Just what the Internet needs more of, ego stroking and circlejerking. Also, nothing good ever comes of downvotes. People don't bother explaining why they dislike or disagree with something when they can just give a downvote. It cripples proper dialog and debate.
I have seen some news coverage, but where we are concerned there just isn’t enough oil there for the US to be interested in what goes on. Now Venezuela on the other hand...
The world should keep an eye on Ecuador, though, as protests will likely resume in force once the latest round of austerity measures hits.
What I see even fewer people talking about, though, is the weeks of protest and strikes and very possible pre-revolutionary situation in Haiti.
@Maraka I’m always skeptic of just links to videos on this website after one person posted a link to a video of a bunch of Isis assassinations or something like that.
@ApplesRock It's noting like that. youe can watch it. just to be sure;
and granted but you could just put thee link into tor browser; or what evvver else.
and look at the tittle.
Valentina Tereshkova (selected by Khruschev specifically because of her "proletarian" background) was indeed the first woman in space. Also she was the reason why Korolev said that "There won't be even one more woman in space while I'm alive" (someone alleged that he used c-word instead of "woman"), so first female cosmonaut group was disbanded six years later due to "lack of usefulness" without a single additional flight. Second Soviet woman to go to space was Svetlana Savitskaya - she got her chance 19 years after Tereshkova, because Valentin Glushko (who replaced Korolev's successor Mishin) decided to score some PR points. Even under his leadership all-female crew was never assembled.
Using Soviet space program as an example of equality and representation requires special kind of ignorance.
'@Dan' details vary, the least controversial position is that she got a bad case of space sickness, did not communicate well with ground control, had difficulty with manual orientation (automatic attitude control was programmed incorrectly by some technician) for reentry burn, did not communicate before and after reentry burn (opinions vary about it being her fault or equipment malfunction) and violated protocol for medical experimentation by eating food provided by locals after she landed. According to Boris Chertok, later she was personally debriefed by Korolev for thirty minutes and, apparently, driven to tears in the process.
There are also claims that she became hysterical either before launch or during the flight and later missed communication window with ground control due to unscheduled sleep, but that may well be untrue.
Cynical view is that getting first woman to space was a technical "first" that didn't require any new equipment and a batch of spacecraft made obsolete by improved "Voskhod" had to be used up anyway. Having woman at controls would also support the position of design bureau that system they've built could be operated by someone without Air Force experience. Tereshkova's difficulties with manual orientation of spacecraft were, in fact, used by General Kamanin to argue that only fighter pilots can be trusted with controls under the stress and unfamiliar conditions of space flight.
@comrade_Comrade As I mentioned before, PBS has been showing a lot of documentaries about the Space Program leading up to today's 50th anniversary of the Moon landing, and their commentator Sergei Khrushchev had a lot to say about Korolev.
At the time, the US was suffering a bit of an inferiority complex, with the Soviets having launched a satellite before we did, put a living creature in orbit before we did, put a man in space before we did, put a woman in space before we did. . . They even landed on the Moon before we did! if you count the unmanned Luna 2's crash landing, and Luna 9's soft landing. But we got our guy on the Moon first, and it was an American who hit the first lunar golf ball, so there!
And yes, the burgeoning feminist movement (called Women's Lib back then) did use Tereshkova and our beat-the-Russians mentality to their advantage. See how much equality Russian women have? Why can't we do just as well or better? As you say, a special kind of ignorance.
'@uktana' I heard an interview with Khruschev about Korolev and Moon Race. I'd say that he underestimates how right Korolev was in his preferred solutions and the scale of issues that could be encountered by manned program using Chelomei/Glushko's rockets with toxic fuel.
One of the space program's biggest jokes is that Glushko, who was so married to the idea of hydrogen being terrible fuel, ended up working on Energia/Buran system with it's main hydrogen/oxygen engine.
Soviet equality is an interesting thing really. It existed on paper, in rules and on screen (gender and ethnic representation in media was a big thing), didn't seem to do anything to general benevolently partronizing attitude towards women in personal interactions. Protection of motherhood was also a big deal, and even "liberated woman" was expected to form a family, which was considered a basis of healthy society.
One uniquely Soviet phenomenon (partially caused by gender imbalance and shifting employment requirements after WII) was a proletarian Comrade Woman - built like a tank, working in "physical" occupation (machining, construction, menial labor), stereotypically more manly than her deadbeat husband she's drags through life.
