Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 2 of Iceland

Let me sing you the song of my people

Let me sing you the song of my people

Of course more stuff goes on in the anthems, but I asked around and this were foreigners main impressions of the songs.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
15th of March

You have my gun

You have my gun

America of course has a tendency to make their own versions of foreign films, but they also edit foreign film covers and posters to make them look more aggressive because apparently Americans respond best to that sort of thing. I asked people how movies would be different if made ONLY for an American audience and I couldn't stop laughing at people's suggestions, especially those send in by Americans.


See more of Americ Iceland Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Demon Cat
4th of January
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Similar Tastes

Similar Tastes

My former Faroese housemate moved back to the Faroe Islands some time ago and one day she sent me a photos of some weird horse shaped thing made of wires and filled with stones placed in the sea close to the airport. She was basically like "Look at this shit! Why they do that!?" I assume they were inspired by the creepy demon hose at the American airport?

Faroe Islands and Iceland are close friends because they have pretty similar cultures. What they call a fun night out the rest of us call a horror show.


See more of Iceland Faroe Islands
29th of March

Someone for Everyone

Someone for Everyone

There's this "loud obnoxious American tourist" stereotype. Obnoxious? Rarely. Loud? Yes, every time. A lot of Americans who come to Scandinavia comment on how silent it is, while the Scandinavians around them are thinking "It's not silent. You're just talking so loudly you can't hear the crowd around you"

Luckily for American's there's always the Icelandic people. This isn't a stereotype as such, but anyone who has lived next to Icelandic people know how loud they can be (and I have lived next to MANY), so it's no wonder that Americans tend to love them. Icelandic people also tend to be more "walk up and talk to people" types which fits the American culture quite nicely.


See more of America Iceland Sweden Norway Denmark Finland
19th of January

More than you

More than you

Iceland has the highest number of almost everything per capita because they're so few people. Now they'll have the highest number of people who qualified for the World Cup too.


See more of Iceland
13th of October
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Do they even have any real complaints!?!


See more of Sweden Finland Denmark Norway Iceland
16th of June

Rare Goods

Rare Goods

So yeah, that is an actual thing in Iceland

Thanks to Heather Jochens on Twitter for the link.


See more of Iceland Norway Demon Cat
1st of June

How to break Iceland's spirit

How to break Iceland's spirit

Swedish food is...weird. Bad isn't even the right word. It's just the most bizarre combination of things you can imagine.

Oh, and pineapple on pizza is illegal in Iceland, but that fact isn't even half as weird Swedish food.

Edit: Apparently pineapple pizza isn't illegal, they've just talked about making it illegal. My point about Swedish food still stands though.


See more of Iceland Sweden
14th of April

Fall from grace

Fall from grace

Please Norway, do not take this from us. Being the happiest country is all we got.

When they talked about this on the Danish news the reporter said "We've always seen Sweden as our nemesis, but maybe it's time to turn our attention to Norway"


See more of UN Norway Denmark Iceland
24th of March

Suit up...WITH GUNS

Suit up...WITH GUNS

You know things are heating up when Sweden puts his military uniform on.


See more of Sweden America Russia China Nato Denmark Norway Iceland Scania
3rd of March