Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


Until very recently people had to pay for their stay in prison in Denmark. Now that that’s no longer the case the state is much less keen to sentence people to prison, and you don’t get locked up for financial crimes.

Denmark Faroe Islands
16th October 2020
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5 years ago #9846189        

Normally I would defend the US in regards to this, but we actually do have this problem now and it's only getting worse. Debtors prisons officially went away a century ago, but 20 years ago, they unofficially came back. It started in Alabama, because of course it did, but now it's in literally half of all prisons and jails in the US. It's a sick joke, as prisons don't actually collect any significant amount of money from the inmates. Technically the inmates can't be sent back merely for owing money, but part of the requirements for parole or early release are that you have gainful employment. Legally speaking, this means no "under the table" jobs, i.e., the work that's being paid off of the record books, so there's no way to avoid having the government garnish the wages. Good luck trying to get your life back together if you can only find menial, low paying work even before the government takes a huge chunk out of it. Is it any wonder that recidivism is so high?

But there is something we can do. First, be aware of the problem. Second, be aware of which politicians are actively working to expand this atrocity or to fix the system. And third, obviously, VOTE if you are able.


4 years ago #9846611        

I heard Denmark's prisons do not even allow prison rape. Without prison rape, is there even any punishment involved? Especially with Private Prisons which don't even help prisoners suicide.

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5 years ago #9846270        

Saw a few comments about USA prisons, but it's even worse.

You know that free lawyer the state provides? In states and counties (I believe, not my country) getting your free lawyer may require money. So imagine not being able to pay a $20 parking ticket, you can't afford a lawyer so you get a state appointed one. That one has a good few minutes time to prepare your case because they're overworked, so they'll go for a plea. Then you get a bill that you can't pay so go back to start, do not pass go, you do not receive even $20.

In other situations it's the *parole* (I think that's the correct term) office(rs) that costs money. Now with a criminal record (you did plea guilty after all) you can't get many jobs and even if you do, the office(r) sets the appointment. So you have a choice between keeping your job, not meeting the parole officer and going back to square one, or loosing your job and not fufilling the parole terms etc; go back to start, don't pass go, no $2 (but you do still get send the bills though).

I'm sure you can find a better explanation video on YT, but they're basically deptors prison even though that was banned ... say 190 years ago? Not sure on the exact date, I'm thinking 1830s

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5 years ago #9846177        

... Is that a teardrop tattoo on the Faroe's face?

4 years ago #9858473        

"Very Recently" means it was abolished in 1994.

4 years ago #9847378        

@Zenon WHAT DOES punctuation IM ONLY 12 and IM Just in 7th grade and i MIGHT be GOOD in ENGLISH but not THAT much

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5 years ago #9846330        

I don't see where the problem is. People can't pay taxes, you send them to prison, you make them pay for their time at prison, they can't pay, you send them even more time to prison, then you discover that by the practice to indenture servitude you can make them pay their debts... indefinitely :D
Indenture Servitude, it's not slavery if it's legal and has another trademark name :P

There is a game called Stellaris where you can purchase slaves in the galactic market and make them pay for their freedom. Sadly for them there is certain extra charges and freedom always has a high inflation rate :D

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5 years ago #9846174        

A comic on Thursday how nice
Also maybe make them work the money off?

Also it looks like Faroes Island got tear drop tattoo while in prison

4 years ago #9846646        

The teardrop makes me want to watch crybaby again.

4 years ago #9846473        

Where did you get that bad idea from the privately run prisons in some of the southern state here in the US. Wow Denmark you are better then that, and so is the USA. At least you would think.

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