Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Goat Steak

Goat Steak

OMG Norway! It's tradition!

Every year a giant straw goat is build in Sweden and most years it meets a violent end. Usually by fire, but it has also been hit by cars and kicked apart.

People don't hate it. It has just become part of the tradition to try and destroy it.

Sweden Norway
2nd December 2016
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8 years ago #9565656        

I totally diagnosed Sweden now. He has suppressed his ancient sexual desires for horses and goats and other animals with hooves. And when he builds the giant goat and looks at it, he is overwhelmed by sexual desires, and tries extremely hard to deny and suppress those feelings, so hard that his personality splits in a storm of dissociation and he becomes arsonist and burns the goat so that the tormenting sexual desires goes away. And seeing the goat burn snaps him out from this psychotic episode and he doesn't remember burning it down himself.

Norway's suggestion for Sweden to burn the goat down himself every year possibly raised the suppressed emotional memories (without episodic memory) of having sex with goats and burning them down. And feelings of guilt and shame fired up Sweden's psychological defenses. As the most common cover-up for secret feelings of guilt and shame is denial and aggression.

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8 years ago #9564640        

A big Finnish textile manufacturer, Finlayson, has announced a design project called "100 leijonaa", 100 lions. They are asking people to design their own ideas of the Finnish Lion, our coat of arms animal, to celebrate both Finland's 100 years of independence next year and the multicultural society Finland is today ("we have room for more than just one kind of lion"). Now we are wondering in a geek women's group how we could persuade Humon to take part in this, because the "Special Lion" drawn by her was the first thing we all thought about when we saw the announcement.

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8 years ago #9563979        

Hah I love this tradition. My favourite was the two guys dressed as Santa and the ginger bread man who shot a flaming arrow into it. Just wtf XD

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7 years ago #9706607        

China: Do you have any advice for my new goat I'm going to make and burn?
Sweden: I would recommend magnesium. You have a lot of it, and it is flammable, but in large pieces, it is unlikely to completely destroy anything. So, as long as you don't have any small pieces involved, that's what I think you should do.
China: Okay, thanks for the advice Sweden.
America: Your goat has been burning for a while. Don't you think it's time to put it out?
China: Yes, that would be a good idea.
America: Okay, I have a bucket of water-
China: America, no- Oh dear god, YOU FUELED THE FIRE!!!
America: I'm sorry, I didn't know!
Finland: Perkele...

8 years ago #9566197        

I actually think we'd be sadder if it didn't burn down, it's good to have traditions that involve fire imo

8 years ago #9565642        

Meanwhile in the shops in Sweden....

(that's goats on the left, matches on the right. Talk about product placement).

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6 years ago #9780335        

If there's something strange in you neighborhood
Who you gonna call?

Goat Busters!

If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Who you gonna call?

Goat Busters!

7 years ago #9725492        

The goat survived in 2017! They needed big fences around it and 24/7 surveillance by a professional security company, but hey...

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7 years ago #9706788        


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3 years ago #9865732        

Aaaand, in the early hours of 17th December 2021, the goat met its fiery fate.

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