Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Dear Sister

Dear Sister

North Korea puts on quite a show, when people visit.


Written by Dayvi.
Illustrated by Jenny.
North Korea Dayvi Sister North Korea Norway Sister Norway
27th July 2017
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8 years ago #9663802        

Don't fund this horrible, cruel dictatorship. Don't go to North Korea, people.

Edit: Seriously? I know America has its problems but how is this a controversial position?

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8 years ago #9664434        

@Zentalon #9663854
1) North Korea's official ideology is Juche, which is a branch of communism. Though after the fall of the soviet union they dropped references to marxism-leninism, and eventually as recently as 2009 dropped references to communism, they retained references to socialism as that is one of the core foundations of Juche.

2) There's definitely no instance of communism where there's a large surplus of anything else than starvation and ribs that show through skin. The statement that "Communism is Were everyone can have anything they want with in a reasonable limit" has to be the most naïve, delusional and childlike thing I've ever heard. Maybe ask someone who lived under communism if he could have everything he wanted because everything was so plentiful, smh. Before you embarrass yourself again, maybe think a little before making absurd statements.

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8 years ago #9664042        

Am I the only who thinks that this comic is quite sad, despite the happy ending?

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8 years ago #9664210        

Well that was cute and sad at the same time. I thought those were dark hands holding the hood, then seeing she used her hands to climb the walls and put the letter in the mailbox...that was her hair! >_<

8 years ago #9663761        

It is a very sad und unfortunate case that unlike Germany Korea hasn't been able to reunify itself yet. While here, fewer and fewer people remember a time when there was no unity or sovereignty, over there only the oldest people seem to have experienced a time when Koreans have been one people and one nation. Unlike here however, both states weren't completely isolated to each other like North and South Korea. Here, West Germans could see friends and families, before in 1989 they bravely walked on the streets to protest against a communist system that denied its people basis human rights. What happened was its downfall, that only few believed was possible in such a speedy manner after 40 years of division.

If the people of Korea, especially North Korea, stand up against this system like many East Germans did, if the communication between the two states gets revived again, there might be a chance of reunification. It won't be cheap, it definitely won't be easy or fast (as more and more young South Koreans seem to lose connection to their northern compatriots), but it in the end I believe it will be the case that will be best for all Koreans. The investments in East Germany (to put its economy to the level of the west) were and still are big, but they are worth it for the sake of the reunified state's economy and its people. It is never too late to hope for a future without barb wires and a still existing formal war declaration between the two states. It never is.

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8 years ago #9665790        

>Accuses people of rotting their brain
>Defends Cuba and thinks Norway's immgration policies are neo-fascist

8 years ago #9665187        

This made me think of the time that I spent half a year living in Vienna. One day, I was talking to my sister on the subway, when an old man walk up and asked us if we were Americans. When we admitted the fact, he thanked us for saving him from the Soviets and walked off.

8 years ago #9664327        
0 Sister North Korea crushing on Sister Norway?

I sense a ship.

And not just a little one, a big-ass ship.

8 years ago #9665252        

Believe it or not, but we have a Danish-North Korean friendship association here. However, none of our other socialist movements want anything to do with them, which kinda says everything.

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8 years ago #9665420        

I understand the idea of the comic, but the way it's portrayed is so sad :(

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