Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 1 of America

When you hate your friend’s new friend

When you hate your friend’s new friend

Sorry about uploading so sporadically but I have a lot going on right now with a new job AND an upcoming operation woop woop and quite frankly I’m in too much physical discomfort to deal with your antics America.


See more of America Europe Russia
8th of November

The implication of that

The implication of that

Still not over the American woman who was super surprised to see so many men walking around with strollers and generally looking after their children alone during her travels through the Nordic countries.


See more of Sweden Norway Finland Denmark America
20th of September
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Modern Mythology

Modern Mythology

Some modern mythological creatures. Denmark was about to rush in with a Troll doll, but got distracted by England's Paddington Bear.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by justsasss

See more of America Godzilla Florida Man Japan
19th of January

So Spooky

So Spooky

They also had the option of Dayes.


See more of England France Germany America
7th of August

World Wrestling

World Wrestling

Welcome to NATO, Finland.

Just a little something to celebrate Finland joining NATO. And we hadn't seen Special Lion in a while.

You can get a Special Lion Pin from our store.


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by justsasss

See more of America Finland Special Lion
9th of May
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England held the pose till they walked away.


Illustrated by ArtSpectacular.
Written by Dayvi.

See more of America Sister America England Owl
2nd of May

Lost and Found Nukes

Lost and Found Nukes

A U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber airplane carrying four nukes crashed close to Greenland in 1968. They found three of the bombs.


See more of America Europe Greenland Fish
14th of January

Fat Bear Week

Fat Bear Week

Not much to do in the cold north, ya know?


See more of America
7th of October

Bio Alarm

Bio Alarm

I don’t know how widespread this is anymore, but back in the day it wasn’t uncommon to see chihuahuas on the flat roofs in Mexico. Nothing escaped their watchful ears and eyes.

Generally people who use big guard dogs say they’re most effective when paired with a chihuahua who will alert the big dogs if it sees anything.


See more of America Mexico
7th of May

Child Friendly

Child Friendly

After several years of making this series I think this and the BonBon Land comics explain Danish culture the best, though I’m not sure if it actually clarify anything.


See more of America Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland
1st of April