Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Japan

Modern Mythology

Modern Mythology

Some modern mythological creatures. Denmark was about to rush in with a Troll doll, but got distracted by England's Paddington Bear.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by justsasss

See more of America Godzilla Florida Man Japan
19th of January

Holiday of Hearts

Holiday of Hearts

Most Japanese people don’t even know Christmas is a religious holiday. It’s all about Santa babyyy!


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Germany Japan
23rd of December
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Need more drunks

Need more drunks

Yes, young Japanese people think this is silly too.


See more of Japan
9th of September

Hot Tea

Hot Tea

If you’ve never seen a Chinese tea ceremony do yourself a favor and go to YouTube.


See more of Japan China
18th of February

A true romantic

A true romantic

The history of flirting is fascinating.


See more of Sweden Japan
18th of June
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Different Flavors

Different Flavors

It’s okay, guys. People have different tastes.


See more of America Japan
18th of December

I know gun-fu

I know gun-fu

The first recorded meetings between Japan and westerners are actually kind of sweet.

The Japanese thought there was some secret to using firearms but the Portuguese were just like "It's easy! Stand straight and close one eye! Couldn't be easier!" but the Japanese still thought it was more complicated than that and assumed the Portuguese were talking philosophy. It took some back and forth to make them understand that it wasn't a difficult discipline to shoot a rifle.


See more of Japan Portugal
21st of February

City of Nightmares

City of Nightmares

Paris Syndrome is almost exclusively experienced by Japanese tourists in France.

It happens to about 20 people every year when they realize that Paris isn't as romantic and beautiful as they expected, the culture shock causing people to feel sick, anxious, dizzy and hallucinate. The problem even seems to be getting worse as more people from other East Asian countries get enough money to travel to Paris.

Apparently the only cure for this is to leave France and never return.


See more of Japan France
3rd of January

Armed to immobilize

Armed to immobilize

Everybody everywhere understands why some Americans want to arm teachers NOW because schools shootings are a systemic problem that will take YEARS to fix, but more deadly weapons in schools probably isn't a good idea.


See more of Japan America
30th of August

Respect your elders

Respect your elders

Sogen Kato was believed to be the oldest man in Tokyo up until 2010 when officials finally entered his apartment and realized that he had died at the age of 79 in 1978. His death had been kept a secret by his family who were collecting his pension. This lead to a huge search for all people over 100 years, and it turned out that Japan couldn't document the whereabouts of 234,354 supposed centenarians.


See more of Japan
3rd of May