Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Zombie Zoo

Zombie Zoo

Children are considered pretty sturdy up here in the North.

During the whole giraffe debate my Faroese housemate was like "I don't see why people are so offended by children seeing an anatomy lesson. On the Faroe Islands school children are shown how to kill a sheep"

Faroe Islands Denmark America
21st October 2015
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10 years ago #9415365        

Interesting that brother America is complaining about this, while he's letting children fire machineguns at shooting ranges.

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10 years ago #9416071        

As a Faroese, I can confirm this. We really aren't afraid to show children how we slaughter animals, and I don't see why that is considered a bad thing by foreigners. It's good that people learn from a young age where their food comes from.

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10 years ago #9415992        

I don't mind hunting or killing animals in general if there is proper reason (for example for food or to keep other animals healthy) and people should teach their kids that killing animals is not always a bad thing. I'm actually very proud of those people who can kill an animal because I can't do it. Even though I wanted to become a hunter I can't because I just can't stand shooting living things myself. Seeing dead animal is okay to me though. "Cleaning up" the dead animal is the worst.


10 years ago #9415414        

Given America's record for school shootings, are they really in a position to lecture anyone about child issues?

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10 years ago #9415606        

When my daughter was 5, we bought a whole sheep from the slaughterhouse and brought all the bits home in a big plastic bag.

We put a plastic sheet down on the garage floor to sort them out and chop them up and bag them.

The teenaged Korean homestay student took one look, went green , and ran out.

My daughter, though, looked on with interest. After a while, she pointed at one large piece, and with a look of concentration declared: "I think that's his bum."

Then she skipped out of the garage, singing "Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? We'll chop you up and eat you, and put you in a bag"

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10 years ago #9415375        

Well.. shame is that it was exotic animals, but other than that. I think everyone who consumes meat should witness a slaughter once in their lives. I witnessed my first slaughter of a moose at the age of 7, it was very educational and made me respect the the animal even more.
I love meat, but if you're gonna eat it, you may aswell know how it works.

I don't know, there are many sides to stories like this. My argument is why this was made openly at a Zoo where exotic animals are supposed to be witnessed alive, while autopsy and anatomi education should be taken and performed elsewhere, I mean, surely they don't come to the zoo to the watch a slaughter? And If i remember correctly Marius, the giraff was at perfectly good health, to me it would've made more sense to butcher an animal that died/or had to be put down because of natural causes.

Anyways, I'm sure they had their reasons, and I respect that.

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9 years ago #9423810        

well in my school (us in grade 0-2 (age 6-9) together for a time) had chickens, like we had them from when they were eggs, and let them grow up as our pets, and we played with them and hold them and just in generel took care of them. then when they got bigger they had to stay at some of the students, that of course also had chickens, and after some time, when it was winter and there was snow and all, all the chickens where big enough to be slaughtered... so all us 50-60 kids from grade 0-2 walked to some twins from grade 2nd, and there we succeed to slaughter the chickens outside in the snow, and see how they jump around after you chop of their head and all, and then we all tried to pull out the organs and all, and ou could see all the blood in the snow. BEST SCHOOL DAY EVER!!! seriously no one had second thoughts about killing of the chickens we had raised from infants in egg to fat chickens, we just thought it was funny, and we got to eat chicken soup, which was awesome

10 years ago #9419141        

I grew up in a city (San Antonio, Texas) but it was on the edge of town where half my classmates were city-folk like me and half lived on ranches or in other rural or semi-rural areas.

In 6th grade my Social Studies/History teacher took it upon herself to "unteach" us all the lies and fairy tales we'd been taught about Native Americans up to that point in our school careers and to teach us some actual facts about them. Especially about the tribes that had inhabited central and south Texas.
We started our own gardens, where we could only grow things Native Americans would have had access to. We were divided in to nomad and agricultural tribes and built tee-pees, arrows and spears or miniature long houses and gardening tools, respectively. We were taught to make fire with no flint (I think she might have gotten in trouble for that lesson.)

The best and most memorable of all those lessons, though? We got to tan deer and javelina (also called a collared peccary. A common pig-like animal that is often hunted here) hides. We were presented with the deer and javelina skins, one of each animal for each class, that were 'cleaned' only as far as was absolutely necessary for the butcher to get the meat. I think he left a lot on when he heard about the project, honestly. There was gobs of raw meat and sinew and stuff on those hides. For this hyper-sensitive, sheltered city girl, it was a gory mess.

We used tools we'd made in the previous lessons and some that some professors from the nearby University had gotten for us. All were rough hewn stone or wood. We had to scrape the hides totally clean, tan them and so on. We had hides staked out on the school lawn for a long time while they dried, lol. With stakes we had handmade. I can't remember all the details, but I remember scraping the meat off with a specially sharpened stone until my arms and back were *killing* me and I remember smelling like deer hide for a week or two. No matter what I did I couldn't get the smell off of me.
I also remember it being my very, very favorite school project up to that point, and even now at 32 and with a college degree, it's easily in the top 3.

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10 years ago #9416650        

As a kid I was utterly fascinated with biology, medicine, nature and all the gross things all of that entails. A lot of kids like gross things. It's normal to be fascinated by them. I totally would have loved to see the dissection of a lion or giraffe for educational reasons.

No I'm not a psychopath, I'm just descended from doctors. :)

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10 years ago #9415454        

I don't think Brother America would actually take offence by this, (infact I sorta think sister America would be better for this).

Anyway, I know that there were a bit of a debacle over a class of students in Sweden that was allowed to watch the slaughter of a reindeer, (mostly it had to do with the fact that they killed the Reindeer infront of the class by slicing the throat IIRC) but IMO it's quite important for kids to understand what goes on. They can definitley handle it. seing as they've handled it for the last 30 000 years or so.

Infact I'd say knowing the basics of slaugthering a few for the region common animals is a perfectly reasonable skill to posses, to many people in Sweden never gets to touch this unless they decide to take hunters exam...

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