Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 11 of America

Great Deal

Great Deal

Australia is quite literally "selling sand in Sahara" because Australian sand is better for building with than Sahara sand.

So Australia is neither. He just had something Sahara could use.


See more of Australia Sahara America England
25th of November

Only the most necessary

Only the most necessary

I assumed a pool was only for the very wealthy and got confused at all the pictures of swimming pools from America, so my friend who practically grew up in the US and still visits the states every year joked that getting a pool is very high on Americans' list of things they need in their life.

"They make sure they have a house, a bed, food, and then a pool"


See more of America
21st of October
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Always watch your drink

Always watch your drink

To Europeans it seems weird and oddly suspicious at first that some American products boast that they contain real sugar, until we remember that Americans usually use corn syrup.


See more of America Europe
22nd of July

Picky Denmark

Picky Denmark

Denmark have some of the strictest food laws in the world, which is kind of pissing the rest of Europe off because it means they can't sell their stuff to Denmark.

One of the first things I noticed when I moved back to Denmark after having lived in England for a year was how quickly food went bad, so it would seem Denmark is quite picky about chemicals in the food too.


See more of Congo China America Europe Denmark
17th of June

Eurovision 2014

Eurovision 2014

The main theme of Eurovision 2014 was Eurovision History.

But it also had two smaller themes.
1) The Danish hosts were trying to be a little creepy as a nod to Danish actors always being hired to play villains in American and English films and TV. That was the reason behind the weird stalker segment and shooting fireworks at the commentators.
2) They acknowledged that Eurovision is very popular among gays, which is why it had one female host and two males who were being very *ahem* friendly with each other.

So could it be more fitting that a drag queen who sang a James Bond themed song won?

America in the background is because The Netherlands' song was about as American as Eurovision will allow.

Overall there were quite a few good songs this year, so I encourage you to go look for them.


See more of Denmark America England Russia Austria Eurovision
14th of May
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Safety First

Safety First

A very quick comic today because I've been so busy moving (and still is) I forgot to make one.

A lot of America comics lately, but I've moved in with a lady who has spent a huge chunk of her life in the states and visit them several times a year. It has come to a point where Americans can't even tell she isn't born and bred in the US.

She loves America and the Americans to bits, but she also has some very funny comments on the society, so there'll probably be a lot of comics based on that. :)


See more of America
7th of May



America isn't all that bad. Just a bit of a frat boy.


See more of Canada America
30th of April

Nordic Council

Nordic Council

The Nordic Council is a real thing. It's not as awesome as it sounds.


See more of Greenland America Iceland Norway Sweden Denmark Finland
1st of April

Cold but heating up

Cold but heating up

Russia has no policy for personal space.


See more of Europe Ukraine Russia America
4th of March

Frozen Scandinavia

Frozen Scandinavia

Left to right: Svalbart as Elsa, Norway as Anna, Saami as Kristoff, Denmark as Hans, and Sweden as the Duke of Weselton.

I wasn't going to do anything with Frozen until I was informed that all three of the Scandinavian countries are represented in the movie.

Arendelle is Magic Norway (very obvious), The Southern Isles are Magic Denmark (hint being that Denmark is mostly made up of islands and the most southern of the Scandinavian countries), and Weselton is Magic Sweden (hint being that Weselton is Arendelle's closest trading partner, which is historically Sweden to Norway).

Saami is, well, the Saami character, though he's not impressed with his clothes which doesn't look like any real Saami clothes.

And it all make a fair amount of sense considering how Denmark and Sweden have been fighting over Norway for centuries.


See more of Svalbard Saami Norway Denmark Sweden America Lapland
19th of February