Oy. The "O.K. Symbol" has been considered vulgar in quite a few cultures for a long time, but more recently online trolls began spreading false claims that it's a white supremacist gesture. Then actual white supremacists adopted it, now it's being officially recognized and registered as a white supremacist gesture by hate-group monitoring agencies.
@Dan Also, we're supposed to suppress all knowledge of the Betsy Ross flag, because it represents the nation when slavery was an acceptable institution. Apparently, we're not allowed anything that Colin Kaepernick disapproves of these days.
Next thing you know, we're not going to be allowed to carry torches!
The white supremacists better not start playing "Yankee Doodle" at their rallies, because that's Connecticut's state song, and our General Assembly has better things to do (like raising our taxes to take care of our budget deficit) than argue about what should replace it.
@Dan Reminds me of an article. Someone at a Tampa Bay Ray’s game did the OK symbol as a “neck yourself” joke on TV and is now banned from going to the stadium. The real reason though for doing it was because the Rays were signing someone who had beat their GF and was even arrested for it, and the Rays wanted to distract the media from this.
Curfew in Chile. (70's are coming back!)
Curfew and military repression in Ecuador
Paramilitaries funded by the government murdering opponents in Colombia
Arsonist and fascist government in Brazil
Political crisis in Peru: Congress dismissed the president and the president dissolved the congress ... WTF!
Crisis in Lebanon
The worst crisis in Argentina in its history
Crisis in the United Kingdom
and so on, so on
Silence in the media ... and the problems are Russia and China? Please mainstream media, you are very obvious.
@HHWinston Things like this happen all the time. The world is always in distress. Soon WWIII will start and we’ll all be drafted and killed. It’ll be fun.
I fucking hate how english language doesn't conform to standard zoological taxonomy!
THIS IS A FUCKING OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then there's Finland, who beat the shit out of Russia by themselves, beat the shit out of Russia with the aid of Germany, and then beat the shit out of Germany.
@Cyborg_Viking Well, we kind of did win Winter War (we survived in that Finland in its entirety was not occupied, but the fact is there was no way for us to come out on top in any negotiations that followed. We simple didn't have that sort of political clout or support). No, you're think of Continuation War there (unless that's what you meant, in which case I apologize for my misunderstanding), during Winter War Germany actually hampered support shipments coming through their border, what with them being allied of the Soviet Union at that time.
And we did receive some help (the jokes about the over sized shells that Sweden sold us will always be remembered) and volunteers, but they were drops of water in the desert, they were never going to be enough. Not that we aren't grateful for what we did get, there's just the question if there was more that others could have done...
@Arkticus I totally understand that it was a win to a certain degree, but I see way too many people saying that Finland won and I just want to enlighten their history knowledge. I read somewhere that Stalin expected Finland to survive within 4 weeks. So much for that expectation
I am not sure what war I was thinking of because I am struggeling to remember what I wrote and I cannot find my previous comments. I did read somewhere that Germany was sending weapons and stuff to Finland during the Winter war but they had to stop because a Swedish newspaper found out
@Cyborg_Viking During the Talvisota Germany was hampering Finland. See, The Winter War started because Germany promised Russia the Baltic states and Finland. During that time, Finland held most of it's land against overwhelming opposition in the form of 300,000+/- and latter 600,000+/- Russian soldiers that attempted to invade. Finland lost some land, but was never concurred by the mighty Russian bear. Russia got it's ass handed to it by Finland.
If Finland was a larger nation (read, more populous), then Russia would have been beaten back, and perhaps even LOST ground to Finland.
@Tartock apparently the Germans were sending weapons trough Sweden to Finland, but a Swedish newspaper found out so Germany had to initiate a policy of silence towards Finland. I totally agree that Finland put up very good resistance and held out for long. I am just pointing out that this was officially a Soviet victory.
@Cyborg_Viking Didn't Finland get steamrolled the second Stalin sacked the incompetent general who started the whole thing? I seem to remember that Russia changed the general in charge of taking Finland and he basically begun winning left to right, but because they'd lost so much from the idiot who started, they couldn't get all they wanted, and had to settle with what went in the end.
