Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 3 of Australia

The Something

The Something

I was pretty impressed after watching the trailer for "The Thing" (a prequel to the old movie of the same name) to see that the Norwegian team was actually played by Norwegian actors, with two Danish actors in between. Don't know if the Danes are supposed to be playing Norwegians, but I noticed they had Danish last names.

The Americans in the movie were played by, obviously, Americans, an Australian and an Englishman, but I forgot to add England. I'm sorry. :(

This is how the SaTW characters would act if they found themselves in an alien horror movie. America does not like aliens. Give him zombies, ghosts, mutants, ANYTHING BUT ALIENS!! D8
Denmark is more scared of the snow than the alien...


See more of Australia America Norway Denmark
22nd of July



I finally got around to making a comic about the whole Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange mess. :D

For those of you wondering why Australia got the role as Assange, it’s simply because Assange is Australian.


See more of France Germany Australia Italy Russia America Sweden England
15th of December
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Australian Princess

Australian Princess

While drawing this a program about the royal wedding between the Danish crown prince Frederik and the Australian Mary started on TV. :)

Mary have become a very beloved princess in Denmark. Unlike the French guy our queen Margrethe married, Mary was very quick to learn Danish and she just overall seems like a really nice lady.

It may seem like a weird mix to have Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Netherlands together, that’s because those four royal families usually hang out together.

Denmark crying at the end is also a reference to the wedding, where prince Frederik started crying like baby. (And her father was wearing an awesome kilt!) :D


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Netherlands Australia Sister Australia Sister Denmark Sister Norway Sister Sweden Sister Netherlands
11th of October

Drunken Party

Drunken Party

Atlantis and all his magic friends have confused many drunks throughout history. :D

Drunks from left to right: Scotland, Ireland, Finland, Australia, Belgium, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Greece in the last picture.


See more of Atlantis Scotland Ireland Finland Australia Belgium Russia Netherlands Germany Denmark Greece
23rd of August

Bedtime Drama 2

Bedtime Drama 2

England went to bed first, then Canada. They were close to falling asleep when Australia jumped onto the bed because he was being chased by New Zealand, waking them up. Australia and New Zealand fought for a bit before calming down. Australia then immediately hogged a big peace of bed and fell asleep almost as soon as he tugged the blanked over himself.

Then came America. He knew Australia moved around a lot in his sleep, so he squeezed himself in between Canada and England. What he didn’t realize was that he moved a lot in his sleep as well. By the end of the night he was sleeping on top of all the others' blankets.

Neither Canada nor England got any sleep that night. New Zealand dreamt sweet dreams of her beloved Wales.

(Yes yes, it’s the wrong flag for England)


See more of Canada America England Australia New Zealand
16th of May
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The End of America

The End of America

Inspired by some of the responses I got to this journal

I couldn’t help but smile while reading them. :)


See more of Canada America Europe Australia
23rd of March

New Family

New Family

Lazy sketches time!

So I was wondering what life would be like for newly adopted Canada in England’s house. What would he think of the place?

The first sketch is of Canada walking in on America dying his hair. Papa England does not like that America is ruining his hair like that, so he has do it without him knowing. Because what can England do when it’s done? Sure, he could shave it all off as punishment, but he doesn’t want a bald son either. Sssh Canada. Don’t tell on him.

Next is Australia hiding from his papa in a tree. God only knows what he did this time, but he would prefer if England didn’t find him. Ssssh Canada. You keep your damn mouth shut!

And finally Canada petting New Zealand, wondering what the hell kind of family he has become part of.


See more of America Canada England Australia New Zealand
24th of November

Damn Kids

Damn Kids

The temptation became too much. I had to draw it. England and his children.

It ended up looking like they’re in school, but they’re supposed to be at home doing homework. Yes, England is about to smack America in the back of the head.

Australia was a very naughty child, and England ended up sending him away, forcing him to learn to take care of himself. And it worked. Today Australia is a well adjusted man whom most people like.

America was a bit of a trouble maker too, but not as bad as Australia. Well, that was until he decided that he wanted to move out sooner than England would have liked.

Canada was adopted from France, and turned out to be one of the most polite and easy children England ever had under his care.

EDIT: Places like India and such weren’t so much England's children as his servants.


See more of America Canada England Australia
22nd of November

How to deal with animals

How to deal with animals

A friend and I were watching the nature program “Life in Cold Blood” with the very British David Attenborough as the host, when my friend said, “Look at him standing there with his hands in his pockets, just talking about the animals. Try comparing him to Steve Irwin. If he was still around he would have jumped out of nowhere and wrestled that thing!”

And the mental image was just too funny for me to ignore. :XD:


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden England Australia
10th of September

Dinner Partner

Dinner Partner

Everybody knows that there’s nothing but sheep in New Zeeland, and that Wales is quite fond of sheep. It's a match made in Heaven! ;)

And either Norway, Denmark and Sweden's dinner patners left before time, or Sweden mockingly made Denmark his dinner partner because Denmark once invented man-breasts. :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Australia New Zealand Wales Sister Sweden
5th of August