Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 2 of Australia

Home protection

Home protection

We've been watching a lot of border control TV in this house.


See more of England India America Mexico Australia China
6th of October

Lost in The Outback

Lost in The Outback

Mad Max Fury Road is awesome, and you're doing yourself a serious disservices if you don't watch it in theaters.

It has become quite a popular joke that Mad Max takes place in our time and is really just what happens when Australians get lost in the outback.


See more of Australia Cars
24th of June
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Eurovision 2015

Eurovision 2015

Don't worry, colorful speech bubbles aren't going to be a thing from now on. Just this once it makes it easier to see who is saying what.

Sadly I didn't have a lot of time to make this year's Eurovision comic, but no way could anything keep me from making one!

I have to admit I though this year was pretty boring. Not because of Austria, they did a great job, but because most of the artists decided to act classy which equals super boring Eurovision for me. I need lots of stupid costumes! Crazy dancers! Huge fireworks! I need Eurovision to be weird dammit!

The host country Austria got zero points. :(

Sweden was as always stoked to win. Nobody in the world loves Eurovision more than them, so no wonder they win so often.

Australia got to join this year as a special one time thing. They did great and are welcome in the future if the powers that be allows it.

The last two times Sweden won, Denmark won the year after, so it's a bit of a running joke in Denmark to say "Oh no, we can't effort Eurovision again already!" before we've even won.


See more of Austria Norway Germany Sweden Australia Denmark Eurovision
26th of May

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

England celebrates Mothering Sunday two months before Canada, Australia, and America celebrate Mother's Day. This causes much confusion on the internet.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Verity

See more of England Sister England Canada America Australia Dayvi Verity Young America
10th of May

Great Deal

Great Deal

Australia is quite literally "selling sand in Sahara" because Australian sand is better for building with than Sahara sand.

So Australia is neither. He just had something Sahara could use.


See more of Australia Sahara America England
25th of November
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Scandinavian Design

Scandinavian Design

Kuwait is getting real tired of your shit guys.

The Kuwait National Assembly Building was designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the same guy who designed the Sydney Opera House. To illustrate his idea to the Kuwaiti people, he used a row of empty beer bottles.

When the Kuwaiti people asked the Swedish architect Sune Lindström for a new tower, his original idea was to make it mushroom shaped, but he was asked to change the design, so Sune's Danish wife Malene Bjørn made a new design which is now Kuwait's most famous building.

The Towers were build before the National Assembly. I just thought it was funnier this way.


See more of Kuwait Denmark Sweden Australia
1st of July

Rock that Dress

Rock that Dress

They do. They really do. No one is impressed if you can find a photo of your favourite British actor in drag. No one.


See more of England Canada Australia America
21st of August

Let's have a gay time

Let's have a gay time

Yup, that's a real ice cream in Australia.


See more of Denmark Australia
31st of July

Smile for the camera

Smile for the camera

England is either one of the most surveillanced countries in the world, or THE most surveillanced county depending on who you're talking to.

Either way, England sure loves to see himself on camera.


See more of England Australia
24th of July

It's all about the children

It's all about the children That is all you need.


See more of Wales America Australia Scotland Christiania FennoSwede
3rd of April