Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 8 of America

Taxes, Healthcare and Culture

Taxes, Healthcare and Culture

"I wish you well, have a good life, please don't write"


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden America
14th of October

The little voice in America's head

The little voice in America's head

We have a lot of nut jobs in Europe too, the difference is that their range is limited so they only really fuck their own country up.

It's a common joke/wish in the rest of the world the everybody should be allowed to vote in American elections because everything America does has such huge consequences for the rest of the world.


See more of America Europe
7th of October
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Going for Gold

Going for Gold

Estonia got 1 Bronze medal in rowing :D

...and some where just happy to get out of the house:


Written by Dayvi
Illustrated by Jenny

See more of Russia America China England Germany Estonia Olympics North Korea South Korea Jenny Dayvi
9th of September

Hang in there, Canada!

Hang in there, Canada!

You can buy this as a wall poster from our store:


Illustrated by Jenny.

See more of Mexico Canada America Sister Mexico Poster
15th of August

Wrong Identity

Wrong Identity

Please, Denmark. They're trying their very best.


See more of America Canada Denmark
12th of August
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Walking the thin line

Walking the thin line

I've been watching a lot of videos by Americans in Scandinavian countries, and something they often bring up is that Scandinavians rarely jaywalk.The Americans then jaywalk less too because they're afraid Scandinavians know something they don't.

The reason is simple though; pedestrians and drivers have an unofficial agreement to follow the rules.
"I don't jaywalk and in return please respect the traffic lights"

And it really is smartest to follow the traffic laws in Scandinavia because the drivers aren't used to people crossing the street at random and therefore aren't prepared for it. However, they're usually pretty good at letting pedestrians cross even if there aren't any traffic lights nearby.

And also the bikes. Tourists are never prepared for the bikes.


See more of America Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
26th of July

Poke Go where nobody has gone before

Poke Go where nobody has gone before

The amount of weird, ridiculous and scary things people have gotten themselves into while playing Pokemon Go is amazing.

And yet, the worst thing for America about being behind bars is that he can't play the game.


See more of Japan America
19th of July

I'm Moving

I'm Moving

Some people say "I'm moving to Canada if __ wins" each election, but many more this time!

Don't worry about Canada:


Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Natasa.

See more of Canada America England Sister Netherlands Dayvi
15th of July

Bike it off

Bike it off

I've often seen people on the internet make fun of fat people on bikes and wondered "What's so funny about that? How does people who think that's funny get around?"

Then I leaned that The Netherlands and Denmark are the "weird" ones, because here everybody casually ride bikes all the time, while most other places it's considered something you do if you can't afford a car or if you're a health freak.

So yeah, if you want to see lots of fat people on bikes, just visit The Netherlands or Denmark. You'll be pretty desensitized to it after a few days.


See more of Netherlands America Denmark
21st of June

Fun for the whole family

Fun for the whole family

This was an actual mascot from the Danish theme park BobBon Land, and I was so sad I forgot him in the previous comic about the park's weird mascots.

His name was Røverhul, a play on "røvhul" which means asshole. A direct translation of his name would be something like Bandit Hole, but I'm pretty sure they knew what they were doing when they decided to make him a pirate.


See more of Denmark America
31st of May