Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
How to Train Your Red Dragon

How to Train Your Red Dragon

Not much of a comic today because the heat is killing me.

Wales England
27th July 2018
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7 years ago #9780483        

I've been there twice! What happened is this: Back in the 1970s it was noticed that the town was basically dying-- it had no industries, the businesses were closing, the mines nearby were long closed and all the young people were moving away as soon as they could. Richard Booth, owner of the half-ruined castle there, came up with a plan to get the town in the public eye and keep it alive: bookstores. So for the next couple of years they bought the stock of libraries and booksellers that were closing, bought books by lot from auctions, whatever they could do. And on April 1st in 1977 Hay-on-Wye declared itself to be an independent country-- they sent an ambassador to Amsterdam, made announcements in tons of newspapers and on TV, etc. Richard Booth gave out knighthoods (I think he was declared king) and had somebody patrolling the Wye river in a rowboat with an empty rifle as the Navy. Were they serious? No, but it DID draw a lot of attention; so did all the bookstores that they opened that day. It worked, too, as now buses run from London to Hay-On-Wye and there's a yearly book festival; and to this day you can get your passport stamped there. Fantastic place; it has a very nice campground on the edge of the village and some GREAT pubs too. My Welsh ancestors would be so proud of this place. Worth going there!

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7 years ago #9780764        

Quick tip for the heat: If you don't have an air conditioner, improvise one! Take a couple of 2 liter bottles and fill them with water. Then freeze them. While they freeze, take a large box (about the size of a trash can) and line it with a trash bag. Tilt the box on to it's side. Then put the frozen bottles into the trash bag and put a fan near the entrance. And there! You have an improvised air conditioner!

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7 years ago #9780737        

I predict that in the next humon comic Sweden will be running around on fire with Poland trying to put him out.

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7 years ago #9780621        

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7 years ago #9780373        

*Sits down while more then 60 forest fires rage around me and its hotter then Spain* This is normal Scandinavian weather right? *Insert melting* hElP iTs mOre ThEn 30 dEgReSS cElsiUS

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7 years ago #9780552        

I see a lot of people (predominantly from the southern US) that thinks our current heat in northern Europe is nothing to complain about.

As others have already pointed out, there is a lot these people are missing:

1. We're not at all used to this heat - either in our own lives or historically
2. As a consequence our homes are built to keep heat in - because our usual climate problem is the cold
3. Which also means AC is virtually unknown in regular homes

Our societies and we as peoples are built and accustomed to handle -30 degrees centigrade (-22 Fahrenheit) in the winter - but we're not well equipped to handle temperatures above +30 degrees centigrade (+86 Fahrenheit) weeks on end, as we've been having.

Also, there hardly hasn't come any rain at all for months, so the outdoors is like a tinderbox. We currently have 19 ongoing forest fires in Sweden alone - and we've accepted help from multiple other nations in fighting them (shoutout to all our friends in Europe who have answered our call!).

So far, Sweden's lost 30,000 hectares of forest to fires - or over 74,000 acres (or about 56,000 american football fields) for those more familiar with that measurment.

And it's not like Sweden is the only country where fires are raging, as you all probably know.

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7 years ago #9782310        

I doubt anyone will read this but... my husband said if we ever run away to live in Wales I may move us into this town.

..... I will read ALL the books to the children.

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7 years ago #9780975        

Wales should also be happy because one of their own won the Tour de France yesterday! ;)

7 years ago #9780484        

The legend says that, during the 5th century, the walls of a castle in Wales were always destroyed during the night. Merlin discovered that two dragons, a red one and a white one, were fighting under the castle. The two eventually came out (out of the ground, not of the closet) and caused great damage, before the red dragon eventually won, thus becoming the emblem of Wales.

7 years ago #9780478        

Humon you silly person, you mentioned the heat, NOW the bloody yanks are going to go "yeah but here where the heat is regular and usual and we had life times to get used to it it's not that bad"

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