Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


Oh, get a room you two!

America is super popular in Japan, and Japan is super popular in America, though most everyday people in either country don't know this.

I talked to a Japanese woman who told me that when she went to USA everything felt so familiar because they watched so many American movies in Japan and she almost felt at home, but when she went to Europe she had no idea what to do with herself.

Japan America
8th October 2012
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8 years ago #9650172        

And then they start discussing Denmark x Norway, Denmark x Netherlands, Sweden x Åland and Germany x Denmark x Netherlands.
Sister Japan teaches Sister America the fine art of the nosebleed, and by the end of the day they agree to meet regularly to stalk the boys, write fanfiction and draw fanart.
Watch out everyone... The Ultimate Yaoi Shipper Duo is born.

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6 years ago #9803957        

Two girls were in the same class . One was Japanese one Americans. The japanese girl would bleach and curk her hair. The American with blonde curly would straighten and dye it darker.

7 years ago #9752677        

Ottowa seems very confused, But when isnt he confused?

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10 years ago #9387298        

Japan's obsession with America has roots in WWII. For the Japanese, the concept of emotions and will having power of their own is fundamental to their spirituality (if not consciously). They call this force "ki" (breath) and it is a measure of a being's life force. Japan was doing very well at conquering other nations in WWII, and there was a strong sense of nationalistic superiority (that Japan is better because it is destined to be).

And then America dropped two massive bombs on them. Bombs with a power that no one had ever seen, that killed invisibly and for weeks and months afterward. It was like we poisoned reality itself. This, to the Japanese, is a demonstration of ki that they never imagined was possible. It was so traumatic to the Japanese consciousness as a whole that it persists in their film TV, and manga even now (large, dome-shaped explosions that annihilate everything they touch).

We also invaded and occupied the country for years afterward, reshaping their entire culture (it's where the Japanese schoolgirl uniform comes from; the one that looks like a little sailor suit) and restricting in law how the Japanese military was allowed to develop (this is why anime and manga words for military forces translate to things like "defense force"; military was only allowed for defensive purposes). This treaty still exists and even now restricts Japan's military in ways that are making it vulnerable to China.

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7 years ago #9743020        

I ship it! Japan and America should totally get married! :-D

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7 years ago #9711169        

japan and america were killed eachothers in ww2, and now become bestie.. Will it happened with north korea too :D
Edit: i think my prediction will come true

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9 years ago #9500745        

Le power of FANGIRLS!! *magical flapping*

10 years ago #9387963        

It's absolutely true! I'm from the US and grew up watching Sailor Moon. It was enamoring to watch these average girls, all with flaws, be these incredibly powerful super heroes. We love their video games, horror films, anime (particularly their sic-fi), those cute little chibi stickers, Sanrio Co. products, cars, and Miyazaki films. Akira Kurosawa was hugely influential to our cinema, and one of our big time current directors, Tarantino, is obviously influenced by Japanese culture.

Some people from the states even believe they belong in Japan which I find so funny, because often these are people who don't seem to understand Japanese values or culture in the slightest. We have a term for these people, "Weeaboo."

It should also be noted The US always seems to go through intervals of Anglophilia.

10 years ago #9333372        

When I was living in Japan, I felt like it was practically defined by a need for escapism. It is a country that, culturally, still adheres to conformity as a useful tool for social stability (it's still one of the safest countries on the planet, so it's not like it's not paying off). You can see some of the cracks nowadays, but as long as there's a "vent" it seems like it will still work. That "vent" just happens to be fiction/media from the US, which has a culture that is in many ways just about the opposite of Japan's.

The sheer size of the US rewards cultural complacency at a local level while breeding a sense of individuality. The general sense is "if you don't like what you know so far, you can go elsewhere", but this is a country where a 4 hour drive in any direction will often just get you somewhere with (for a simple example) a different sports team and the same kind of beer and hamburgers. Mass media's not much help, since everyone is clearly watching similar things, and that (I think) accounts for why we look to an "exotic opposite" to have a cultural exchange with.

So basically, the "opposite" is a new frontier for someone who's all too familiar with their current situation, even if the specific causes are so different.


13 years ago #8545752        


People need to stop with the "United Statsian" or "Staters" business. The proper demonym is Americans or US American. We are, the United States OF America. I understand it can be confusing for some because there are other countries that are "North/Central/South Americans" (in the same way the countries in Europe are also Europeans) but I can assure you the proper term for USA Citizens is "American" or "US American (if you want to be real specific)". It turns out, shocker, we've been saying it right the whole time.
(if people insist on "United Statsian or Stater" I'll have to insist they also call people from the UK "United Kingdomers", someone from Ireland a "Republican"(for the Republic of Ireland) and people from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico "Commonwealthians" along with many others)

I know Spanish for American is "estadoundiense" but Mexico is officially called "Estados Unidos Mexicanos". so technically Mexicans would be United Statsians too.(that's actually always bothered me about Spanish, if U.S.Mexicans are Mexicanos, why wouldn't U.S.Americans be Americanos?)

ps. you rock humon, love your comics

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