Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 3 of Europe



It's legal to be a prostitute in all European countries.

However in five of them it's illegal to be a customer. This was put in place partly because it's a bit of a grey area whether the prostitute is always willing or possibly forced to do it, but a customer is always willingly visiting a prostitute.

In most European countries it's perfectly legal to be both a prostitute and a customer though, but illegal to own a brothel or be a pimp. If the prostitute has to hand any of their money over to anyone else besides the government in the form of taxes, that other person is in big trouble. Here prostitutes are considered self-employed entrepreneurs.

And then there's a few countries where brothels are legal, but regulated.

No reason why specifically Canada is the customer here. I just needed a harmless dude from a country where prostitution is illegal.


See more of Europe Canada
10th of February

Goodbye forever

Goodbye forever

When you burn bridges but keep their phone number.

(Also there is a new England book:


See more of England Europe Brexit
19th of January
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Equal Fight

Equal Fight

If you say Iceland is the most gender equal country in the world within hearing distance of a Swede you WILL get your throat slit.


See more of Iceland Europe Sweden Svalbard
16th of December



A Swedish friend of mine works as a history teacher, and he sometimes send me little gold nuggets like this.

We don't know if the Scandinavians kept using the English king's face on their coins because they thought that was what coins was supposed to look like, or if they did it because it made it easier to use the coins in England.


See more of Europe Sweden Denmark Norway
9th of December

Makeover of 2016

Makeover of 2016

I warned you America would get a makeover if Trump won. This won't be a one-off joke either. He'll look like this for the next four years. Eight if America picks him again.

Sister America will stay the same because she belongs to the American Left.

EDIT: I will be the happiest person a live if four or eight years a from now I'll have to eat every bad thing I've ever said about Trump. Sometimes realizing you were wrong can be the best feeling in the world.

But Nazi Germany is in this comic because a lot of neo-Nazi groups and the KKK have supported Trump publicly because of his xenophobic, racist and sexist views. So you might have voted for him despite of those things, but they voted for him because of it.

So I will be beyond happy if you and Trump together prove the terrified Lefties and the happy Nazis and clan members wrong.


See more of America Europe China Russia Germany
9th of November
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Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange

Danish media is very excited about Mads Mikkelsen being in Doctor Strange, but we all know nobody outside Denmark will remember his character because that's just how Marvel rolls.


See more of America Denmark Europe China Sweden
28th of October

The little voice in America's head

The little voice in America's head

We have a lot of nut jobs in Europe too, the difference is that their range is limited so they only really fuck their own country up.

It's a common joke/wish in the rest of the world the everybody should be allowed to vote in American elections because everything America does has such huge consequences for the rest of the world.


See more of America Europe
7th of October

In the eye of the beholder

In the eye of the beholder

The saga of the cave men and the European archaeologist continues.

But seriously, how many times have I seen articles by archaeologists talking about how something is supposed to symbolize a vagina, but it's just a hole in a wall.

I suspect archaeologists just see vaginas everywhere.


See more of Europe Cave Men
30th of September

It's nothing

It's nothing

I promise I'll do a comic about something else next week, but for now Brexit is still immensely entertaining/complicated/scary.


See more of Europe England Brexit
6th of July

Brexit to the right

Brexit to the right

Nobody knows how to make history like England.


See more of England Europe Norway Sweden Denmark Scotland North Ireland Brexit
28th of June