Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

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Topic: What's On Your Mind #93 10 years ago #9391368          

Nooooooooooooooo!!! Why are there upvotes and downvotes?! No one other than me will upvote my comments!!

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9823060          

Why is nobody in the world talking about what is happening in Ecuador? Oh! I forgot, Ecuador is a US ally, never mind.

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 6 years ago #9822050          

Brood parasitism in one picture.


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Topic: What's On Your Mind #94 10 years ago #9395253          


Topic: What's on your mind? #156 6 years ago #9818867  

Valentina Tereshkova (selected by Khruschev specifically because of her "proletarian" background) was indeed the first woman in space. Also she was the reason why Korolev said that "There won't be even one more woman in space while I'm alive" (someone alleged that he used c-word instead of "woman"), so first female cosmonaut group was disbanded six years later due to "lack of usefulness" without a single additional flight. Second Soviet woman to go to space was Svetlana Savitskaya - she got her chance 19 years after Tereshkova, because Valentin Glushko (who replaced Korolev's successor Mishin) decided to score some PR points. Even under his leadership all-female crew was never assembled.

Using Soviet space program as an example of equality and representation requires special kind of ignorance.

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9822579          

Oy. The "O.K. Symbol" has been considered vulgar in quite a few cultures for a long time, but more recently online trolls began spreading false claims that it's a white supremacist gesture. Then actual white supremacists adopted it, now it's being officially recognized and registered as a white supremacist gesture by hate-group monitoring agencies.


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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9823524          

Curfew in Chile. (70's are coming back!)
Curfew and military repression in Ecuador
Paramilitaries funded by the government murdering opponents in Colombia
Arsonist and fascist government in Brazil
Political crisis in Peru: Congress dismissed the president and the president dissolved the congress ... WTF!
Crisis in Lebanon
The worst crisis in Argentina in its history
Crisis in the United Kingdom
and so on, so on

Silence in the media ... and the problems are Russia and China? Please mainstream media, you are very obvious.

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9823016          

I fucking hate how english language doesn't conform to standard zoological taxonomy!
THIS IS A FUCKING OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fishy Situation 10 years ago #9402965          

And then there's Finland, who beat the shit out of Russia by themselves, beat the shit out of Russia with the aid of Germany, and then beat the shit out of Germany.

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 6 years ago #9817183          

Lately, some parts of the country have been hammered by tornadoes and flooding, and in one news report, I saw a video of a stop sign with flood waters halfway up the post, that I said to myself must have been in the area of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, the capitol of the Cherokee Nation. I immediately read the sign as saying "alewisdiha", the Cherokee word for "stop", which was actually no great feat, considering that the sign looked like this:


If I encountered the word in another context, I would probably have figured out that it was a form of "alewisdo'di" and had something to do with stopping - it's one of the very few words that I recognize and know what they mean. Funny what sticks in your mind from your reading, and what doesn't. :D

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Topic: What's On Your Mind #94 10 years ago #9395000          

Ok, I'll try to upvote this comment a bunch of times just because I'm bored

UPDATE: gave up

Topic: What's on your mind? #156 6 years ago #9818501          

It has come to my attention that members of the loony-toons fringe of the UFO community are now writing about something that they call "blue avian aliens", which are bird-like ETs.


Depending on who's ranting about it, these creatures are either benevolent helpers of humanity, working to prevent galactic war; or part of the well-known secret plot to depopulate the world and enslave whoever remains.

In either case, the avians have been around for millions of years doing whatever it is they've been doing. Funny that I've read UFO and alien-contact literature that dates all the way back to the Sixties, and I've never heard of such a thing. They've been hanging around for all this time, and nobody noticed them until a couple of years ago? image Supposedly, feathered gods like Quetzalcoatl, bird-headed gods like Ra, Judeo-Christian angels, and various other traditional figures are supposed to be blue avian aliens, although they look nothing like each other, and nothing like the "real" aliens.

Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9823393          

Any Advice on practicing Caloric Restriction?

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Makeover of 2016 8 years ago #9553792          

And there we were, thinking Britain was going to win "the most monumentally stupid political act" for 2016.

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9823156          

well. i do ponder from time to time...
how we just get better at killing one another.

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The little voice in America's head 8 years ago #9540524          

Seriously, Humon. If Trump wins you are OBLIGATED to draw America's hair like Donald Trump's hair for the next four years!

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9822451          

Racism is so strange. Racist make no difference between their victims, if you are not like us, you are against us. Or so I thought. I have met people who were extremely rude to Black British but not to British Indians. And I was like WTF? I didn't know that the racist had a preference over who to attack. But it is true, there are racist people who prioritize blacks over Indians in the United Kingdom.

