Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


It's legal to be a prostitute in all European countries.

However in five of them it's illegal to be a customer. This was put in place partly because it's a bit of a grey area whether the prostitute is always willing or possibly forced to do it, but a customer is always willingly visiting a prostitute.

In most European countries it's perfectly legal to be both a prostitute and a customer though, but illegal to own a brothel or be a pimp. If the prostitute has to hand any of their money over to anyone else besides the government in the form of taxes, that other person is in big trouble. Here prostitutes are considered self-employed entrepreneurs.

And then there's a few countries where brothels are legal, but regulated.

No reason why specifically Canada is the customer here. I just needed a harmless dude from a country where prostitution is illegal.

Canada Europe
10th February 2017
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8 years ago #9595339        

There needs to be a follow up comic of England finding out about Canada using a prostitute...

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8 years ago #9594577        

To my knowledge prostitution is legal in all countries, provided there is long term work contract.

something called marriage.

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8 years ago #9594319        

What annoys me about this topic is how much dishonesty there is on both sides of the issue. I read a fascinating article about the legalized industry in Amsterdam years ago, that was addressing the moralistic crusaders who were reporting that something like "35% of sex workers in brothels were trafficked in from other countries!" basically making them sound like sex slaves. The author pointed out, however, that what they were doing was conflating the terms "sex trafficking" and "migrant sex workers." Yes, many of the women came from other countries to be prostitutes in Amsterdam, not because they were being forced to, but rather A) it was illegal in their home country, B) the working conditions were safer and all around better in the Netherlands, and C) they were making MAD money hand over fist working there. No different from any other professional that decides to relocate, really.

But on the other side you have the people caught visiting malnourished Asian women chained to mattresses on the floor, saying "No, officer... I thought she was in the line of work because she enjoyed it!" This is why I support a legalized framework with strong support services for workers, and even stronger criminal sentences for pimps and traffickers.

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8 years ago #9594887        

> In most European countries it's perfectly legal to be both a prostitute and a customer though, but illegal to own a brothel or be a pimp. If the prostitute has to hand any of their money over to anyone else besides the government in the form of taxes, that other person is in big trouble.

Does this mean that in these countries the government is the pimp?

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8 years ago #9640226        

In the US it's illegal to sell sex for money as well as to buy it. During a typical prostitution arrest sting here, the women/men/children who have been found to be prostitutes are automatically arrested and sent to jail even if it's obvious they were trafficked/forced to do it. Makes my blood boil.

Though in a few states (including my own, California), there have been laws passed to no longer require the automatic arrest of prostitutes in a sting if it looks like they're being trafficked.

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8 years ago #9595888        

In the US state of Rhode Island, the local government accidentally legalized prostitution in the 1980's when the laws had to be updated due to new technology, so long as it wasn't advertised outdoors. This is why the strip clubs were built next to motels that charge by the hour, and also why RI has so many strip clubs. Then a couple years ago, after a scandal involving a disgustingly pink building with underage sex slaves, the state decided to finally change the law, and the capitol elected a mayor who pledged to go after prostitution.

Except it's still de facto legal for the state senators, because no cop is going to lose his job trying to take down either a state senator or his favorite call-girl.

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8 years ago #9594575        


We called Denmark as "Stupid-Sweden" on our "Finland 2nd" video. How about a comic about it and all other Trump-video's? It would be great, huge, you'll love it.


8 years ago #9594299        

It would have been cool if this was a male prostitute. There's a really strong stereotype that all sex workers are women which I think can contribute to women being the more sexualized gender. Most people I know, especially men, will seem fine if you talk about female sex workers but once you bring up male sex workers they get grossed out and / or uncomfortable. Because women are supposed to be the more sexualized ones according to a lot of people.

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7 years ago #9701813        

In Canada, it is "illegal to purchase sexual services but legal to sell them". So you can be a prostitute, you just can't buy one.

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8 years ago #9626567        

For how long did Europe hide behind the bushes? You're naughty, don't you Europe?

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