Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of South Korea

When yes means no

When yes means no

I’ve been watching a lot of videos by North Korean defectors and it’s heartbreaking how much they talk about starvation. Even the animals are tiny from malnutrition and as one defector put it “It’s a nation of starving people feeding on starving animals”
They don’t even have baby formula so if a woman dies in childbirth the father becomes a beggar who walks from door to door with the infant, asking women if they have enough breast milk to please feed their child.
I highly recommend you look North Korean defectors up on YouTube. It’s extremely eye opening.


See more of South Korea North Korea
29th of January

When cultures meet

When cultures meet

Anyone who has been to a Far Eastern country can tell you that it's considered incredibly disgusting to blow your nose in public. Oddly enough it's not looked down upon to sneeze loudly with an open mouth or spit on the street in places like South Korea.


See more of Sweden South Korea
29th of December
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Going for Gold

Going for Gold

Estonia got 1 Bronze medal in rowing :D

...and some where just happy to get out of the house:


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of Russia America China England Germany Estonia Olympics North Korea South Korea Jenny Dayvi
9th of September

Chako Paul City

Chako Paul City

The myth that there's a big lesbian city in Sweden started on the Chinese news, and then spread to Japan and South Korea. The Asian men were so eager to learn more about this magical place that the Swedish tourist sites crashed and when they could no longer use the internet, the men started calling.


See more of Sweden China Japan South Korea
24th of April

Gangnam Style

Gangnam Style

Of course a joke about PSY's song "Gangnam Style"

America is a bit counfused about which song he's singing because of the number of Americans who call PSY the Korean LMFAO.


See more of South Korea North Korea Korea America
24th of August
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World in Trouble

World in Trouble

Things are tensing up between North and South Korea. USA have joined in. Nukes are involved.

...And in Denmark the news are mostly about the snow. Because you know, it’s weird when it snows in a Nordic country.


See more of America South Korea North Korea England China Sweden Denmark Norway
27th of November