Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 6 of England

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

England celebrates Mothering Sunday two months before Canada, Australia, and America celebrate Mother's Day. This causes much confusion on the internet.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Verity

See more of England Sister England Canada America Australia Dayvi Verity Young America
10th of May

Nuclear Bombs

Nuclear Bombs

England - 160
China - 180
France - 300
America - 2,468
Russia - 4,650
North Korea - 0

This strip was put together by assistants Dayvi and Verity. What do you think?


Data from 'Global nuclear weapons inventories, 1945–2010' By Robert S. Norris & Hans M. Kristensen.
Illustrated by Verity

See more of England China Sister France America Russia North Korea Dayvi Verity
1st of May
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Happy belated Saint Patrick's Day.

England may be famous for their tea drinking, but Ireland drinks more tea than all of Britain combined.


See more of England Ireland
17th of March

Save the day

Save the day

Scandinavian action heroes tend to not be very...bombastic.


See more of America England Sweden Denmark Norway
3rd of March
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Love Snake

Love Snake

The English tried to get rid of snakes in India by offering money for dead snakes, and the Indians responded by simply breeding them. When the English found out they stopped paying for dead snakes, so the snake breeders just released them into the wild, and the English ended up having an even bigger snake problem.


See more of England India
24th of February

France Super Long

France Super Long

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See more of England Sweden Denmark France Sister France
9th of February

Family Time

Family Time

My housemate who has spent a good chunk of her life in the US told me about how if Americans say they'll make cookies, more often than not they mean take out a roll of premade cookie dough they bought at the store, cut it into slices and bake it in an oven.

I on the other hand, leaned while living in England that the English looove putting grated cheese on everything. Everything!


See more of America England
2nd of December

Great Deal

Great Deal

Australia is quite literally "selling sand in Sahara" because Australian sand is better for building with than Sahara sand.

So Australia is neither. He just had something Sahara could use.


See more of Australia Sahara America England
25th of November