Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 13 of Norway

Society will crumble

Society will crumble

All those tiny social rules are so easy to mess up, yet can mean life or death.


See more of Turkey France Norway Denmark Sweden
3rd of November

Halloween 2015

Halloween 2015

Once again Halloween is upon us, and I'll never pass up an opportunity to draw these guys in costumes.

Denmark's costume is a reference to last week's comic.


See more of Norway Sweden America Iceland Finland Denmark
28th of October
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Adult kindergarteners

Adult kindergarteners

Even though Sweden and Denmark fought a lot over Norway, Norway was sometimes also just used as an excuse to fight.

Swedes and Danes gotta fight, and Norway made it easier, okay? That's one of the reasons Swedes and Danes aren't as pissed at each other anymore. After Norway broke free from both of us, we couldn't come up with proper excuses to beat the shit out of each other.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
14th of October

Smile and wave

Smile and wave

Few people know what to do with their arms when they're talking in front of a group, but the Swedes are notoriously bad at it.

Professionals who teach Swedes what to do with their arms have good job security, lets put it like that.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
8th of September

Fishy Situation

Fishy Situation

Norway is the only one fighting back here because, quite frankly, the rest of us Scandinavians were scared little babies during WWII.


See more of Norway Sweden Germany Denmark
1st of September
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Air-tight defence

Air-tight defence

To be fair, the Danish police wasn't sure who had received training for using a specific gun, but the way they worded it when explaining it made it sound like they didn't know which police officers could use guns at all.

Also, say hello to North (or Grandpa North). He's a bid old fashioned and has trouble controlling his violent tendencies sometimes.
And of course I know Viking helmets didn't have horns, but here in Scandinavia we use horn-less helmets for serious things and helmets with horns for cartoony things.


See more of North Sweden Denmark Norway Europe
11th of August

No pets allowed

No pets allowed

When I heard about the "No guns allowed" signs outside of some stores in the US, this was the first thing I thought of.

In Denmark we just have "no freaking beer allowed when will you fucking learn!?" signs.


See more of America Denmark Norway Sweden
28th of July

Great Nature

Great Nature

The Faroe Islands are almost all mountains, but not a single one of them has a tree on it, so a lot of young Faroese children get a huge "Wow!" moment when they visits places like Norway or Sweden.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Faroe Islands Whale
22nd of July



People wanted to see more of Denmark's pig, so here he is, protesting stuff.

The Danish Protest Pig was bred in the 20th century, when Danes living in the area under Prussian rule were prohibited from raising the Danish flag and kept and displayed the Protest Pig instead.

So Protest Pig always stands up for Denmark when there's something he's uncomfortable with.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
9th of June

Eurovision 2015

Eurovision 2015

Don't worry, colorful speech bubbles aren't going to be a thing from now on. Just this once it makes it easier to see who is saying what.

Sadly I didn't have a lot of time to make this year's Eurovision comic, but no way could anything keep me from making one!

I have to admit I though this year was pretty boring. Not because of Austria, they did a great job, but because most of the artists decided to act classy which equals super boring Eurovision for me. I need lots of stupid costumes! Crazy dancers! Huge fireworks! I need Eurovision to be weird dammit!

The host country Austria got zero points. :(

Sweden was as always stoked to win. Nobody in the world loves Eurovision more than them, so no wonder they win so often.

Australia got to join this year as a special one time thing. They did great and are welcome in the future if the powers that be allows it.

The last two times Sweden won, Denmark won the year after, so it's a bit of a running joke in Denmark to say "Oh no, we can't effort Eurovision again already!" before we've even won.


See more of Austria Norway Germany Sweden Australia Denmark Eurovision
26th of May