Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 4 of Iceland

Halloween 2015

Halloween 2015

Once again Halloween is upon us, and I'll never pass up an opportunity to draw these guys in costumes.

Denmark's costume is a reference to last week's comic.


See more of Norway Sweden America Iceland Finland Denmark
28th of October

Bad Boy

Bad Boy

The Icelanders are masters of controlling lava flow using water.


See more of Iceland Norway
21st of April
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Too hot for this world

Too hot for this world

Heat makes the Nordics a little weird in the head, unless their country HAS LAVA COMING OUT OF EVERY HOLE MOTHERFLIPPING ICELAND!!!

The Faroe Islands are possibly the coldest of the countries all year round, so he really doesn't handle heat well.


See more of Sweden Aland Finland Iceland Faroe Islands Norway Denmark
7th of April

Ride the Dragon

Ride the Dragon

The only thing that has been on TV in my house this week is Dragon Age Inquisition...


See more of Iceland Sweden Norway Finland Denmark
10th of March

Bright Lights

Bright Lights

Auroras can be quite serious business up here in the north, especially because some have more than others.


See more of Sweden Iceland Norway Finland Denmark Poster
6th of January
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New Year 2014-2015

New Year 2014-2015

Happy New Year everyone! May the next 12 months (and the rest of your life) be filled with all the things you don't necessarily want but are good for you!

In Denmark it's a tradition to jump from a chair (or anything really) right before midnight so that you set off in the old year and land on the ground in the new year for good luck.

When this was first explained to me as a child, I though it meant you could jump whenever and skip ahead to New Year if only you knew the right way to do it.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Finland Iceland
30th of December

Christmas Kitten

Christmas Kitten

You get an early Christmas comic this year because I'm leaving for the holidays and won't get much internet time.

This creature is also known as the Yule Cat, but I thought Christmas Cat sounded funnier.


See more of Iceland Sweden Denmark Norway Finland
23rd of December

Late December

Late December

I'll let you guess.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Iceland Christmas
20th of December

Have a safe trip home

Have a safe trip home

This was a way to get rid of unwanted guests in Iceland back in the day.

Feed them poisonous shark that hadn't been fermented quite long enough, then send them stumbling in the direction of the nearest lava.


See more of Iceland Denmark Hakarl
15th of October

Flu Season

Flu Season

Happy flu season everybody!

Sickness has also taken hold of this house, so sorry about the late and simple comic. I'll try to do better next week. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Demon Cat
8th of October