana #9858782 oh...not just in USA highway, but also in many highway if a car just stop in the middle of the road is very dengerous too, we also have many accident in our highway even the speed not that fast.
Oh... It's also reminds me of the movie "Bowfinger" ,when Steve Martin Gets Eddie Murphy to Run Across a highway, and told him that all the drivers there are just their stunt man
@RusA I just heard that the first member of the British Royal Family who is an American citizen by birth just came into the world: Lilibet Diana Windsor-Mountbatten. She's eighth in the line of succession to the British throne, but now we're one step closer to turning the UK into a republic.
@uktana #9858876 see.... Harry is a fun royal. He always did something hiw own way... Like gave fun names to all his kids "Harrison" means Harry's son, and "Lilibet" is another way of saying "look grandma the Queen of England, even after i betrail the family with my exit and went to Oprah show, I'm still your fav. Grand son, right?".
And i imagine Queen Elizabeth II will answear "as u like it Harry..., after i allowed u to marry a multi racial divorce catholic woman, brought the black priest to my church for the first time, still did the royal exit, and told a dirty interview with your new celebrity American best friend, then gave my nick name to your 2nd kid, so "Yes" u're still my fav. Grand son"
@RusA #9858883
I have a feeling that the next couple of generations of Royals - King William V and King George VIII and all their siblings - will make some very big changes in how we think about the British monarchy.
See...this one is my fav. Japanese cartoon in the 80s, this is when i saw the Japanese in Japan, their anime in late 90s became the caucasian in Japan
@RusA #9858900 I used to watch a lot of cartoons in the Nineties, and I was fortunate to be a kid when there were quite a number of good ones on the air. One of my favorites was one called Doug, in which the main character was the new kid in town trying to find his place in his new environment. One of the most striking things about it was something I never gave much thought to when I was ten or eleven years old, but the kids in that town were literally People of Color.
It was on Nickelodeon for four years, then moved to ABC-TV, owned by The Disney Company, and got so Disneyfied that it wasn't worth watching anymore.
@RusA Nickelodeon is owned by the media giant ViacomCBS, not by Disney. Disney bought ABC-TV, one of the Big Three TV networks, meaning they're the oldest , and used to be the largest, up until they got bought out by general media companies: Disney bought ABC, Viacom bought CBS, and Comcast bought NBC. Doug got Disneyfied when it moved off Nickelodeon and onto ABC. It's hard to keep track of corporate mergers and who owns what, and who used to own what, all the rest of it.
There were a lot of cartoons in the 1990s I used to watch regularly. I didn't watch everything on this list, but they're listed in chronological order, and I did watch most of the ones in the first half. Tiny Toons, Bobby's World, Doug, Batman: The Animated Series, Animaniacs, Bonkers, Reboot, and The Tick are the ones I remember most from my childhood. In the second half of the list, I was a teenager and was much more choosy about cartoons, but I still liked Dexter's Laboratory, Hey Arnold, Courage the Cowardly Dog and Futurama. I don't get the Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon, nor the other channels that show cartoons, so I don't know what the state of animation is these days.
For some reason, one of my all-time favorites is not on this list, Mighty Max. It was on in 1993-94 and inspired me to wear red baseball caps all the time. I never had one with an M on the front, but if I had known about that little store near Rockefeller Center in NYC that sells hats and T-shirts that tie in with current TV shows, I might have been able to get one.
@uktana BTW... #9858760 Obama's mother had him in a Catholic school when they lived in Indonesia, but when she couldn't afford the fees, she put him in the public school, where - surprise! - most of the students were Muslim
i just realized something, so...American thinks Obama's relation with Indonesian in a very negative ways. American think Indonesia is a very scary muslim country which u can't find pork's skin
And i'm so proud how Obama really didn't care about the negative Indonesian effect to him. I remember his first visit as American president was in his first term, coz he made me late to work, coz they clear the and close the road from the morning, and i must to find any alternative ways to work. And then not long after Trump's inaguration, and he wasn't president anymore, he and his family come back here for vacation in Bali.
@RusA #9858966
That's pretty much true, if we think about Indonesia at all. I'm embarrassed to say that before I started talking to you, Asian culture to me was the Russian Far East, Japan, Korea, China, and Southeast Asia, with some islands between there and Australia which might as well have been labeled "here be dragons". One problem is that we have no Indonesian restaurants like we have Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thai restaurants, and my introduction to other cultures is usually by way of their menus.
