Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 3 of Iceland

Living Hell

Living Hell

I live in the North and can confirm it's a living hell.


See more of America Sweden Denmark Iceland Norway
23rd of February

Equal Fight

Equal Fight

If you say Iceland is the most gender equal country in the world within hearing distance of a Swede you WILL get your throat slit.


See more of Iceland Europe Sweden Svalbard
16th of December
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Ladybug around the world

Ladybug around the world

I loved making this and will probably make more.


See more of England Sweden Spain Korea Norway Iceland Scotland Russia Poland Wales Denmark
18th of November

Icelandic Cookbook

Icelandic Cookbook

I'm just impressed the Icelandic people came up with such a long process to remove poison.


See more of Iceland Norway Hakarl
21st of October

Fact for a rainy day

Fact for a rainy day

I promise I'm done with Nokia for now.

And if the whole Sweden/Denmark situations proves anything, it's that even old enemies can put their past behind them and become friends (but still make fun of each other A LOT)


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Finland Iceland Demon Cat
16th of September
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Walking the thin line

Walking the thin line

I've been watching a lot of videos by Americans in Scandinavian countries, and something they often bring up is that Scandinavians rarely jaywalk.The Americans then jaywalk less too because they're afraid Scandinavians know something they don't.

The reason is simple though; pedestrians and drivers have an unofficial agreement to follow the rules.
"I don't jaywalk and in return please respect the traffic lights"

And it really is smartest to follow the traffic laws in Scandinavia because the drivers aren't used to people crossing the street at random and therefore aren't prepared for it. However, they're usually pretty good at letting pedestrians cross even if there aren't any traffic lights nearby.

And also the bikes. Tourists are never prepared for the bikes.


See more of America Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
26th of July

Eurovision 2016

Eurovision 2016

As per tradition, here's the yearly Eurovision comic.

This Eurovision had a lot of firsts: Australia became an official participant despite preforming last year, the show was shown on American TV, an American preformed, and not a single Nordic country made it to the finals except Sweden because they were hosting the show.

I actually hope America joins Eurovision some day because they'd be the most amazing drama queens every time they lost, and nothing says Eurovision like drama.


See more of Sweden Europe Ukraine Russia Australia Finland Denmark America Norway Iceland Eurovision Demon Cat
17th of May

The Exorcism

The Exorcism

Brother Finland you came here to find peace. You need to stop this.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland
12th of April

A Big F You

A Big F You

Denmark really did put Greenland through a lot of shit and fucked everything up like you wouldn't believe, and today Greenland has the highest number of suicides of any country (They weren't on the list for a long time because they were counted as part of Denmark).

The girl at the end is Sami (I know, I keep changing her design, but I think I'm finally happy with it) the indigenous people of Scandinavia. They were horribly treated by Sweden and Norway and, like Greenlanders, are still subjected to ridicule, so it's no wonder they didn't adopt the Scandinavian Cross either.


See more of Greenland Denmark Sweden Iceland Finland Norway Faroe Islands Aland Sami
24th of November

Never say never

Never say never

In Iceland they use the heat from lava to grow bananas because they don't get enough sun.


See more of Norway Faroe Islands Iceland Demon Cat
18th of November