Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 10 of Iceland

They grow up so fast

They grow up so fast

If only Norway and Sweden had known how much trouble Denmark was going to be when he grew up...

Because Denmark is made of sand from Norway, that means we have no natural resources. That is the main reason why Denmark went crazy and was so obsessed with taking over the other Nordic countries.

And you have to be impressed. Look up Scandinavia on a map. Can you even imagine that the tiny little Denmark ended up ruling over Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, The Faroe Islands and even part of Germany?


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland Greenland Faroe Islands
9th of May



Done quicker than usual because I haven't had a lot of time to draw lately.

Don't be mad at Volcano. He just started smoking because he wanted the world to think he was cool, but now he can't stop. :(


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Europe
19th of April
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Bully Fail

Bully Fail

I had to laugh when I heard that Greece tried to bully Germany into giving them guilt-money for all the stuff that got stolen during WWII. Luckily Germany just told Greece that they had already paid them back through EU.

Poor Greece will just have find another way out of poverty.

And poor little Iceland has reached a point where he doesn’t mind where the money comes from. :(


See more of Greece Iceland Germany Nazi Germany
5th of April

Nordic Morning

Nordic Morning

(Please fullview. Looks tons better)

Sweden: Reading a Swedish newspaper.

Finland: Reading Sweden’s newspaper, and being slightly annoyed that he can understand it.

Norway: Making sure Denmark gets something to eat.

Denmark: Just woke up after spending the night under the table.

Iceland: Has been up for an hour and just came home after his usual morning jog.

I’ve been wanting to draw these guys eating breakfast together for a long time, and now I finally did. Also had fun using this style of colouring again.


See more of Sweden Finland Norway Denmark Iceland
5th of March

Popping the Question

Popping the Question

Poor Wales. It’s not easy proposing to New Zealand. She's not a big fan of rings.

And yes, that is Iceland parachuting in Mount Doom. He just can’t stay away from volcanoes.


See more of Wales New Zealand Iceland
22nd of February
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Family Photo

Family Photo

I don’t even know. I just wanted to draw a picture of Sweden and his sister, and then this happened...

One has to wonder how these two ended up so different. Or is Sister Sweden more intelligent than she leads on? And is Sweden more wild under the serious facade than he will ever admit? We may never know.

Finland is a fool if he thinks he can keep Sister Sweden to himself. She’s a bigger whore than Denmark, which makes her a pretty big whore.

And I really should include Iceland more often. It has recently come to my attention that people think he is a sissy because he is all pretty and sparkly, when in fact he is the most hardcore of them all. This guy jumps into volcanoes with a parachute on and rides the hot air out again for fucks sake!
And yes, he will land on them in a few seconds.


See more of Sweden Finland Denmark Norway Iceland Sister Sweden
19th of January

All you need is Love

All you need is Love

Denmark does not do pretty and sparkly well.

Inspired by this wonderful video :)

I drew it while I watched something about UFOs on the TV, so yeah...


See more of Norway Iceland Finland Sweden Denmark
10th of January

Nordics like Fish

Nordics like Fish

Many many Swedes and Norwegians have suggested that I made a comic about “surströmming”, which is mainly a Swedish dish, but can also be found in some parts of Norway. It smells so bad that it is mainly eaten outside in the summer, and many Swedes enjoys exposing Danes to it just to see their look of horror at the smell.

Hákarl is a special Icelandic dish made of rotten shark, that is more traditional than normal, though you can still find it in supermarkets. It is said to be the most disgusting food in the world.

Pickled herring can be found in all Nordic countries, and is particularly popular in Denmark. In fact, a Danish adult who doesn’t like pickled herring is seen as rather weird.

And non of this is of course supposed to be eaten like this. You are supposed to put it on bread. :XD:

And to the newcomers: “Skål” is the Nordic word for “cheers”.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Hakarl
29th of December

Costume Party

Costume Party

Very smooth distraction, Sweden. :XD:

Yes, America thought it would fit best if he was white for this costume.

I don’t know how well known it is out in the big world, but in Denmark is common knowledge that H.C. Andersen was omni/bisexual. And unlike with Abraham Lincoln it’s not up for debate, because H.C. Andersen wrote about his love for women and men alike in his diaries, and it even got a mention in some of his friends’ diaries too. In fact, it didn’t seem like he was trying to hide it at all, and he never got in trouble for it. He stayed a virgin all his life though, so Denmark is acting a little out of character. :D

I won’t tell you what the others are dressed as. I hope you can tell.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Finland America
18th of November

Bath Time

Bath Time

You voted, so here they are. The Nordic countries in all their naked glory. Enjoy, you perverts!

There are no stereotypes saying that Finns look like this. I just thought it went well with the I-don't-give-a-fuck-what-you-think personality I’ve given them. :)

And yes, I actually imagine Sister Norway to be slightly taller than her brother, just because. :D

I didn’t realize it before the picture was done, but I love how you can see that a domino effect will take place in the boys' picture:

Iceland is just standing around being his usual pretty self., distracts Sweden. Therefore he doesn’t notice that Denmark is about to towel whip Norway. When that happens, Norway will jump, and bump into Finland. Finland will drop his beer, and then all hell will break loose! :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Finland Sister Sweden
18th of October