Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 16 of America

National Personifications

National Personifications

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First, let’s make this clear: I did not make any of these up. They are all old national personifications of countries that I just re-drew.

I wanted to see what they looked like next to each other.
From left to right:
Lady of the Mountains (Iceland)
Ola Nordmann (Norway)
Holger the Dane (Denmark)
Mother Svea (Sweden)
Finnish Maiden (Finland)
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)
Jock Tamson (Scotland)
Kathleen Ni Houlihan (Ireland)
John Bull (England)
Dame Wales (Wales)

I tried to give them individual personalities as I see them from their pictures. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Mexico America Canada Scotland Ireland England Wales
5th of October

The Original North America

The Original North America

A sort of follow up to the original Nordics

The original national personifications of the countries before Hetalia and SatW.

From left to right:
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)


See more of Mexico America Canada
4th of October
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Bad parents get bad children, England. >:C

Every time USA acts up, it’s just because he wants his father’s attention.


See more of America England Young America
18th of September

Language Lesson

Language Lesson

Denmark wanted America to say this because Danes love to make foreigners say it.

All the other Nordic countries joke that Danish sounds like Swedes talking with a potato or porridge in their mouths, while Danes joke that Swedes sound like drunk Danes, and Norwegians sound like drunk Danes singing. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway America Canada Mexico
5th of September

Who to give Flowers

Who to give Flowers

America doesn’t like being confused. :(

Inspired by two things.
1) Canada getting flowers every year from the Netherlands as a thank you for helping them during WWII.
2) A conversation between two guys that I overheard. :D


See more of America Canada Netherlands Sister Netherlands
13th of August
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It's Complicated

It's Complicated

Inspired by simply watching American news and TV series. America have very complicated feelings about breasts. :XD:

Originally America was holding a Teddy Bear, but he likes Teddy Eagles better.


See more of America Canada Sweden Sister Sweden
11th of August

Child of the Night

Child of the Night

Throughout the world Romania have two stereotypes: Vampires and thieving gipsies.

So of course Romania is a vampire who would rather steal your purse than drink your blood. Yes, I know that makes me a horrible person. :XD:

And yes, that is Sister England. Yes, I know you English people envisioned her differently, but this is the kind of women we see in your TV series and movies, so this is what she looks like. :D


See more of Iceland Romania Norway Denmark England America Halloween
8th of August

Suggestive Talk

Suggestive Talk

All that just to try and pick up Sister Japan. :XD:

A silly idea that didn’t deserve an entire comic.

I was talking with a German girl about how more than half of Denmark’s tourists are from Germany, and that something like 70% of the people who rent summer houses here are Germans. And if we don’t get as many Germans as usual, we start to worry we did something wrong and that the Germans no longer like us.

She said, “Aw, don’t worry. We just need to see other countries every now and then, but Germany will always love Denmark.”

And the most natural response was of course, “Don’t tell Sister America that. It does not work with her Norway/Denmark ship” :XD:


See more of America Japan Denmark Germany
30th of July

What did you say?

What did you say?

Ah, the languages of the Nordics.

Few people realize this, but Norwegians actually speak a language that is far closer to old Danish than Norwegian, while people on Iceland actually speak something close to old Norwegian.
Little FennoSwede is holding on to his uncle Finland because FennoSwedes are Finns who speak Swedish.

Though, you could really just say Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and to some extend Icelandic (But not Finnish) are nothing more than different dialects, seeing as we understand each other if we talk reeeeaaaaly slow and clear.

And it will of course never not be funny how some Americans treat British like a completely different language. :XD:
Sure, some words are different and it’s a different accent, but try coming to Europe. We’ll show you what “different language” means. ;)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland FennoSwede America England
25th of July

Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits

Somewhere Sweden is doing a perfect evil laugh. :XD:

Lately a lot of people have drawn their versions of Sister Japan, so I thought it was about time I introduced her before too many people got disappointed that she doesn’t look as awesome as they imagined.

She’s very polite and quiet, but underneath it all she is quite the fangirl.

Belgium is well known for it’s comics and candy/deserts, so he is a geek with a sweet tooth. :D


See more of America Japan Norway Denmark Netherlands Belgium
19th of July