Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 15 of America

Not English

Not English

You'd be surprised how often I'm asked that question. It's usually by people from English speaking countries who can't speak any other language themselves. :XD:

And I google translated all of it from English, even the Danish, just for the hell of it. :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark America Iceland Finland China Demon Cat
12th of July



Ah yes, Canada and Denmark's epic battle for Hans Island.

Hans Island is the smallest of three islands not far from Greenland's coast, and Canada and Denmark have been fighting over it for years.

War ships from both sides patrol the area, and when they encounter each other their flags.
When the soldiers leave the ships they...take the other side's flag down and raise their own.
Sometimes they leave a bottle of whiskey too.

Quite possibly the tamest war ever, yet USA and Sweden have tried their best to make the sides hate each other. USA's media have had stories about Denmark "invading Canadian soil" and Swedish media had a few stories about it as well and later comedians called Danish politicians and pretended to be Canadian politicians.

So far it haven't really worked. :XD:


See more of Denmark Canada Sweden America
4th of June
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Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding

The English are exited about the wedding for all the wrong reasons. :XD:


See more of England America Canada
30th of April

Don't Panic

Don't Panic

Everybody but Japan seem to be panicking about the earthquake. I was watching the news and the anchorman asked, “So how are the Japanese people and government taking it? Has there been any panic or chaos?” two which the reporter answered, “.....No. Not really” :XD:


See more of Japan Europe Europe America
12th of March

Judgement Day

Judgement Day

At the moment Denmark is being sued for handing over war-prisoners to USA. Denmark claims it did not know USA used torture.

Denmark have been kissing up to USA a lot since the war started, to a point where Denmark have lost more soldiers per capita than any other country (Obviously USA have lost the most soldiers overall).

He just really really wants a big strong friend...:(


See more of America Denmark Sweden Norway
24th of January
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The most obvious joke here is of course the American media’s fear of nudity while not really caring about violence.
But there’s also a hidden joke about Sweden’s past. In the old days all countries used torture, but the Swedes were notorious for it in the North. How they turned Scania Swedish is downright nightmare fuel. They would torture guerrilla soldiers to death, kill their families and wipe out whole villages who supported them. Maybe there’s a reason why Sweden is the only one not scared of Åland.

Today Sweden is pacifist, so he only gets his morbid jollies from scary ass games like Amnesia: The Dark Descent. No, I didn’t play the game. I let this brave woman do it for me :D

Yes, Iceland wants it for his collection. :XD:


See more of Sweden America Iceland Denmark Norway
6th of January



I finally got around to making a comic about the whole Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange mess. :D

For those of you wondering why Australia got the role as Assange, it’s simply because Assange is Australian.


See more of France Germany Australia Italy Russia America Sweden England
15th of December

World in Trouble

World in Trouble

Things are tensing up between North and South Korea. USA have joined in. Nukes are involved.

...And in Denmark the news are mostly about the snow. Because you know, it’s weird when it snows in a Nordic country.


See more of America South Korea North Korea England China Sweden Denmark Norway
27th of November

Exotic Food

Exotic Food

A little joke on what the food in the different Nordic countries is like.

The Swedes are said to mix weird things. I once tasted smörgåstårta and it isn’t half bad. It just looks and sounds disgusting when it’s put in front of you. It’s not a real cake, but more like a sandwich that have been turned inside out and dolled up to look like a cake.

The Norwegians are said to make really boring and plain food, without many spices or accompaniments. That have of course changed now, but most of the old traditional food is still rather plain.

Danish food is said to be well tasting but extremely fattening, or sweet. Sometimes both. However, unlike fast food it will satisfy your hunger.

Icelandic traditional food is just plain weird. :XD:

Finland is mainly known for their many different kinds of bread. I just thought it would be fun to have King Europe still refusing to taste mämmi. :D


See more of America Sweden Norway Finland Iceland Denmark Europe
16th of November

I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye

The big story around here these days is that America have been spying on civilians in European countries without informing the government. It all started when Norway found out about it, and then other countries started looking into it and found that Americans had indeed been spying on civilians in their country.

But there was one thing America didn’t count on: A nation just as terror-paranoid as them. Denmark to be exact. There the government found out about the spying and sent out Danish agents to spy on the American agents. :XD:

For those who forgot, the woman with the hat is Estonia. And it is of course Sister Denmark spying on America.


See more of Estonia Sweden Finland Norway Denmark America
12th of November