Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 3 of Netherlands

Who to give Flowers

Who to give Flowers

America doesn’t like being confused. :(

Inspired by two things.
1) Canada getting flowers every year from the Netherlands as a thank you for helping them during WWII.
2) A conversation between two guys that I overheard. :D


See more of America Canada Netherlands Sister Netherlands
13th of August

Germany on Vacation

Germany on Vacation

German tourists dig deep holes in Dutch and Danish beaches and steal “Beware of Moose” signs in Sweden and Norway.

The two things have to be connected somehow, or the world no longer makes sense! D:


See more of Germany Netherlands Denmark Norway Sweden
1st of August
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Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits

Somewhere Sweden is doing a perfect evil laugh. :XD:

Lately a lot of people have drawn their versions of Sister Japan, so I thought it was about time I introduced her before too many people got disappointed that she doesn’t look as awesome as they imagined.

She’s very polite and quiet, but underneath it all she is quite the fangirl.

Belgium is well known for it’s comics and candy/deserts, so he is a geek with a sweet tooth. :D


See more of America Japan Norway Denmark Netherlands Belgium
19th of July



Never ever try to mess with Dutch and Danish bikers. They’re fucking nuts!

Iceland actually have more cars for each person than even America, so he can just go home and get another one. :XD:

And some of you might ask why Netherlands isn’t blond and wearing wooden shoes. It’s because this is our stereotype for the Dutch
(When he isn’t speaking English he’s just talking gibberish. The guy is just imitating what Dutch sounds like to us) :XD:

By the way, I stole the "the match was a draw" joke from a Danish radio host who was joking around with a Dutch radio host. :D


See more of Netherlands Denmark Iceland Cars
3rd of July

Boobs and a Joint

Boobs and a Joint

The two girls from SatW with the biggest boobs. I wanted to try and draw the difference between real and fake breasts.
I don’t think many people realize it, but everything about Sister Sweden is supposed to be real, from her gigantic boobs to her oversized lips.

Why, yes. That is indeed Sister Sweden’s lust face. Yes, she always looks at people that way. Your point is...?
And yes, the dog fell off in the small version. Shut up! It did!

Second picture is me sort of trolling the people who has been demanding of me that I include Holland/Netherlands in the comic.
Them: You have to include Holland! He would have tons in common with Denmark! Him and Denmark should totally get high together! Holland is known for being open-minded, gay-friendly, perverted and high all the time!
Me: You don’t say...MUWAHAHAHA!!!

I actually have a much less...uh, suggestive comic involving the both of them in the works, because the two countries do indeed have a LOT in common, to the point of being scary. I just wanted to start the depiction of their relationship out like this, just to make sure you can never ever unsee it. :XD:

EDIT: The dog's name is Ottawa.


See more of Sweden America Netherlands Denmark Sister Sweden
29th of June
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