Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 9 of America

Eurovision 2016

Eurovision 2016

As per tradition, here's the yearly Eurovision comic.

This Eurovision had a lot of firsts: Australia became an official participant despite preforming last year, the show was shown on American TV, an American preformed, and not a single Nordic country made it to the finals except Sweden because they were hosting the show.

I actually hope America joins Eurovision some day because they'd be the most amazing drama queens every time they lost, and nothing says Eurovision like drama.


See more of Sweden Europe Ukraine Russia Australia Finland Denmark America Norway Iceland Eurovision Demon Cat
17th of May

The roof is on fire, eh?

The roof is on fire, eh?

During U.S.A's early history British/Canadian armed forces burned down the first White House (or Presidential Mansion as it was called). This was (in part) retaliation for American troops destroying Port Dover.


See more of America Canada
26th of April
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Cold War Games

Cold War Games

Fake it until you make it, or something.


See more of America Russia
16th of February

Of Evil!

Of Evil!

Danish people had no idea how to rename American movies back in the day.

Feel free to tell me about some silly renamed American movie titles in your country and they might end up in a comic later. :)


See more of America Denmark
13th of January

New Year 2015-2016

New Year 2015-2016

Take care of yourself and each other this New Year's Eve, okay?


See more of Australia Europe Ireland America China
30th of December
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Halloween 2015

Halloween 2015

Once again Halloween is upon us, and I'll never pass up an opportunity to draw these guys in costumes.

Denmark's costume is a reference to last week's comic.


See more of Norway Sweden America Iceland Finland Denmark
28th of October

Zombie Zoo

Zombie Zoo

Children are considered pretty sturdy up here in the North.

During the whole giraffe debate my Faroese housemate was like "I don't see why people are so offended by children seeing an anatomy lesson. On the Faroe Islands school children are shown how to kill a sheep"


See more of Faroe Islands America Denmark
21st of October

Home protection

Home protection

We've been watching a lot of border control TV in this house.


See more of England India America Mexico Australia China
6th of October

Children will love it

Children will love it

Yes, those are mascots from a real Danish theme park. The infamous BonBon Land. Here's a link to a YouTube video

The park has many many mascots, but it's these more sexual ones that make the biggest impact on tourists. I went there several times as a kid (the park is mostly for children) and I remember not really thinking about the raunchy animals.


See more of America Denmark
29th of September

No pets allowed

No pets allowed

When I heard about the "No guns allowed" signs outside of some stores in the US, this was the first thing I thought of.

In Denmark we just have "no freaking beer allowed when will you fucking learn!?" signs.


See more of America Denmark Norway Sweden
28th of July