1. I honestly can't see how you can say "beating the shit out of Russia" and mean "losing 11% of land (arguably the best land, too) to USSR", even though Red Army lost several times more men (which is quite common for offensive side anyway)
2. "Beat the shit out of Russia with the aid of Germany" — seriously? Let's be frank: Finnish troops reclaimed lost territories, when USSR was struggling for survival, being ravaged by Nazi Germany (already controlling almost the whole Europe). That's like kicking the bully you hate most, while he's knocked down by another bully.
3. "Beat the shit out of Germany" — well, that's just ridiculous. By autumn of 1944 Axis was being beaten shit out of at accelerating rate. Finland left "sinking ship" and joined future victors. Let's kick another falling bully in the nuts.
I'd like to add that neither me, nor majority of Russians hold a grudge against Finland in that respect. We rather are ashamed of Winter War, and Finnish political maneveuring in WWII is usually thought of as something like "well, what could Mannerheim do?". Perfectly sensible things to have been done, nothing too gruesome. Self-defense, really. But not a lot of "beating the shit out of everyone around".
@ohnoidont Few corrections, but mostly you are right.
1. Losing 11% against 100% what was USSR's plan is a lot of winning for a country that was outnumbered more than 10 to 1. I agree that we didn't really "win" but we sure as hell didn't lose either.
3. This is actually more ridiculous than you said. Finland didn't really want to fight against Germany because they were the only ones helping us. (Officially anyway. I don't mean to offend the volunteers). So when Germany lost Finland had to make it look like we were getting rid of the German troops, so we put up a fake war against them, while they were pretty free to just pack up and leave at their own pace. That scam didn't go on for long as allied countries told Finland to step it up or there would be even more sanctions. Then Finland had to actually force the Germans out. As you can imagine Germans didn't really like the fact that an ally suddenly starts fighting for real, so they decided to burn everything while retreating. At that point things got ugly.
The "what could Mannerheim do?" is really well said. At Winter war Great Britain actually wanted to help Finland, but because Sweden and Norway denied them access by land (sea was not an option as Russia held the gulf). So we were pretty much alone. Against freakking Russia! When Germany offered help on Continuation war you can't blame us for taking the help. If we go with the "what if" my money would be on no more independent Finland if we didn't get support from Germany.
@Tartock You forget that Finland is not part of Scandinavia, that's why they are left out. They are however part of the Nordics, just like for example Iceland, and maybe someday soon Estonia.
@Tartock Finland didn't "beat the shit out of Germany". We were on Germany's side all the way til the end. Cuz if Germany didn't help us then all the Nordic countries would be a part of Russia.
Lately, some parts of the country have been hammered by tornadoes and flooding, and in one news report, I saw a video of a stop sign with flood waters halfway up the post, that I said to myself must have been in the area of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, the capitol of the Cherokee Nation. I immediately read the sign as saying "alewisdiha", the Cherokee word for "stop", which was actually no great feat, considering that the sign looked like this:
If I encountered the word in another context, I would probably have figured out that it was a form of "alewisdo'di" and had something to do with stopping - it's one of the very few words that I recognize and know what they mean. Funny what sticks in your mind from your reading, and what doesn't.
@uktana Those letters look fascinating.
Yesterday my homemate (the one with the Dark Souls picture on his wall) had some friends over to plat a tabletop roleplaying Dark Souls game. He'd bought it largely because of the beautiful miniatures, which should give you a feel of how geeky the bunch was.
At some point they were discussing how hard small talk is, and one went "Oh the easiest way of starting a conversation is when you're writing in some exotic alphabet, like Elvish or something." This alphabet would be IDEAL for that, though
(The guy labels a lot of his stuff with some text in ancient Polish runes, which look absolutely straight from a D&D manual but are a real historic thing and it's great. He'll always be able to find his water bottle back like that)
@Wortel And because very few people can read the Cherokee syllabary, if you used it in a game, you could make it mean anything you want.
Besides being 85 characters, which are hard to memorize for a language one doesn't encounter very often, the syllabary is confusing because it uses letters of the Roman alphabet, but with different values. For instance, the word for "Cherokee" looks like "CWY", but is pronounced "tsa-la-gi". Here it is in a context, on the sign of the Cherokee Central Schools in the town of Cherokee, North Carolina:
. . . which reads "Tsalagi Tsunadelogwasdi Dudatsisgv'i" (Cherokee School Central). Since every word in Cherokee is also a full sentence, that second word, "school", means something like "They are learning in that place".
Now I remember why I never got very far in trying to get a handle on this language.
