Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of Italy

Let Italian men live

Let Italian men live

I learned about the Italian movement where men fight for their right to take care of themselves without being ridiculed many years ago, and it left quite an impression on me.


See more of Italy Denmark Norway Sweden
21st of September

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Hold your tongue

Hold your tongue

I've often read that the ancient Greeks didn't have purses and carried coins in their mouths. There isn't a whole lot of proof of this though.


See more of Greece Italy
17th of February

Eurovision 2013

Eurovision 2013

Belarus and France wore similar dresses. One more sparkley than the other.

Netherlands Can't be seen in the video, but it started with a clip of the singer boxing the air on top of a house, followed by her singing of birds falling from rooftops...

Malta The only way they could have made it cuter would be to have puppies perform the number.

Moldovia was supposed to be a volcano, but I have to admit it reminded me more of an upside down ice cream cone because of her hair.

Italy looked ever so adorably confused and like he was asking "I don't have any money. I hope this is good enough" which paled awfully next to Romania's glittery vampire that would send Edward Cullen running for his money.

Azerbaijan had a man in a box, and was very close to winning.

And finally the Nordics.
Finland had a lesbian kiss at the end of a song to her boyfriend.
Iceland had Marvel/Hollywood Thor.
Norway had a super tight dress.
Sweden had a guy sweeping his dancers off their feet.
And Denmark won Eurovision with an *ahem* golden shower.

There was LOTS more going on, such as a giant and hipsters but dammit, I only have so much paper.

I do think it's rather sweet though that the winning song "Only Teardrops" is actually about Europe and a plea for everyone to get along. :)


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Iceland Romania France Belarus Moldovia Malta Italy Netherlands Eurovision Azerbaijan
22nd of May

Your time is up

Your time is up

Based on a joke within Europe that while other European countries change leaders on a regular basis, Italian leaders will try to stay in power until the day they rot away. :XD:

The new guy at the bottom is Spain. :D


See more of Germany Sweden France Italy Spain
19th of February
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I finally got around to making a comic about the whole Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange mess. :D

For those of you wondering why Australia got the role as Assange, it’s simply because Assange is Australian.


See more of France Germany Australia Italy Russia America Sweden England
15th of December

Iron Lady

Iron Lady

Yes, it’s an Angela Merkel joke. ;)

People have a tendency to confuse “big breasts” with “beautiful” so I’ll have to mention that Sister Germany is not a hottie. She's a normal looking girl who just happens to have huge scary breasts that can give you a concussion and crush a puppy to death if she wish so.

Yes, I added the moustache to make her look more scary (And to watch you freak out :XD: )


See more of Germany Italy Finland Sweden Denmark
7th of September

Nothing is Perfect

Nothing is Perfect

In the north we like to be special with our alphabets. :XD:

But not too much like those Russians and Japanese and all that...


See more of Italy Denmark Norway Sweden Iceland
11th of August

Religious Flags

Religious Flags

Naughty France. :D

The “no religious symbols” laws are only meant for schools, so I was a bit creative with this one.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway France Italy
7th of August

Axis Powers after the War

Axis Powers after the War

I was going though some old papers and found this. A quick sketch of Germany, Italy and Japan.
Many years has passed since the war, but not all of them have quite gotten over it yet. Luckily Germany seems to slowly be getting a bit of his pride back, though there’s still a long way to go.


See more of Germany Japan Italy
5th of June