Obama has always been proud of his mixed heritage and history - around St. Patrick's Day he makes a big deal about being part Irish. Growing up in Hawaii and living in Indonesia has always been a point of pride to him, every bit as much as his community work and political offices in Chicago and Washington.
#9858968 yeah....usually American president come here in their second term, or not come at all. But Obama was here in his first term presidency.
And like i already wrote it before, there's not much Indonesian outside Indonesia, expt. In Netherland, and Suriname which also have lots of Indonesian restaurant, or event the native Dutch can cook many Indonesian foods since they were live here in the old times, or their anchestor was Indonesian. Why they open Indonesian restaurant, where no Indonesian peoples live there? So not profitable
Since we famous as "Terrorist country without pork" that i really proud of
it's hard to apply not just working visa, but also tourist visa.
We just get free visa for all south east Asian country, expt.Myanmar, Hongkong&Macau also Visa free for Indonesian, today free Japan visa for e-passport only (but still have to have a permission to Japan embassy before the visit) but all just for tourist visa, not for working visa and permanent resident. And tourist visa for USA and European are very hard to get, after 9/11 USA visa is the hardest, USA even need face to face interview at USA embassy just for tourist visa. It's more easy to get the Visa using the work place business trip or student visa. But after year 2000 more, and more country give free Visa or just Visa on arrival to Indonesia like Japan, but not all white christian country
BTW...wasn't there was Lou Thunder as Indonesian before me? He seems very active. And he's a Chinese catholic, even he's in UK, and was in Australia, he mostly talking much about Indonesia. And some Indonesian were in the forum too, not only the muslim Indonesian, coz i sťill can read their comments in country questions about Indonesia and their profil too. But i don't know if they don't eat pork too.
@RusA #9858980
I thought Lou Thunder was Indonesian, but I didn't really talk to him much and he hasn't been around for a while. There were one or two that I seem to remember as well, but I'm not sure.
@uktana #9859038Another one is that we don't have to conserve the Earth's oil deposits, because by the time it runs out, we'll all be LIVING ON MARS!
I hope that there will be no stupid Visa that i must to apply to move to Mars i mean... Only China, USA, and UAE already there, we don't know which country get the deal with the aliens. Maybe China, coz the Chinese is the expert of negotiation
A good example of this is how President G. W. Bush at first called the Iraq War "a Crusade". To him, this meant any campaign of good people against evil ones; but to Muslims,
Well...we're here didn't know anything about that, and never involve in all that kind of things, but we're in here the one who get the negative effect of all this stupid "Muslim terrorist" thing
From inside the country, we must to deal with "Extremist muslim" with their high solidarity, we all get this paranoid of bomb they made. I remember when i was in Starbuck at the mall in central Jakarta, my friend and i got panick after we smell something burn, and then we move far away from the place in hurry, it was in 2009, and u know what... I saw the news in 2016, the terrorist put the bomb at the police post near that Starbuck. My friend was in Germany at that time, and then i chat to her about it, and how we can smell that kind of thing 7 years before that happened.
And then we also get this negative effect from the outside too, since we're the most populated Muslim country, they think that all Indonesian peoples all terrorist, even we didn't know who the hell is "Osama bin Laden", all Indonesian peoples including non muslim one always get the hardest to apply our Visa specially in " White christian countries". We're not even involve in USA Vs middle east war, all we get from that just the negative side effect
Oh...i was asking u coz u said that u were working in oil company, so...maybe u more know something about that "Oil" conspiracy theory Thanx for the explanation
@Geldermalsen OHH i'm related to a Scottish king :O :puts a kilt on myelf, a kilt on my daughter Falklands, and my son New South Wales: "so handsome and cute" "now lemme help you hide your knives and swords under them" :3
It's funny how the English thought wearing kilts were 'girly'. Scottish warriors definitely saw them as masculine. Plus, when you wear a kilt the Scottish way, you can waggle your butt in the face of the English. (Not that I would ever do that, of course...)
That it is still on the Statue Books Of law in Yorkshire (UK).
For a Native Man of the City of York (UK) can still shot a Rampaging Scotsman, with a long bow.
The arrow must be tipped with a metal “bodkin” head.
The Scotsman is in a kilt and has a sword drawn.
But sadly, if you do, current law will have you arrested and charged with murder.
Oh well.