@Wortel At least there's only one syllabary in Cherokee, and not two syllabaries and a few thousand characters borrowed from the Chinese, like the Japanese writing system has.
@uktana I actually find those easier, <joke><strike>then Oenglish.
Oenglish is how you write the language i'm writting right? Oenglish?……… my spell checker says it's Oenglish.</strike></joke>
It has come to my attention that members of the loony-toons fringe of the UFO community are now writing about something that they call "blue avian aliens", which are bird-like ETs.
Depending on who's ranting about it, these creatures are either benevolent helpers of humanity, working to prevent galactic war; or part of the well-known secret plot to depopulate the world and enslave whoever remains.
In either case, the avians have been around for millions of years doing whatever it is they've been doing. Funny that I've read UFO and alien-contact literature that dates all the way back to the Sixties, and I've never heard of such a thing. They've been hanging around for all this time, and nobody noticed them until a couple of years ago? Supposedly, feathered gods like Quetzalcoatl, bird-headed gods like Ra, Judeo-Christian angels, and various other traditional figures are supposed to be blue avian aliens, although they look nothing like each other, and nothing like the "real" aliens.
@vlexitrokxh Catholic Religion is really easy to get the hang of. Some places are more strict than others and want you to go every Sunday and Wednesday, but some will let you go whenever you like. It’s really all about how much you want to worship and what you’re comfortable with.
'@vlexitrokxh' depends on what you want to achieve. If you just want to get back to healthy weight at keep it, consulting with a doctor is a good idea. Losing too much weight too fast can cause significant health issues (gall and kidney stones, loss of muscle mass and such), nutritional deficiency isn't too good for you either.
Articles like "Get Rid Of This <insert number> Things And Eat As Much As You Want While Still Losing Weight" are usually trash. Unless you're confident that you can come up with an at least approximately balanced diet, it's better to get an advice from dietitian.
Aside from that you'll need kitchen scales, some way to log your daily intake (don't trust your memory) and find a site that lists nutritional data for various foodstuffs, that helps when there is no label to look at.
Try to form a habit of eating in a way that gets you within the expected limits, that way you won't gain weight again after reaching the set goal.
It's crono envy.
We're only 240 years old. Other countries keep, well, kept telling us it wasn't our time yet, because we were a baby country.
So now, we're a bi-coastal superpower, Just To Show them.
And, hey. Don't knock the sports car. That's not crono envy. That's just because all of that fattening food we've been eating tends to be, well, feminizing.
@Bonnieblue Then they don't change. Brother America is the Republican while Sister America is the Democrat so if Hillary wins then if anyone of them were to change, it'd be Sister America.
Racism is so strange. Racist make no difference between their victims, if you are not like us, you are against us. Or so I thought. I have met people who were extremely rude to Black British but not to British Indians. And I was like WTF? I didn't know that the racist had a preference over who to attack. But it is true, there are racist people who prioritize blacks over Indians in the United Kingdom.
And in Argentina it is the same. That country has always been too racist, but strangely. Although sometimes they are somewhat rude to Asians, they are more likely to accept them than blacks. WHAT? They accept Asians, and sometimes even turn a blind eye to non-white Latin Americans, but with blacks ... if you came to Argentina you will find the police hitting the few black immigrants of this country.
@HHWinston This has always been the case in the United States, where "non-white" groups have always been sorted into a hierarchy of which group is better than which. Generally, Asians are considered almost as good as white people, while blacks are "closer to the apes" than anyone else (and yes, I've heard people express it that way!), with Hispanics and American Indians somewhere in between. In former times, Irish, Italians, Jews, and other immigrants not from Northern Europe counted as non-white and were sorted with the rest, but this is not so true today. Lately, immigrants from "Muslim-majority nations" (and citizens who look like they are) are getting this kind of treatment.
Asians sometimes get a pass for being the "model minority", meaning, hard working and generally well-educated, and not lazy, ignorant, and violent like the others. Still, as it was expressed in a TV comedy, "Now your Chinese are like your Jews, only with no sense of humor." American Indians are often romanticized for their "traditional wisdom", and Chinese (and more recently, Tibetans) are often lauded in the same way; but both groups are still considered outsiders. You might get your recipes from the Chinese, or learn how to be one with Nature from Native American teachers, but you wouldn't invite either one of them over for dinner.
