Sweden Denmark and Norway never hates each other more than when we play football.
I wanted to include Greenland somehow, and then started wondering if Sweden and Norway have any islands where they don't speak Swedish or Norwegian. Sweden doesn’t have any, and Norway just have volcano island, Jan Mayen (Besides Svalbard), where the only humans are Norwegian scientists.
I love this comic, it's just that I want to correct something, it seems like Norway do not like England . But it is there that after WW2 there England and the United States we are look the most up to. While Sweden will always be our ''søta bror''/sweet older brother and Denmark a fine friend. We Norwegians have a special historic bond with England and the US. England is and was our strongest alley, during WW1 we helped them even if we said we were neutral and WW2 they helped us train our resistance and help free us, just like the US and Soviet. I just wish this would be reflected in these comics.
I'm surprised football is so popular in Denmark given that it was inspired by a war between England and Denmark and was originally known as 'Kick the Dane's Head'.
@ProudToBeDanish Yes. Some English people found the skull of a Danish soldier and kicked it around, and you had to kick it into the enemy's village. It was banned for a few centuries, but in the 1600s, people started playing it again.