Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 7 of Iceland

Just a game

Just a game Iceland is a sore loser. :XD:


See more of Iceland Norway
4th of December



Originally it was just about music and Sweden was dressed up for pop, but it then turned into a comic about the famous Scandinavian metal scene.

Norway, Sweden and Finland are known for metal, while Denmark is better known for rock.

Iceland is of course dressed up as Björk. :XD:

Oh, and Finland has that weird reddish skin-colour because a lot of the Finnish metal and rock bands I’ve seen are painted in some way.


See more of Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Iceland
19th of November
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Exotic Food

Exotic Food

A little joke on what the food in the different Nordic countries is like.

The Swedes are said to mix weird things. I once tasted smörgåstårta and it isn’t half bad. It just looks and sounds disgusting when it’s put in front of you. It’s not a real cake, but more like a sandwich that have been turned inside out and dolled up to look like a cake.

The Norwegians are said to make really boring and plain food, without many spices or accompaniments. That have of course changed now, but most of the old traditional food is still rather plain.

Danish food is said to be well tasting but extremely fattening, or sweet. Sometimes both. However, unlike fast food it will satisfy your hunger.

Icelandic traditional food is just plain weird. :XD:

Finland is mainly known for their many different kinds of bread. I just thought it would be fun to have King Europe still refusing to taste mämmi. :D


See more of America Sweden Norway Finland Iceland Denmark Europe
16th of November

The Clock is Ticking

The Clock is Ticking

Not so long ago I heard someone on TV say, “EU is all hot a bothered for Norway” :XD:

Norway doesn’t want to share it’s oil-money and be dictated by EU, and for a long time Iceland stood by their side. But because of Iceland’s bad economy, they have applied for EU membership.
That worries the Norwegians who is starting to feel pressured into joining. And to make things worse they haven’t found any new oil recourses in a long time now, so they worry they may have run out.

I almost added Denmark at the end going, “Don’t worry Norway. He’s gooood” :XD:


See more of Norway Iceland Europe
10th of November

Nordic Halloween

Nordic Halloween

An early Halloween comic. Idea by Sbaldur.

America is dressed as the Marvel god/superhero Thor, while the rest are dressed as the version of the gods from the comic "Valhalla". Sweden is dressed as Odin.

One superhero that for sure will never be taken seriously in Scandinavia is Thor. Ever. :XD:

"Valhalla" is a re-interpretation of the old myths. For example, even though he’s a jackass, Loki doesn’t turn more and more evil. It’s just the other gods who trust him less and less because he keep causing trouble, and in the end they start blaming him for things he didn’t do.
In the story about Balder’s death he doesn’t intend for Balder to die. He just wanted to make a fool of Balder’s brother Hod by making him think he could hurt his brother with a mistletoe. So Loki was just as surprised as everybody else when it killed Balder.
Neither did he betray the gods during Ragnarok. The jotuns captured him without the gods knowing, so when the battle started they saw him on the jotuns’ side. He tried to get over to the gods, but was attacked by Heimdal.

In 1986 the comic got turned into a cartoon


See more of America Iceland Finland Denmark Norway Sweden Beerghost Halloween
26th of October
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How old?

How old?

I’ve drawn Denmark as younger than Sweden and Norway a few times, but that had to do with the age of the landmass. This shows how old the Nordics are as countries.

Denmark’s birth is from when it became a united country instead of tribes fighting each other, Sweden is from King Gustav Vasa's crowning and Norway, Finland and Iceland are from when they became fully independent from all other countries.

Norway is a bit tricky though, because he could also be said to be around the same age as Denmark. But this is how it's usually done.


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
22nd of October



Iceland is great with kids. :D

The first Europeans to find America was Icelandic Vikings, and they managed to stay alive for some time before they got killed by the Indians and the winters. They called the land they found Vinland.

The original settlers on Greenland didn’t last long either.


See more of Iceland Kven Fennoswede Christiania Demon Cat
22nd of October

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

There’s no hidden political or historical joke here. This one is for a special Finnish friend of mine. You know who you are. ;)

Everything is of course pink because they’re at Sister Sweden’s house.

Also, I’m experimenting a bit with Sister Denmark's looks. I’m trying to find the right amount of boyish for her.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland Sister Sweden Sister Denmark Sister Norway Sister Finland Sister Iceland
8th of October

National Personifications

National Personifications

(Download for full size)

First, let’s make this clear: I did not make any of these up. They are all old national personifications of countries that I just re-drew.

I wanted to see what they looked like next to each other.
From left to right:
Lady of the Mountains (Iceland)
Ola Nordmann (Norway)
Holger the Dane (Denmark)
Mother Svea (Sweden)
Finnish Maiden (Finland)
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)
Jock Tamson (Scotland)
Kathleen Ni Houlihan (Ireland)
John Bull (England)
Dame Wales (Wales)

I tried to give them individual personalities as I see them from their pictures. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Mexico America Canada Scotland Ireland England Wales
5th of October

The Original Nordics

The Original Nordics

Hetalia and SatW are total wannabes, yo! They ain’t got notin’ on these guys! The original and classic personifications of the Nordic countries.

From left to right:
Lady of the Mountains (Iceland)
Ola Nordmann (Norway)
Holger the Dane (Denmark)
Mother Svea (Sweden)
Finnish Maiden (Finland)

I feel like a horrible person for thinking that Holger and Svea should just solve their problem by getting it on. :XD:


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland
25th of September