Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Netherlands

Don't mess with Acorns

Don't mess with Acorns

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Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Matheus

See more of England Netherlands
31st of March

Lands of two wheels

Lands of two wheels

When I learned that Denmark provides all exercise bikes in space I thought “That is so on brand for Denmark and how didn’t the Netherlands get that job?”


See more of Netherlands Denmark
24th of September
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Sand in bad places

Sand in bad places

It's always fun to learn about new things to be afraid of.


See more of Denmark Netherlands Europe
7th of September



We had a Dutch person visit us a few weeks back and we learned lots of new scary things.


See more of Belgium Netherlands
2nd of August

National Animal Show

National Animal Show

A lot of countries have a Lion as their national animal.

(Finland's national animal is a bear)


Illustrated by Jess.

See more of England Norway Netherlands France
19th of September
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Olive oil is good for the skin

Olive oil is good for the skin

Ah, world politics. The Netherlands and Turkey have been in each other's hair several times, but it has mostly stayed civil until now.

And Hawaii is having none of Trump America's crap right now.


See more of Netherlands America Denmark Turkey Hawaii
17th of March

Bike it off

Bike it off

I've often seen people on the internet make fun of fat people on bikes and wondered "What's so funny about that? How does people who think that's funny get around?"

Then I leaned that The Netherlands and Denmark are the "weird" ones, because here everybody casually ride bikes all the time, while most other places it's considered something you do if you can't afford a car or if you're a health freak.

So yeah, if you want to see lots of fat people on bikes, just visit The Netherlands or Denmark. You'll be pretty desensitized to it after a few days.


See more of Netherlands America Denmark
21st of June

The whale in the room

The whale in the room

I was talking with a woman from the Netherlands and somehow we ended up talking about how our countries treat stranded marine life. Of course the Netherlands have regular beaches where whales can get stranded, but the first thing that popped into my head were whales flopping over the sides of Netherlands' dams.


See more of Netherlands Denmark Whale
25th of August

Brightest Sheep in the Field

Brightest Sheep in the Field

And this is just one of many many reasons why, when Netherlands and Denmark hang out, they hang out alone.

But people actually paint their sheep bright colors in some parts of England to avoid people stealing them.


See more of Netherlands Denmark England
4th of August

Day at the beach

Day at the beach

Germans are crazy about the beach. If you leave them there, there is no guarantee they'll be the same person when you find them again.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Germany Netherlands
14th of April