And in Argentina it is the same. That country has always been too racist, but strangely. Although sometimes they are somewhat rude to Asians, they are more likely to accept them than blacks. WHAT? They accept Asians, and sometimes even turn a blind eye to non-white Latin Americans, but with blacks ... if you came to Argentina you will find the police hitting the few black immigrants of this country.

Selective racism is strange.

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How to break Iceland's spirit 8 years ago #9622757          

I have looked over some of the coments in here and sorry to say guys but some of you don't treat Humon very nicely. First people asked for Brexit comics and when they got that they complained about not understanding the leave side. Then she starts drawing in more political up to date things and peopel gets angry over that and ask for more funny stuff. Then she draws in more of that and people complain about lack of research on this. People please remember that we only have this if she wants to do so. To much complaning and she might stop all together. I don't say never ever complain just remeber also to be thankfully she is there to lighten up our day.

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9823190          

Could you maybe flush after yourself . . .
What have you done for me? NOTHING.

Banana Republic 10 years ago #9398024          

This comic really separates the innocent readers from others.

Brightest Sheep in the Field 10 years ago #9394457          

Actually.. at least some of the time, what happens is a ram has a paint pad strapped to his belly, then he's released into a field of ewes.
The farmer knows which ewes are pregnant by the fact they have bright paint spots on their back.

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 6 years ago #9815374          

"I would like to express my heartfelt respect and appreciation of the comportment shown by His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus as the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people of Japan, I also swear that I will act according to the Constitution and fulfill my responsibility as the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people of Japan.I sincerely pray for the happiness of the people and the further development of the nation as well as the peace of the world."

He should have added "and you bastards had better start treating my wife right" at the end.

Ever since they married, Masako has been smothered by the Imperial Household and it's traditions treating her like a mannequin or a prop. Naruhito has had some (relatively) strong words towards them in the past, leading to polite show-apologies, but very little change.

The imperial household was looking for a 'discreet' young woman, 'no taller, in heels, than 5 feet 4 and no older than 25,' the Washington Post reported in 1991. Masako, the daughter of a former diplomat and judge, was 27 years old at the time.

She also had a burgeoning career of her own, having studied at Harvard and Oxford before entering Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This immediately marked her out as different from every Japanese crown princess before her.

Worse still, at just over 5ft 4in, Masako was taller than Naruhito; in heels she towered over him. Shortly after the couple married in 1993, Masako was strongly rebuked in the press for the crime of speaking for around 30 seconds longer than her husband at a news conference.


Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9823269          

Experts and pundits are debating the likelihood of Irish reunification and Scottish and Welsh independence in the coming years. I can't help but wonder if, despite being universally loathed by all but the most hardline Tories, Boris might wind up being declared a hero in Ireland for bringing about the long-awaited 26+6=1 through his buffoonery.

A statue of him hanging from a zipline alongside the Spire and Smug Chad Wilde is just what Dublin needs.

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Whiners 8 years ago #9647375          

Finland doesn't cry.
That's testosterone leaking from his eye.

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The Exorcism 9 years ago #9474162          

Brother Finland comes from the school of thoughth which emphasises the need to create a hole for the impure demonic essence to leave the body. The more holes, the faster the demon leaves the body.

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Topic: What's on your mind? #156 5 years ago #9823314          

After a 6 month wait, finally met the psychologist. Besides the actual intake, they also did that questionnaire that checks for 'worrying things you haven't discussed yet'. That one that starts with 'did you consider suicide in the past year'.

'Do you use drugs?'
'Seriously, I live in Hippie Town, what exactly do you expect me to answer? Yes, I use weed.'
'More than once a fortnight?'
'No, not even close.'
'Entering that as "no drugs" :XD:'

Topic: What's on your mind? #156 6 years ago #9819936          

When you think that living in another country would take you away from the political disaster of yours, but it isn't really the case
Living in Argentina is really a headache in these times.
It's election year in Latin America, and that means living in civil war alert style!
Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina elect president. In the case of Argentina, today there were elections although in October are the final ones and even here the elections are not safe from the theories of "interference". The rightists in charge are already shouting that if the Peronists (leftist populists, leftist nationalists, and Keynesians) win, it is because of Russian interference! For example, the opposition candidate for governor for the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kiccillov, best known by Argentines as the most handsome former minister of economy in the universe, is being accused by liberals of being a communist and Russian agent! It is true that he is of Russian ancestry and is a Keynesian economist, but from that to call him what he is being called... is persecution.
This fight is in turn involved with all the countries of the region, and reached such a level that even Viggo Mortensen, who is closely linked to Argentina, took sides and gave his support to the Peronists.
And this is just beginning, we'll see.

Turn it up to 11 8 years ago #9625110          

We live beside sweden, we are pretty used to it.

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The little voice in America's head 8 years ago #9540767          

Clinton is what is wrong with politics. Trump is what is wrong with humanity.