Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 14 of Finland

All you need is Love

All you need is Love

Denmark does not do pretty and sparkly well.

Inspired by this wonderful video :)

I drew it while I watched something about UFOs on the TV, so yeah...


See more of Norway Iceland Finland Sweden Denmark
10th of January

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

All the Nordic countries claim that Santa lives within their borders (Sorry that I forgot you, Iceland).

Ever since I was a kid I liked the idea of there being more than one Santa, and I imagined them distributing the work between them and visiting each other in the summer. So no matter where a country believe Santa to live, I think they’re right. :D


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Finland Canada Greenland North Pole America Christmas
23rd of December
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First Love

First Love

The first comic with the countries answering your questions. Hope you are prepared for them not being completely honest with you (or themselves). :D

The bridge Sweden is talking about is the Oresund Bridge that connects Denmark and Sweden. The people in charge are even talking about building a second bridge for some reason.

And before I get bombarded with comments from Finns yelling, “But it was Sweden that-!” I’ll cover all that in another comic. Have patience. :)


See more of Finland Sweden Denmark
17th of December

Computer technician

Computer technician

Swedes are the stereotypical geeks of the North.

"Perkele" is one of the most common swearwords in Finland. In this case, the only word Finland can (or will) say, and he only say it on very special occasions. I’d sleep with one eye open tonight Sweden...

And it’s probably best you don’t ask what Denmark and Norway are up to. If Sweden isn’t with them and is willing to talk to Finland, it can’t be good. :XD:


See more of Finland Sweden
12th of December

Costume Party

Costume Party

Very smooth distraction, Sweden. :XD:

Yes, America thought it would fit best if he was white for this costume.

I don’t know how well known it is out in the big world, but in Denmark is common knowledge that H.C. Andersen was omni/bisexual. And unlike with Abraham Lincoln it’s not up for debate, because H.C. Andersen wrote about his love for women and men alike in his diaries, and it even got a mention in some of his friends’ diaries too. In fact, it didn’t seem like he was trying to hide it at all, and he never got in trouble for it. He stayed a virgin all his life though, so Denmark is acting a little out of character. :D

I won’t tell you what the others are dressed as. I hope you can tell.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Finland America
18th of November
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Bath Time

Bath Time

You voted, so here they are. The Nordic countries in all their naked glory. Enjoy, you perverts!

There are no stereotypes saying that Finns look like this. I just thought it went well with the I-don't-give-a-fuck-what-you-think personality I’ve given them. :)

And yes, I actually imagine Sister Norway to be slightly taller than her brother, just because. :D

I didn’t realize it before the picture was done, but I love how you can see that a domino effect will take place in the boys' picture:

Iceland is just standing around being his usual pretty self., distracts Sweden. Therefore he doesn’t notice that Denmark is about to towel whip Norway. When that happens, Norway will jump, and bump into Finland. Finland will drop his beer, and then all hell will break loose! :XD:


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Iceland Finland Sister Sweden
18th of October

SatW Couples

SatW Couples

I asked you what your favourite couples from Scandinavia and the World were, and here they are. I said I was only going to draw the couple that most people wanted to see, but I suddenly felt like drawing more, so I decided to draw a bunch of sketches instead.

Wales x New Zealand
Do not judge them! Their love is more true and deep-felt than any love you will ever experience!
Heh, can’t you just see the romantic sundown behind them? :D

Denmark x Norway
This was by far the most popular couple. Once again Norway is trying to cure Denmark’s fear of nature in a safe environment, and finally finally it seems like they’ve come to a breakthrough. Then Denmark touched the butterfly, it flew off, which scared the crap out of Denmark who spilled beer over the both of them and accidentally kicked Norway in the face.

Canada x America
I’ve come to like this couple more than I originally did, because I realized that they’re completely fucking some anime/yaoi rules up. Canada would be the uke because he is such a cute little bishie, but screws it up by being the hairiest of all the guys. America would be the seme, but he is insecure like hell and still a virgin. Oh what fun. :XD:

America x Mexico
They love each other, because they can only see each other’s good sides. Mexico see a rich and handsome man with the power to help her out of poverty. America see a beautiful and exotic woman with strong religious morals (Which is one of the reasons why he is still a virgin. She is not putting out before the wedding!). America hates her brother though. Damn guy keeps sneaking into his yard and sometimes invites the whole family over without asking, and then he complains about America not treating his sister well, not paying her enough attention and all that stuff. God he hates that guy!

Sweden x Sister Finland
Oh dear Sister Finland. Could you possibly have chosen a worse guy to fall in love with? :XD:

Sister Sweden x Finland
That’s pretty much all there is to their "relationship". Big boobied sex. Enjoy. :D


See more of Canada America Mexico Finland Norway Sweden Denmark Wales New Zealand Sister Sweden
15th of October

Burn the Witch

Burn the Witch

In the north we love to celebrate the midsummer, though we do it in slightly different ways. :D

Sweden is well known for their midsummer parties, where they drink, eat, sing and dance around the maypole (a pole decorated with flowers and ribbons). A wonderfully peaceful tradition that can be seen her.

However, in Norway and Denmark (and a couple of other countries) we prefer to celebrate it with LOTS AND LOTS OF FIRE!!! Or as we like to call it, Sankt Hans bonfires.

Some places in Norway they build HUGE bonfires. I’ve even seen pictures of them burning down houses and claiming it to be a Sankt Hans bonfire.

In Denmark we haven’t gone to such extremes. We get our morbid jollies by putting a witch doll made of wood, hay, old cloth and filled with firecrackers on the fire, and then cheer when the firecrackers goes off, making it sound like she’s screaming. So wonderfully politically incorrect.

And we will burn that witch no matter where we are. While looking for a good video of a Sankt Hans bonfire I found at least four of Danes burning wooden witches while confused Americans looked on. This is the cutest witch burning I have ever seen. :D


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland
4th of October

If it was Hetalia

If it was Hetalia

I was watching a music video about the Nordic countries from Hetalia, and couldn’t help but wonder what kind of relationship my characters would have if they were paired off like in Hetalia.

Needless to say, the dynamics would be a lot different. And poor Iceland is all alone. :XD:


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
2nd of October

The Nordic Band

The Nordic Band

Watch it here -->

A little video I made. It’s just a series of pictures, not an animation, but I hope you’ll think it’s funny anyway. All I can say is, “Don’t annoy Finland when he is being creative” :XD:

Norway on guitar
Denmark on drums
Iceland on bass
Sweden on electronic keyboard
Finland on Sweden’s electronic keyboard

Yes, I know the music is horrible and the video is boring at first, but I strongly suggest you watch it to the end. This is all about Finland. :D


See more of Denmark Norway Sweden Finland Iceland
30th of September