Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


Я знаю, что нарываюсь на неприятности, оборвав чьи-то мечты об *новый глоток воздуха* идеальном Японии *ОМОЙБОГ!!!*, но я просто не могла пройти мимо этой темы.

Как-то в одну из ночей на японском телевидении запустили целую серию программ про роботов и однажды зашёл разговор о японских роботах. Один парень чуть ли не с пеной у рта рассказывал о характеристиках и фантастических свойствах последних. Ведущий задал юноше вопрос о том, почему же японцы так сильно любят роботов, и тут запал рассказчика будто бы пропал и он, чуть ли не мямля, поведал, что «…ну, существует много причин: они любят кукол и всяческую электронику… и они предпочитают роботов иммигрантам. Это не та тема, которую люди обсуждают в повседневной жизни, но японцы придерживаются крайне расистских убеждений по этой теме». Он так замялся при ответе на вопрос, что всё стало только ещё забавнее и смешнее.

Предпочтение роботов реальным людям — это настолько безумная научная тема, что я просто не могу пройти мимо неё

Japan Norway Denmark Sweden
8th July 2011
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9 years ago #9490079        

Racism is not good but if foreign people start commetting crimes against the country that is giving them a home, is normal that we don't want them here anymore. That's happenning in Norway and in the whole Europe. We can let inmigrants in our country but they have to show some respect for it and for its people. Just that.

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9 years ago #9507452        

the robot reminds me of baymax from big hero 6

4 years ago #9847984        

it's more xenophobic than racism

7 years ago #9734370        

When I was in Japan I think Japanese workers looks like robots.. They're ☺ all the time.. Not human smile.. Work hard.. But I love how they're always helping tourists even they can't speak English and I can't understand Japanese... The foods really yummy too.. And My fav.japanese robot is doraemon, the robot cat who afraid with mouse.. image

9 years ago #9469373        

racism in small doses is FINE...

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9 years ago #9466772        

I think Japan has a very good idea! It's better then what we are seeing now in Europe...

9 years ago #9447556        

what does nietzsche have to do with this?

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7 years ago #9735424        

China is giving me evil looks? What’s going on?

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8 years ago #9682764        

Umm... do Caucasians want Japanese to praise?
What kind of intention are they? Japanese can't understand.
Good conduct should be silent.
Do they have to disparage the country I'm not eager to do the same thing as them where?

When it was Caucasians' national immigration formerly, Japanese were treated very cruelly.
Caucasians confiscated assets of Japanese immigrations and a region at WW2.
Caucasians confined Japanese immigrations to forced labor camp.
The Japanese who escaped from a camp were shot to death.
Caucasians probably looked more inhuman than a robot for Japanese in those days.
But an Italian and a German emigrant didn't receive such handling.
Though they were man of a hostile country, they were treated by a Caucasian very well.

Basically, Japanese don't believe anything as human conscience.They're thinking the man is cruel.
Do you believe you to be gentler than an old Caucasian? Really?
When it's so, I think you're very stupid.

Japan aren't serious "Pollyanna syndrome" in Caucasian's countries.
So an emigrant doesn't accept Japan.

And Europe and America are being itself Japan expected after all now.

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8 years ago #9670733        

The robot had a little Hitler-stache XDD

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