'@uktana' because "racism" is not a single defined sentiment. Some of it may be prompted by instinctive reaction to facial features perceived to be primitive or abnormal (see also: uncanny valley, compare to reaction to visible deformities in people of the same race and ethnicity), some of it is based on perceived or actual expectations. Those often stem from either learned information or personal experience, and are not limited to race. Religion, ethnicity, social or economic group, language, occupation - all of those are fair game.
Racism used as stock example (prejudice based on incorrect stereotypes that were learned from someone else) is easy to mitigate or eliminate by personal exposure to members of the hated group (Daryl Davis befriending Klan members is a good example, if it's true), prejudice based on personal experience with a particular group is going to stick, because it is based on observed behavior.
I.e. you can talk all you want about ancient Mesopotamian or Muslim culture to a Marine who was deployed in Iraq, he's still going to want to put a wall around the place and shoot anyone who tries to climb over it (metaphorically speaking or not) if he has seen enough aspects of local life like corruption, incompetence, bestiality, torture and mutilated corpses.
@comrade_Comrade And added to that is that "race" doesn't exist except in people's minds, and people's minds sort out other people as "in-group" or "out-group" in any number of ways. Prejudice is a different matter, because everyone pre-judges other people based on what they know and what they've experienced. There is a certain kind of person I encounter in my neighborhood that I try to avoid, because I pre-judge from that persons looks and behavior that he's probably going to hit me up for spare change.
As I said, a hundred years ago in the US, Italians and Jews were considered "non-white" and treated as such. Now, Italians are like any other Europeans, and Jews are in a special category with a special kind of prejudice. This is why we distinguish between "racism" and "anti-Semitism" these days.
According to the government guidelines, people who came from, or whose ancestors came from, North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia (Arabs, Persians, Turks, and the like) are in the same category as people from Europe. But I don't know too many Americans who would look at an Iranian and see a white guy. It used to be that there was a single category for "Asian or Pacific Islander", which included anyone from India to Hawaii, but I guess someone complained, because now it's two file folders: "Asian" (Far East, Southeast Asia, or Indian Subcontinent, it says right here) and "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander". They still have a single category for "Native American or Alaskan Native", which doesn't make much sense, either.
At least the government is enlightened enough now to recognized mixed ethnicity, and most racial checkboxes allow one to check off more than one box, allowing a person with, say, a Chinese father and a Norwegian mother to check both "White" and "Asian", instead of having to chose just one.
I have looked over some of the coments in here and sorry to say guys but some of you don't treat Humon very nicely. First people asked for Brexit comics and when they got that they complained about not understanding the leave side. Then she starts drawing in more political up to date things and peopel gets angry over that and ask for more funny stuff. Then she draws in more of that and people complain about lack of research on this. People please remember that we only have this if she wants to do so. To much complaning and she might stop all together. I don't say never ever complain just remeber also to be thankfully she is there to lighten up our day.
@Horsi Yes! Finally someone says it. I feel that some people on here forget that the person behind this comic is just that: a person. A human being, with a mind just as real as ours.
@Edelstein9 Agreed. I am not afraid to call it out as long as I am just doing it in a careful manner. As long as I explain it and not just call people down on it most is often willing to accept the criticism.
This was very valuable and reassuring to see.
There are some who choose to go down the path of calling others "fascists" or "racists" or whatever just because others give back a criticism.
To see others who disagree, but are willing to go down the civilized route of behaving civil, is a beautiful sight.
I disagree with some of what you have said, but I love how you presented it. Well done good mam
@Jonas_Hrafnagil When I got entertainment I am out on youtube so I have seen hatefull coments enough to last a lifetime. As a person I follow on youtube once said "You now what is easy? Being hateful and angry, it is so easy that is lazyness. You know what is dificult? Being nice. It is so hard to be nice some people".
Feel free to disagree all I wanted was to remind people to also remind Humon how much we love the comics becuase if we keeep this up we might end with her pulling out. I wish you good day to you too.
@HijoLatino As I say don't ever complain or come with wishes. I just try to remind people to be carefull because I want to see more comics but if it turns to poisenos for Humon she might stop.
