Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 18 of America

God Hates Sweden

God Hates Sweden

I’ve been wanting to make this comic for a long time, but couldn’t figure out who Sweden should be with. Åland, you saved my day!

Some time ago I got linked to this site
It’s an American site made by The Westboro Baptist Church and it's dedicated to all the countries God hates, and apparently he hates Sweden the most for various reasons, but mainly because it’s (Dun Dun Duuun!!) one of the most gay friendly countries in the world (If not the most gay friendly! Dun Dun Duuun!).

Only problem is, Sweden is also one of the least religious countries in the world, so he doesn’t really care. :XD:

In fact, the latest top five over the least religious countries in the world looks like this:
5.Czech Republic

(With USA as number 44)

We’re not big on religion in the North. :XD:


See more of Sweden America Aland
17th of May

Bedtime Drama 2

Bedtime Drama 2

England went to bed first, then Canada. They were close to falling asleep when Australia jumped onto the bed because he was being chased by New Zealand, waking them up. Australia and New Zealand fought for a bit before calming down. Australia then immediately hogged a big peace of bed and fell asleep almost as soon as he tugged the blanked over himself.

Then came America. He knew Australia moved around a lot in his sleep, so he squeezed himself in between Canada and England. What he didn’t realize was that he moved a lot in his sleep as well. By the end of the night he was sleeping on top of all the others' blankets.

Neither Canada nor England got any sleep that night. New Zealand dreamt sweet dreams of her beloved Wales.

(Yes yes, it’s the wrong flag for England)


See more of Canada America England Australia New Zealand
16th of May
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Funny Movie

Funny Movie

If someone ever asks you if you would like to see a Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Finnish or Russian comedy then...well, I won’t say “Run for your life!!” but I will say “Be careful”.

Movies in the north loves to deal with serious issues like death, drugs, alcohol and other fun stuff, and even most of our comedies will leave you with a feeling that the world is a horrible place.

You think I’m exaggerating? Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when you sit in the dark, crying.

A nice example is this It’s considered one of the funniest scenes in the movie. He doesn’t like that the cow is looking at him.
And punching woman is funny too


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden America Russia
3rd of April

The End of America

The End of America

Inspired by some of the responses I got to this journal

I couldn’t help but smile while reading them. :)


See more of Canada America Europe Australia
23rd of March

Oh no he didn't

Oh no he didn't

America can be a little touchy on the subject, even when he is not directly involved.

We are no way near as touchy about slavery in Scandinavia because we mainly had white slaves from our own countries and Ireland.


See more of Denmark America Republic Of The Congo
25th of February
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World View

World View

Inspired by this drawing by

South America is not North America’s invisible friend here. The Scandinavian boys just can't see him, just like North America can't see Denmark. :D

Few people in America know what Denmark is and surprisingly many sees Norway as the same thing as Sweden, which sounds ridicules to us over here, but I can guarantee you that if you asked random people on the streets of Scandinavia what all that land underneath America is, too many would either say “I don’t know” “Isn’t it all America?” or “Mexico?”. Or they would know it was South America, but have no idea what the countries within it was called. We know shit about South America.

And I put a link on the comic this time as many people have requested.


See more of America Norway Sweden Denmark South America
3rd of February

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

All the Nordic countries claim that Santa lives within their borders (Sorry that I forgot you, Iceland).

Ever since I was a kid I liked the idea of there being more than one Santa, and I imagined them distributing the work between them and visiting each other in the summer. So no matter where a country believe Santa to live, I think they’re right. :D


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Finland Canada Greenland North Pole America Christmas
23rd of December

The day the Iraq war started

The day the Iraq war started

Europe was mildly surprised. And pissed.

If you have no idea who or what Leeroy Jenkins is, here is the original video
A Leeroy Jenkins is basically a gamer who has no time for plans and simply storms right into the battlefield, ruining the rest of the team’s plans.

The real inspiration for this picture came from this remix of the video I just kept seeing America storming right into a minefield with a bunch of countries stumbling after. :XD:

Seriously, in those days Europe saw America as the world’s Leeroy Jenkins.


See more of America Europe
28th of November

New Family

New Family

Lazy sketches time!

So I was wondering what life would be like for newly adopted Canada in England’s house. What would he think of the place?

The first sketch is of Canada walking in on America dying his hair. Papa England does not like that America is ruining his hair like that, so he has do it without him knowing. Because what can England do when it’s done? Sure, he could shave it all off as punishment, but he doesn’t want a bald son either. Sssh Canada. Don’t tell on him.

Next is Australia hiding from his papa in a tree. God only knows what he did this time, but he would prefer if England didn’t find him. Ssssh Canada. You keep your damn mouth shut!

And finally Canada petting New Zealand, wondering what the hell kind of family he has become part of.


See more of America Canada England Australia New Zealand
24th of November

Damn Kids

Damn Kids

The temptation became too much. I had to draw it. England and his children.

It ended up looking like they’re in school, but they’re supposed to be at home doing homework. Yes, England is about to smack America in the back of the head.

Australia was a very naughty child, and England ended up sending him away, forcing him to learn to take care of himself. And it worked. Today Australia is a well adjusted man whom most people like.

America was a bit of a trouble maker too, but not as bad as Australia. Well, that was until he decided that he wanted to move out sooner than England would have liked.

Canada was adopted from France, and turned out to be one of the most polite and easy children England ever had under his care.

EDIT: Places like India and such weren’t so much England's children as his servants.


See more of America Canada England Australia
22nd of November