Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Long distance relationship

Long distance relationship

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America World North Korea
30th November 2017
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7 years ago #9705182        

I laugh because the only other option is crying.

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7 years ago #9705800        

You know, for a comic called "Scandinavia and the World," it sure took a long time to introduce the World

7 years ago #9706140        

The North Korean regime doesn't need nuclear weapons to defend itself like some claim - that's simply wrong.

North Korea haven't been under threat of invasion since the armistice in 1953 for two simple reasons:

1.) The regime enjoys the protection of China who wishes to preserve North Korea as a buffer state between it's border and South Korea - a US strong ally.
China don't want to see North Korea collapse, because they know it would end with the two Korea's being unified under South Korean control.
They don't care if the North Korea people slowly starve to death, they don't care what the North Korean regime does in it's own country - they only care it continues to exist as a buffer state.
When North Korea looked like it was going to be defeated completely in the Korean War - but only then - China entered into the war on the North's side, just to save it from being swallowed completely by South Korea and it's US ally.
They didn't do that to win the war for North Korea - they did it only to save them from being destroyed all together.
Thus the war ended in the armistice with basically no border changes at all.
Which was the solution that suited both China and the US.

2.) Since the war the South Korean capitol of Seoul has grown into a megalopolis. The city itself has almost 10 millions citizens and the larger metropolitan area hold over 25 million people. Unfortunately it's incredibly stupidly situated right next to the mountainous border with North Korea, where the North Korean now for over 50 years have built thousands of conventional artillery positions that can rain down conventional artillery shells on the city.

There is absolutely no way of stopping these small shells once they're fired and there are simply too many artillery pieces to knock them all out at once.
US military assessments calculate that they could - if war broke out - reduce the North Korean artillery positions within days, but we're still talking about many thousands of civilian casualties and massive destruction to Seoul before they can do so.

These are the two reasons that North Korea have never been under serious threat of an invasion since the armistice in 1953, and these two reasons exist today just as before - and there is no reason to think this will change in the foreseeable future either.

Thus the North Korean regime certainly don't need nuclear weapons to survive. They do nothing to reduce a threat from abroad as no such threat is there any way, because of the other two guarantees North Korea has, and the regime can't use nuclear weapons to defend itself against a popular uprising domestically.
So they're completely pointless as a defensive weapon.

But they are effective as a bargaining chip - and that's how previous North Korean leaders used them - to extract other concession from South Korea and the US in return for halting the program.

Unfortunately North Korea now has a young leader that for one reason or another really want to actually develop a nuclear capability, and not only that - but also be able to launch these weapons via ICBM's all over the world.

Thus this has gone from any measure of defense into a decidedly offensive stance.

There is no clear explanation as to why Kim Jong-Un so clearly want to upset the power balance like this. The regime he inherited seems to be perfectly secure to foreign observers - this high risk gamble is only putting it in danger.

Theories range from him simply being mad, to having succumb to his own propaganda and actually believing he could win a war, to him still wanting to do some sort of trade eventually - but it's hard to know for sure.

The problem is still that the weapons are real and thus the world - and especially the neighboring countries and the US, that the North Korean rhetoric have always pointed to as their major enemy - now have to deal with the fact that North Korea seems determined to develop a capability that could threaten them seriously.

So we have one leader acting irrationally and playing a high risk game which makes no real sense to the rest of the world and which ultimate goals are unclear - all of which increases tensions and heightens the risks of unintended consequences.

This problem is then made much, much worse by the fact that the US is currently lead by it's most incompetent leader in history.

Trump is - like his own secretary of state has said privately - a "f*king moron". He knows literally nothing about diplomacy or statecraft and he has absolutely no intention of ever learning either.
He inherited billions and have never done any real work in his entire life, instead surrounding himself with "yes-men" who's salaries he's paid and who's job it's been to stroke his ego and agree to all his ignorant ideas.
He's completely unsuited for the responsibility he has and the risks are thus exponentially heightened that he - acting out of ignorance - will stumble into a war with North Korea without having a clue about what he's doing.

So these are the real challenges here.

North Korea has always been safe from invasion - no matter what the regime in the North tells it's people just to strengthen it's own position. But now, with the offensive threats of nuclear ICBM's under Kim Jong-Un, this is changing.
North Korea is becoming an offensive problem the world has to deal with in SOME way - and the problem is that the US president isn't a rational person, making rational decision, but an ignorant buffoon bumbling his way through life.

So the problem here isn't that another US president could have avoided this situation all together - president of both US parties have tried to deal with the North Korean nuclear weapons program for decades and not found a complete solution.

But the problem is that Trump is such a complete idiot that there is little hope he will stumble into a coherent strategy on North Korea. Simply firing of tweets in all directions, sometimes encouraging China, other times attacking them, backstabbing his own secretary of states diplomatic missions and blurting out military secrets is obviously not going to solve this.

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7 years ago #9705740        

I am annoyed to see so many of my fellow Americans misinterpreting this strip. It is not glorifying North Korea. It is not saying that we should do nothing about them. However, all Trump is doing right now is making vague threats ("Fire and fury") and insulting their leader ("Crazy little Rocket Man"). In doing this, Trump is just angering North Korea, making them even more likely to lash out against the U.S. or it's allies (notably Japan).

This strip isn't arguing that the world shouldn't take action. It is saying we shouldn't rush in blindly. It is saying that, if we take action, it should be carefully planned, planned in a discreet manner, and be a decision made by the whole world, not by one man with a football.* North Korea can not reach the U.S. yet, but Kim Jong-Un is trigger happy, and can easily nuke the many countries between North Korea and the U.S.

In conclusion and summary, messing with North Korea is dangerous, and we should avoid making Kim Jong-Un angry. The world needs to come together, and plan carefully and discreetly about how to best deal with this major threat.

*The "football" is a specific briefcase that has contents which can be used by the President of the United States to authorize the usage of nuclear weapons.

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7 years ago #9705236        

As a representative of the American People, I would like to apologize for our current government fiasco. Apparently some of us didn't understand the consequences of voting for the worst possible option. When the eventual nuclear war/global economic collapse occurs, I will accept full blame on behalf of my fellow Americans.

...but not myself. I didn't vote for this bozo. (Can I come live with one of you in your sane country? Please?)

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7 years ago #9707588        

School "Trump is bad, guys!"
TV "Trump is bad guys!"
Friends "How can you say he's not that bad?"

There must be an escape, at least I always have the interne- oh, wait.

I didn't even vote for him but all of these paople complaining about him is making me want a 2nd term, and I'm not the only one.

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7 years ago #9707285        

To be fair to Trump here. His behaviour in regards to North Korea is not unusual for a US president.
Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. They all did this shit.
The only difference is this time the media is saying something other than "Our brave president stood up to evil north korea"

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7 years ago #9705327        

Mr Trump is very stupid.

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7 years ago #9705192        

Yeah like North Korea will actually launch anything, they're all talk and no action. And as if Trump is somehow the aggressor here, North Korea has pushed out propaganda of their glorious leader destroying the stupid americans for ever far before Trump.

And Kim knows full well his whole country will be leveled in an instance if he dares to nuke anything. :XD:

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7 years ago #9705165        

I really hate the fact that all I can say to the rest of the world is that I didn't vote for him. But I do promise to do everything I can to make sure that he doesn't stick around any longer than one term.

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