Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 13 of Finland

Bedtime Drama

Bedtime Drama

Normally they have their own houses, but every now an then they spend a few days at The Nordic House where they have their meetings. Here everything can turn to drama, including sleeping.

Norway went to bed first, and Denmark followed shortly after. Then came Iceland who had had a crappy day, so he didn’t feel like sleeping next to Denmark. Sweden who had been watching the news on TV finally crawled into bed, not really caring who he ended up next to. Finally came Finland who had been out drinking in the forest, and had only just found his way back home. He was rather dismayed that he would have to sleep next to Sweden and briefly considered just sleeping on the sofa, but decided that it was too cold to sleep alone. Instead he placed himself at the very edge of the bed, with his back to the others.

At some point doing the night Sweden realized Denmark was butt-naked. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable lying next to him, so during the night he moved closer and closer to Finland, away from Denmark. Finland had been freezing, sleeping so far away from the others, so in his sleep he grabbed Sweden’s duvet. That meant Sweden started to freeze, so he ended up getting hold of Denmark’s duvet instead. Denmark, being the pervert he is during his waking hours, went for body-heat, which woke up Norway. He was used to Denmark being clingy, so he just covered him with his own duvet and went back to sleep.

Iceland, being the guy with “ice” in his name, happily slept though it all, and was lucky enough to get up for his morning run before the rest woke up and the morning "how the hell did you end up with my duvet!?" drama started.

Yes, I thought of all that while drawing this. :D


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland
12th of May

A Bad Day

A Bad Day

Apparently Denmark won over Finland in ice hockey. I had no idea.

You see, the thing is we don’t really care about ice hockey here, and apparently our team isn’t taken seriously anywhere. Especially by the Finns who doesn’t even consider our team a bump on the road towards Sweden, whom they are obsessed with beating. As I’ve been told many times by Finns, “It doesn’t matter if we win. We just have to beat Sweden”

So when they lost to the Danish team, the headlines in Finland read “HUMILIATION!!!” while the headlines in Denmark read...nothing. We didn’t really care.

So oddly enough I didn’t even make this to gloat. I actually made it by request from *counts notes* 9 Finns, which is also why Finland is in focus here. :XD:


See more of Finland Denmark
10th of May
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They grow up so fast

They grow up so fast

If only Norway and Sweden had known how much trouble Denmark was going to be when he grew up...

Because Denmark is made of sand from Norway, that means we have no natural resources. That is the main reason why Denmark went crazy and was so obsessed with taking over the other Nordic countries.

And you have to be impressed. Look up Scandinavia on a map. Can you even imagine that the tiny little Denmark ended up ruling over Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, The Faroe Islands and even part of Germany?


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland Greenland Faroe Islands
9th of May

The day after

The day after

A silly little follow-up to this

What Sweden fails to realize is that he is the last person in the world Finland would want to know about this. :XD:


See more of Sweden Finland
4th of May

Hetalia Personality Swap

Hetalia Personality Swap

One day some cruel god decided to swap the personalities of the Norways and Finlands.

Denmark was being chased by a butterfly and wanted Norway to protect him when Norway suddenly punched him in the face. He tried to ask Norway why he would do such a thing, but got punched again. Denmark was so horribly confused, and screamed like a girl whenever Norway tried to touch him the next day.

Sweden was just minding his own business and watching the news when Finland suddenly got all cuddly and kissy kissy. Sweden was scared for his life but ended up doing things he regret, and which Finland will kill him for if he dares ever mention it again.

And somewhere Hetalia Sweden is wondering why Finland is trying to kill him with a kitchen knife.

It actually hurt my soul a little bit to draw Norway and Denmark like this. :(


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Finland
3rd of May
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Nordic Morning

Nordic Morning

(Please fullview. Looks tons better)

Sweden: Reading a Swedish newspaper.

Finland: Reading Sweden’s newspaper, and being slightly annoyed that he can understand it.

Norway: Making sure Denmark gets something to eat.

Denmark: Just woke up after spending the night under the table.

Iceland: Has been up for an hour and just came home after his usual morning jog.

I’ve been wanting to draw these guys eating breakfast together for a long time, and now I finally did. Also had fun using this style of colouring again.


See more of Sweden Finland Norway Denmark Iceland
5th of March

There once was a time

There once was a time

...But it was long ago.

A little watercolour picture I made after reading about Sweden’s and Finland’s history. Again.
Finland used to be happy. They used to be the best of friends, but then shit happened and now especially Finland denies having ever liked Sweden.

I always try to make my watercolour paintings look as messy as possible, because no other paint does the messy look as well as watercolours.
Also, watercolours make pictures look more personal and emotional. :)

And I promise that I'll upload an actual comic soon. Promise!


See more of Sweden Finland
22nd of January

Family Photo

Family Photo

I don’t even know. I just wanted to draw a picture of Sweden and his sister, and then this happened...

One has to wonder how these two ended up so different. Or is Sister Sweden more intelligent than she leads on? And is Sweden more wild under the serious facade than he will ever admit? We may never know.

Finland is a fool if he thinks he can keep Sister Sweden to himself. She’s a bigger whore than Denmark, which makes her a pretty big whore.

And I really should include Iceland more often. It has recently come to my attention that people think he is a sissy because he is all pretty and sparkly, when in fact he is the most hardcore of them all. This guy jumps into volcanoes with a parachute on and rides the hot air out again for fucks sake!
And yes, he will land on them in a few seconds.


See more of Sweden Finland Denmark Norway Iceland Sister Sweden
19th of January

All you need is Love

All you need is Love

Denmark does not do pretty and sparkly well.

Inspired by this wonderful video :)

I drew it while I watched something about UFOs on the TV, so yeah...


See more of Norway Iceland Finland Sweden Denmark
10th of January

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

All the Nordic countries claim that Santa lives within their borders (Sorry that I forgot you, Iceland).

Ever since I was a kid I liked the idea of there being more than one Santa, and I imagined them distributing the work between them and visiting each other in the summer. So no matter where a country believe Santa to live, I think they’re right. :D


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark Finland Canada Greenland North Pole America Christmas
23rd of December