You also have to consider the demographics of Iceland, there isn't a lot of population with criminal tendencies there at all, and even the native population is small. So there's simply no need for cops to kill people there, aside from that one time. This is very different in the United States of America, and even in most European countries.
It's less because of the system, Iceland just has better people regardless of the system. If you change the demographics similar to that of Detroit you'll also get the problems of Detroit.
@Finn123 Bit philosophical here, but humans aren't really good or evil, are they? They're a product of the environment, so one could say that Iceland establishes a better environment than the US
@Finn123 That said... in America we do have a obsession with violence. We'd be a modern-day Sparta, if our domestic lives weren't dedicated to wealth and luxury.
@InDeathWeReturn You said "a lot of fucked up cops". Neither of those examples provide evidence that would indict "a lot" of the seven-hundred and sixty-five thousand members of American law enforcement agencies.
@TheChief yeah because the definition of a lot is open for interpretation. a lot of bad cops is not the same as a lot of money. 1 is 1 too many. but a lot of bad cops, in my opinion, is anything over 5. but even that is WAY to many
@InDeathWeReturn Any is too many, but that has no bearing on the facts as they are:
1) You'll never eliminated police brutality or corruption anymore than you'll eliminate it in any other arena.
2) There are hundreds of thousands of police officers in the United States. Saying five bad cops is a lot is stupid.
3) Most of the sensationalized instances over the past few years of alleged police brutality have quite simply not been the officer in question's fault.
1) Iceland seems to have. Learn from other countries.
2) No it is not. Remember that a lot of a bad thing isn't that high. A lot of a good thing can be.
3) Yeah that is pure bull. What has happened is that they SAY it isn't the officers fault even though a lot of the times the rest of the world disagree.
1)a You can never eliminate violence or corruption. The fact they're not obviously apparent doesn't mean they don't exist.
1)b There is no potential comparison between the society, culture, issues and scale which America and Iceland have to deal with.
2)a That's stupid.
2)b That's irrelevant because is it based on so many unsupported and unsupportable presuppositions that it can't be argued.
3)a I don't give half a damn what the "world" thinks and neither should you.
3)b Every reliable reports of the events I'm talking about supports the narrative of the police acting within reasonable behaviors.
@InDeathWeReturn Sorry for responding to an old comment but eh.. Five in seven-hundred-and sixty-five-thousand is a lot? Let's see
5/765 000 ~ 0,0000065
0,0000065% is a lot, really? I'd say 5% is a lot.
Five would be a lot if there were only a hundred cops in the country. There are without a doubt more corrupt cops in America than five, but there's way more criminals than evil police officers.
And the thugs should know by now that if they don't like being chased down and beaten up by police, then they shouldn't commit crime. Not committing crime decreases the risk of being apprehended, I admit that I don't know how much the decrease is but I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that abstaining thyself from criminal activity lessens the probability of getting beaten up by other criminals and cops, quite a lot. And if they do commit crimes, then don't resist arrest and you'll avoid getting into more trouble.
Good to know that a small island can keep their crazy criminal levels low. However, it doesn't mean the police are any better at not killing people. It just means there are less people who get themselves in situations where police will need to kill them.
According to Wikipædia, there are 5 prisons with a total capacity of 105. Half of them are open prisons, and the remaining prisons are either of low medium or high security with an equal split.
And the police apologized for having to do it.