Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Masked Sarcasm

Masked Sarcasm

Several of my family members and friends have/are working at hospitals and they’re all having a good hearty laugh at people who say masks doesn’t work.

6th November 2020
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4 years ago #9848022        

I'm a bank teller. I have old, bigoted white men spitting their politics at me every day at work because the old saying 'the hairdresser and the bank teller have to listen to you' is true. We also have a 'must wear masks in our lobby' policy. My response to everyone who gives me an argument, any argument against masks is:

"If I have even a 1% chance of being able to save one human life through something as simple as what I wear on my face, I am obligated to do so. May I offer you a disposable mask, sir?"


4 years ago #9847975        

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Trump's had a bad day
Boo hoo hoo.

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4 years ago #9847873        

I take some small consolation in that only the stupidest and most selfish people are refusing to wear masks, thus are more likely to die or kill those closest to them. Overall, the intelligence and altruism of the human race will be improved in the long run. Though what a horrible way to do it.

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4 years ago #9847812        

From the gym 2 days ago:
"Bro, masks cut off the air supply. You are breathing in carbon dioxide, suffocating you!"

From the gym 2 years ago, from the exact same person:
"You gotta try this high altitude training mask. It constricts air supply, like the runners at high altitudes, so when you take it off you get so much oxygen you are running at super speeds!"

I'm also convinced that the same people who bought up all the masks early on, even though many were telling us that due to supply shortages to please leave them for the medical professionals, are the ones now refusing to wear masks. As for the idea that "hospitals have different supply chains than stores, why would buying out the store harm the hospitals?", well, money talks, and when people are willing to pay, the stores find a way to get it stocked. Not just the WalMarts, but the shady corner stores and so forth get them all stocked. Notably, there was a case early on of a NYC store owner (Amardeep Singh, if you want to look him up) getting into some sort of fight with government officials who were seizing "his" masks, even though he was warned 7 times not to sell masks and other personal protective equipment.

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4 years ago #9849336        

One really cool thing about masks: unlike what was originally thought, probably protect the person wearing them, not just other people! So if you interact with unmasked people indoors, there is hope that a mask will still protect you, even if the people around you are being dicks!

Originally, it was suspected that Covid-19 spread through droplets on surfaces: a person would talk, cough, or sneeze. The droplet would then fall on a surface rather quickly. Another person would touch the surface, then their face. Masks offer little protection here.

But it's looking more and more like this isn't really a major way the virus spreads. Rather, it's through aerosols. These are much smaller droplets that stay in the air for hours at a time. These smaller droplets are then inhaled. This is, naturally, much scarier. But it also means that masks can prevent you from inhaling the virus. Especially if it's a respirator mask (e.g. N95). And it's also part of why being outside is also good protection: when you're outside, the air currents naturally disperse aerosols very quickly).

Evidence on this still isn't that solid, but studies have been done that show masks probably protect the people wearing them at least somewhat.

Also, please please please wear a mask. People are contagious days before showing any symptoms. And there are a *lot* of people who are contagious even though they're both not showing symptoms and testing negative: before symptoms appear, there just isn't enough virus to show up on the tests. And even then people sometimes keep testing negative. Fuck I wish the US had competent and at least somewhat compassionate leadership.

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4 years ago #9847863        

1. The main argument against masks is not that they don't filter absolutely anything (as you dishonestly imply), but rather that they create high viral concentrations on their surface which then people spread on door handles, handrails, products in shops, etc.
2. Doctors don't wear masks because they filter viral particles, cause they don't. Not even N95 masks filter viral particles.

Conclusion: If you're going to make fun of someone, at least try and understand what they're saying first.

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4 years ago #9848603        

Use a mask, if not for you for the other people's health :D

4 years ago #9847824        

The comments section on this is gonna be NASTY, but before that happens I want to say that, as an American, this is hilarious. :)

4 years ago #9849086        

It's still a mess here. Even my "Rural" area is full of big cities, so covid spreads like heck. It's also so influenced by politics, so the nonbelievers want to vote for the politicians that give them "freedom" aka let them do unsafe things and get covid. Its too many people. Help us God if we have ANOTHER outbreak here.

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4 years ago #9848205        

So America is having a big orange turd removed or what?

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