Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 2 of Russia

Thank you so much Petrov

Thank you so much Petrov

Not much of a comic or joke today because I hurt my shoulder yesterday.


See more of Russia
19th of April

Say hello to my little friend

Say hello to my little friend

Not much of a comic today because my hand hurts, but no hand can ever hurt enough to not draw Cheburashka.


See more of Russia Japan
22nd of February
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Do you smell that?

Do you smell that?

Oh Russia.


See more of France Germany Russia
23rd of November

Eurovision 2017

Eurovision 2017

*fingers in ears* It's not political!

Apparently Little My from the Moomins and Sailor Moon are Lithuania and Belarus' ascetics this year. And let's not forget that Epic Sax Guy is back.


See more of Europe Ukraine Belarus Lithuania Moldova Austria Sweden Norway Denmark Russia
12th of May

Home Decorator

Home Decorator

At least he's making friends? Even if it is an abusive friendship.


See more of America Russia
27th of April
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Suit up...WITH GUNS

Suit up...WITH GUNS

You know things are heating up when Sweden puts his military uniform on.


See more of Sweden America Russia China Nato Denmark Norway Iceland Scania
3rd of March

Break the bars

Break the bars

Fun fact: The Scandinavian prisons are practically hotels compared to most other places in the world, but you have to pay for your stay. When you get out a bill is sent to you so tax payers won't have to pay for your stupidity. The government will then help you get back into society so you can get a job and pay it off.


See more of America Sweden Denmark Norway Finland Russia
29th of December

Ladybug around the world

Ladybug around the world

I loved making this and will probably make more.


See more of England Sweden Spain Korea Norway Iceland Scotland Russia Poland Wales Denmark
18th of November

Makeover of 2016

Makeover of 2016

I warned you America would get a makeover if Trump won. This won't be a one-off joke either. He'll look like this for the next four years. Eight if America picks him again.

Sister America will stay the same because she belongs to the American Left.

EDIT: I will be the happiest person a live if four or eight years a from now I'll have to eat every bad thing I've ever said about Trump. Sometimes realizing you were wrong can be the best feeling in the world.

But Nazi Germany is in this comic because a lot of neo-Nazi groups and the KKK have supported Trump publicly because of his xenophobic, racist and sexist views. So you might have voted for him despite of those things, but they voted for him because of it.

So I will be beyond happy if you and Trump together prove the terrified Lefties and the happy Nazis and clan members wrong.


See more of America Europe China Russia Germany
9th of November

Space Attack!

Space Attack!

Early Russian space capsules had text on the outside telling people not to be afraid, it's just a human inside, because they feared people's reactions.


See more of Russia
23rd of September