Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 3 of Japan

Coming of Age Day

Coming of Age Day


See more of Sweden Norway Japan Denmark
13th of January
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Chako Paul City

Chako Paul City

The myth that there's a big lesbian city in Sweden started on the Chinese news, and then spread to Japan and South Korea. The Asian men were so eager to learn more about this magical place that the Swedish tourist sites crashed and when they could no longer use the internet, the men started calling.


See more of Sweden China Japan South Korea
24th of April



Oh, get a room you two!

America is super popular in Japan, and Japan is super popular in America, though most everyday people in either country don't know this.

I talked to a Japanese woman who told me that when she went to USA everything felt so familiar because they watched so many American movies in Japan and she almost felt at home, but when she went to Europe she had no idea what to do with herself.


See more of America Japan
8th of October

Tiny Giant Monsters

Tiny Giant Monsters

Speaks for itself really. :XD:


Something I always thought was kinda funny/cute in the Reptilicus movie was that when the Danes are told that the monster is flying North, they immediately go, "Oslo!!?!" (Norway's capital) and sound less alarmed when they find out it's heading for Sweden's capital. :XD:


See more of Denmark Japan America Godzilla
17th of August
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I know I'm just asking for trouble by implying that Japan is *GASP!* not perfect *OHMYGODZ!!!* but this was too good to pass up.

They had a robot theme night on TV and one guy was talking very warmly about Japanese robots and how fantastic they were. The reporter then asked why the Japanese people loved robots so much, and the guy looked very apologetic and sort mumbled "Well, there's a lot of reasons, like they love dolls and everything electronic.....and they prefer robots to immigrants. It's not something people usually talk about, but the Japanese are pretty racist on that point" He looked so uncomfortable while saying it, which just made it even more funny.

Preferring robots to real humans is such a mad scientist thing to do that I couldn't ignore it. :XD:


See more of Japan Sweden Denmark Norway
8th of July

Don't Panic

Don't Panic

Everybody but Japan seem to be panicking about the earthquake. I was watching the news and the anchorman asked, “So how are the Japanese people and government taking it? Has there been any panic or chaos?” two which the reporter answered, “.....No. Not really” :XD:


See more of Japan Europe Europe America
12th of March

Ungodly Surprise

Ungodly Surprise

You can all blame the Faroe Islander Boyishy for this one. All I can say is, you have to watch your mouth when you talk with me. :XD:

Originally Sweden and Åland were involved too, but I decided to break the idea into two comics.

Anyway, the Faroe Islands is the most religious part of the Nordics and the one with fewest gay rights (Gay sex is allowed, but not gay marriages and adoptions, and registered partnerships are not recognized)

Not all straight Faroe Islanders are of course religious and/or against homosexuality, and it’s nowhere near as bad as some of the middle eastern countries, so don’t get the wrong picture. Unfortunately some politicians with very religious views are in charge (One wouldn’t go to a dinner with Iceland’s lesbian prime minister who had brought her wife with her).

But no one is that homophobic without being in the closet... ;)


See more of Faroe Islands Denmark Netherlands Japan
21st of November

Child's Play

Child's Play

I’m always surprised by how young the main characters are supposed to be in animes and managas. Naruto is 13? Ash (from Pokemon) is 10? What?

It leads to some funny discussions on the internet when people who are usually into anime tries to figure out how old characters from western animations/games/whatever are. Too many seem to think that Sniper from TF2 is in his 20’s. :XD:

As a wise Japanese man once said, “If you haven’t saved the world at the age of 14, you’re just not trying”


See more of Japan Denmark Christiania Sweden Norway Scania
5th of November

More Difficult Love

More Difficult Love

Their love is a difficult one.

If Germany and Sister Japan ever got married, you can be damn sure Netherlands and Denmark would screw up the honeymoon vacation. :XD:

I promise to post a less stupid comic tomorrow.


See more of Germany Japan Denmark Netherlands
2nd of September