Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 6 of Finland

Christmas Kitten

Christmas Kitten

You get an early Christmas comic this year because I'm leaving for the holidays and won't get much internet time.

This creature is also known as the Yule Cat, but I thought Christmas Cat sounded funnier.


See more of Iceland Sweden Denmark Norway Finland
23rd of December

Late December

Late December

I'll let you guess.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Iceland Christmas
20th of December
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Flu Season

Flu Season

Happy flu season everybody!

Sickness has also taken hold of this house, so sorry about the late and simple comic. I'll try to do better next week. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Demon Cat
8th of October

Party time

Party time

In Sweden the number 6 is spelled "sex" and I've spent a few conventions with Norwegians giggling about it while disappointed Swedes looked on.

Edit: Damn, I was sure I had checked all the ways the Nordics spell 6 but apparently I missed Iceland. Oh well, maybe he was just optimistic and hoped it was about actual sex.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
9th of September



If you look up the Estonian flag you'll find a few Nordic designs among the official flag. They are a product of Estonia feeling Nordic, and were suggested as their new flag but it has never been used for anything.

Also, sorry for the very late comic. It's been some eventful days, and to make a long story short I forgot it was Wednesday...


See more of Sweden Denmark Faroe Islands Iceland Finland Estonia Norway
6th of August
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Sand in weird places

Sand in weird places

This was supposed to be about how it's legal to masturbate in public in Sweden as long as you're not masturbating TO anyone, but then the comic took me weird places.


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway Iceland Finland
3rd of June

Nordic Council

Nordic Council

The Nordic Council is a real thing. It's not as awesome as it sounds.


See more of Greenland America Iceland Norway Sweden Denmark Finland
1st of April

Big Brother Sweden

Big Brother Sweden

I've often heard Swedes say this, and the other Nordics have very different reactions to it.
Not sure how most Norwegians feel about it, but the few I've heard comment on it seemed to be okay with it.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Finland Iceland
18th of March



Juokse = Run (as in a command), Juoksennella = to run around aimlessly.
Juoksentelisin = I would run around aimlessly (-isin means that we're talking about "I" here, and it also includes the "would" in the -tel- part combined with the -isin.) ((it would be "juoksentelen" if the person was doing it right now))
Juoksentelisinko = Would I run around aimlessly? (-ko signifies that the person is not sure and asks a question, "Would I?"
Juoksentelisinkohan = I wonder if I should run around aimlessly? (it looks unreal that a simple -han could add this much stuff but yeah, it does. The word can also mean "I wonder if I WOULD run around aimlessly?")
In a same fashion you can say, for example, "rakentelisinkohan?". (Rakentaa = to build. Rakentelisinkohan = I wonder if I should/would build (something) randomly/aimlessly?"
And that's Finnish for you. Don't ask how native Finns learn that shit, I'm not even sure myself.


See more of Sweden Finland Dayvi Verity
6th of March

Everything is fine

Everything is fine

Damnit! He's too happy to be put down!


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland
8th of January