Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Reality Hits

Reality Hits

США идут перемены в сфере расово-национального состава в связи с активным перемещением рабочей силы в эту страну. Похоже, что осталось совсем немного времени до того момента, когда потомки открывателей из Старого света останутся в меньшинстве.

Америке это не нравится! :XD:
P.S. Волосы у Америки химически обесцвечены.

America Sweden Norway Denmark
15th September 2009
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7 years ago #9732259        

If this different kind of beautiful comes with taqitoes and molè , count me in.
No stupid wall!

10 years ago #9401109        

I thought at first this was going to be a joke about Americans' ridiculous obsession with tanning beds. It's very fertile grounds, I'd think, considering how silly it is (I personally think most people look best in whatever their natural skin tone is, whether it's light or dark, but even if one doesn't, paying someone for a tan you can get for free outside is an unnecessarily expensive way to satisfy your vanity, not to mention a very dangerous way, given the health risks of tanning beds). But a joke about our racism works, too. Probably would be even better to combine the two. It's especially funny to see people who look down on darker skinned people going to such great lengths to be darker themselves. Almost enough to make you cheer for melanoma as poetic justice, almost...

7 years ago #9744026        

Tan 'Merica. Best 'Merica. Screw the orange

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7 years ago #9752032        

The concept of "Latino" and "Latin America" of the United States is so, so wrong.
Being Latino is not an ethnic group, it is not a "race", it is a linguistic and cultural condition. You are Latin American if you speak a Latin language, and if you live in a country that was a colony of a Latin European country. Just that! You can be Asian and be Latino, you can be Black African and be Latino, you can be whatever you want and be Latino! Latino is what you speak and where you live. Spaniards are Latin people, Italians, French, Romanians, anyone who lives in a Latin culture and speaks a Latin language. I think the concept of "Latino" that Americans have is because most Mexicans who go there are descendants of the natives and that's why they think that's Latino. But no!
If Donald Trump had been born in a Latin country and had grown up there, he would be a Latino!

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8 years ago #9596049        

What's white on top and black on the bottom?


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9 years ago #9491149        

Little mocha never hurt anybody. Xd

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7 years ago #9754854        

PSHH. when I was still an American I could stay outside all day and still come back looking all pale unless I didn't put on enough sunscreen. Then I'd look like a chili pepper. And it's still the same for me in New Zealand.

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7 years ago #9732306        

Sure now Denmark wants to be USA’s friend


8 years ago #9666136        


8 years ago #9621525        

Soooo... are any of you actually from America??? We don't really care that we're becoming darker. I don't know a single person who does, but hey people always like to generalize with the crazy minority, because a tolerant white person goes against the narrative that they would have you believe

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