Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 5 of Europe

Always watch your drink

Always watch your drink

To Europeans it seems weird and oddly suspicious at first that some American products boast that they contain real sugar, until we remember that Americans usually use corn syrup.


See more of America Europe
22nd of July



I didn't even have to come up with a joke for this one. The fact that they really named it that is all you need to know.


See more of Europe Chile
24th of June
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Picky Denmark

Picky Denmark

Denmark have some of the strictest food laws in the world, which is kind of pissing the rest of Europe off because it means they can't sell their stuff to Denmark.

One of the first things I noticed when I moved back to Denmark after having lived in England for a year was how quickly food went bad, so it would seem Denmark is quite picky about chemicals in the food too.


See more of Congo China America Europe Denmark
17th of June

Cold but heating up

Cold but heating up

Russia has no policy for personal space.


See more of Europe Ukraine Russia America
4th of March

What comes around goes around

What comes around goes around

I did a report on the history of witches as my final project for my religious studies, and I learned some very interesting things.

If you go back before the big Christian witch hunts you'll see a lot of reports of people getting burned for accusing others of being witches. The explanation was because the church believed that only through God could you perform "magic" so even if someone tried to cast spells and what not it would be ineffective. Therefore the belief that others could perform magic was seen as just as pagan as people attempting it.

So if you accused someone of being a witch there was no grantee the "witch" would get killed, but you sure as hell would just for thinking witches existed.

As we all know the church eventually gave in to the people's demand for "justice" and the big witch hunts started.


See more of Europe Vatican
27th of February
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White Wonderland

White Wonderland

We have started getting some snow in Europe but we still don't quite beat North America.


See more of Europe America
14th of January

Government Down

Government Down

America is without government. Belgium is unimpressed because he went without a government for 535 days.


See more of America Europe Belgium
9th of October

You have no secrets

You have no secrets

Heh, saw this exchange of words in quite a few places on the internet after Eurovision was over.

But yes, we get most American TV and news over here.


See more of Europe America Eurovision
29th of May

The Winner Is

The Winner Is

Finally pulled myself up and did the Eurovision comic. But god dammit it was boring this year.

Anyway, no one really knew the winning country, and everybody were pretty much going "Who the hell is that?" :XD:

Denmark's comment is from this

And of course Norway know it, but couldn't tell anyone because he was the only Nordic country that didn't get in this year.


See more of Europe Sweden Denmark Norway Ireland Moldova Eurovision
25th of May

Don't Panic

Don't Panic

Everybody but Japan seem to be panicking about the earthquake. I was watching the news and the anchorman asked, “So how are the Japanese people and government taking it? Has there been any panic or chaos?” two which the reporter answered, “.....No. Not really” :XD:


See more of Japan Europe Europe America
12th of March