Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Social get together

Social get together

This has become the humorous wish for a lot of Scandinavians.

Sweden Denmark Norway
5th March 2021
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4 years ago #9855482        

the real reason Finland isn't in the frame is because he's maintaining his usual 1km distance

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4 years ago #9855490        

I just wish people would stay off my ass. Even with signs and rules, people still get right up on you. And then most of them will try and TALK TO ME. I don't want to speak to you, Maskless Karen. Please go away.

4 years ago #9855444        

I for one can't wait to returning to a time when...

We could greet each other with coughing in each other's faces
We were allowed to lick all the cans at the grocery store
We could hold competitions to see who could fit the most live bats in their mouth
We would drink from the other person's glass first to show we didn't poison the drinks

I may or may not be misremembering things from the before time.

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4 years ago #9855468        

I've lately been watching some episodes of the Sixties TV series The Green Hornet, the one that introduced Bruce Lee and kung-fu to America. On reading some background material, I discovered that the title character as portrayed in the advertising for the original radio program was portrayed, not as wearing a mask over his eyes like the TV character, or a full facemask like in the movie serials, but one that just covers the lower part of his face.


I really want to get one like it - they're easily available online for about US$15 - and wear it around town, just to see how many people get the joke. :)

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4 years ago #9855742        

On the one hand ending this means the masks come off so that's good.

On the other, that means I no longer have a valid reason to wear my gasmask in public and "Pretending this is Fallout" just gets me odd looks.

4 years ago #9855864        

Yeah I have asthma and I have personally been social distancing every flu season for years because I have also had bacterial pneumonia at least 9 times and I am not looking to hit double digits. I will happily say to a perfect stranger" please get the hell away from me if you are sick you walking petri dish." I had some guy almost climbing into my back pack the other day so I turned around and glared. Apparently my resting bitch face still works through the mask because he backed up. Sorry but I am not a fan of people being close to me in non pandemic times...but my lungs are crap so if I get it I will most likely end up in the hospital. No thank you.

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4 years ago #9855717        

As much as the global pandemic sucks, I do enjoy having an excuse to avoid people.

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4 years ago #9855561        

Aaawe, i love the masks ^^

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4 years ago #9855446        

What I'm really looking for is to be able to visit my friends and family abroad without going in a 2 week quarantine both ways. Losing a month of your life to quarantine, getting a huge quarantine hotel bill and missing all vacation days for a whole year, just to stay with them for a few days is quite unaffordable!

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4 years ago #9856598        

This pandemic would be contained and we'd be largely opened back up if the idiots would've just worn masks and not bitched about "muh freedumz" for the last year.

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