@Horsi yw ^-^and i wouldn't be to surprised, since (hopefully) this is a more 'pure' website, as in there are less kids leaving hate comments for no reason & making big deals outta everything. Instead this website has more, mature people, who often leave more constructive criticism than meaningless hate, and i'm sure they're glad someone finally called 'em out. (i know this probably sounds kinda weird but i'm tired so )
@Horsi same. its a shame that slowly, more kids make their way into websites like this. overreacting to everything, using stupid, shitty, hate comments for no reason, and then there's the downright stupid comments like: EuHG YOu ShOUld QuIT & the classic go KYS (kill your self) Thankfully i haven't seen THAT one yet, but i'm sure someones gonna say it, and mean it, eventually. so i'm sure people liked this so much because you, & a few others im sure, are finally standing up for her against the little kids who probably think the world revolves around 'em or something. but hey, just a theory ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Horsi I can't stress enough of how happy I am to see this comment. I may be a bit late but I also noticed "a lot" of negative feedback here after the whole brexit event and trump becoming the president about a year ago, etc. I now solely made this account just to show my appreciation of Humon's work here by agreeing with you on this statement. Hell I even made sure to buy the Best of 2016 back when it became available, despite the fact that it was more than a whole month late to arrive, but I was completely fine with that.
I have been too worried about what possible influence that all of these negative comments could have brought Humon, we should all be so lucky to have her, don't forget that.
Actually.. at least some of the time, what happens is a ram has a paint pad strapped to his belly, then he's released into a field of ewes.
The farmer knows which ewes are pregnant by the fact they have bright paint spots on their back.
@potatoe4life I believe you're referring to Tartock's comment about Finland in WWII. Don't remember which comic it was on, but I have a screen cap of it, so I can confirm it has (or had) 111 up-votes.
"I would like to express my heartfelt respect and appreciation of the comportment shown by His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus as the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people of Japan, I also swear that I will act according to the Constitution and fulfill my responsibility as the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people of Japan.I sincerely pray for the happiness of the people and the further development of the nation as well as the peace of the world."
He should have added "and you bastards had better start treating my wife right" at the end.
The imperial household was looking for a 'discreet' young woman, 'no taller, in heels, than 5 feet 4 and no older than 25,' the Washington Post reported in 1991. Masako, the daughter of a former diplomat and judge, was 27 years old at the time.
She also had a burgeoning career of her own, having studied at Harvard and Oxford before entering Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
This immediately marked her out as different from every Japanese crown princess before her.
Worse still, at just over 5ft 4in, Masako was taller than Naruhito; in heels she towered over him. Shortly after the couple married in 1993, Masako was strongly rebuked in the press for the crime of speaking for around 30 seconds longer than her husband at a news conference.
Experts and pundits are debating the likelihood of Irish reunification and Scottish and Welsh independence in the coming years. I can't help but wonder if, despite being universally loathed by all but the most hardline Tories, Boris might wind up being declared a hero in Ireland for bringing about the long-awaited 26+6=1 through his buffoonery.
A statue of him hanging from a zipline alongside the Spire and Smug Chad Wilde is just what Dublin needs.
Brother Finland comes from the school of thoughth which emphasises the need to create a hole for the impure demonic essence to leave the body. The more holes, the faster the demon leaves the body.
After a 6 month wait, finally met the psychologist. Besides the actual intake, they also did that questionnaire that checks for 'worrying things you haven't discussed yet'. That one that starts with 'did you consider suicide in the past year'.
'Do you use drugs?'
'Seriously, I live in Hippie Town, what exactly do you expect me to answer? Yes, I use weed.'
'More than once a fortnight?'
'No, not even close.'
'Entering that as "no drugs" '
When you think that living in another country would take you away from the political disaster of yours, but it isn't really the case
Living in Argentina is really a headache in these times.
It's election year in Latin America, and that means living in civil war alert style!
Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina elect president. In the case of Argentina, today there were elections although in October are the final ones and even here the elections are not safe from the theories of "interference". The rightists in charge are already shouting that if the Peronists (leftist populists, leftist nationalists, and Keynesians) win, it is because of Russian interference! For example, the opposition candidate for governor for the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kiccillov, best known by Argentines as the most handsome former minister of economy in the universe, is being accused by liberals of being a communist and Russian agent! It is true that he is of Russian ancestry and is a Keynesian economist, but from that to call him what he is being called... is persecution.
This fight is in turn involved with all the countries of the region, and reached such a level that even Viggo Mortensen, who is closely linked to Argentina, took sides and gave his support to the Peronists.
And this is just beginning, we'll see.