Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 17 of America

Product Pairing

Product Pairing

Written Norwegian and Danish are so similar that on the back of products that has a description in several languages, Norwegian and Danish are usually mixed together, and the few words that a written differently are separated with a “/”. So “I love you” would look like this on the back of a product:

SE (Swedish): Jag älskar dig.
FI (Finnish): Minä rakastan sinua.
DK/NO: Jeg elsker dig/deg.

I’ve never thought about it before, but it was pointed out to me a few weeks ago that DK/NO looks like someone was writing a paring, like Harry/Draco. I haven’t been able to unsee it since. :XD:


See more of America Denmark Norway Sweden
13th of July

Cross Trend

Cross Trend

Yes, when they really want something, they grow fingers.
Denmark has a bunch of old crap. We have the oldest amusement part in the world (that’s still open), the oldest cinema (that has stayed in one place), the oldest kingdom, and of course the oldest flag that’s still in use. The other Nordic flags are basically just recoloured versions of the Danish one.

It is usually said that Betsy Ross made the first American flag, but there's a lot of versions of who designed it (One story even claims it was a French guy who did it). One version says that Washington, when having to choose a flag for the new country USA, insisted on simply taking the Danish one because he considered it “ideal for the purpose”. The Danes of course weren’t keen on this idea, but the Americans wouldn’t listen before the Danish flag designer Kasper Nielsen designed what is today known as “Stars and Stripes” and offered that instead.

The story comes from Norway and is hardly true, but it’s cute and silly non the less. :D


See more of America Denmark Norway Sweden
12th of July
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Boobs and a Joint

Boobs and a Joint

The two girls from SatW with the biggest boobs. I wanted to try and draw the difference between real and fake breasts.
I don’t think many people realize it, but everything about Sister Sweden is supposed to be real, from her gigantic boobs to her oversized lips.

Why, yes. That is indeed Sister Sweden’s lust face. Yes, she always looks at people that way. Your point is...?
And yes, the dog fell off in the small version. Shut up! It did!

Second picture is me sort of trolling the people who has been demanding of me that I include Holland/Netherlands in the comic.
Them: You have to include Holland! He would have tons in common with Denmark! Him and Denmark should totally get high together! Holland is known for being open-minded, gay-friendly, perverted and high all the time!
Me: You don’t say...MUWAHAHAHA!!!

I actually have a much less...uh, suggestive comic involving the both of them in the works, because the two countries do indeed have a LOT in common, to the point of being scary. I just wanted to start the depiction of their relationship out like this, just to make sure you can never ever unsee it. :XD:

EDIT: The dog's name is Ottawa.


See more of Sweden America Netherlands Denmark Sister Sweden
29th of June

Kiss Kiss

Kiss Kiss

This was sent to me

Apparently Sister US ships Norway/Denmark...

shuyinda said, "And there is a place called "Kline" further down there.... Which means "to make out" in Norwegian" :XD:


See more of America Denmark Norway
28th of June

My Cookies

My Cookies

America likes the fat. >:C


See more of America Humon
27th of June
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Pussy Whipped

Pussy Whipped

Oh America. You have no idea what kind of women Finland has to deal with. :XD:

I debated with myself for a long time about who should be teasing Finland. The original idea was Denmark, but I also considered Russia and even Italy. I ended up with USA for two reasons:
The next comic will have him interacting with Sister Iceland/Norway/Denmark and that way he will have been in contact with all the Nordic sisters. But also because he is pretty much just a big teenager and still a virgin, so even one of these women would have been too much for him. :D

Yes, “Whopa” is a failed whipping sound. :XD:


See more of Finland America Russia Sweden Sister Sweden Sister Russia
23rd of June

Mexican Gulf

Mexican Gulf

Stupid animals! Either they’re in the way or they steal your money!

EDIT: People say it’s a British company and British oil, but I was told it was owned by both the British and the USA. Are the news I watch total crap?
(I only drew Americans because they are the ones who has to deal with it)


See more of America Sister America
16th of June

Matter of Perspective

Matter of Perspective

Don't be silly, Canada. :)


See more of America Canada
13th of June

Questionable Invasion

Questionable Invasion

Years ago I watched a Danish program where a clairvoyant mentioned that Denmark had a lot of “Star People” but didn’t specify what that was. I thought she meant “star gazers” (babies that a born facing upwards).

Then a couple of months ago I watched an American program where an English clairvoyant was visiting sights around America. At one point he got out of the car in a small town and said, “Interesting. This town has 8 or 9 Star People. That’s unusual”
“What are Star People?” the host asked.
“A higher race of beings who are visiting us from far away stars, and are born as humans. They’re quite rare in America so it’s really impressive that a small town like this has that many”
“Don’t they like our president?” the host joked.
“Maybe” he smiled “They’re born all over the world, but for some reason most of them choose Scandinavia”
“What are they doing there?”
“Nobody knows, but it’s quite overwhelming how many go there. In fact, last time I visited Denmark two years ago, 1 out of 5 people were Star People, and the number seems to be increasing. I’ve been told it’s the same in Sweden and Norway, and a lot of Star People who were born in other places are drawn to the countries. We are many who are just waiting to see what happens”

Then they started talking about something else, but the mental picture of Scandinavians as aliens is quite funny. :XD:

So be afraid, great nations of the world! For we have come to conquer the Earth, and will not rest before every man, woman and child eats pickled herring, visits Legoland every year and rests in Ikea furniture! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!

...By god. We’re the lamest aliens ever. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway America Russia China
31st of May

Eurovision 2010

Eurovision 2010

Eurovision is a freaking joke-goldmine to me!

Norway won last year, so they hosted. This was their song this year

Sweden didn’t get in this year, and usually they’re among the favourites. The Swedes were not happy about that at all, and there has been a lot of talk about boycotting Eurovision next year. The song that didn’t get in

Finland didn’t get in either, but they didn’t make much of a fuss. Their song

Iceland gave 12 points to Denmark but only got 3 in return. They were not happy about that at all, and they have made Facebook groups just to complain about that. Their song

Denmark ended up as number 4, which pissed the Swedes off because the song writer originally offered it to them but they said no, so instead Denmark chose it. Denmark’s song

Spain had trouble with a fan who ran onto the stage and meddled with the dancers.

Greece had a very testerone fuiled show and “OPA!” has become a quite popular word.

UK came in last as they often do. They say it's because everybody hates the. Their song

Turkey got in second place, and will be remembered for a long time for their “robot”

And of course Germany won with the song “Satellite”
I have to admit that I love when countries that enter with a minimal stage show wins. :)

Oh, and a small group of Americans had sneaked in were waving American flags. So out of place and silly. :XD:

And let's never forget the wonderful flash dance
Gotta' love the woman in the Swedish house who waves a gay pride flag. Oh Sweden, your closet is so transparent. :XD:


See more of Iceland Denmark America Turkey Germany Greece Spain Norway Sweden Finland England Eurovision
30th of May